277 research outputs found

    Use of Coffee Pulp and Minerals for Natural Soil Ameliorant

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    In coffee plantation, solid waste of coffee pulp is usually collected as heap nearby processing facilities for several months prior being used as compost. The practice is leading to the formation of odor and liquid which contaminate the environment. Experiments to evaluate the effect of natural soil ameliorant derived from coffee pulp and minerals were conducted at The Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute in Jember, East Java. The experiments were intended to optimize the use of coffee pulp to support farming sustainability and minimize negative impacts of solid waste disposal originated from coffee cherry processing. Prior to applications, coffee pulp was hulled to organic paste. The paste was then mixed with 10% minerals (b/b). Composition of the minerals was 50% zeolite and 50% rock phosphate powder. The ameliorant was characterized for their physical and chemical properties. Agronomic tests were conducted on coffee and cocoa seedling. The experiments were arranged according to Randomized Completely Design with 2 factors, consisted of natural ameliorant and inorganic fertilizer respectively. Natural ameliorant derived from coffee pulp was applied at 6 levels: 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 g dry ameliorant/seedling of 3 kg soil, equivalent to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% (b/b) of ameliorant respectively. Inorganic fertilizer was applied at 2 levels: 0 and 2 g fertilizer/application of N-P-K compound fertilizer of 15-15-15 respectively. The inorganic fertilizer was applied 4 times during nursery of coffee and cocoa. The result of the experiment indicated that coffee pulp may be used as natural soil ameliorant. Composition of ameliorant of 90% coffee pulp and 10% of minerals has good physical and chemical characteristics for soil amelioration. The composition has high water holding capacity; cations exchange capacity, organic carbon and phosphorus contents which are favorable to increase soil capacity to support plant growth. Application of ameliorant derived from coffee pulp increased significantly growth of coffee and cocoa seedling. There was positive interaction effect between the ameliorant and the fertilizers. Both the ameliorant and the fertilizers affected the seedling growth synergistically. Application of the ameliorant increased efficiency of the fertilizer

    Patient Satisfaction With Digital Health Services in Hospital during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review

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    Pandemi coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) adalah masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang telah mengganggu sistem perawatan kesehatan di seluruh dunia. Digitalisasi layanan kesehatan menjadi salah satu bentuk penyesuaian untuk menghadapi pandemi. Perubahan metode pelayanan di rumah sakit dapat mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan kesehatan dan kepuasan pasien. Tinjauan ini akan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis kepuasan pasien terhadap layanan kesehatan digital di rumah sakit selama pandemi covid-19. Pencarian sistematis dilakukan melalui PubMed, ScienceDirect, Springer Link, dan Pencarian Manual dari publikasi tahun 2019 hingga 2022, mengikuti pedoman PRISMA. Tinjauan sistematis ini mengidentifikasi 42 studi termasuk 34 studi menemukan kepuasan pasien di rumah sakit dan 8 studi membandingkan kepuasan pasien dalam layanan kesehatan digital dan layanan kesehatan langsung. Ada 97% penelitian yang menunjukkan kepuasan pasien dalam layanan kesehatan digital. Sementara itu, masing-masing 1 studi menemukan hasil signifikan dari kepuasan pasien terhadap layanan kesehatan digital dan langsung. Dengan mengimplementasikan layanan kesehatan digital pada platform yang sesuai, aplikasi yang sesuai dengan ketersediaan sumber daya, aplikasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan setting klinis diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanan kesehatan di rumah sakit

    Predictors of Indonesian National Health Insurance Knowledge: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Public Health Students in Palembang

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    Students, as agents of change, are expected to assist in reaching the success of the Indonesian National Health Insurance/Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) program. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the JKN knowledge among public health students and the associated factors in Palembang City, Indonesia. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted to collect data from 279 students at Universitas Sriwijaya in Palembang City, Indonesia. The analyzed variables included gender, age, marital status, residence, family size, income, study level and period, as well as source of JKN information. Additionally, statistical analysis using binary logistic regression, presenting odds ratio and 95% CI, was conducted to identify the determinants of JKN knowledge with significance set at a p-value <0.05. The results showed that 92.47% of respondents had low JKN knowledge with the following characteristics; female (93.83%), aged >20 years (92.93%), not married (93.75%), living in urban areas (90.24%), having family members >4 people (91.39%), income ≤UMR (93.38%), undergraduate level (93.70%), study period ≤2 years (93.89%), and receiving information from the Social Security Administration Agency for Health/Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJSK) (94.32%). The most associated variable with JKN knowledge was residence after being controlled by gender, study period, and information source variables. Specifically, respondents residing in urban areas (aOR = 10.73; 95% CI: 1.32–86.89) showed a higher likelihood of having good JKN knowledge than those in rural areas

    Evaluasi Dampak Program Keluarga Harapan Terhadap Pemanfaatan Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan untuk Layanan Persalinan di Indonesia (Analisis Data SUSENAS tahun 2018)

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    AbstrakProgram Keluarga Harapan (PKH) memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat yang diukur melalui Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) dan Tingkat ketimpangan pengeluaran penduduk Indonesia (Gini Ratio) dengan salah satu indicator yang diakomodir adalah pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan. Pada tahun 2018 masih ada 16 % persalinan tidak menggunakan fasilitas kesehatan. Salah satu Komponen kesehatan yang diwajibkan sebagai Keluarga Penerima manfaat (KPM) PKH adalah ibu hamil wajib bersalin di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh PKH terhadap pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan untuk bersalin di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini adalah quasi-eksperimental degan desain cross sectional yang menggunakan data Susenas tahun 2018 dengan jumlah sampel 28.785 ibu berumur 15-49 tahun yang pernah melahirkan anak lahir hidup terakhir pada periode dua tahun sebelum survei dilaksanakan dan status ekonomi yang berada pada desil 1- 3. Analisis menggunakan metode Propensity Score Matching (PSM) dengan model Logit untuk melihat nilai OR. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa PKH meningkatkan pemanfaatan bersalin di fasilitas kesehatan. Penerima PKH memiliki peluang 1,23 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan non-penerima PKH, setelah dilakukan kontrol pada variabel lainnya. Implementasi PKH memiliki manfaat yang cukup baik, beserta faktor pendukung dominan lainnya yaitu wilayah tempat tinggal, pendidikan, alat koumnikasi, sarana transportasi dan JKN-PBI dalam rangka membantu masyarakat terutama penduduk miskin dan rentan untuk memanfaatkan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan untuk bersalin.Abstract Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) aims to improve the standard of living of the people as measured through the Human Development Index (IPM) and the level of inequality in expenditure of the Indonesian population (Gini Ratio) by accommodating the utilization of health services as one of the indicator. In 2018 there are still 16% of deliveries that were not performed by trained health workers at healthcare facilities. One health component that is required as a PKH Beneficiary Family (KPM) is that pregnant women are required to deliver in a health care facility. The purpose of this study is to look at the effect of PKH on the use of health facilities for childbirth in Indonesia.The Methods that used in this study is a quasi-experimental with cross sectional design using Susenas data in 2018 with a total sample of 28,785 mothers aged 15-49 years who had given birth to live births in the period of two years before the survey and economic status in deciles 1-3. The analysis uses the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) method with the Logit model that looks at the OR value. The Results is PKH increased maternity utilization in health facilities. PKH recipients have a 1.23 times higher chance than non-PKH recipients, after controlling for other variables. PKH implementation has quite good benefits, along with other dominant supporting factors, namely the area of residence, education, communication tools, transportation facilities and JKN-PBI in order to help the community, especially the poor and vulnerable, to utilize health care facilities for delivery

    The Existence and Essence of the Pecel Lele Lamongan Banner

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    Indonesia is a country that is famous for its various ethnic cultures. In terms of agriculture, Indonesia produces diverse and unique food products. Pecel Lele is one of the culinary items that spreads throughout Indonesia. It is closely related to urbanization and big cities. Banners at this time are used as a promotional medium that is quite popular, because the prices are cheap and the process is very fast. The Lamongan catfish Pecel banner is placed in front of the shop, and apart from being a cover for the front and sides of the shop, it also serves as an advertisement to the target audience. This study uses a qualitative approach that emphasizes the construction of narratives or textual descriptions. The research is focused on the existence of Pecel Lele Lamongan, and identifying the visual form of the Pecel Lele Lamongan banner. This banner has both verbal and visual content. Illustration and color are important elements in the Pecel Lele Lamongan banner. Besides having a role as a form of contrast, it also creates character identity. Overall, the presence of verbal and visual elements on the Pecel Lele Lamongan banner cannot be separated from itsphilosophy. Keywords: Pecel Lele Lamongan, existence, essence, banne

    An Analysis of the Factors that Influence the Implementation of the Policy for Monitoring Schoolchildren Meals Monitoring at Batam City

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    Schoolchildren are assets for the development of the nation. Therefore, healthy meals at schools are very important, because for them, it covers about 25-36% of the daily energy requirements. Unhealthy eating habits or consumption of nutrition deficient meals may cause stunting, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. In the short term it may also cause dental caries, anemia, overweight children and obesity. Around 40-44% of meals at schools do not satisfy the food safety requirements. To increase the quality of the meals at the schools, the community should be empowered to perform independent monitoring of school meals. This is inscribed in the national action policy for safe, good-quality, and nutritious meals for schoolchildren. The aim of this research was to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the national action policy for the snacks of schoolchildren and the factors that influences it. This was a qualitative research. The data was gathered from in-depth interviews and documentary studies and then analyzed using the policy implementation analysis of Mazmanian and Sabatier. From this research we discovered that the policy did not perform effectively in Batam City. There were no  Procedure Standard Norms NSPK on the roles, tasks, and responsibilities of the implementers, there was no implementation structure, and no support from the Government and the Parliament of Batam City for the monitoring

    Determinan Perilaku Merokok Keluarga Penerima Manfaat PKH di Kecamatan Kembangan Jakarta Barat Tahun 2019

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    Purpose: Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is a strategic government program that wants to help the poor meet their health needs. However, there are still PKH beneficiaries who do not understand the health mission of this program. This study intends to explore smoking behavior among PKH families beneficiaries and whether program providers pay attention to promoting healthy living for their beneficiaries. Method: This study uses primary data with cross-sectional design and multiple logistic regression. The number of samples analyzed was 379 households in the Kembangan Region of West Jakarta. Results: Eighty-two percent of PKH recipients were smokers. The four variables related to smoking are low education, low income, smoking psychological dependence, and socially motivated smoking. The psychological and social factors of smoking were among strong predictors and deserve attention in the PKH program. Conclusion: The long-term goal of PKH is to improve the health quality. Smoking reduces the health quality of PKH beneficiaries. The Ministry of Social Affairs needs to coordinate with the Ministry of Health to make this program an entry point for the movement of healthy living in PKH recipient families.Tujuan: Mengetahui determinan perilaku merokok pada kepala keluarga penerima manfaat Prograam Keluarga Harapan (PKH) di Kecamatan Kembangan Jakarta Barat Tahun 2019. Metode: Studi ini menggunakan data primer dengan desain cross sectional dan regresi logistic ganda . Jumlah sampel yang dianalisa dalam penelitian ini sebesar 379 kepala keluarga. Hasil: Perlaku merokok memilki hubungan yang signifikan dengan Pendidikan, psikologis, pendapatan dan personal references (p value < 0,05) dan psikologi adalah variabel dominan yang menentukan perilaku merokok. Kesimpulan. Tujuan PKH untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan penerima PKH tidak sejalan dengan perilaku merokok yang dapat menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas kesehatan bagi penerima manfaat. Intervensi pemerintah melalui Dinas Sosial diperlukan berupa koordinasi dengan Dinas kesehatan dalam upaya melakukan perubahan perilaku keluarga penerima manfaat PKH. Kata kunci : determinan perilaku , merokok , Program Keluarga Harapan 

    The Plundering of Child Right in Advertising Ethical Code Breaking

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    Advertisement frequently employs children object as model to promote certain product service Children exploitation in advertisement is of course will affect the model or the audience so that it gets positive or negative respond from the consumer The appearance of advertisement employing children model sometimes breaks the ethical code or advertisement etiquette This breach cannot be repressed by certain parties thus it affects directly the children s mental growth and developmen
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