Fast Construct Network for Wireless Mesh in Field Medical Unit


传统的联网方式容易受距离和复杂地形的影响,不适合野战医疗队所处的复杂地理环境。针对这一不足,本文提出一种基于无线MESH网络技术的野战医疗临时组网方案,利用无线MESH网络技术高带宽、健壮性、非视距传输和兼容性等优点,实现野战环境的组网,并对MESH网络的性能特点和可能存在的问题进行探讨。It is vulnerable to distance and complex terrain for the ways of traditional networking,which are not suitable to the complex geographical environment for field medical unit.In response to this deficiency,a temporary networking program based on wireless Mesh network for the field medical unit is proposed.The program takes the advantages of high-bandwidth,robustness,non-sight transmission and compatibility of the wireless Mesh network,and makes the temporary networking into realize under the field environment.At last,the performance and the potential problems of Mesh network are discussed.南京军区重点课题(08Z021);南京军区“十一五”计划课题项目(06MA99

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