32 research outputs found

    Association of osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin, and osteopontin with cardiovascular disease and retinopathy in type 2 diabetes

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    Background: Novel biomarkers of vascular disease in diabetes could help identify new mechanistic pathways. Osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin, and osteopontin are key molecules involved in bone and vascular calcification processes, both of which are compromised in diabetes. We aimed to evaluate possible associations of osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin, and osteopontin with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR) among people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Materials and methods: Osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin, and osteopontin concentrations were measured at enrolment in 848 participants with T2D from the Sapienza University Mortality and Morbidity Event Rate (SUMMER) Study (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02311244). Logistic regression models and propensity score matching were used to assess possible associations of osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin, and osteopontin with a history of CVD and with evidence of any grade of DR adjusting for confounders. Results: Previous CVD was reported in 139 (16.4%) participants, while 144 (17.0%) had DR. After adjusting for possible confounders, osteocalcin but not osteoprotegerin or osteopontin concentrations were associated with a history of CVD (Odds Ratio [OR] and 95% CI for one standard deviation (SD) increase in osteocalcin concentrations (natural log): 1.35 (1.06-1.72), p = 0.014). Associations with prevalent DR were seen for osteoprotegerin (OR for one SD increase in osteoprotegerin concentrations (natural log): 1.25 (1.01-1.55), p = 0.047) and osteopontin (OR for one SD increase in osteopontin concentrations (natural log): 1.25 (1.02-1.53), p = 0.022), but not osteocalcin. Conclusions: In T2D, higher serum osteocalcin concentrations are associated with macrovascular complications and higher osteoprotegerin and osteopontin concentrations with microvascular complications, suggesting that these osteokines might be involved in pathways directly related to vascular disease

    The Effect of Gradual Reduction in Sodium Dialysate on Occurrence of Muscular Cramp, and the Serum Level of Calcium and Magnesium in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Cross-Over Clinical Trial

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    Background: The aim of study was to determine the effect of gradual reduction in sodium dialysate on occurrence of muscular cramp, and the serum level of calcium and magnesium in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Methods: This triple-blinded cross-over clinical trial was conducted on 56 hemodialysis patients. After random allocation of patients into group A by the routine method (fixed sodium dialysate) and group B with gradual reduction in sodium dialysate, they underwent a 3-session dialysis. After one week of dialysis through routine method (wash out), patients underwent 3-session dialysis in group B by routine method and in group A by gradual reduction in sodium dialysate. Occurrence of muscular cramp was recorded by using a check list. Patients, serum level of calcium and magnesium before and after intervention was measured. Descriptive statistics indices and inferential statistics tests (repeated measures Analysis of variance) were used. Results: The rate of muscular cramp in routine method was 3.8% in one muscle, 1.9% in two or more muscles, and in the method of gradual reduction of sodium dialysate was 1.9% in one muscle, and 7.5% in two or more muscles. The mean difference of plasma calcium and magnesium before and after the dialysis with routine method was 0.43 and 0.26, respectively, and in the method of gradual reduction of sodium dialysate was 0.45 and 0.34. In this study no significant difference was observed for the rate of occurrence of muscular cramp and serum level of calcium and magnesium between two methods. Conclusions: The results showed that gradual reduction of sodium dialysate, has no effect on occurrence of muscular cramp during dialysis, serum level of calcium and magnesium in hemodialysis patients. Further investigations are needed to better understand the exact effect of this method, and also eliminate the study limitations. Keywords: Calcium, Hemodialysis, Magnesium, Muscle cramp, Sodium dialysate

    Investigation of stability of cold pressed linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) oil

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    The stability of linseed (Linum usitatissimum) oil has been investigated through the exposition of two different samples, linseed oil without antioxidant and linseed oil with roesemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract, to ambient temperature conditions (25 °C) and refrigerator temperature conditions (4 °C). The oxidation degree of linseed oil was characterized by acid value, peroxide value, which present value for determination primary oxidation processes, and TBARS value expressed through thepercentofinhibition,whichpresentvaluefordeterminationsecondaryoxidationprocesses. Acid value in all investigated samples was in the range from 1.90 to 1.97 mL/g. Peroxide value was in the range from 1.27 to 3.27 mL/g. The percent of inhibition of oxidation in investigated samples was from 10.41 to 11.10%. The storage conditions influence primary oxidation processes in oil, while the presence of rosemary extract influences secondary oxidation processes

    Etiopathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus: prognostic factors for the evolution of residual β cell function

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    Type 1A diabetes mellitus (T1ADM) is a progressive autoimmune disease mediated by T lymphocytes with destruction of beta cells. Up to now, we do not have precise methods to assess the beta cell mass, "in vivo" or "ex-vivo". The studies about its genetic susceptibility show strong association with class II antigens of the HLA system (particularly DQ). Others genetics associations are weaker and depend on the population studied. A combination of precipitating events may occur at the beginning of the disease. There is a silent loss of immune-mediated beta cells mass which velocity has an inverse relation with the age, but it is influenced by genetic and metabolic factors. We can predict the development of the disease primarily through the determination of four biochemically islet auto antibodies against antigens like insulin, GAD65, IA2 and Znt8. Beta cell destruction is chronically progressive but at clinical diagnosis of the disease a reserve of these cells still functioning. The goal of secondary disease prevention is halt the autoimmune attack on beta cells by redirecting or dampening the immune system. It is remains one of the foremost therapeutic goals in the T1ADM. Glycemic intensive control and immunotherapeutic agents may preserve beta-cell function in newly diagnosed patients with T1ADM. It may be assessed through C-peptide values, which are important for glycemic stability and for the prevention of chronic complications of this disease. This article will summarize the etiopathogenesis mechanisms of this disease and the factors can influence on residual C-peptide and the strategies to it preservation

    Calicivirus Infection in Cats

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    Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a common pathogen in domestic cats that is highly contagious, resistant to many disinfectants and demonstrates a high genetic variability. FCV infection can lead to serious or even fatal diseases. In this review, the European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases (ABCD), a scientifically independent board of experts in feline medicine from 11 European countries, presents the current knowledge of FCV infection and fills gaps with expert opinions. FCV infections are particularly problematic in multicat environments. FCV-infected cats often show painful erosions in the mouth and mild upper respiratory disease and, particularly in kittens, even fatal pneumonia. However, infection can be associated with chronic gingivostomatitis. Rarely, highly virulent FCV variants can induce severe systemic disease with epizootic spread and high mortality. FCV can best be detected by reverse-transcriptase PCR. However, a negative result does not rule out FCV infection and healthy cats can test positive. All cats should be vaccinated against FCV (core vaccine); however, vaccination protects cats from disease but not from infection. Considering the high variability of FCV, changing to different vaccine strain(s) may be of benefit if disease occurs in fully vaccinated cats. Infection-induced immunity is not life-long and does not protect against all strains; therefore, vaccination of cats that have recovered from caliciviral disease is recommended

    Portland cement, gypsum, and flu ash binder systems characterization for lignocellulosic fiber-cement

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    The present work aims to obtain an optimal Portland cement, gypsum and fly ash (OPC-G-FA) ternary binder matrix and assess both the addition of paper pulp-by means of mechanical dispersion in aqueous suspension-for cementitious composites reinforcement and the fiber properties over time. To evaluate microfibers preservation from pulp in low-alkaline environments, ternary binder matrices OPC-G-FA are optimized to achieve lower pH values. For that purpose, pH and electrical conductivity over time were analyzed. Only samples with the lowest content in Portland cement (15 20%) offered low alkalinity for short-term. The use of ternary binder systems enhances microfibers conservation compared with control samples (matrices 100% Ordinary Portland Cement) by using FA that, as expected, reduces the presence of Ca(OH)2 in the matrix. Mechanical results prove that obtained matrices yield to a mechanical properties maintenance unlike samples with OPC matrices where toughness is reduced by 95%Financial support for this research project was provided by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq - Brazil) by means of a grant [351196/2014-5].Mármol De Los Dolores, G.; HOLMER SAVASTANO JUNIOR; Monzó Balbuena, JM.; Borrachero Rosado, MV.; Soriano Martínez, L.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ. (2016). Portland cement, gypsum, and flu ash binder systems characterization for lignocellulosic fiber-cement. Construction and Building Materials. 124:208-218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.07.083S20821812


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    O I Workshop Online Florestas de Tachigali vulgaris foi uma reunião técnica de caráter inédito e multi-institucional, realizada nos dias 5 e 6 de outubro de 2021, que possibilitou significativo com- partilhamento de conhecimento científico sobre o tema central, a espécie Tachigali vulgaris L. F. Gomes da Silva & H.C. Lima. A organização deste workshop foi resultado de uma parceria direta entre a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) e a Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (Ufra), em conjunto com as demais instituições participantes apoiadoras. O objetivo deste evento foi promover o resgate histórico das pesquisas realizadas nos últimos 50 anos, por diversas instituições brasileiras e propor outras ações de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação (PD&I), como forma de consolidar o sistema de produção e a promoção do uso dessa espécie em escala produtiva no Brasil. Para tanto, contou-se com prelecionistas das seguintes instituições: Embrapa, Escola Superior de Agricultura ?Luiz de Queiroz? (Esalq/USP), Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais (antigo Instituto Florestal de São Paulo) (IPA), Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ), Serviço Florestal Brasileiro (SFB), Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Universidade Federal de Lavras (Ufla), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (Ufra), Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) e Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco (Peru). Para uma melhor compreensão do potencial da espécie tema deste workshop, T. vulgaris é uma leguminosa arbórea com ampla distribuição geográfica no território brasileiro, ocorrendo também em alguns países da América do Sul, tais como as porções amazônicas do Peru, Suriname, Guianas e Venezuela. Recebe diferentes nomes vulgares conforme o local onde ocorre, tais como: tachi-bran- co (Pará), carvoeiro (Goiás), cachamorra (Tocantins), entre outros. É uma espécie nativa que tem ocorrência natural dentro dos domínios fitogeográficos dos biomas Amazônia, Cerrado e Caatinga. Em decorrência de suas características tecnológicas, ecológicas e silviculturais, essa espécie pos- sui significativo potencial para expansão e diversificação da silvicultura, em plantios energéticos no Brasil e para a recuperação de áreas degradadas. Tem potencial para contribuir diretamente, em nível nacional, para o fornecimento de biomassa à produção de cavacos, pellets de madeira e carvão vegetal, como fonte de energia renovável aos setores elétrico (termelétrica a biomassa), siderúrgico, de cimento, além de pequenas indústrias (olarias e padarias) e do uso doméstico rural e urbano, dentre outros usos de menor expressão em volume relativo demandado pela sociedade brasileira. Em virtude do potencial econômico da espécie, objetiva-se com esta publicação sintetizar e disponibilizar informações aos segmentos interessados, como forma de balizar o planejamento dos cultivos e as tomadas de decisão por parte de empresas privadas, produtores florestais, técni- cos e ampla sociedade, além de instituições responsáveis pela liberação de créditos para produção e de agências responsáveis pelo fomento e execução de pesquisas. Espera-se que essa publica- ção seja útil aos estudantes em nível técnico, graduação e pós-graduação. Ressalta-se que entre os 17 Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), quatro estão em consonância com o conteúdo técnico-científico da presente publicação (ODS 7 - Energia limpa e acessível, ODS 12 - Consumo e produção sustentáveis, ODS 15 - Vida terrestre e ODS 17 - Parcerias e meios de implementação), por estarem focados em uma espécie florestal nativa da Amazônia, Caatinga e do Cerrado, que tem significativa capacidade de recuperação de áreas de- gradadas, baixa exigência nutricional e madeira adequada à geração de bioenergia com a perspec- tiva de emissão neutra de carbono quando cultivada na escala produtiva. Adicionalmente, consiste em uma espécie versátil, que pode ser cultivada em monocultivo ou policultivo (sistemas agroflores- tais e de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta) e utilizada em diversas escalas de produção, ou seja, desde a silvicultura em nível familiar até empresarial.Editores técnicos: Cristiane Aparecida Fioravante Reis, Delman de Almeida Gonçalves, Thiago de Paula Protásio