303 research outputs found


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    Information System/Information Technology in its development has experienced some role shifts: starting in supportive role, nowadays information system/technology is strategical within a company. It is even becoming a driving force on strategic change and business process of a company. This paper serves on how information system/technology has developed a strategic role for Zara Fashion on increasing its competitive advantage


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    Problem faced by SD IPEKA Tomang is not reaching its predicted target in English subject. This is caused by less understanding among students in important parts of English which reflected in making sentences or writing essays. Teachers have difficulty in explaining about grammar usage to students, which is the basic knowledge in making sentences. In order to avoid this problem, SD IPEKA Tomang is adding or replacing the teaching media into a computer media. In doing this analysis and designing of e-learning is using ADDIE Model approach. This research is done through stages of analysis, design, and development. Analysis stage uses Gap Analysis approach to understand the needs of e-learning

    Perancangan E-Learning dengan Pendekatan Addie Model (Kasus : Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris – SD Ipeka Tomang)

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    Problem faced by SD IPEKA Tomang is not reaching its predicted target in English subject. This is caused by less understanding among students in important parts of English which reflected in making sentences or writing essays. Teachers have difficulty in explaining about grammar USAge to students, which is the basic knowledge in making sentences. In order to avoid this problem, SD IPEKA Tomang is adding or replacing the teaching media into a computer media. In doing this analysis and designing of e-learning is using ADDIE Model approach. This research is done through stages of analysis, design, and development. Analysis stage uses Gap Analysis approach to understand the needs of e-learning

    Cloud Computing dan Dampaknya terhadap Bisnis

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of cloud computing and its development as well as the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing implementation at some companies. Some literature studies from journals, textbooks and internet sources are discussed. Based on these searches it is known that the cloud computing as a technology that utilizes internet services uses a central server to the virtual nature of data and application maintenance purposes. The existence of Cloud Computing itself causes a change in the way thetechnology information system works at an company. Security and data storage systems have become important factors for the company.Cloud Computing technology provides a great advantage for most enterprises

    Pengaruh Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Kombinasi Real Dan Virtual Laboratory Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Penguasaan Konsep Siswa Di Sman 1 Lumajang

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    AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh problem based learning (PBL) dengan kombinasi real laboratory dan virtual laboratory terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa dan penguasan konsep siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan quasi-experimental posttest only design. Populasi penelitian ini seluruh kelas X SMAN 1 Lumajang semester genap tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Sampel terdiri atas empat kelas eksperimen dan dua kelas kontrol yang dipilih secara cluster random sampling. Kelas eksperimen pertama belajar dengan PBL menggunakan kombinasi real dan virtual laboratory, kelas eksperimen kedua belajar dengan PBL menggunakan virtual laboratory, dan kelas kontrol belajar dengan PBL menggunakan real laboratory. Instrumen penelitian terdiri atas silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), lembar kerja siswa (LKS), soal penguasaan konsep dan rubrik penilaian keterampilan proses sains siswa. Pembelajaran dilakukan pada materi listrik dinamis. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis menggunakan multivariate of anova. Pengaruh pembelajaran diuji dengan uji Scheff. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan proses sains antara siswa yang belajar dengan PBL menggunakan kombinasi real dan virtual laboratory dan siswa yang belajar dengan PBL menggunakan virtual laboratory dan real laboratory saja. Selanjutnya, PBL menggunakan kombinasi real dan virtual laboratory lebih baik daripada PBL menggunakan virtual laboratory dan real laboratory saja terhadap penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan proses sains siswa.Kata Kunci: problem based learning, virtual laboratory, real laboratory, penguasaan konsep fisika, keterampilan proses sains


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    Teacher performances to improving students creative thinking is still weakness. The research report finds out those 130 elementary teachers could not impress and direct students developing students’ creative thinking. Therefore, it is needed a strategy to develop teacher professional intensively. The purposes of this research were to describe mathematics teachers in developing learning strategy that improving student’s creative thinking and to figure out capabilities of teachers’ creative thinking and abilities to planning and implementing the teaching model of mathematical problem solving and problem posing. Participants of this research were six elementary school teachers at the third, fourth, and sixth grades respectively two schools at Sidoarjo. The results points out those teachers have good level of creative thinking in solving and posing a problem and the y could design and implement their planning using model of solving and posing problems

    Care Systems in Motor Vehicles in the Car & Motor Save with Computerized

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    Computerized system in a company vehicle, especially at daycare C & M Save this, itcan generate more accurate reports, save time, no errors transaction data, consumerdata search easier, and also provide greater benefits compared with manual recording

    Analisis Unjuk Kerja GCMOS

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    Paulisan ini adalah suatu analisa terhadap divais Graded-Channel Metal-Oxide- Semiconductor Fietd-Effea-Transistor atau disingkat GCMOSFET- Telanlogi GCMOSFET ini bertrembang sebagai salah satu usaha untukmenenuhi kebutuhan divais dalam aplikas

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem ECRM pada PT Paramitra Media Perkasa

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    Customers are the key to achieve company's success, that's why company should actively participate in keeping a good relationship with them. One of the ways to create a good relationship with customers is by applying e-CRM (Customer Relationship Management). A research at PT Paramitra Media Perkasa is focused in marketing by interviewing managers and telemarketers, analizying business process, and after doing library research. Based on the analysis,it can be figured out a problem in continuously making a relationship with customers. With e-CRM system, hopefully it will help company manage and keep a good relationship with costumers, as a result it will able to increase profit and company's productivity


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    Parumaan village is one of the remote villages in the region, especially marine watersflores district sicca, the research was conducted in the village of Alok Parumaan EasternDistrict of Sikka from March to May 2016. The purpose of this study was to determine thestate of Karamba cage farming in terms of aspects financial (the amount of profit, R/CRatio,B/CRatio, BEP, Payback Period) .This method used in this study is a survey method in whichresearchers take the data directly into the field.Based on calculations or analysis, the average of each respondent a profit ofRp.113.914.246/year. From the comparison of the average R/CRatio> 1 is equal to 1.58 thenthis business is feasible to be developed. The calculation shows that the long payback periodpayback period of 1.03 or 12 months of 39 days. Production of BEP calculation shows thatthe average break-even point will be reached when the fish production of 2.927kg/year with aprice of Rp.42.705year BEP. From the calculation B/CRatio this venture to say qualified toobtain due to the B/CRatio ie 0.58 B/CRasio> 0.From the research results of fishing effort cultivation of floating net always benefit, itis the need for education and training from the Department of Fisheries Sikka district inorder to improve the knowledge of fishing communities to increase efforts Raising Karambacage in the village Parumaan, as seen from the prospect of a place so relatively safe from thewaves and from the data analysis feasible in develope
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