666 research outputs found

    The Effect of State Level COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders on Death Rates

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    This paper attempts to examine a correlation between lockdown length and COVID-19 case rate, death rate and fatality rate. In March of 2020, the publishing of alarmist epidemiological models prompted government officials to enact sweeping emergency measures (Miltimore 2020). Notably, the Imperial College London model published by epidemiologist Neil Ferguson predicted a “best-case scenario” of 1.1 million COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. by August 2020. This model heightened concern that the hospital system would be overwhelmed, a reason cited by President Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force members, Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci, as justification for the “15 Days to Flatten the Curve” shutdown (Magness 2020). The question of where to place blame, or praise, for the handling of the COVID-19 response, like the spread of the virus, is ongoing. United States politicians almost immediately began pointing the finger at “the other side” from the first days of public awareness of the novel virus. The federal government, and specifically former President Trump have come under fire for their approach to handling the emergency response to the virus’s spread and the economic fallout that followed (Yoo 2020)

    islet Reveals Segmentation in the Amphioxus Hindbrain Homolog

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    AbstractThe vertebrate embryonic hindbrain is segmented into rhombomeres. Gene expression studies suggest that amphioxus, the closest invertebrate relative of vertebrates, has a hindbrain homolog. However, this region is not overtly segmented in amphioxus, raising the question of how hindbrain segmentation arose in chordate evolution. Vertebrate hindbrain segmentation includes the patterning of cranial motor neurons, which can be identified by their expression of the LIM-homeodomain transcription factor islet1. To learn if the amphioxus hindbrain homolog is cryptically segmented, we cloned an amphioxus gene closely related to islet1, which we named simply islet. We report that amphioxus islet expression includes a domain of segmentally arranged cells in the ventral hindbrain homolog. We hypothesize that these cells are developing motor neurons and reveal a form of hindbrain segmentation in amphioxus. Hence, vertebrate rhombomeres may derive from a cryptically segmented brain present in the amphioxus/vertebrate ancestor. Other islet expression domains provide evidence for amphioxus homologs of the pineal gland, adenohypophysis, and endocrine pancreas. Surprisingly, homologs of vertebrate islet1-expressing spinal motor neurons and Rohon-Beard sensory neurons appear to be absent

    Effekt av kløverart og høstetid pü innhold og sammensetning av fettsyrer

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    Effekten av kløverart og høstetid pü innhold og sammensetning av fettsyrer i avlingen fra økologisk kløvereng ble undersøkt. Kløverart püvirket ikke innholdet av fettsyrer men økende innhold av rødkløver økte andelen av alfalinolensyre. Tidlig 1. slütt førte til høyere innhold av fettsyrer og større andel av alfalinolensyre enn normal høstetid

    Marine yeast (Candida sake) cultured on herring brine side streams is a promising feed ingredient and omega-3 source for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    A major challenge for the aquaculture industry is the supply of sustainable feeds. A promising model to achieve this is to utilize circular flows where feed ingredients, such as single cell protein, are cultivated using side streams of the food industry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the marine yeast Candida sake, produced on herring brine side streams, as a source of protein and immune stimulant in feed for salmonid fish. The dry C. sake product contained 54% protein (3.3% lysine and 0.8% methionine) and 13% lipids (1.1% eicosapentaenoic, EPA, and 1% docosahexaenoic acid, DHA). Four experimental diets were designed and tested in a 9-week feeding trial using juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A control diet containing both fish and plant-based ingredients constituted the base feed to which 20% (to evaluate effects on digestibility, growth and intestinal physiology), 20% heat-treated (to evaluate effects of downstream processing) and 3% (to evaluate immune stimulatory properties, replacing 3% soy protein concentrate) C. sake was added. The apparent digestibility coefficient of C. sake for protein, fat and gross energy was above 80%, and for amino acids above 90% regardless of treatment, suggesting a high bioavailability of C. sake. All three yeast containing diets performed equally to the control regarding specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio and functional intestinal health. These results suggest that C. sake is a promising alternative protein source for circular feeds in the salmonid industry. The presence of EPA and DHA represents an added value. The heat treatment increased the apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter by 8% but decreased amino acid digestibility by on average 3%, indicating that heat treatment may not be the optimal downstream processing technique. Furthermore, the inclusion of 3% C. sake increased the intestinal lamina propria width and TGF-beta transcription, indicating an immune stimulating effect. Future research is needed to understand these immune modulatory effects of C. sake supplementation

    Lower antibiotic prescription rates in hospitalized COVID-19 patients than influenza patients, a prospective study

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    Background COVID-19 patients are extensively treated with antibiotics despite few bacterial complications. We aimed to study antibiotic use in hospitalized COVID-19 patients compared to influenza patients in two consecutive years. Furthermore, we investigated changes in antibiotic use from the first to second pandemic wave. Methods This prospective study included both patients from two referral hospitals in Bergen, Norway, admitted with influenza (n = 215) during the 2018/2019 epidemic and with COVID-19 (n = 82) during spring/summer 2020, and national data on registered Norwegian COVID-19 hospital admissions from March 2020 to January 2021 (n = 2300). Patient characteristics were compared, and logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for antibiotic use. Results National and local COVID-19 patients received significantly less antibiotics (53% and 49%) than influenza patients (69%, p 90% of antibiotic prescriptions in the two local hospitals, and >70% of prescriptions nationally. When adjusted for age, comorbidities, symptom duration, chest X-ray infiltrates and oxygen treatment, local COVID-19 patients still had significantly lower odds of antibiotic prescription than influenza patients (aOR 0.21, 95%CI 0.09–0.50). At the national level, we observed a significant reduction in antibiotic prescription rates in the second pandemic wave compared to the first (aOR 0.35, 95% CI 0.29–0.43). Conclusion Fewer COVID-19 patients received antibiotics compared to influenza patients admitted to the two local hospitals one year earlier. The antibiotic prescription rate was lower during the second pandemic wave, possibly due to increased clinical experience and published evidence refuting the efficacy of antibiotics in treating COVID-19 pneumonia.publishedVersio

    Phosphate Groups in the Lipid A Moiety Determine the Effects of LPS on Hepatic Stellate Cells:A Role for LPS-Dephosphorylating Activity in Liver Fibrosis

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    Alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity is highly upregulated in plasma during liver diseases. Previously, we demonstrated that AP is able to detoxify lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by dephosphorylating its lipid A moiety. Because a role of gut-derived LPS in liver fibrogenesis has become evident, we now examined the relevance of phosphate groups in the lipid A moiety in this process. The effects of mono-phosphoryl and di-phosphoryl lipid A (MPLA and DPLA, respectively) were studied in vitro and LPS-dephosphorylating activity was studied in normal and fibrotic mouse and human livers. The effects of intestinal AP were studied in mice with CCL4-induced liver fibrosis. DPLA strongly stimulated fibrogenic and inflammatory activities in primary rat hepatic stellate cells (rHSCs) and RAW264.7 macrophages with similar potency as full length LPS. However, MPLA did not affect any of the parameters. LPS-dephosphorylating activity was found in mouse and human livers and was strongly increased during fibrogenesis. Treatment of fibrotic mice with intravenous intestinal-AP significantly attenuated intrahepatic desmin+- and ÎąSMA+ -HSC and CD68+- macrophage accumulation. In conclusion, the lack of biological activity of MPLA, contrasting with the profound activities of DPLA, shows the relevance of LPS-dephosphorylating activity. The upregulation of LPS-dephosphorylating activity in fibrotic livers and the protective effects of exogenous AP during fibrogenesis indicate an important physiological role of intestinal-derived AP during liver fibrosis

    Evolution of retinoic acid receptors in chordates: insights from three lamprey species, Lampetra fluviatilis, Petromyzon marinus, and Lethenteron japonicum

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    International audienceBackground : Retinoic acid (RA) signaling controls many developmental processes in chordates, from early axis specification to late organogenesis. The functions of RA are chiefly mediated by a subfamily of nuclear hormone receptors, the retinoic acid receptors (RARs), that act as ligand-activated transcription factors. While RARs have been extensively studied in jawed vertebrates (that is, gnathostomes) and invertebrate chordates, very little is known about the repertoire and developmental roles of RARs in cyclostomes, which are extant jawless vertebrates. Here, we present the first extensive study of cyclostome RARs focusing on three different lamprey species: the European freshwater lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis, the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, and the Japanese lamprey, Lethenteron japonicum.Results : We identified four rar paralogs (rar1, rar2, rar3, and rar4) in each of the three lamprey species, and phylogenetic analyses indicate a complex evolutionary history of lamprey rar genes including the origin of rar1 and rar4 by lineage-specific duplication after the lamprey-hagfish split. We further assessed their expression patterns during embryonic development by in situ hybridization. The results show that lamprey rar genes are generally characterized by dynamic and highly specific expression domains in different embryonic tissues. In particular, lamprey rar genes exhibit combinatorial expression domains in the anterior central nervous system (CNS) and the pharyngeal region.Conclusions : Our results indicate that the genome of lampreys encodes at least four rar genes and suggest that the lamprey rar complement arose from vertebrate-specific whole genome duplications followed by a lamprey-specific duplication event. Moreover, we describe a combinatorial code of lamprey rar expression in both anterior CNS and pharynx resulting from dynamic and highly specific expression patterns during embryonic development. This ‘RAR code’ might function in regionalization and patterning of these two tissues by differentially modulating the expression of downstream effector genes during development

    Histological evaluation of microfilled and conventional composite resins on monkey dental pulps

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    The pulpal responses to two micro-filled composite resins and a conventional composite resin were investigated in adult rhesus monkey teeth. All materials were randomly placed in unetched and unlined class V buccal cavity preparations. A total of 90 teeth were used in the study. Each material was evaluated at 3 days, 5 weeks and 8 weeks. Following perfusion, the teeth were prepared using routine histological procedures. The results indicated that the pulpal response to the microfilled and conventional composite resins were similar for all time periods, characterized by an initial slight to moderate response at 3 days, followed at 5 and 8 weeks by a zero to slight response with evidence of reparative dentine formation. Brown and Brenn staining for bacteria indicated positive staining reactions along the cavity wails of all teeth for all materials at each time period.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73366/1/j.1365-2591.1985.tb00453.x.pd

    Risk assessment for the spread of Serratia marcescens within dental-unit waterline systems using Vermamoeba vermiformis

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    Vermamoeba vermiformis is associated with the biofilm ecology of dental-unit waterlines (DUWLs). This study investigated whether V. vermiformis is able to act as a vector for potentially pathogenic bacteria and so aid their dispersal within DUWL systems. Clinical dental water was initially examined for Legionella species by inoculating it onto Legionella selective-medium plates. The molecular identity/profile of the glassy colonies obtained indicated none of these isolates were Legionella species. During this work bacterial colonies were identified as a non-pigmented Serratia marcescens. As the water was from a clinical DUWL which had been treated with Alpron™ this prompted the question as to whether S. marcescens had developed resistance to the biocide. Exposure to Alpron™ indicated that this dental biocide was effective, under laboratory conditions, against S. marcescens at up to 1x108 colony forming units/millilitre (cfu/ml). V. vermiformis was cultured for eight weeks on cells of S. marcescens and Escherichia coli. Subsequent electron microscopy showed that V. vermiformis grew equally well on S. marcescens and E. coli (p = 0.0001). Failure to detect the presence of S. marcescens within the encysted amoebae suggests that V. vermiformis is unlikely to act as a vector supporting the growth of this newly isolated, nosocomial bacterium
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