868 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Kawasan Agrowisata Bbi Lubuak Minturun Sebagai Destinasi Utama Pariwisata Sumatera Barat

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    This research focuses on community social economic attraction in agrotourism BBI Lubuk Minturun of West Sumatra region. The method is regional economic approach with tool analyses are location quotient, shift share analysis, and travel cost method to determine integrating linkages of community economic activities in the region. This research shows, first: Padang tourism attraction potency as National activitiy center (PKN) in PP No: 50 year 2011 about National tourism masterplan included in national tourism destination (DPN) together with Bukittinggi. Furthermore, in West Sumatra tourism masterplan, Padang has become Province tourism destination region (DPP) with its strategic destination region (KSPP) are Pesisir Selatan, Padang Pariaman and its potential region is Pariaman city. In the case as DPN, DPP of Padang city has wide tourism potential, approximately 169 tourism destinations to attract foreign and national tourist to visit and spend their leisure time. Second: Kuranji district zone has the highest travel cost on average outside Koto Tangah district in amount of 170,783 rupiahs, in the other hand Bungus Teluk Kabung district has the lowest travel cost is 120,877 rupiahs. The high average travel cost to BBI Lubuk Minturun is determined by average visit per year per person. The highest consumer surplus is at Koto Tangah district zone attain 99,875.23 rupiahs and the lowest is Teluk Kabung district zone. Furthermore, the lowest average costs based on origin visit zone are Agam, Lima Puluh Kota, and west Pasaman destination

    Some remarks on Hermitian manifolds satisfying Kähler-like conditions

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    We study Hermitian metrics whose Bismut connection ∇ B satisfies the first Bianchi identity in relation to the SKT condition and the parallelism of the torsion of the Bimut connection. We obtain a characterization of complex surfaces admitting Hermitian metrics whose Bismut connection satisfy the first Bianchi identity and the condition RB(x, y, z, w) = RB(Jx, Jy, z, w) , for every tangent vectors x, y, z, w, in terms of Vaisman metrics. These conditions, also called Bismut Kähler-like, have been recently studied in Angella et al. (Commun Anal Geom, to appear, 2018), Yau et al. (2019) and Zhao and Zheng (2019). Using the characterization of SKT almost abelian Lie groups in Arroyo and Lafuente (Proc Lond Math Soc (3) 119:266–289, 2019), we construct new examples of Hermitian manifolds satisfying the Bismut Kähler-like condition. Moreover, we prove some results in relation to the pluriclosed flow on complex surfaces and on almost abelian Lie groups. In particular, we show that, if the initial metric has constant scalar curvature, then the pluriclosed flow preserves the Vaisman condition on complex surfaces

    Special issue on materials development by additive manufacturing techniques

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) processes are steadily gaining attention from many industrial fields, as they are revolutionizing components' designs and production lines. However, the full application of these technologies to industrial manufacturing has to be supported by the study of the AM materials' properties and their correlations with the feedstock and the building conditions. Furthermore, nowadays, only a limited number of materials processable by AM are available on the market. It is, therefore, fundamental to widen the materials' portfolio and to study and develop new materials that can take advantage of these unique building processes. The present special issue collects recent research activities on these topics

    Six-Dimensional Solvmanifolds with Holomorphically Trivial Canonical Bundle

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    We determine the 6D solvmanifolds admitting an invariant complex structure with holomorphically trivial canonical bundle. Such complex structures are classified up to isomorphism, and the existence of strong Kähler with torsion, generalized Gauduchon, balanced and strongly Gauduchon metrics is studied. As an application, we construct a holomorphic family (M,Ja) of compact complex manifolds such that (M,Ja) satisfies the ¿¿¯-lemma and admits a balanced metric for any a¿0, but the central limit neither satisfies the ¿¿¯-lemma nor admits balanced metrics

    The K\ue4hler quotient resolution of C3/\u393 singularities, the McKay correspondence and D=3 N = 2 Chern-Simons gauge theories

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    We advocate that the generalized Kronheimer construction of the Ka \u308hler quotient crepant resolution M\u3b6 12\u2192 C3/\u393 of an orbifold singularity where \u393 82 SU(3) is a finite subgroup naturally defines the field content and the interaction structure of a superconformal Chern-Simons Gauge Theory. This latter is suppos- edlythedualofanM2-branesolutionofD=11supergravitywithC 7M\u3b6 astransversespace.Weillustrate and discuss many aspects of this type of constructions emphasizing that the equation p 27 p = 0 which provides the Ka \u308hler analogue of the holomorphic sector in the hyperKa \u308hler moment map equations canonically defines the structure of a universal superpotential in the CS theory. Furthermore the kernel D\u393 of the above equation can be described as the orbit with respect to a quiver Lie group G\u393 of a special locus L\u393 82 Hom\u393 (Q 97 R, R) that has also a universal definition. We provide an extensive discussion of the relation between the coset manifold G\u393/F\u393, the gauge group F\u393 being the maximal compact subgroup of the quiver group, the moment map equations and the first Chern classes of the so named tautological vector bundles that are in one-to-one correspondence with the nontrivial irreps of \u393. These first Chern classes are represented by (1,1)-forms on M\u3b6 and provide a basis for the cohomology group H2(M\u3b6 ). We also discuss the relation with conjugacy classes of \u393 and we provide the explicit construction of several examples emphasizing the role of a general- ized McKay correspondence. The case of the ALE manifold resolution of C2/\u393 singularities is utilized as a comparison term and new formulae related with the complex presentation of Gibbons-Hawking metrics are exhibited
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