7 research outputs found

    Design of a dual-band bandpass filter with a wide rejection band

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    本論文提出兩種利用不同抑制方法,完成三個具有抑制倍頻響應之雙頻帶通濾波器。第一個三階雙頻濾波器乃利用步階阻抗共振器所完成的,透過巧妙安排兩個步階阻抗共振器之基頻和倍頻的關係,則可以不需再外加其它元件就可有效達成雙頻帶且具有寬的截止帶;而第二個雙頻濾波器則是引入具有殘段之指叉型電容以及四分之ㄧ波長開路殘段來產生零點,並將這些零點放置於倍頻產生之處以期能夠抑制倍頻並達到寬截止帶;最後一個雙頻濾波器亦是利用四分之ㄧ波長開路殘段所產生的零點來達成寬截止帶。本論文所提出之三個濾波器各有優劣,可視應用之範圍與規格來挑選較符合之濾波器,另外,吾人亦透過實驗數據來驗證濾波器設計理論分析之可行性。We use two methods to suppress the spurious frequency of three dual band bandpass filters in this thesis. The first 3rd dual band filter was composed of stepped impedance resonators. We can achieve dual band and a wide rejection band effectively by arranging the relationship between the base frequency and the spurious frequency skillfully. For the second filter, we introduce interdigital capacitance with stubs and open stubs to produce zeros, and try to locate these zeros in the location of the spurious frequency, therefore we also can achieve a wide rejection band. We also use open stubs to produce zeros and achieve a wide rejection band in the last filter design. The three filters have their pros and cons respectively. Users can choose the best one according to the range and specification of applications. Also, the experimental results show that our filter design is feasible.誌謝 ii文摘要 ivbstract v目錄 vii目錄 ix1章 緒論 1.1 研究動機與問題描述 1.2 文獻回顧 2.3 章節概述 32章 濾波器理論分析 5.1 簡介 5.2 集總式濾波器理論分析 6.3 分散式帶通濾波器理論分析 123章 步階阻抗共振器構成之雙頻帶濾波器 32.1 簡介 32.2 半波長步階阻抗共振器之分析 32.3 具寬截止帶之雙頻帶通濾波器設計 36.4 小結 394章 引入λ/4開路殘段達成寬截止帶之雙頻帶通濾波器 44.1 簡介 44.2 具寬截止帶之雙頻帶通濾波器_1 44.3 具寬截止帶之雙頻帶通濾波器_2 52.4 小結 625章 結論 64考文獻 6

    The Fairness Behind Veil of Ignorance –Behavior Experiment on Formosan Macaque

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    公平一直是人類決策研究中一個重要議題。在過去研究中,影響最深遠的理論就是由美國哲學家John Rawls所提出無知之幕的概念(Rawls.1971)。在無知之幕後方的社會分配者,不知道自己在無知之幕揭開後,會是社會上的哪一個階層,所以決策者必須考量到所有階層狀況,此時決策者所做的分配就是該決策者的“公平概念”。 經濟學研究發現,在兩個期望值相同但風險不同的選項中,如果人類決策者只考慮自己的報酬時,通常會選擇風險較小的選項。但如果決策者的決定會影響他人時,決策者多會選擇利他的選項,顯示人類有正向的社會偏好。如果人類在無知之幕後方的選擇只考量報酬,不在乎其他人,則無知之幕後方的選擇就會等同風險偏好。Schildberg-Hörisch (2010)在人類身上重現無知之幕的實驗,分別測量受試者在風險情境、社會情境、還有無知之幕後方情境的決策行為,結果發現在無知之幕後方的受試者,選擇風險的比例顯著的少於在風險情境下選擇風險的比例,而女性減少的比例又大於男性。 本實驗使用台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)當受試者,分別測試獼猴在社會情境、風險情境、無知之幕情境中的決策偏好。我們比較這三個情境的關聯性及差異,同時透過行為記錄確認動物彼此之間的社會關係,以及其對決策的影響。結果我們發現獼猴的決策與人類不同,猴子都是風險愛好者。但即使是風險愛好者,無知之幕後方選擇風險(不平等選項)的比例也明顯低於風險情境中選擇風險(不平等選項)的比例。這些結果顯示另外一隻猴子的存在,會降低選擇不平等選項的比例。The veil of ignorance (VOI), behind which people allocate resource prior to learning their social positions, was introduced by John Rawls (1971). In a world of two, a prince and a beggar, an equal distribution yields an even share of resource to them, whereas an unequal distribution gives the prince the majority and leaves little for the beggar, preference over distributions may depend on a decision maker’s roles as a prince or a beggar. Decisions made before learning his roles are immune from being affected by his respective social position, and hence reflect what truly constitutes a just distribution. These are termed as preferences behind VOI, and they are therefore divided into two parts: the decision maker’s inequity aversion and their risk preference. In other words, when making decisions behind VOI, they balance between the desired distribution and the risk of not obtaining the desired role. We study the behavior of non-human primate, Formosan Rock Macaque (Macaca cyclopis), in the face of food decision problems. We conduct a class of modified dictator games in which a proposer chooses between two food allocations, and measure subjects’ preferences, including risk preference, inequity aversion, and preference behind VOI. Our data shows that subjects are strongly risk-loving and exhibit inequity aversion. Also, social context did affect choice in hierarchy system

    The Fairness Behind Veil of Ignorance –Behavior Experiment on Formosan Macaque

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    公平一直是人類決策研究中一個重要議題。在過去研究中,影響最深遠的理論就是由美國哲學家John Rawls所提出無知之幕的概念(Rawls.1971)。在無知之幕後方的社會分配者,不知道自己在無知之幕揭開後,會是社會上的哪一個階層,所以決策者必須考量到所有階層狀況,此時決策者所做的分配就是該決策者的“公平概念”。 經濟學研究發現,在兩個期望值相同但風險不同的選項中,如果人類決策者只考慮自己的報酬時,通常會選擇風險較小的選項。但如果決策者的決定會影響他人時,決策者多會選擇利他的選項,顯示人類有正向的社會偏好。如果人類在無知之幕後方的選擇只考量報酬,不在乎其他人,則無知之幕後方的選擇就會等同風險偏好。Schildberg-Hörisch (2010)在人類身上重現無知之幕的實驗,分別測量受試者在風險情境、社會情境、還有無知之幕後方情境的決策行為,結果發現在無知之幕後方的受試者,選擇風險的比例顯著的少於在風險情境下選擇風險的比例,而女性減少的比例又大於男性。 本實驗使用台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)當受試者,分別測試獼猴在社會情境、風險情境、無知之幕情境中的決策偏好。我們比較這三個情境的關聯性及差異,同時透過行為記錄確認動物彼此之間的社會關係,以及其對決策的影響。結果我們發現獼猴的決策與人類不同,猴子都是風險愛好者。但即使是風險愛好者,無知之幕後方選擇風險(不平等選項)的比例也明顯低於風險情境中選擇風險(不平等選項)的比例。這些結果顯示另外一隻猴子的存在,會降低選擇不平等選項的比例。The veil of ignorance (VOI), behind which people allocate resource prior to learning their social positions, was introduced by John Rawls (1971). In a world of two, a prince and a beggar, an equal distribution yields an even share of resource to them, whereas an unequal distribution gives the prince the majority and leaves little for the beggar, preference over distributions may depend on a decision maker’s roles as a prince or a beggar. Decisions made before learning his roles are immune from being affected by his respective social position, and hence reflect what truly constitutes a just distribution. These are termed as preferences behind VOI, and they are therefore divided into two parts: the decision maker’s inequity aversion and their risk preference. In other words, when making decisions behind VOI, they balance between the desired distribution and the risk of not obtaining the desired role. We study the behavior of non-human primate, Formosan Rock Macaque (Macaca cyclopis), in the face of food decision problems. We conduct a class of modified dictator games in which a proposer chooses between two food allocations, and measure subjects’ preferences, including risk preference, inequity aversion, and preference behind VOI. Our data shows that subjects are strongly risk-loving and exhibit inequity aversion. Also, social context did affect choice in hierarchy system


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    [[abstract]]近年來科技發展日新月異,各類軟體程式層出不窮,使得我們在製作 課題時能夠更節省金錢、人力與時間。在本專題中我們主要使用 Arduino 以及 App Inventor 兩種程式軟體,藉由藍芽的溝通,配合聲音傳感器、馬達以及鏡頭等各類元件,建構出一個完整的系統。為了要完成此系統,我們便需要去學習軟體的撰寫方式以及各類元件的特性及使用方法,而在翻閱書籍、文獻、資料的過程中,我們也能藉此學習到許多的新事物,配合學校所學的知識,加以統整,將它們應用在本課題中

    A Study of Connector via Electronics Manufacturing on Industry Development

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    電子產品在先進科技中已佔據了一席之地,全球化腳步亦成了所有電子科技產業的目標。電子產品主要是由電子零組件一一組裝而成,其中以積體電路和連接器最為重要。而一般的電子產品則有可攜帶式電腦、照相機、通訊設備、鐘錶、視聽電子產品、平板電腦等等。目前電子產品產業已進入成熟時期,除了創造新產品,有些業者也著重於零組件的改良或是提供更優質的服務,甚至進行供應鏈垂直整合,以吸引更多的商機。從過往的產銷價值來看,電子產業深受大環境改變的影響,其中以2008年金融大海嘯最為明顯。由此可見,屬於電子零組件的連接器也將會受到電子產品的生產價值或銷售價值的影響。當電子產品的產銷價值呈現上升趨勢,連接器的需求量也會隨之增加。因此,本研究擬欲透過電子產品的產銷概況,進一步了解連接器的產業發展,故本研究針對電子產品之產銷現況進行探究,研究結果顯示: 1. 電子產品之產銷現況受季節因素的影響。 2. 電子產品之產銷現況是呈現成長趨勢。 3. 連接器的產業預期具有正向的發展。 4. 連接器預期存在季節因素影響

    Photoshop 影像處理特效教學

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