9 research outputs found

    Algorithm Research of Medical Image Segmentation based on Level Set Method

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    图像分割技术是图像处理、分析与理解、图像识别和计算机视觉领域的一项基本而又非常重要的技术,像医学中常见的图像配准、三维重建、计算机辅助诊断系统的研究,都离不开这一技术。 几何活动轮廓模型凭借计算的简单性、高效性以及特别适合用于建模和提取任意形状的变形轮廓等优点,在近20年来,它在医学图像分割、边缘检测和运动跟踪中有了广泛的应用和很大的发展。在临床应用中经常存在一些灰度不均匀图像,而在传统的水平集方法中还不存在一种既能够分割灰度不均匀图像,又能灵活选择初始轮廓的算法,需要进一步改进以适应医学图像分割的需求。因此,本文对该模型进行了深入系统的研究,并提出两种可行的解决方案。 论文的主要内容为:...Image segmentation is a fundamental and very important technology for the image processing, analysis and understanding, image recognition and computer vision. Such as the common medical image registration, reconstruction, computer-aided diagnosis system all cannot carry out without this technology. With the calculation simplicity, efficiency, particularly suitable for modeling and contour extrac...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机软件与理论学号:2302008115321

    Improved FCM algorithm using difference of neighborhood information

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    为了克服模糊C均值(fCM)无法处理图像噪声的缺点以及常用改进算法分割不足,提出了一种利用邻域差异性信息的fCM改进算法。利用高斯函数来合理刻画邻域间像素的空间位置和灰度差异特性,实现对中心像素隶属度的调整,达到分割噪声图像的目的。实验证明,该算法可以有效地处理高斯和椒盐噪声,在去除噪声的同时较完整地保留了图像的细节,其分割效果优于几种常用fCM改进算法。In order to overcome the shortcoming of Fuzzy C-means(FCM) that cannot deal with image noise and weaknesses of its common improved algorithms,an improved FCM algorithm using the difference of neighborhood information was proposed in this paper,which used Gaussian function to characterize the difference of space and gray value about neighborhood pixels reasonably,and to adjust the center pixel membership to achieve the purpose of noise image segmentation.The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively deal with the images with Gaussian and Pepper & Salt noise,and can remove the noise while retaining more complete details of image.Its segmentation results are better than several improved FCM algorithms in the literatures.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2008J0312);南京军区“十一五”计划项目(06MA99);南京军区重点课题资助项目(08Z021

    Fast and stable local bianry fitting approach for image segmentation

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    基于局部区域信息的局部二元拟合(lbf)模型在处理弱边界或灰度不均匀的图像分割方面有一定优势,但该方法非常依赖于初始轮廓,不当的初始轮廓不仅会导致分割时间较长,甚至分割失败。针对这一不足,提出一种快速稳定的lbf模型。首先通过添加带有变权系数面积项的lbf模型进行初始分类以获取较好的初始轮廓,然后采用传统的lbf模型对图像进行进一步的分割。实验证明,在保证良好分割效果的前提下,该方法对初始轮廓的选择更加灵活,分割速度明显快于传统的lbf模型。The Local Binary Fitting(LBF) model based on local region information has its certain advantages in image segmentation of weak boundary or uneven greay.But,the segmentation results are very sensitive to the initial contours,and improper initial contour can directly lead to segmentation failure.Thus,a fast and stable LBF approach was proposed.First,after adding the area item with variable weights to the traditional LBF model,better initial contour could be obtained than manual one.Second,the traditional LBF model would be used for further segmentation.The experimental results show that,under the precondition of preferable results,this method can not only get promising segmentation results with flexible initial contour selection,but also faster than the traditional LBF model.福建省自然科学基金项目资助项目(2008J0312);南京军区“十一五”计划项目(06MA99);南京军区重点项目(08Z021

    Improved method of adaptive weight FCM combining random field

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    传统模糊C均值的隶属度场利用了像素的单点灰度信息,有利于算法保留细节,但去噪能力较弱;而图像的gIbbS随机场较好地刻画了像素的空间分布,有利于算法去噪,但在保留细节方面较差。该文利用邻域信息,动态地判断像素可能所在的位置,对两种场的权重进行自适应调整,从而实现两种场的优势互补。实验表明,该文自适应加权算法在去除噪声的同时可以保留更多的细节。Membership field of traditional fuzzy C means algorithm consider gray information of single pixel only,which is beneficial to retain details but weak in denoising an image.On the other hands,Gibbs random field depicts the spatial distribution of pixels,which is beneficial to smooth noise but poor at retaining image details.Thus,an improved method is proposed to take advantages over the two algorithms respectively,which can automatically determine the possible location of a pixel and adjust the proportion of the two fields according to neighborhood information of a pixel.Experiments show that the improved algorithm can adjust the weight of two fields adaptively to remove the noise while preserving more details.福建省自然科学基金No.2008J0312;南京军区“十一五”计划课题项目;南京军区重点课题---

    An Application and Design for Safety Material Support Program Based on Radio Frequency Identifier

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    目的:设计并应用一种基于射频技术的物资安全保障方案。方法:事先约定了rfId标签的编码格式,只有PdA通过无线方式与基地数据库连接才能获取rfId标签内容;同时在PdA与rfId标签之间建立双向认证机制,防止未授权的阅读器和假冒的标签参与会话。结果:在卫生分队执行机动卫勤保障任务动态补充物资过程中应用该方案后,保证了物资的安全运输。结论:在确保物资应急保障的安全性和可靠性方面有较大应用价值。Objective To design and apply a material security program based on RFID technology.Methods The program agreed on encoding format of RFID tag in advance,in which PDA could access the content of RFID tags only by connecting with the base database wirelessly.At the same time,mutual authentication mechanism was established between the PDA and the RFID tag,which prevented unauthorized tags and readers from participating in the session.Results The safe of military supplies transportation was assured after the program was applied in the implementation of mobile medical support tasks.Conclusion The program has great application value for ensuring the safety and reliability of material emergency support.南京军区重点课题(08Z021);南京军区“十一五”计划课题项目(06MA99

    Construction of PLA's Medical Evacuation System Based on Tactical Medical Coordination System and Evacuation Support System of Foreign Army

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    介绍了美军战术医疗协调系统(TACMEdCS)和挪威医疗后送支持系统(EVACSyS)功能,追溯其系统更新换代的发展历程和所取得的各类测试成果,启发并指导军队医疗后送信息系统建设,避免走弯路和盲目性建设,并提出整合军队现有的野战信息资源的意见和建议。The function of TacmedCS and EvacSys of US army is introduced,and the update process and the test results are reviewed.Thus,some discussions and advices are proposed to integrate the limited field information resource to avoid some non-necessary steps and blind construction in the medical and evacuation system.福建省自然科学基金项目(2008J0312);军区重点课题(08Z021);南京军区“十一五”计划课题项目(06MA99

    Self-adaptive Level Set Fusing Algorithm

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    在处理不均匀图像时,自适应距离保持水平集演化(AdPlS)算法速度快、不受初始轮廓影响,但精度较低;lbf算法精度高,但速度较慢同时易受初始轮廓影响。针对上述2种算法的优缺点,提出一种新的自适应融合算法。该算法根据图像信息自动调整AdPlS与局部二值拟合算法在融合算法中所占比重,实现不同算法的优势互补。实验结果证明,该融合算法在分割精度、速度及稳定性等方面有明显提高。In intensity inhomogeneity image segmentation,the Adaptive Distance Preserving Level Set Evolution(ADPLS) algorithm can get a result with high speed,low accuracy and has no relation to initial contour,on the other hand,the Local Binary Fitting(LBF) algorithm can get a result with high accuracy,low speed and its result is sensitive to initial contour.Thus,a novel and adaptive fusing level set method is proposed to make use their advantages respectively,which can automatically adjust the proportion of ADPLS and LBF in the fusing method according to image information.Experiment results show that the comprehensive performance indicators,such as accuracy,speed and stability can be significantly improved in the fusing method.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2008J0312);国家部委基金资助项目(06MA99;08Z021

    Fast Construct Network for Wireless Mesh in Field Medical Unit

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    传统的联网方式容易受距离和复杂地形的影响,不适合野战医疗队所处的复杂地理环境。针对这一不足,本文提出一种基于无线MESH网络技术的野战医疗临时组网方案,利用无线MESH网络技术高带宽、健壮性、非视距传输和兼容性等优点,实现野战环境的组网,并对MESH网络的性能特点和可能存在的问题进行探讨。It is vulnerable to distance and complex terrain for the ways of traditional networking,which are not suitable to the complex geographical environment for field medical unit.In response to this deficiency,a temporary networking program based on wireless Mesh network for the field medical unit is proposed.The program takes the advantages of high-bandwidth,robustness,non-sight transmission and compatibility of the wireless Mesh network,and makes the temporary networking into realize under the field environment.At last,the performance and the potential problems of Mesh network are discussed.南京军区重点课题(08Z021);南京军区“十一五”计划课题项目(06MA99

    Development of Medical Camp Material Management System

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    针对传统姨生营物资管理存在数据采集不准、自动化程度低等不足,设计出一种以rfId和条形码技术相结合的卫生营物资管理系统,实现对应急物资的全程自动化管理。实践证明:该系统与卫生营的医疗救治和后送等系统实现无缝连接,适合接入一体化平,在一定程度上提高了卫勤保障能力。In order to deal with the problems of inaccurate data collection and low degree automation in traditional medical camp material management system,a new material management system based on RFID and bar code technology is proposed,which can realize the management of emergency supplies automatically experiments show that the new system can access the integrated platform fully and connect with the other medical treatment system and evacuation system seamlessly.Thus,the new,system may improve the medical support capabilities in some certain extent.南京军区重点课题(08Z021)与南京军区“十一五”计划课题项目(06MA99