198 research outputs found

    Design of Reed-Solomon Code for Application to EUROFIX System

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    The function of the channel encoder is to introduce, in a controlled manner, some redundancy in the binary information sequence at the receiver. It is also required that the channel encoder can overcome the effects of noise and interference encountered in the transmission of the signal through the channel. Thus, the added redundancy serves to increase the reliability of the received data and improves the fidelity of the received signal. In effect, redundancy in the information sequence aids the receiver in decoding the desired information sequence. In this thesis, the Reed-Solomon code was designed, which is used in an EUROFIX system. The EUROFIX system uses the Loran-C system for information transmission. As a result, this thesis proposed a design and implementation method of the (14, 9) RS encoder. In the decoder, the Galois Field Fourier Transform method was adopted for reducing the decoding time. It is concluded that the decoding time get shorter clock times than a conventional method by the proposed one.목차 Abstract = ii 제 1 장 서론 = 1 제 2 장 EUROFIX 시스템과 Reed-Solomon Code = 3 2.1 Loran-C에 기초한 EUROFIX 데이터링크 모델 = 3 2.2 EUROFIX 변조 과정 = 7 2.3 순방향 에러 정정 코드 = 12 2.4 Reed-Solomon 부호의 부호화 = 15 2.5 유한체 Fourier 변환을 이용한 RS 부호의 복호법 = 19 제 3 장 EUROFIX 시스템에서 RS Code 부호화 = 26 3.1 GF(2^7)에서 (14, 9) 2중 오류 정정 RS 부호 과정 = 26 3.2 (14, 9) RS 부호기 설계 = 28 3.3 RS Encoding 시뮬레이션 = 30 제 4 장 EUROFIX 시스템에서 RS Code 복호화 = 32 4.1 (14, 9) RS 부호의 변환 복호법을 이용한 복호 과정 = 32 4.2 (14, 9) RS 부호의 변환 복호기 설계 = 37 4.3 RS decoding 시뮬레이션 = 38 제 5 장 결론 = 40 참고 문헌 = 41 부록 = 4


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    Efficacy and safety of raltegravir-based therapy in antiretroviral-naive patients with HIV-1 infection: A Meta-analysis

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    目的评价联合雷特格韦治疗方案用于人类免疫缺陷病毒-1 human immunodeficiency virus; 1,HIV-1)初次抗病毒治疗的安全性和有效性。方法检索联合雷特格韦用于HIV-1感染者初次抗病毒治疗的临床随机对照试验(randomized; controlled trial,RCT),采用Rev Man 5.2软件和Stata; 12.0进行Meta分析。结果纳入17个RCT,Meta分析结果:以血浆病毒载量0.05);治疗240周,试验组有效率高于对照组(70.2%和61.5%),合并效应量(RR = 1.15,95% CI: 1.03 ~; 1.28,P = 0.010)。试验组与对照组在腹泻、恶心、头晕、头痛、失眠等常见不良反应差异均无统计学意义(均有P; >0.05);其中96周及144/156周时脂质代谢异常增高合并效应量RR(95%; CI)分别低密度脂蛋白0.16(0.05~0.49)、0.20(0.08~0.48),甘油三酯0.12(0.02~; 0.59)、0.12(0.03~0.59),总胆固醇0.04(0.00~0.40)、0.04(0.00 ~; 0.34)。脂质代谢指标异常增高发生率,试验组均少于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均有P 0.05) between the; raltegravir group and control group, proportion of patients with; virological response (plasma viral load 0.05) at weeks 48 and 96, respectively.; At weeks 96,144/156, the mean changes from baseline in LDL-cholesterol; (LDL) 0.16(0.05-0.49), 0.20 (0.08-0.48), triglyceride (TG); 0.12(0.02-0.59), 0.12(0.03-0.59) and total cholesterol (TC),; 0.04(0.00-0.40), 0.04(0.00-0.34) concen-trations, the raltegravir-based; regimens group had a lower incidence rate than the control group (all P; < 0.05). Conclusions Current evidence shows that the raltegravir-based; therapy had long-term and well tolerated antiretroviral activity, which; was non-inferior to current regimens recommended for; antiretroviral-native adults and adolescents with HIV-infection. Due to; limited quality and quantity of the included studies, more high quality; studies would be needed to verify the above conclusion.国家自然科学基金; 福建省科技创新平

    ヒガシニホン ダイシンサイ ヒサイチ トウホク サンケン ニ オケル スイサン シゲン モニタリング テイゲン

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    東日本大震災により被災した岩手・宮城・福島県の水産業の長期的な復興のためには信頼性の高い資源管理が欠かせない。漁業の努力量を故意に増減させ,資源量の応答をモニタリングし,生物学的情報や資源状態に合わせて水産資源管理方策を探る手法を積極的な順応的管理と呼ぶ。被災地では複数の魚種で漁獲努力量が下がっており,今まで観測されていない漁獲努力量下での資源の応答をモニタリングすることができる。これは前述の積極的な順応的管理と同様の状況であり,そのモニタリングは資源評価・資源管理において大きな意義を持つ。本研究では,被災地において震災後直ちに得られる情報を用いて,積極的な順応的管理を漁業資源管理に使用する場合を想定し,3県でデータを得られた49魚種を対象とし,県における重要度と生物学的特徴を考慮した基準でモニタリング優先順位を求めた。しかしながら,これらの結果は恒久的なものではなく,今後漁獲努力量や生息環境の変化が明らかになるにつれ,更新していくことが重要であると示唆された。The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami heavily damaged the fishing industry in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures. Reliable fishery stock management is one of the essential components for reconstruction of the fishing industry in these areas. If we experimentally change the fishing effort, we could gain information on a range of stock abundance. This is known as "active adaptive management". In Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, fishing effort of many stocks has decreased. Surveys on stocks in this low mortality would contribute to future stock assessment and management under active adaptive management theory. In this paper, we discuss the monitoring priority of each species targeted in these areas, considering the importance of the fish in each prefecture and their biological characteristics. However it is suggested that monitoring priority has to be updated when the information on recovery of fishing effort and/or habitats is obtained


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    本研究は、2020年度に入学した保健医療福祉系の学生を対象に新型コロナウイルス感染症による新しい生活様式とマスク着用を取り入れた学修生活に対する認識の変化を明らかにすることを目的とした。研究方法は、縦断的調査研究で1回目2020年10月、2回目2021年4月に実施した。その結果、学生の新しい生活様式の密閉、密集、密接を避けた行動の変化は、1回目、2回目とも高い認識を示しており、有意差はみられなかった。マスク着用の変化は、「マスクは外出時必ず着用している」「マスクを着用していない人と話すのは不安である」は、1回目の調査に比べ2回目の調査結果が、有意に高かった(p<0.01)。 以上より、2020年4月の入学当初から始まった学修生活での新しい生活様式とマスクの着用に対する学生の認識は、2年次になり、学生の生活に広く浸透していることが明らかになった。今後も、新しい生活様式の中で学修が積み重ねられるよう支援していくことの必要性が示唆された

    Performance of the Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer with Photoconductive Detector Arrays: An Application for the AKARI Far-Infrared Instrument

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    We have developed an imaging Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) for space-based far-infrared astronomical observations. The FTS employs a newly developed photoconductive detector arrays with a capacitive trans-impedance amplifier, which makes the FTS a completely unique instrument. The FTS was installed as a function of the far-infrared instrument (FIS: Far-Infrared Surveyor) on the Japanese astronomical satellite, AKARI, which was launched on February 21, 2006 (UT) from the Uchinoura Space Center. The FIS-FTS had been operated for more than one year before liquid helium ran out on August 26, 2007. The FIS-FTS was operated nearly six hundreds times, which corresponds to more than one hundred hours of astronomical observations and almost the same amount of time for calibrations. As expected from laboratory measurements, the FIS-FTS performed well and has produced a large set of astronomical data for valuable objects. Meanwhile, it becomes clear that the detector transient effect is a considerable factor for FTSs with photoconductive detectors. In this paper, the instrumentation of the FIS-FTS and interesting phenomena related to FTS using photoconductive detectors are described, and future applications of this kind of FTS system are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in PASJ AKARI special issu

    ケンキュウシャ ・ ダイガクインセイ ニホンゴ ケンシュウ ニ オケル 「ジコ ヒョウカ シエン システム」 ノ ケンショウ -ガクシュウシャ ト キョウシ ノ チシキ ノ ズレ ヲ メグッテ-

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    研究者・大学院生日本語研修8ケ月コースでは、学習者が日本語学習と研究活動に関して自ら目標を設定し、振り返り、目標を調整する活動を研修に取り込み、これを支援する「自己評価支援システム」を実施している。小稿では、学習者への聞き取り調査と教師の内省を通じてシステムを検証した。その結果、多くの学習者がシステムを肯定的に評価しているものの、そのプロセスで戸惑いや疑問を感じたり、システムの方法から教師の意図しないメッセージを受け取るケースも見受けられた。また、ある事例では、学習者が周囲の環境との相互作用や、教師の役割の変化によって、システムの意味を見出していく過程が明らかになった。主体的な学習環境を構築するために、教師はサポートの方法や時期に注意を払う必要がある。また教師は、自らも学習者にとっての学習リソースの一部であり、学習者との相互作用によって変容する動的な存在であることを自覚しなければならない。The Japanese-Language program for researchers and post-graduate students implemented by the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai, has introduced a “self-evaluation support system ”in order to support students in managing language learning and research activities through the self-evaluation cycle of setting the goal, monitoring the process, and adjusting the goal as needed. This paper attempts to examine this system through interviews with students and reflection by teachers. The results show that the most students found that the system was effective for both language learning and research activity. During the program, students sometimes felt uncomfortable with the system, and some received messages that teachers did not intend through the procedure of the system. In one case, however, a student became to realize the positive aspect of the system by interacting with the surroundings, as well as with the teacher who changed her role. To realize a self-directed learning environment, teachers should be careful about the method and timing of supporting students, and should know that the teacher is a part of the learning resource and it is possible to change through interaction with students