95 research outputs found

    An Efficient Web User Frequent Visiting Path Mining Algorithm Based on Generalized Suffix Array

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    随着互联网技术的日益普及,Web站点如雨后春笋般不断涌现。在激烈竞争中要赢得更多用户,经营者必须根据用户的访问兴趣、访问模式、访问时间动态地调整页面结构,改进服务,开展有针对性的电子商务以更好地满足访问者的需求。而解决这个问题的一个有利工具就是Web数据挖掘,即利用数据挖掘的思想和方法,从Web及相关数据中挖掘出有用的信息。Web站点是否能够实现个性化推荐,为用户提供个性化的服务,成为衡量站点能否成功的重要因素。通过挖掘Web日志,发现Web用户频繁访问路径,对优化站点结构和为用户提供个性化服务具有重要的意义。 Web用户频繁访问路径挖掘可由以下三个步骤完成:①分析日志库中用户访问页面,提取...As the Internet technology being increasingly popular, there are more and more websites on the Internet. Website managers should dynamically update page structures, improve their services, and launch e-commerce purposely in accordance with users’ visiting interests, visiting mode, and visiting time to attract more users under intensive competition. One of the most powerful tools to solve this prob...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:X20034302


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    Environmental economic policy designed to control watershed agricultural non-point pollution——A case study from Jiulong River Watershed of Fujian Province

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    阐述了环境经济手段在我国农业非点源污染控制中应用的必要性和可行性。并结合福建省九龙江流域农业非点源污染的主要问题,提出“畜禽养殖税(费)、排污权交易,化肥和农药施用税(费)、补贴、促险,退耕补贴、水保押金,流域共同治理基金、排污配额交易”等环境经济手段及其应用形式,并分析论证了其实施后的费用效果和可行性。 【英文摘要】 The necessity and feasibility of special environmental economic policies to control agricultural non-point source pollution were briefly analyzed.Facing serious non-point pollution in Jiulong River,several kinds and formats of economic policies were put forward,i.e.feeding taxes,emission taxes,and tradable permits on livestock and poultry;taxes,charges,subsidies and insurance of using fertilizer and pesticide;subsidies of quitting cultivation and deposits for soil and water conservation;funds and tradable p...“十五”福建省重大科技攻关项目(2002H009);; 福建省发展与计划委员会项目(2003)资

    An Inexact System Programming for Agricultural Land Utilization Based on Control of Non-point Source Pollution in Wuchuan Catchment

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    以福建省九龙江西溪五川流域为例,借助区间数系统优化模型和AGNPS模拟模型,对现有农业生产土地利用方式和管理措施性土地利用方式进行了系统分析,探讨通过土地利用的调整,实现低成本控制农业面源污染的最佳途径。结果表明,五川流域目前的土地利用模式不能满足面源污染控制和经济效益最大化的共同要求,其农业生产习惯和面源污染控制措施也需要适当调整。总体上现有土地利用的经济收益低于最佳土地利用优化的下限收益,环境效益一般的坡草地、香蕉地、果园、菜地和村庄用地所占比例过多。农业面源污染控制性措施的用地规划不够,应加大保护性耕作和建立多水塘系统等措施的用地量。An interval numbers optimization model and AGNPS model(Agricultural Non-point Source Model 5.0)were adopted to study the relationship between land use and agricultural nutrient pollution control with the minial cost in Wuchuan Catchment of upstream Xixi River in Jiulong River Watershed,Fujian Province.Both land utilization pattern of agricultural processes and land use pattern of pollution control practices implemented were analyzed systematically.Results indicated that the current land utilization patterns of the catchment needed to be improved,and that the situation of farming habits and management practices should be ameliorated too.The total profit on the basis of the current land use patterns was less than the optimal lower value of system interval.The field scale occupied by pollution control practices with poor environmental effectiveness was too much,such as sloping grassland,banana field,orchard,vegetable and residence.The village should promote the land use with pollution control practices.The area of conservation tillage and multi-pond system are encouraged to increase for their high environmental and economical effectiveness.To achieve a reasonable and applicable program,the decision maker can integrate the solutions of the model with his or her experience and other updated information jointly.福建省“十五”重大科技攻关项目(2002H009);; 福建省发展与改革委员会项目(ZB2003JWKJ001

    Effects of chromium(Ⅲ) on the seedling growth of mangrove species Avicennia marina

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    采用砂基栽培,研究重金属铬(III)不同胁迫强度(0、100、200、300、400、500、600、800mg.L-1)和胁迫时间(25、45和150d)条件下,对红树植物白骨壤(Avicenniamarina)成熟胚轴萌发及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:Cr(III)胁迫(0~800mg.L-1)对白骨壤成熟胚轴的初期萌发无明显的影响。胁迫栽培45d时,随着Cr(III)浓度的提高,白骨壤幼苗苗高生长、根系生长及各组分生物量和总生物量均表现出逐渐下降的趋势,但下降幅度不大。当胁迫时间延长至150d时,Cr(III)浓度在100mg.L-1时对幼苗的生长影响不明显,而浓度在100mg.L-1以上,达到200mg.L-1以上水平,则对幼苗根系生长、苗高、叶片大小及生物量生长均具有明显抑制的作用,并将随胁迫时间的增加而加剧。By the method of sand culture,this paper studied the effects of different concentration chromium(Ⅲ)(0,100,200,300,400,500,600,800 mg·L-1) on the matured hypocotyl germination and seedling growth of Avicennia marina on 25,45 and 150 days of treatment.The results showed that the germination of matured hypocotyl was not obviously affected by Cr(Ⅲ) during the early germination period.When the stress reached 45 days,the growth of stem height,root,and component and total biomass was decreased with increasing Cr(Ⅲ) concentration,but the decrement was not remarkable.With the stress prolonging to 150 days,low Cr(Ⅲ) concentration(100 mg·L-1) didn't have obvious negative effects on the seedling growth,but > 100 mg·L-1,especially >200 mg·L-1 of Cr(Ⅲ) inhibited the growth of root,stem length,leaf size,and biomass distinctly,and the effects would be more severe with extending stress time.福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(D0710025


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    以木麻黄基干林后沿风速为研究对象,从2006年11月到2007年3月在东山岛调查了不同发育阶段的木麻黄基干林后有效防护距离内的风速。结果表明:基干林带后风速总体上呈上升趋势,但在5h-10h有所下降,10h后风速一直上升,直到25h处接近于空旷地;空间分布呈平滑的上升曲面,局部有凸起和下凹区域,等值线分布疏密相间,局部区域弯曲不直。国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD03A14-01);; 福建省重大科技专项(2006NZ0001-2


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    针对主客观因素交互影响下混合装配线的排序问题,建立以最小化工作站堵塞时间与最小化产品切换次数为目标的交互排序模型,并依据客车在实际加工过程中的传统排序方案与模型所得排序方案的结果进行对比分析。模型构建从客观因素出发,优化堵塞时间即\"重构\"作业框架,以达到对负荷高峰时期进行削峰处理的目的,并进一步在主观因素层面上,考虑线上操作者的作业惯性,降低线上操作者对频繁切换产品的出错率,保持较高熟练度时操作的方便与流畅性。引入主客观优化评价算法对模型进行计算,决策出最优任务调度方案。对比分析结果表明,模型获得的最优排序改善了装配线的生产堵塞时间,同时兼顾主观因素主导下的产品切换频率问题,对于节省装配过程中有限的时间资源和释放有限的空间资源具有很大的作用。福建省高校产学合作资助项目(2017H6020);;\n福建省科技重大专项资助项目(2016 HZ0001-9)~

    Survey and Evaluation of Heavy Metals, Nitrate and Nitrite Contamination in Vegetables in Xiamen's Market

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    为了解厦门市蔬菜中有害重金属、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的污染情况,于2004年8月至2005年12月从厦门市各超市、农贸市场、蔬菜批发市场和蔬菜产地上采集46个品种532份蔬菜样品,用国标法(GB/T5009.11-17-1996、GB/T5009.33-2003)分别分析蔬菜中的重金属、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量。结果表明,检测样品中Pb、Cd、As、Hg、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的平均值分别为0.0099、0.083、0.056、0.003、1090.3、0.59mg/kg;根据国家标准1-2,仅部分品种如菠菜、甘蓝、花菜、萝卜的铅超标,有潜在污染风险;大部分蔬菜中砷、汞、镉三种重金属的含量都较低,潜在的污染风险不大。硝酸盐污染程度严重的占36.5%;中、重度污染的占20.2%;轻度的占43.3%,硝酸盐含量依次为嫩茎叶菜类>根茎类>花菜类>瓜菜类>鲜豆菜>茄果类>水生蔬菜类,各样品间含量差别较大;而蔬菜中亚硝酸盐含量相对较低。The contents of heavy metal (Pd, Cd, As, Hg), nitrate and nitrite in vegetables from the markets and plant fields were investigated in Xiamen. The vegetable samples supplied seasonally were collected during August 2004 and December 2005. 532 samples in 46 groups of vegetables were analyzed according to GB/T5009.11-17-1996 and GB/T 5009.33-2003 to evaluate the status of the contamination. The results showed that the average contents are 0.0099, 0.083, 0.056, 0.003, 1090.3, 0.59 mg/kg for Pb, Cd, As, Hg, NO3-, NO2-, respectively. According to national standards[1-2], the samples of standard exceeding lead contents were found only in some limited vegetables. The potential trend of lead pollution was little. The contents of arsenic, mercury and cadmium in the most samples were very low, the pollution hazards of these three heavy metals were not serious. The prevalence of severe nitrate contamination was 36.5% in samples analyzed, the prevalence of heavy and medium nitrate contamination was 20.2%, the prevalence of mild contamination was 43.3%. The content of nitrate in vegetables was ranked in the following descent order, tender stem and leaf vegetables>root and stem vegetables>inflorescent vegetables>melon vegetables>beans>eggplant and fruit vegetables>water plant vegetables. However the contents in diferent species differed greatly. The nitrite in vegetables was comparably low