1,965 research outputs found

    Rotor instability due to a gear coupling connected to a bearingless sun wheel of a planetary gear

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    A 21 MW electric power generating unit comprises a gas turbine, a planetary gear, and a generator connected together by gear couplings. For simplicity of the design and high performance the pinion of the gear has no bearing. It is centered by the planet wheels only. The original design showed a strong instability and a natural frequency increasing with the load between 2 and 6.5 MW. In this operating range the natural frequency was below the operating speed of the gas turbine, n sub PT = 7729 RPM. By shortening the pinion shaft and reduction of its moment of inertia the unstable natural frequency was shifted well above the operating speed. With that measure the unit now operates with stability in the entire load range

    influence of genetic and genotype x environment interaction on quality of rice grain

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    Rice (Oryza sativa) grain attributes, including among others milling quality, grain length and shape, amylose content, and aroma are critical in varietal development and subsquent adoption at the farm level. It is, therefore, important to understand the influence of genetic and G x E interaction on these grain attibutes. Thus, experiments were laid out during 1999-2000 at the Tanganyika Agricultural Cooperative, Ifakara (irrigated culture) and at Sokoine University of Agriculture (upland conditions) both in Morogoro region, to obtain relative magnitudes ofvariety x environment interactions, heritability and genetic advance aspects on physical and biochemical rice grain quality attributes. High significant positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations were revealed between gel consistency (GC) and both the grain length (GL) and amylose content (AC). Gel consistency had high estimatesof heritability and expected genetic advance, and is thus a reliable selection criterion for amylose content in early generations of rice improvement. The observed variation among genotypes under different environments suggest that in order to ensure high grain quality, there is need to select genotypes for particular cropping environments

    Third canal in the mesial root of permanent mandibular first molars : review of the literature and presentation of 3 clinical reports and 2 in vitro studies

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    Introduction. Systematic anatomical studies corroborate the anatomical complexity of the root canal system. Deviations from the norm such as multiple orifices, apical deltas, accessory canals and other variations are frequent. Objectives. To present clinical reports of mandibular molars with three canals in the mesial root and two in vitro studies of the morphology of these canals, together with a review of the literature. Materials and Methods. Three clinical reports are presented of mandibular molars where three canals in the mesial roots were treated endodontically. Two in vitro studies were performed, one using computerized tomography and the other with scanning electron microscopy, to describe the morphology of the mesial root canals of permanent first molars. The scientific literature on this anatomical situation was also reviewed. Results. The tomographic study found that the prevalence of a third mesial canal in the 27 teeth analysed was 14.81%; the microscopic study of 25 teeth found it to be 12%. The review of the literature encountered that the authors who report cases such as these found prevalences ranging from 1% to 15%. Conclusions. From the teeth analysed in vitro, it is concluded that a third mesial canal may be present in a mandibular first molar in approximately 13% of cases. Clinically, the third canal is difficult to find and exhibits a very variable morphology, which may present anastomosis with the other canals

    Fungal environment in different rabbit intensive farms

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    Many environmental factors (for example, temperature, relative humidity, ventilation, NH3 concentration) can influence the health and welfare of rabbits reared in intensive farms. Among these elements, microorganisms and, in particular, fungi play a pivotal role in the spreading of potential pathogenic and zoonotic diseases. Aim of our work was to evaluate the fungal contamination in two different rabbit rearing (A and B). SAS System® (PBI International, Italy) and opened plates, filled with cultural media for fungal growth (environmental and dermatophytes) have been used. The data collected in both the farms showed that, for environmental fungi, Aspergillus, Alternaria and Penicillium were the most spread. On the contrary, for dermatophytes, there was a difference between farm A and B. In fact, in the first one Microsporum canis (a known zoonotic agent) has been recovered in high concentration, while in the second rearing we have isolated Microsporum gypseum a geophilic fungus with a very low pathogenic potential

    Conditions for combining gene therapy with bone marrow transplantation in murine Krabbe disease.

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    Introduction: Krabbe disease (KD) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal disorder caused by mutations in the galactocerebrosidase (GALC) gene. This results in defective myelination in the peripheral and central nervous systems due to low GALC activity. Treatment at this time is limited to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in pre-symptomatic individuals. While this treatment extends the lives of treated individuals, most have difficulty walking by the end of the first decade due to peripheral neuropathy. Studies in the murine model of KD, twitcher (twi) combining bone marrow transplantation (BMT) with AAVrh10-mGALC showed a great extension of life from 40 days to about 400 days, with some living a full life time. Methods: In order to find the optimum conditions for dosing and timing of this combined treatment, twi mice were injected with five doses of AAVrh10-mGALC at different times after BMT. Survival, as well as GALC expression were monitored along with studies of sciatic nerve myelination and possible liver pathology. Results: Dosing had a pronounced effect on survival and measured GALC activity. There was window of time after BMT to inject the viral vector and see similar results, however delaying both the BMT and the viral injection shortened the lifespans of the treated mice. Lowering the viral dose too much decreased the correction of the sciatic nerve myelination. There was no evidence for hepatic neoplasia. Conclusion: These studies provide the conditions optimum for successfully treating the murine model of KD. There is some flexibility in dosing and timing to obtain a satisfactory outcome. These studies are critical to the planning of a human trial combining the "standard of care", HSCT, with a single iv injection of AAVrh10-GALC

    Cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil and interferon alpha 2b for recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer.

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    On the basis of preclinical data suggesting the possibility of maximising the efficacy of 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin by interferon, a pilot clinical trial was initiated in recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck cancer. Thirty-four patients were treated with cisplatin at 100 mg m-2, followed by 5-fluorouracil at 1,000 mg m-2 by continuous infusion for 5 days. Interferon alpha 2b was administered at the dose of 3 million U i.m. daily for 7 days, beginning the day before chemotherapy. Courses were repeated every 3 weeks. Two patients achieved a complete remission, six a partial response, 14 had stable disease and 12 progressed on therapy, for an overall response rate of 23% (95% confidence interval 10-36%). Median survival time was 5 months. Toxicity was severe. Stomatitis, diarrhoea and myelosuppression were the most common side-effects. Because of the poor response rate and the presence of severe toxicity, in our opinion further clinical trials in head and neck cancer should be attempted only after a better definition in preclinical studies of interactions among 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin and interferon

    CARPET: a web-based package for the analysis of ChIP-chip and expression tiling data

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    Summary: CARPET (Collection of Automated Routine Programs for Easy Tiling) is a set of Perl, Python and R scripts, integrated on the Galaxy2 web-based platform, for the analysis of ChIP-chip and expression tiling data, both for standard and custom chip designs. CARPET allows rapid experimental data entry, simple quality control, normalization, easy identification and annotation of enriched ChIP-chip regions, detection of the absolute or relative transcriptional status of genes assessed by expression tiling experiments and, more importantly, it allows the integration of ChIP-chip and expression data. Results can be visualized instantly in a genomic context within the UCSC genome browser as graph-based custom tracks through Galaxy2. All generated and uploaded data can be stored within sessions and are easily shared with other users. Availability: http://bio.ifom-ieo-campus.it/galaxy Contacts: [email protected] lucilla.luzi@if om-ieo-campus.i

    Meta-Learning for Color-to-Infrared Cross-Modal Style Transfer

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    Recent object detection models for infrared (IR) imagery are based upon deep neural networks (DNNs) and require large amounts of labeled training imagery. However, publicly-available datasets that can be used for such training are limited in their size and diversity. To address this problem, we explore cross-modal style transfer (CMST) to leverage large and diverse color imagery datasets so that they can be used to train DNN-based IR image based object detectors. We evaluate six contemporary stylization methods on four publicly-available IR datasets - the first comparison of its kind - and find that CMST is highly effective for DNN-based detectors. Surprisingly, we find that existing data-driven methods are outperformed by a simple grayscale stylization (an average of the color channels). Our analysis reveals that existing data-driven methods are either too simplistic or introduce significant artifacts into the imagery. To overcome these limitations, we propose meta-learning style transfer (MLST), which learns a stylization by composing and tuning well-behaved analytic functions. We find that MLST leads to more complex stylizations without introducing significant image artifacts and achieves the best overall detector performance on our benchmark datasets

    The survey and mapping of sand-boil landforms related to the Emilia 2012 earthquakes: preliminary results.

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    Sand boils, which are also known as sand blows or sand volcanoes, are among the most common superficial effects induced by high-magnitude earthquakes. These generally occur in or close to alluvial plains when a strong earthquake (M >5) strikes on a lens of saturated and unconsolidated sand deposits that are constrained between silt-clay layers, where the sediments are converted into a fluid suspension. The liquefaction phenomena requires the presence of saturated and uncompacted sand, and a groundwater table near the ground surface. This geological–geomorphological setting is common and widespread for the Po Plain (Italy). The Po Plain (ca. 46,000 km2) represents 15% of the Italian territory. It hosts a population of about 20 million people (mean density of 450 people/km2) and many infrastructures. Thus, the Po Plain is an area of high vulnerability when considering the liquefaction potential in the case of a strong earthquake. Despite the potential, such phenomena are rarely observed in northern Italy, because strong earthquakes are not frequent in this region; e.g., historical data report soil liquefaction near Ferrara in 1570 (M 5.3) and in Argenta 1624 (M 5.5). In the Emilia quakes of May 20 and 29, 2012, the most widespread coseismic effects were soil liquefaction and ground cracks, which occurred over wide areas in the Provinces of Modena, Ferrara, Bologna, Reggio Emilia and Mantov
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