30 research outputs found

    Study on Microstructure and Surface Characteristicsof Zinc Sulfide Thin Films

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    对射频磁控溅射法制备的掺铒硫化锌薄膜,运用X射线衍射和X射线光电子能谱技术,获得微晶薄膜的微结构和表面构态信息,揭示了电致发光薄膜的表面构态对激发态的影响。The zinc sulfide thin film devices doped with erbium prepared byRFMS are studied.The information of microstructure and surface structure statesof the crystallite film is obtained by XRD and XPS methods.The effects of the surface structure states of the elcctroluminescent thin film on exciting states are discussed.国家自然科学基金;福建省自然科学基

    XPS Dissection of the Optical Transition Additive in Farm Film

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    报道了无保护气氛条件下,采用高温固相还原法合成适用于农用塑料地膜的光转换添加剂,共掺铜、铕激活剂的硫化钙(CaS)无机荧光材料,用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)方法对光转换添加剂中不同工艺下激活剂元素进行表征,再通过光致发光谱、透射光谱测量,探索材料中激活剂的能量传输特性,为高新农业的发展提供清洁能源。An optical transition additive used in farmfilmwas synthesized by doping the Cu and Eu activators into an inorganic fluorescent material,CaS with the high-temperature solid phase reduction method under unˉprotected atmosphere.The characteristics of the activators in the films prepared under different conditions were measured by X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy.The energy-transfer properties of the activators in the films were investigated by the photo-induced luminescence spectra and transmission spectra.It is useful for developing a clean energy source in agriculture.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(A0110006);; 厦门大学自选课题基金资助项目(Y07007

    Photoemissive structure in zinc sulFide

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    对硫化锌粉料、硫化锌半导体微晶薄膜进行了X射线光电子发射谱剖析。获得粉料、薄膜表层及表层下的电子态信息,揭示了硫化锌粉料、薄膜微结构与电致发光性能的关系: On the basis of analysis on XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) technique the inFormation on electron states of ZnS powder, ZnS thin Film surFace and internal layer is obtained.The eFFect of the microstructure of ZnS powder and ZnS thin Film on electroluminescent characteristics is revealed.福建省自然科学基

    Digital read-out instrument for measuringDebye photograph

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    摘要:为测量X射线粉末衍射照片德拜弧,进而计算布拉格角,制作了一种数字显示测量仪器.该仪器用数字读出方式显示测量结果,适用于近代物理X光实验教学.Abstract: An instrument with digital read-out has been made for measuring the X-ray powder diffraction photograph. The instrument can be applied to the modern physical experiments for measuring the Debye photograph and calibrating the Bragg angle

    Studies of Microstructure and ACEL Characteristicsin Zinc Sulfide Thin Films

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    用电子束研制不同介质膜作绝缘层的掺铒硫化锌交流电致发光薄膜器件,用X射线衍射技术测量薄膜表面结构,发现薄膜多晶的沉积有择优取向的趋势。观察不同绝缘层交流电致发光器件的初始稳定过程,讨论绝缘层质量对交流电致发光器件的影响。The devices of ZnS:Er 3+ thin film of alternating current electroluminescence (ACEL) are prepared with different insulation dielectric film respectivily. Their insulation layers are prepared by electron beam evaporation. The crystallite structure of the ZnS:Er 3+ films are measured by using X ray diffraction (XRD) technology. The results show that the deposited polycrystalline films have a trend of preferred orientation. The originally electroluminescence steady process of the thin film devices with different insulation layers are observed, and the effects of prepared insulation dielectric layer quality on alternating current electroluminescence are discussed as well.福建省自然科学基

    Fabrication of High-efficiency ZnS:Er ACTFELD

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    对掺饵硫化锌交流电致发光薄膜器件 (ACTFELD) ,根据载流子隧穿势垒层会获得能量增益 ,提高激发效率的原理 ,通过改变常规ZnS :ErACTFELD的基本结构 ,研制出多阻挡层器件。实验证实 ,这种多阻挡层器件具有高的阈值电压和高的电致发光亮度。Efficient ZnS:Er alternating current thin film electroluminescent devices(ACTFELDs) have been fabricated based on the mechanism that the energy gain and excitation efficiency of charge carriers can be increased by means of barrier layer tunnelling along with the modification of the conventional structure.The experimental results indicate that the multi-barrier layer devices offer a higher threshold voltage and greater electroluminescence brightness.福建省自然科学基金资助项目!(A96 0 0 7

    Structural Analysis of ZnS Thin Film Prepared by Thermal Evaporation

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    用双舟热蒸发制备了掺稀土硫化锌薄膜,用X射线衍射技术对硫化锌粉末和所制薄膜的晶体相结构进行研究,发现硫化锌薄膜的晶体结构与硫化锌粉末的晶体结构不同。薄膜晶体的生长受诸多因素影响,有择优取向生长趋势,是二维层状结构沿C轴方向的密堆积。这些研究为高新材料的研制提供了参考。ZnS thin films doped with erbium are prepared by thermal evaporation with two boats , and the crystalline phase structures of ZnS powder and the prepared films are studied using x-ray diffraction technique.lt is found that the structure of ZnS film is dif- ferent from that of ZnS powder.The growth of film crystal is affected by numbers of factors and tends to a preferential orientation.The film is two-dimensional layer struc- ture packing along c axis.lt provides basis for research on new luminescence material with high efficiency.福建省自然科学基

    Microstructural Dissection of Zinc Sulfide Thin Films

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    用X射线衍射和X射线光电子能谱技术,对分舟热蒸发法研制的掺铒(Er)硫化锌直流电致发光薄膜及硫化锌粉料进行剖析,获得薄膜表面及粉料的构态信息,讨论了影响微晶薄膜质量的主要因素。The zinc sulfide DCEL thin films doped with erbium, prepared by thermal evaporation with two boats, are analysed with XRD and XPS technologies. The structure state information of ZnS powder and thin film surface is obtained. The factors influencing on the quality of microcrystalline thin films are discussed as well.福建省自然科学基

    Phase Matching for SHG in Principal Planes of Biaxial Crystals

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    从折射率椭球方程和折射率椭球面出发 ,讨论光束在双轴晶体中传播及偏振的特性、主平面倍频共线相位匹配 (PM)问题 ,得到了双轴晶体主平面内激光所有可能 PM倍频的 8种偏振组合及其相应的PM角公式、有效非线性 (NL)系数 deff的一般表达式。结果表明 :得到的公式简单 ,可大大简化 PM参数计算及优化设计 ;折射率椭球面是单层曲面 ,比双层的折射率面简单 ;基于折射率椭球面寻找所有可能PM的类型、偏振组合的方法物理图像简明 ,易于理解 ,大大降低了双轴晶体 PM问题分析的难度。Characteristics of light propagation and polarization,collinear phase matching (PM) problems and methods in the principal planes are discussed based on indicatrix equation for SHG in biaxial crystals.8 polarization combinations for all the possible collinear PM SHG in the principal planes,the PM angle formulas and the general expressions of the effective nonlinear (NL) coefficient d eff are given.The results obtained are prety simple and greate to simplify calculatation and optimum design for the PM.In contrast to a Fresnel surface with double sheets,an indicatrix one is simple.The PM methods searching for all the possible PM polarization combinations of 3 WM which have clearly physical picture,are much simple and easy to be understood based on the indicatrix surface

    Studies of Aberration in Slit Hologram

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    分析缝全息图象差的特性,指出全息图尺寸变化率和重现光与记录波长变化率对全息图象差的影响计算缝全息图象差的特性曲线,讨论消除和减少全息象差的条件.提出减少缝全息图象差的方法,给出实验结果The Features of holographic aberrations in slit hologram are analyzed. It is pointed out that the inFluence of both wavelength ratio of reconstructing to recording radiation and scale change Factor of the hologram on the holographic aberrations.The characteristic curves of holographic aberrations in slit hologram are calculated.The conditions For the elimination or minimization of those holographic aberrations are also discused. A technique of reducing holographic aberrations in slit hologram is proposed.The experimental results are given