340 research outputs found

    A Study on Doha Round Negotiations on Agricultural Domestic Support Rules and China's Countermeasures

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    本文主要探讨了多哈回合关于农业国内支持规则谈判中我国应该坚持的基本定位及谈判策略。多哈回合是我国以WTO成员身份全面参与的第一轮多边贸易谈判,而农业谈判是多哈回合谈判中矛盾和分歧最突出的领域。农业是解决人类生存的生产部门,无论对于发达国家还是发展中国家都具有决定性意义,WTO各成员都竭尽全力为本国(本地区)农业争取最有利的方案。在这种背景下,农业谈判不仅错综复杂而且各方利益之争异常激烈,所以我国必须在坚持作为一个负责任的发展中大国基本定位的基础上展开谈判,加强与发展中国家的合作,以大国利益为归依,采取灵活策略,积极利用自己的特有地位和优势,做好南北双方沟通的“桥梁”,积极推动多哈回合尽快取得成...This paper discusses the basic positioning and negotiation strategies China has to adhere to in the Doha Round negotiations on agricultural domestic support. Doha Round is the first round of multilateral trade negotiations that China participates fully as WTO member. And the agricultural negotiations are full of contradiction and difference as agriculture is a production sector essential to human’...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1292007115019


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    中国加入WTO后,随着外国金融机构的进入,金融市场的竞争将越来越激烈。作为从事批发业务的政策性银行将面临最直接的冲击。中国的政策性银行只有不断提高经营管理水平,加强对风险管理的重要性和必要性的认识,把风险管理提到发展战略的高度来认识,才能够适应国际、国内环境变化。 本文通过对政策性银行业务风险的分析,针对各种特定风险提出了一些风险管理的措施和建议,以增加政策性银行内部风险承受和化解能力,适应政策性银行贷款的特殊管理。全文分为四个部分: 第一部分从政策性银行的资源配置功能出发,论述了其在经济建设中发挥的作用,并讨论了与财政部等部门的外部关系。在此基础上对我国的政策性银行业务特点及风险进行分析...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:K20013103

    Effect of CO2 and CO Treated Iron Based Catalysts on Activity for Dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene to Styrene

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    在常压、反应温度620℃、液态空速1.0h-1、乙苯与水的体积比1∶2的反应条件下,考察了脱氢气氛中CO2、CO对乙苯脱氢工业催化剂Cat-A和Cat-B活性的影响。利用XRD、IR、XPS表征手段对催化剂物相和表面价态进行分析,与催化活性关联,实验研究结果如下: 1:反应气氛中CO2和CO能够引起工作态催化剂活性衰退;随着CO2和CO流量的增加,乙苯脱氢催化活性逐渐下降,表明CO2、CO是催化剂的毒性物质。 2:CO2能够破坏工作态催化剂表面上的活性相KFeO2和活性位Fe-O-K键,随着CO2含量的增加,活性相KFeO2被破坏,活性位Fe-O-K键随之减少,引起乙苯催化脱氢活性逐渐衰退...Under the reaction conditions: temperature was 620 ℃, pressure is atmospheric, space velocity was 0.6 h-1 and Steam/EB ratio (in volume) was 0.5,The effects of both CO and CO2 in the reaction system on ethylbenzene dehydrogenation activity of Fe-K-based catalysts at 620℃ were investigated. The crystal structure and surface state of the catalyst were studied by using X-ray diffraction, IR and XPS m...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:20032507

    Research on Decriminalization in China

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    内容摘要 二十世纪中叶以来,非犯罪化的刑法改革思潮席卷全球,对传统刑法观念产生了巨大冲击,有力地推动了世界各国刑法的革新。非犯罪化以刑法谦抑精神为导向,以人权保障为追求目标。我国在构建和谐社会并倡导“宽严相济”刑事政策的时代背景下,合理借鉴非犯罪化的观念,对一部分轻微犯罪予以非罪化,有助于缓解我国司法机关的工作压力,节约有限的司法资源。同时,有助于推动我国刑法的现代化,促进社会和谐。因此,对我国非犯罪化的根据进行探讨,并积极尝试和构建非犯罪化的实现路径,对于非犯罪化在我国的本土化无疑具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。 文章重点在于分析非犯罪化的根据以及非犯罪化在我国的实现路径这两个方面。文章从...ABSTRACT The trend of decriminalization reformation of the criminal law has been sweeping the whole world since the middle of 20th century, which strongly stroke the traditional criminal law concept, and effectively drove the criminal law reformation all over the world. Decriminalization is based on the spirit of criminal law’s compressing and restraint, and it aims at pursuing the guara...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_刑法学学号:20040801

    Research to Legal Issues of the Compulsory Wreck Removal

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    近年来,船舶货物沉没后给航行安全,海洋环境和海洋资源保护带来的危害越来越大,为了打捞清除沉船沉物所需的费用也日益增加,所带来的法律问题也日益复杂,沉船沉物打捞清除需要一套完备的法律制度予以调整,但我国这方面的法律较为滞后。本文借鉴各国国内立法和相关国际公约的规定,并参考学界己有的理论研究成果,以民法学、行政法学的基本理论为指导,对沉船沉物强制打捞清除基本概念及立法、司法实践中的一些法律问题进行分析和探讨,提出自己的观点和建议。 本文除前言、结语外,正文共分五章: 第一章是基本概念及分类。首先将国际公约、外国立法与我国“沉船沉物”、“打捞清除”的概念进行对比分析,阐明其含义,其次结合打捞清除...In recent years vessel wreck has done more and more serious damage to navigation safety,marine enviorment and marine resources. And the expedenditures of wreck removal have been increasing. The legal issues arising thereof have become more and more complicated. It requires a comprehensive legal system to govern relevant issues on wreck removal. However China’s legislations in the relevant field ar...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200612003


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    Intelligent Field Real-time Control and Communication System based on the HART Protocol

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    本文完成了基于HART的智能现场实时控制通信系统的设计。在硬件方面,本系统由四大模块组成:键盘输入模块、通信模块、DSP和显示模块。其中,数字信号处理器是该硬件系统的主要部分。它由TMS320C54作CPU,外接信号输入的通信模块,键盘输入模块、显示模块以及FLASH20MHz晶振及其它辅助电源设备。在软件方面,用TMS320C54汇编语言编制了相应的程序。An intelligent field real-time control and Communication system based on the HART protocol was proposed in this paper. The hardware consists of for modules: The keyboard input module, communicate module, DSP and display module. The DSP is the key part among these modules. It regards TMS 320C54 as the CPU, and connects with the other three modules, FLASH 20MHz and other affiliation power equipment. For the software, it makes program for the corresponding part


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    Research and Development of a New Type of Walking Aids for Lower Limbs

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    目的设计一种新型助行器,要求能够分散受力点,减少上半身体部分局部受力以尽量避免腋部并发症与不适感,同时要求结构简单,制造方便。方法应用Solidwork软件进行结构设计:主体略呈长“T”形,主要包括腋托、手把、小腿支撑、拐杖脚等部分。主体及各主要部分受力情况采用ABAQUS软件进行有限元分析。结果采用普通304不锈钢管材制造的助行器符合强度要求。结论设计的新型助行器具有结构简单、使用方便、安全可靠、操作流程易懂的特点,可满足不同状态下的需求和不同高度人体的使用。研制出的新型下肢助行器,可为进一步通过基于下肢受力点设计出助行器提供相关参考。Objective To design a new type of walking aids, which can disperse force, decrease the stress on the upper exmnerty, reduce complications and discomfort of axilla, and has the advantages of simple structure and convenient manufacture. Methods The structure was design with Solidwork software: the main part looked a little like "T", including the axillary support part, handle part, leg support part, crutch feet part and so on. The force of the major structure and the main parts was analyzed by ABAQU--an engineering simulation finite element analysis software. Results The walking aids made of ordinary 304 stainless steel tube met the mechanical requirements. Conclusions The new type of designed walking aids has the features of simple structure, convenient use, safety and reliability, and easy operation process, which can meet the requirements in different states and the use by people with different heights. The new type of designed walking aids for lower limbs can further provide relevant reference for new kinds of walking aids to design on the basis of force points of lower limbs.厦门市科技局科技惠民计划项目(3502220154017