173 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo de distribución vertical de toxicidad PSP en mejillón de cultivo

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    [ESP] Desde finales de 2006 a principios de 2007 tiene lugar en el litoral andaluz un episodio de toxinas paralizantes de larga duración que afecta a la totalidad de los cultivos de mejillón situados en el mediterráneo. Con objeto de estudiar la distribución vertical de toxicidad PSP se realiza una experiencia con 21 muestras de mejillón procedentes de 3 zonas de producción diferentes. De cada muestra se realizan cuatro análisis, tres de ellos corresponden a los distintos tramos en los que se divide la cuerda del cultivo (superior, medio y fondo) y para el cuarto se realiza un integrado de la cuerda. El análisis estadístico de los resultados obtenidos no revela diferencias significativas ni entre los distintos tramos, ni entre estos y la muestra integrada, a la vez que manifiesta una gran correlación entre ellos

    Spatio-temporal trends of mortality in small areas of Southern Spain

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    Background: Most mortality atlases show static maps from count data aggregated over time. This procedure has several methodological problems and serious limitations for decision making in Public Health. The evaluation of health outcomes, including mortality, should be approached from a dynamic time perspective that is specific for each gender and age group. At the moment, researches in Spain do not provide a dynamic image of the population’s mortality status from a spatio-temporal point of view. The aim of this paper is to describe the spatial distribution of mortality from all causes in small areas of Andalusia (Southern Spain) and evolution over time from 1981 to 2006. Methods: A small-area ecological study was devised using the municipality as the unit for analysis. Two spatiotemporal hierarchical Bayesian models were estimated for each age group and gender. One of these was used to estimate the specific mortality rate, together with its time trends, and the other to estimate the specific rate ratio for each municipality compared with Spain as a whole. Results: More than 97% of the municipalities showed a diminishing or flat mortality trend in all gender and age groups. In 2006, over 95% of municipalities showed male and female mortality specific rates similar or significantly lower than Spanish rates for all age groups below 65. Systematically, municipalities in Western Andalusia showed significant male and female mortality excess from 1981 to 2006 only in age groups over 65. Conclusions: The study shows a dynamic geographical distribution of mortality, with a different pattern for each year, gender and age group. This information will contribute towards a reflection on the past, present and future of mortality in Andalusia.Ye

    TMEM87a/Elkin1, a component of a novel mechanoelectrical transduction pathway, modulates melanoma adhesion and migration

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    Mechanoelectrical transduction is a cellular signalling pathway where physical stimuli are converted into electro-chemical signals by mechanically activated ion channels. We describe here the presence of mechanically activated currents in melanoma cells that are dependent on TMEM87a, which we have renamed Elkin1. Heterologous expression of this protein in PIEZO1-deficient cells, that exhibit no baseline mechanosensitivity, is sufficient to reconstitute mechanically activated currents. Melanoma cells lacking functional Elkin1 exhibit defective mechanoelectrical transduction, decreased motility and increased dissociation from organotypic spheroids. By analysing cell adhesion properties, we demonstrate that Elkin1 deletion is associated with increased cell-substrate adhesion and decreased homotypic cell-cell adhesion strength. We therefore conclude that Elkin1 supports a PIEZO1-independent mechanoelectrical transduction pathway and modulates cellular adhesions and regulates melanoma cell migration and cell-cell interactions

    Functional Proteomics Characterization of the Role of SPRYD7 in Colorectal Cancer Progression and Metastasis

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    SPRY domain-containing protein 7 (SPRYD7) is a barely known protein identified via spatial proteomics as being upregulated in highly metastatic-to-liver KM12SM colorectal cancer (CRC) cells in comparison to its isogenic poorly metastatic KM12C CRC cells. Here, we aimed to analyze SPRYD7’s role in CRC via functional proteomics. Through immunohistochemistry, the overexpression of SPRYD7 was observed to be associated with the poor survival of CRC patients and with an aggressive and metastatic phenotype. Stable SPRYD7 overexpression was performed in KM12C and SW480 poorly metastatic CRC cells and in their isogenic highly metastatic-to-liver-KM12SM-and-to-lymph-nodes SW620 CRC cells, respectively. Upon upregulation of SPRYD7, in vitro and in vivo functional assays confirmed a key role of SPRYD7 in the invasion and migration of CRC cells and in liver homing and tumor growth. Additionally, transient siRNA SPRYD7 silencing allowed us to confirm in vitro functional results. Furthermore, SPRYD7 was observed as an inductor of angiogenesis. In addition, the dysregulated SPRYD7-associated proteome and SPRYD7 interactors were elucidated via 10-plex TMT quantitative proteins, immunoproteomics, and bioinformatics. After WB validation, the biological pathways associated with the stable overexpression of SPRYD7 were visualized. In conclusion, it was demonstrated here that SPRYD7 is a novel protein associated with CRC progression and metastasis. Thus, SPRYD7 and its interactors might be of relevance in identifying novel therapeutic targets for advanced CRC

    Impact of outdoor air pollution on severity and mortality in COVID-19 pneumonia

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    The relationship between exposure to air pollution and the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia and other outcomes is poorly understood. Beyond age and comorbidity, risk factors for adverse outcomes including death have been poorly studied. The main objective of our study was to examine the relationship between exposure to outdoor air pollution and the risk of death in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia using individual-level data. The secondary objective was to investigate the impact of air pollutants on gas exchange and systemic inflammation in this disease. This cohort study included 1548 patients hospitalised for COVID-19 pneumonia between February and May 2020 in one of four hospitals. Local agencies supplied daily data on environmental air pollutants (PM10PM_{10}, PM2.5PM_{2.5}, O3O_3, NO2NO_2, NONO and NOXNO_X) and meteorological conditions (temperature and humidity) in the year before hospital admission (from January 2019 to December 2019). Daily exposure to pollution and meteorological conditions by individual postcode of residence was estimated using geospatial Bayesian generalised additive models. The influence of air pollution on pneumonia severity was studied using generalised additive models which included: age, sex, Charlson comorbidity index, hospital, average income, air temperature and humidity, and exposure to each pollutant. Additionally, generalised additive models were generated for exploring the effect of air pollution on C-reactive protein (CRP) level and SpO2O_2/FiO2O_2 at admission. According to our results, both risk of COVID-19 death and CRP level increased significantly with median exposure to PM10PM_{10}, NO2NO_2, NONO and NOXNO_X, while higher exposure to NO2NO_2, NONO and NOXNO_X was associated with lower SpO2O_2/FiO2O_2 ratios. In conclusion, after controlling for socioeconomic, demographic and health-related variables, we found evidence of a significant positive relationship between air pollution and mortality in patients hospitalised for COVID-19 pneumonia. Additionally, inflammation (CRP) and gas exchange (SpO2O_2/FiO2O_2) in these patients were significantly related to exposure to air pollution

    Efficacy of laser shock processing of biodegradable Mg and Mg-1Zn alloy on their in vitro corrosion and bacterial response

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    Laser shock processing (LSP) is increasingly applied as an effective technology for improving the properties of different metallic components. This is done principally to enhance their corrosion and fatigue life behaviour, stress corrosion cracking resistance, etc. In this paper, LSP has been applied to a commercially pure Mg and a Mg-1Zn alloy (wt%) which is aimed to be used as a biodegradable material for biomedical applications. The rational for microalloying with Zn is not only influencing the bacterial response, but also enhancing corrosion resistance and mechanical strength of Mg without causing any toxic effect. The present work is focussed on the examination of the effects of the LSP treatment on the relevant surface related properties of the samples and their correlation with the surface and subsurface induced modifications such as residual stress state, microstructural, roughness, hardness, etc. Central to this investigation is the study of the corrosion response and antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus epidermidis of the different samples as a function of material and LSP parameters. The results show that the application of LSP introduces compressive residual stresses up to 1 mm deep. This occurs together with a significant improvement in corrosion resistance, and less bacterial colonization.Peer reviewe

    Interrelación de laboratorios de control y laboratorios de investigación en España para la armonización de metodologías de determinación de toxinas paralizantes

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    XII Congreso Nacional de Agricultura, Madrid 24-26 de noviembre de 2009Marketing of cultured and harvested shellfish is linked to monitoring programs for granting food safety. Its complexity requires constant cooperation between research and monitoring laboratories in order to improve sampling and analysing performances, achieve legal requirements, etc. for increasing consumer’s health protection but not reducing producer’s benefits. The JACUMAR project «Comparison of methodologies for the evaluation of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) toxins in bivalves. Application for aquaculture in Spain» groups research and monitoring laboratories from Galicia, Andalucía and Cataluña. Efforts are focused on detection and quantification of PSP toxins, searching an analytical method able to fulfil technical and management requirementsEste proyecto está financiado por la Junta Asesora de Cultivos Marinos (JACUMAR), y los programas de control por los gobiernos autónomos de Galicia, Andalucía y CataluñaN

    Impacto cuantitativo de la contaminación en la probabilidad de muerte por neumonía por SARS-CoV-2

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    Introducción La evidencia científica disponible señala que la contaminación del aire exterior podría agravar la severidad de la COVID-19 y por ende, incrementar las probabilidades de fallecimiento. Material y métodos Estudio observacional longitudinal retrospectivo de cohortes, multicéntrico en 4 hospitales: 2 en Bizkaia (1 urbano, 1 urbano-rural), Valencia y Barcelona (urbanos). Se incluyeron ingresos por neumonía SARS-CoV-2 en el primer pico epidémico de COVID-19 (febrero-mayo 2020). Para determinar la exposición a contaminación por PM10_{10} y NO2_{2}, se obtuvieron los datos publicados por los organismos autonómicos de calidad del aire, para 2019 y 1er semestre 2020. Se utilizó un Modelo Aditivo Generalizado (GAM) para estimar el nivel diario de contaminante en cada código postal, en función de las coordenadas geográficas y la altitud de las estaciones de medición [Figura 1]. Para determinar la exposición crónica, se calcularon media y máximo en 2019; la aguda se caracterizó por media y máximo en los 7 días anteriores al ingreso. Se estudió la razón de probabilidades (‘odds ratio’, OR) de muerte frente a supervivencia entre nuestra cohorte. Se modeló mediante un GAM con regresión logística, incorporando como efectos fijos sexo, edad y contaminante; hospital como efecto aleatorio e índice de comorbilidad de Charlson como función suave mediantes splines penalizados. Resultados De los 1548 pacientes reclutados, 243 (15.7%) fallecieron durante su hospitalización y/o 30 días postingreso. Según los modelos [Tabla 1], existe evidencia estadística significativa de que la exposición crónica a PM10_{10} y NO2_{2} incrementan la probabilidad de muerte por neumonía SARS-CoV-2. Compensando por sexo, edad y Charlson -todos factores relacionados positivamente con el OR de muerte- así como por hospital; por cada incremento de 10 μg/m3^{3} en el nivel de PM10_{10} (máximo anual) el OR aumenta en 10.5%, linealmente proporcional al incremento en la contaminación. Mientras, cada 10 μg/m3^{3} más de NO2 (media anual) aumentan OR en 35.7%; cada 10 μg/m3^{3} más en exposición aguda a NO2 (media semana pre-ingreso): 62.9%; y NO2_{2} (máximo semana): 34.4%. Conclusiones Se cuantificaron y compensaron los efectos de los factores sexo, edad, Charlson y hospital. A igualdad de estos, incrementos en la exposición crónica y aguda a PM10_{10} y NO2_{2} aumentan de manera lineal y estadísticamente significativa la probabilidad de muerte por neumonía SARS-CoV-2

    Predicción de la gravedad de neumonías por SARS-CoV-2 a partir de información clínica y contaminación, mediante inteligencia artificial

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    Introducción La contaminación del aire exterior se ha relacionado con mayor gravedad de las infecciones respiratorias. Por tanto, su inclusión en algoritmos predictivos podrían añadir información para pronosticar la gravedad de neumonías SARS-CoV-2. Material y métodos Estudio observacional longitudinal retrospectivo de cohortes, multicéntrico en 4 hospitales. Se incluyeron ingresos por neumonía SARS-CoV-2 en el primer pico epidémico de COVID-19 (febrero-mayo 2020). Se recogieron hasta 93 variables clínicas, analíticas y radiológicas por cada paciente (sexo, edad, peso, comorbilidades, síntomas, variables fisiológicas en urgencias, sangre, gasometría, etc.). Además, se calcularon los niveles exposición a contaminación por PM10_{10}, PM2.5_{2.5}, O3_{3}, NO2_{2}, NO, NOX_{X}, SO2_{2} y CO en su código postal. En función de la evolución clínica de la neumonía, se definieron 3 niveles de gravedad [Tabla 1]. Para predecir dicha gravedad, se desarrolló un algoritmo de inteligencia artificial (IA), tipo ‘Random Forest’ con balanceo y ajuste automático de sus parámetros internos. El algoritmo se entrenó y evaluó mediante 20 repeticiones de validación cruzada 10-fold (90% entrenamiento, 10% validación), estratificando aleatoriamente por hospital y gravedad. Resultados En los conjuntos de validación, el algoritmo alcanzó una capacidad predictiva (área bajo la curva ROC) promedio AUC=0.834 para gravedad nivel 0, AUC=0.724 para 1 y AUC=0.850 para 2 [Figura 1]. Sin la información de contaminantes, su capacidad predictiva se degradó ligeramente (AUCs = 0.829, 0.722, 0.844; respectivamente). Conclusiones Nuestro algoritmo IA es capaz de predecir de manera satisfactoria la evolución de la gravedad en la neumonía; en particular para los casos más leves y más severos. El algoritmo IA extrae las reglas más relevantes a partir principalmente de la información clínica, analítica y radiológica de cada individuo; no obstante, la incorporación de la exposición a contaminantes mejora ligeramente la capacidad predictiva. El impacto de la contaminación podría estar ya reflejado en las analíticas de sangre, a través de su efecto en los niveles de inflamación del paciente (PCT, PCR, LDH, etc.)