599 research outputs found

    Local order parameters for use in driving homogeneous ice nucleation with all-atom models of water

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    We present a local order parameter based on the standard Steinhardt-Ten Wolde approach that is capable both of tracking and of driving homogeneous ice nucleation in simulations of all-atom models of water. We demonstrate that it is capable of forcing the growth of ice nuclei in supercooled liquid water simulated using the TIP4P/2005 model using overbiassed umbrella sampling Monte Carlo simulations. However, even with such an order parameter, the dynamics of ice growth in deeply supercooled liquid water in all-atom models of water are shown to be very slow, and so the computation of free energy landscapes and nucleation rates remains extremely challenging.Comment: This version incorporates the minor changes made to the paper following peer revie

    Reclamation and sedimentation impacts around the Wairuhu River estuary, Poka-Galala threshold

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    Wairuhu River is disembogued on the sill of Poka-Galala, Ambon Bay. The estuary is affected by the coastal reclamation which led to the fester sedimentation. It triggers the problem of altering the shoreline and the dynamics of water movement, as well as the surrounding ecosystem. The modeling approach was applied to reconstruct the alterations around the estuary. The study aimed to estimate the changes on the shoreline, current patterns, and sediment transport patterns (suspended sediment), and to describe marine resources around the estuary of Wairuhu. MIKE 3 FM was utilized to reconstruct the pattern of flow and sediment transport changes, and coordinates plottings from satellite data were used to measure the coastline. The model was validated by using the data of tide and surface flow. The results showed the alteration pattern of the shoreline around the Wairuhu estuary occurred as a result of coastal reclamation. The flow validation (mooring and model) using RMSE was 0.38 which meant there was no difference between the model and mooring. By the model, the flow pattern that passed through the APG was following the tidal pattern. The changes in the tidal platform also occurred on the sediment transport pattern that formed the total distribution pattern of SSC (suspended sediment concentration). Several classes of macroflora and macrofauna were uncovered, such as Malacostraca, Echinoidea, Bivalvia, Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, and Gastropoda.Keywords: Modeling; Poka-Galala sill; Sedimentation; Wairuhu Rive

    Thermal comfort evaluation in an educational building with air conditioning located in the warm tropical climate of Colombia

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    The objective of this work is to evaluate the perception of thermal comfort that students have in building 10 of the Universidad de la Costa located in the city of Barranquilla. For the investigation the methods for the thermal comfort evaluation are analyzed, selecting the Steady-State methodology of Fanger according to the ASHRAE 55 Standard. With the application of the surveys, the thermal sensation that the students had in the building was evaluated, which was preferably fresh and thermal acceptability where 87% responded satisfactorily to indoor climate conditions in classrooms. It was also obtained that the perception of inner thermal comfort is between 21.1 ° C and 23 ° C of temperature. With the results obtained, recommendations are issued to ensure that students feel thermal comfort and the proper regulation of air conditioning systems

    Interpretasi Pola Arus Permukaan Di Perairan Barat Pulau Sumatera

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    Dinamika arus permukaan di perairan barat Sumatera sangat menarik untuk dikaji, karena letaknya yang berhadapan dengan Samudera Hindia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengtinterpretasikan pola arus permukaan selama musim barat pada bulan Desember 2021 – Februari 2022. Data arus yang digunakan diperoleh dari situs Marine Copernicus yang merupakan data harian selama tiga bulan, dengan  resolusi spasial 0,083° × 0,083° dalam sistem koordinat WGS 84 (EPSG 4326). Pengolahan data arus menggunakan software Panoply v4. Hasil output dari panoply berupa gambar arah pergerakan arus, akan digunakan untuk menganalisa arah dan kecepatan arus serta untuk menjawab interpretasi pola arus permukaan di periran barat Pulau Sumatera. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah kecepatan maksimum arus permukaan selama musim barat bervariasi antara 0.9 – 1.5 m/s. pola pergerakan arus dominan menunjukkan arus bergerak dari arah barat (Benua Asia) menuju ke timur (Benua Australia). Pergerakan arus permukaan selama musim barat juga memperlihatkan adanya arus Eddy yang ditandai dengan pusaran arus pada hasil output gambar pada bulan Desember – Februari.Perbedaan kecepatan angin dapat disebabkan karena variasi kecepatan angin yang bertiup selama musim barat berlangsung

    Reversible self-assembly of patchy particles into monodisperse icosahedral clusters

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    We systematically study the design of simple patchy sphere models that reversibly self-assemble into monodisperse icosahedral clusters. We find that the optimal patch width is a compromise between structural specificity (the patches must be narrow enough to energetically select the desired clusters) and kinetic accessibility (they must be sufficiently wide to avoid kinetic traps). Similarly, for good yields the temperature must be low enough for the clusters to be thermodynamically stable, but the clusters must also have enough thermal energy to allow incorrectly formed bonds to be broken. Ordered clusters can form through a number of different dynamic pathways, including direct nucleation and indirect pathways involving large disordered intermediates. The latter pathway is related to a reentrant liquid-to-gas transition that occurs for intermediate patch widths upon lowering the temperature. We also find that the assembly process is robust to inaccurate patch placement up to a certain threshold, and that it is possible to replace the five discrete patches with a single ring patch with no significant loss in yield.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Spiritual Terhadap Pengelolaan Keuangan Pribadi

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    Personal financial management latterly can't be ignored as time previous, because influence achievement personal’s welfare. This research is aimed to know spiritual's intelligence influence to personal financial management. The sample ofthis research was the psychology graduate students of Satya Wacana Christian University of Salatiga. Data were acquired by distributing the questioners. The result of the study showed that spiritual's intelligence having for positive but notsignificant to personal financial management

    Effectiveness Some Plant Extracts of Third Instar Nymphs Nezara viridula L. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Attack on String Bean Pod

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    The objective of this research wa to examine effectiveness of several plant extracts against of Thrid Instar Nymphs N. viridula on string bean pod. The experiment was conducted in the Laboratory of plant Pests, Faculty of Agriculture Pattimura University. The experimental method was a completely randomized design with five different treatments included A (garlic extract 15%), B (citronella extract 15%), C (neem leaf extract 15%), D (neem oil 2,5 %), E (Diazinon 600 EC 0,15%), and one control. Observations were made on the Early toxicity symptoms, cumulative mortality, and mortality rate of Thrid Instar Nymphs N. viridula The results showed that the application of garlic extract cumulative mortality 80%, mortality rate 5.11 hours kills 50% of test insects, citronella extract cumulative mortality 100%, mortality rate 0.98 hours kills 76.7% of test insects, neem leaf extract mortality cumulative 100% with a mortality rate of 0.86 hours, neem oil cumulative mortality of 66.67%, mortality rate of 9.72 hours killing 53.33% of test insects, and Diazinon 600 EC cumulative mortality of 100%, mortality rate of 0.80 hours killing 93.3%. Several plant extracts applied to Thrid Instar Nymphs N. viridula were very effective. Especially the treatment of neem leaves with a cumulative mortality of 100% with a mortality rate of 0.86 hours and citronella with a cumulative mortality of 100%, a mortality rate of 0.98 hours killed 76.7% of the test insects

    Effects of immunocastration performed at two live weights on the growth physiology, temperament and testicular development of feral beef bulls

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of administering an anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone vaccine (Improvac®, developed for pigs) on the performance, temperament, testicular development, and hormone and metabolite profiles of feral bulls (Bos taurus) vaccinated at two different live weights (LW). In all, 16 Serrana de Teruel animals were involved in this 2 x 2 factorial design using the factors LW (LIGHT vs. HEAVY) and vaccine treatment (control, C vs. vaccinated, VA). All animals received the same diet (ad libitum concentrate plus straw) over a 164-day fattening period. Temperament was assessed using chute and flight speed tests. Testicular diameter and subcutaneous fat thickness were recorded. Testosterone, IGF-1, urea, NEFA, and creatinine profiles were analyzed. Bull weight gain was reduced in VA compared to C animals, regardless of the initial LW. The vaccine did not affect the temperament tests, subcutaneous fat thickness or NEFA and creatinine concentrations and had minor effects on linear body measures. The vaccine inhibited testicular growth, reduced plasma testosterone to residual levels, and increased urea concentrations. LIGHT-C animals exhibited increased mean plasma IGF-1 concentrations compared to LIGHT-VA animals. In conclusion, vaccination reduced bull growth and sexual development irrespective of LW at immunization


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    Seawater intrusion is a problem in coastal areas affecting groundwater quality. Seawater intrusion's impact is thought to have occurred on the coast of Latuhalat, which is indicated by groundwater that tastes brackish in community wells. Consequently, people must buy fresh water to meet their drinking water needs. In addition, seawater intrusion disrupts biodiversity in coastal areas. This study aims to examine the phenomenon of seawater intrusion on the coast of Latuhalat by analysing the conductivity level of groundwater and the area of the coastal area intruded by seawater during the tidal phase. The method used is interpolating physical and chemical parameters and analysing the bicarbonate-chloride ratio based on the Revelle Index. The measurement and analysis of tidal phase data using the interpolation method show that the tide phase increases the electrical conductivity and groundwater chloride values. Electrical conductivity values in the fourteen wells ranged from 446 μmhos/cm to 3236 μmhos/cm, while chloride concentrations ranged from 50 mg/L to 6631 mg/L. Analysis of the bicarbonate-chloride ratio obtained Revelle Index (RI) values ranging from 0.017 to 2.321, which indicates that seawater intrusion occurs from low to medium levels. In the coastal area along ± 5 km, it is known that the area of the intruded area in the relatively low to moderate category covers an area of 1.82 km2 (36.4%). The spatial distribution of electrical conductivity and chloride values which are pretty high are concentrated in Omputty Hamlet, where it is strongly suspected that seawater's movement into inland aquifers, which is caused by the geological structure of the Latuhalat area, is exacerbated by the intensity of excessive use of groundwater by the surrounding community.   ABSTRAK Intrusi air laut merupakan salah satu permasalahan di wilayah pesisir yang mempengaruhi kualitas air tanah. Dampak intrusi air laut diduga terjadi di pesisir Latuhalat yang diindikasikan oleh air tanah yang terasa payau pada sumur masyarakat. Sebagai konsekuensinya, masyarakat harus membeli air tawar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air minum. Selain itu, intrusi air laut mengganggu keanekaragaman hayati di wilayah pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji fenomena intrusi air laut di pesisir Latuhalat melalui analisis tingkat konduktivitas air tanah dan luasan daerah pesisir yang terintrusi air laut selama fase pasang surut. Metode yang digunakan yaitu interpolasi parameter fisika dan kimia, serta analisis rasio klorida bikarbonat berdasarkan Revelle Index. Hasil pengukuran dan analisa data fase pasang surut air laut dengan metode interpolasi menunjukkan fase pasang air laut berpengaruh meningkatkan nilai daya hantar listrik (DHL) maupun klorida air tanah. Nilai DHL pada keempat belas sumur mulai dari 446 μmhos/cm hingga 3236 μmhos/cm, sedangkan konsentrasi klorida mulai dari 50 mg/L hingga 6631 mg/L. Analisis rasio klorida bikarbonat mendapatkan nilai Revelle Index (RI) mulai dari 0,017 hingga 2,321 yang menandakan bahwa intrusi air laut terjadi mulai dari tingkat rendah hingga menengah. Pada area pesisir sepanjang ± 5 km, diketahui luasan wilayah yang terintrusi dengan kategori agak rendah hingga sedang mencakup area seluas 1,82 km2 (36,4%). Distribusi spasial nilai DHL dan klorida yang cukup tinggi terkonsentrasi terdapat di Dusun Omputty, dimana kuat dugaan pergerakan air laut ke akuifer daratan yang disebabkan oleh struktur geologi daerah Latuhalat diperparah oleh intensitas penggunaan air tanah berlebih oleh masyarakat sekitar. Kata Kunci: Intrusi air laut, air tanah, wilayah pesisir, pasang surut, Latuhala