94 research outputs found


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    广告公司的并购重心应作出调整,从聚焦客户资源的获取到应对新媒体大数据的挑战,推动整个行业核心竞争力的升级。苏铭天(MArTIn SOrrEl)爵士是广告业最有资格谈并购问题的少数人之一。他在1986年收购英国购物车制造公司(WIrE&PlASTIC PrOduCTS)并担任公司CEO后,通过一路风驰电掣的收购扩张,将WPP发展为世界上最大的广告传播集团。他坚持认为:“在我看来,一个公司如果成功,必须懂得会利用收购的方式来快速长大,WPP的


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    Chemical constituents from root of Angelica decursiva

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    采用HP20大孔吸附树脂、ODS、硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex; LH-20柱色谱和半制备HPLC等色谱分离手段对紫花前胡的化学成分进行研究。结合理化性质及MS,NMR等谱学数据鉴定化合物的结构,从紫花前胡80; %乙醇提取物中分离并鉴定了12个化合物,分别是(9R,10R)-9-acetoxy-8,8-dimethyl-9,10-dihydro-2H,8; H-benzo[1,2-b: 3,4-b']dipyran-2-one-10-yl; ester(1)、补骨脂呋喃香豆精(2)、顺式-3',4'-二千里光酰基-3',4'-二氢邪蒿内酯(3)、(3'R,4'R)-3'-angelo; yloxy-4'-senecioyloxy-3',4'-dihydroseselicalipteryxin(4 )、(+; )-8,9-dihydro-8-(2-hydro-xypropan-2-yl)-2-oxo-2H-furo[2,3h]chromen-9-yl-; 3-methylbut-2-enoate(5)、libanoridin(6)、丝立尼亭(7)、花椒素(8)、crocatone(9)、peuja; ponisinol B(10)、peujaponisinol A(11)、ostenol(12)。其中,化合物1 ~; 5为首次从当归属植物中分离得到,化合物7 ~ 12为首次从紫花前胡中分离得到。The compounds were isolated and purified by HP20 macroporous adsorption; resin,ODS,silica gel,and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography,as well as; semi-preparative HPLC chromatography from the 80% ethanol extract of the; root of Angelica decursiva, and their structures were identified based; on their physiochemical properties and spectroscopic data. Twelve; compounds were structures were identified as; (9R,10R)-9-acetoxy-8,8-dimethyl-9,10-dihydro-2H,8H-benzo[1,2-b:; 3,4-b']dipyran-2-one-10-yl ester (1),bakuchicin; (2),(3',S,4'S)-disenecioyloxy-3',4'-dihydroseselin; (3),(3'R,4'R)-3'-angeloyloxy-4'-senecioyloxy-3',4'-dihydroseselincalipte; ryxin (4),(+; )-8,9-dihydro-8-(2-hydroxypropan-2-yl)-2-oxo-2H-furo[2,3h]chromen-9-yl-3; -methylbut-2-enoate (5),libanoridin (6),selinidin (7),suberosin; (8),crocatone (9),peujaponisinol B (10),peujaponisinol A (11),and; ostenol (12),respectively. Compounds 1-5 were isolated from the plants; of Angelica genus for the first time. Compounds 7-12 were isolated from; A. decursiva for the first time


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    Defect Detection of Solar Cells Based on Electroluminescence Imaging

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    为了检测太阳能电池存在的缺陷,给太阳能电池施加一定的正向偏压,利用CCd相机在暗室中探测电池的发光。探测分别在3种状态下进行:无滤光探测、过滤800 nM以下波长后探测和过滤800 nM以上波长后探测。研究发现:只有在过滤800 nM以下波长的镜片下探测效果最好,表明电池主要发红外光,其波长范围为850~1 200 nM。控制光探测器的探测时间,发现不同探测时间下电池的发光强度不同,探测时间相同但偏压不同则光强也不同。该方法可以检测出正向偏压下电池存在的各种缺陷类型。在反向电压下,薄膜电池会出现小光点,这表示缺陷区域和密度,研究证明薄膜电池也能发红外光且薄膜中存在区域缺陷。对低功率的电池片进行光探测发现,电池存在严重缺陷。上述结果表明,红外光探测可以直观、快速、方便地检测太阳能电池存在的缺陷。In order to detect the hidden defects of the solar cells,the eletroluminescence image was obtained by applying a certain forward bias voltage to solar cell in the darkroom using the light sensor CCD camera.The experiments were carried out at three states: without optical filter,filtering the wavelength less than 800 nm,and filtering the wavelength greater than 800 nm.It is found that the detection effect is the best only under the lens of filtration of less than 800 nm wavelength.It proves that the cell mainly emits infrared light of 850 ~ 1 200 nm.By controlling the detecting time,it is found that the light intensity is varied with the detection time,and also varied with the forward bias voltage in the same detection time.This method can detect all kinds of hidden defect type of the solar cells.Under the reverse voltage,thin film cell appears small spots which show defect area and density,and the studies prove that thin film cell also can send infrared light and the defects exist in the cell.In detecting low power cell,it is found that there are serious defects in the cell.The results show that infrared detection has rapid and convenient intuitive features for solar cells defect detection.福建省教育厅科研项目(985)资助项

    Immobilized cultivation of Dictyostelium discoideum with polyurethane foam

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    研究了聚氨酯泡沫应用于固定化盘基网柄菌的可行性,发现以简单处理过的聚氨酯泡沫为载体,能够高效实现盘基网柄菌的固定化培养。考察了载体粒径大小、载体量和摇床转速等对固定化培养的影响,在优化的培养条件和固定化条件下,盘基网柄菌的最大细胞密度是悬浮培养的2~4倍。The immobilization of D.discoideum with polyurethane foam(PUF) was proposed and the effects of PUF's properties on the immobilization was examined.The results showed that PUF was a suitable carrier for the efficient imoblization of D.discoideum.The effects of PUF addition and culture conditions were optimized to attain high density of D.discoideum.Under optimized culture conditions,high cell density of D.discoideum(4.56×107 cells/mL) has been achieved in the shake flasks,which was 2~4 times higher than that of free-cell culture in the axenic medium.国家自然科学基金资助项目(30370039


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    猪胰铁蛋白(p ig pancreas ferritin,PPF)铁核由179 phosphate/PPF和1698 Fe3+/PPF组成,平均磷铁比值为1∶9.5.PFF铁核表层由较高的磷铁比组成.选用电子光谱技术研究PPF释放铁和磷酸盐全过程,发现PPF以两种不同速率途径释放铁与磷酸盐.在弱酸条件下,PPF释放铁的速率明显高于在弱碱条件下的速率,证实PPF蛋白壳的柔性调节能力强弱是控制释放铁和磷酸盐速率的重要因素之一


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    选用热变性法、离子交换层析技术和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术(PAGE)小批量制备电泳纯魟鱼肝铁蛋白(Liverferritin ofDasyatis akajei,DALF)和黄牛胰脏铁蛋白(Scalper pancreas ferritin,SPF).等电聚胶电泳技术指出,DALF和SPF分别显示3和2条不同等电点铁蛋白层析带,推测这一现象与铁蛋白含铁量无关,与各自蛋白壳H和L亚基分布不同且形成不同表面电荷有关.不同等电点且相同含铁量的DALF,表现出不同的释放铁速率,其释放铁全过程均可分为快速和慢速阶段,符合一级反应动力学规律.铁蛋白可通过自身蛋白壳H和L亚基分布和相互作用强度的差异性,产生不同的柔性调节作用,控制不同释放铁的速率

    Relationship Between SHG EFFect and Crystal Structure in Complexes of Sub-Group Metal Halide and POM

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    已发现某些金属有机配合物是一类有前景的非线性光学材料,为了系统地探索二次谐波发生(SHg)效应大、综合性能好的新型金属有机配合物非线性光学晶体材料,则有必要探讨它们的性能与结构之间的关系。考虑到某些具有较大二阶极化率的有机分子可能与副族金属卤化物形成配合物,于是对这些配合物的二次谐波效应与晶体结构的关系进行了较系统的研究,发现它们实测的SHg强度的大小与晶体的配位键中离子键和共价键成分的大小相一致。Some organometallic complexes which are a type of potential nonlinear optical materials have been discovered.In order to make a systematic exploration For new organometallic complexes exhibiting large second harmonic generation(SHG)eFFect and good comprehensive properties ,it is necessary to study the relationship between the property and the structure.Considering the possibility of Forming complexes between some organic molecular crystals exhibiting good SHG eFFect and metallic ions of the sub-group,the relationship between the second-harmonic eFFect and the crystal struture of these complexes was investigated systematically.The experimentation discovered that the regularity of their SHG intensity agree with the regularity of the crystal structure.国家自然科学基金、福建省自然科学基