587 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of CRM System of a Commercial Bank Based on J2EE

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    客户关系管理系统(CRM)是一个利用网络平台、客户关系理论和计算机软硬件的技术性系统。它既包含管理水平,又包含软件技术。 商业银行业之间的竞争日益激烈,工作重心由过去的“产品”逐渐转移到“客户”上,特别是挖掘、开发、维护核心客户尤为重要。为了收集、整理和提炼客户的有关信息,以大客户为核心挖掘更多的潜在客户,并提高客户满意度和忠诚度,借助了CRM系统的技术支持。 针对商业银行客户关系管理的现状进行分析,探讨核心客户管理存在的问题和优化的措施。从客户关系理论的角度,阐述了开发该系统的目标和需求。从技术的角度,首先进行在需求方面的把握,然后对银行核心客户关系管理的信息化进行系统化,采用如下的技术...Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) is a technical system adopting network platform, customer relation theory, computer hardware and software. It includes management level and software technology. Due to the increasingly fierce competition, commercial banks have shifted the focus of work from “products” to “customers”, especially in the mining, development, maintenance of core customer...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223121

    Study on Si doped with supersaturated Ti induced by continuous wave Nd∶ YAG laser

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    为了在硅中掺入过饱和的过渡金属杂质,采用自行设计的线形大功率Nd∶YAG激光辐照表面溅射钛的硅片,对辐照后样品进行了俄歇电子能谱测试,利用2维热力学模型,对连续激光扫描的过程进行了热力学模拟。结果表明,硅中的钛掺杂浓度远高于钛在硅中的固溶度,钛的最高浓度在表面下方一定距离处;硅片中的最高温度并不在硅的表面,温度分布导致了钛的分布不在表面;模拟结果与实验结果吻合得较好。线形连续激光能够通过对材料表面扫描辐照的方式进行加工,实现过饱和掺杂。In order to prepare Si with supersaturated transition metal,a self-designed linear high power Nd∶ YAG continuous wave laser was used to irradiate a Si wafer sputtered a layer of Ti. Then the sample was measured by Auger electron spectroscopy and the thermal field was simulated based on the 2-D thermodynamic model. The experimental results indicate that the concentration of Ti in Si is much larger than the solid solubility of Ti in Si and the position of the maximum concentration of the Ti is below the surface of the sample. The maximum temperature is not at the top surface of the sample. Temperature distribution directly leads to the maximum temperature of Si wafer below the top surface of the sample. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experiment results. The saturated transition metal can be supersaturated by irradiating and scanning the material surface with a linear continuous wave laser.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61076056


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    Studies on Hydrophilicity Property of N-TiO2and Al/N-TiO2 Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering

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    TiO2具有光致亲水性能,即在紫外光照下,水滴与TiO2薄膜的接触角很快变为零。这一特性使TiO2具有自洁去污、防水雾等功能,具有广阔的应用前景,因而受到广泛关注。如何改善TiO2薄膜的亲水性能,使其具有可见光活性,并使亲水性保持较长的时间,成为近年来的研究热点。本研究的目的在于探索采用磁控溅射法制备N掺杂TiO2薄膜(N-TiO2)和Al、N双掺杂TiO2薄膜(Al/N-TiO2),改善TiO2的亲水性能。主要工作包括:(1)用TiN陶瓷靶,以O2、Ar为工作气体,采用射频反应磁控溅射法制备N-TiO2薄膜。用XRD、SEM、XPS、UV-Vis、CA(contactangle接触角)等分析...TiO2 involves a unique aspect of photo-induced hydrophilicity with a water contact angle of 0º. This phenomenon has been applied to various items, such as self-cleaning tites and anti-fogging mirror. Recent investigations have focussed on the improvement of hydrophilic property of TiO2 under visible light. The aim of this investigation is to explore N-TiO2 and Al/N-TiO2 films with excellent h...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院材料科学与工程系_材料物理与化学学号:20043601

    A Study on Enterprise Human Resource Development Strategy and Its Realizing Mechanism-Appended with Case Study on Xiamen Port Group

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    企业人力资源开发是企业投入一定的人力、财力、物力和时间,合理配置、培训和激励员工,充分使用人力资源、不断提高员工素质、调动员工工作积极性的活动。企业人力资源开发对树立企业良好的形象、提高企业经济效益和竞争能力、保持企业可持续发展具有重要意义。企业是生存在特定的环境中的,其人力资源开发活动受环境中的各种因素影响。由于不同企业的生存的环境有一定的差异,企业人力资源开发活动并没有固定的模式。尽管如此,企业能够对环境中的各种影响因素进行分析,找出它们对企业人力资源开发活动的要求,根据外部环境和企业自身条件,确定人力资源开发战略,并付诸于实施。为此,本文重点分析和探讨企业人力资源开发的各种影响因素、企业...Enterprise Human Resource Development aims at fully using human resources, improving the qualities of the employees continuously and enhancing the individual initiative. It involves a series of activities such as allocating human resources rationally, training and motivating employees. All these activities need the enterprises to invest certain human resources, financial resources, material resour...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:K19980719

    Behavioral Finance analysis of China's IPO underpricing

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    新股首次公开发行问题一直备受学术界的关注,IPO抑价之谜更是金融界经久不衰的热点话题。所谓IPO抑价是指新股发行价低于上市后首日交易的收盘价,投资者认购新股能够获得超额报酬的一种股票市场运行状况。长期以来对于IPO抑价的理解主要集中于一级市场新股定价过低和二级市场首日收盘价过高两方面。对于我国IPO抑价问题,早期学者们认为:严格的发行管制、非市场化的新股发行制度使得IPO在发行时定价过低,造成了我国IPO高抑价现象。但是,在经历了新股发行监管方式和发行定价方式的多次改革后,我国IPO高抑价现象仍然是一如既往的存在。IPO询价制度的实施,虽然在一定程度上改善了IPO高抑价现象,但并没有消除IPO...Abstract The problems of Initial public offerings especially the mystery of IPO under-pricing have been a major concern in the financial circles and academic one. There is a phenomenon of IPO under-pricing that new shares issued at a price lower than the first dealing day’s closing price; and IPO investors consider that they will be able to get an excess return. There are mainly two explanations ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792009115062