14 research outputs found

    Research on Spare Time Management of College Freshmen in China——Based on the Analysis of Family Background

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    课余时间的管理与利用对高校新生知识的积累、素质的提升有潜移默化的影响。对于高校新生而言,如何更好地利用这些课余时间来学习知识、挖掘潜能、发展自我,关系到学生个人的发展及其学习生活质量。本研究以社会资本理论与文化资本理论为基石,从家庭阶层背景和家庭经济背景入手,对我国高校新生的课余时间管理期望、管理现状以及管理类型进行深入的调查与分析,并探讨不同家庭阶层背景和家庭经济背景的高校新生在这三方面的差异。研究对象涉及全国除港、澳、台地区外的31个省(市、区)的175所普通本、专科高校,共55595名高校新生。研究采用定量的研究方法,通过SPSS16.0统计软件对数据进行描述性分析、卡方检验以及因子分析...For college freshmen, the management and utilization of spare time have a subtle influence on their accumulation of knowledge, the enhancement of personal quality. How to make good use of the spare time is very important for college freshmen to learn the knowledge, tap their potential and make development of them, which is also related to the students' personal development and the quality of their...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572010115173


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    咖啡酸(CA)是一种具有很高的医学价值的药物成分,在抗菌抗病毒方面应用广泛,尤其是咖啡酸及其衍生物在抗肿瘤方面有着巨大作用,现在对咖啡酸的相关研究越来越多,但大部分都是关于咖啡酸医学性质的研究,所以对咖啡酸分子的微观结构研究是非常有必要的。目前关于CA在Ag表面上的表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)光谱的理论与实验结合的研究尚未见报道,而对其振动光谱及表面增强机理的研究可以为咖啡酸的各种药学机理的研究提供一种科学的物理解释,所以有必要将密度泛函理论(DFT)方法与表面增强拉曼散射技术相结合,对咖啡酸在Ag纳米颗粒上的吸附性质及表面增强机理进行全面的研究,这对推进它们在医药学等领域的相关研究有着重要的参考价值。采用SERS与DFT技术对CA分子在Ag纳米颗粒表面上的表面增强拉曼光谱进行了研究。在实验方面,利用热还原反应原理,使用柠檬酸三钠和硝酸银在加热搅拌情况下制备Ag纳米颗粒,并使用激光共聚焦显微拉曼光谱仪测量了CA分子的常规拉曼散射(NRS)光谱及其表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)光谱。在理论计算方面,采用DFT的B3LYP方法,以6-31+G**和LANL2DZ分别作为C, H, O和Ag的计算基组来优化咖啡酸的分子构型,羟基与Ag4的吸附构型,羧基与Ag4的吸附构型,羟基与羧基共同与Ag4吸附的构型,并以此为基础分析计算了CA分子的NRS光谱以及三种可能吸附模型的SERS光谱,并结合实验结果进行比较。同时对CA分子的振动模式进行了详细指认。根据实验数据和理论结果分析,在452 cm-1处的谱峰归属为环面外弯曲振动和O—H面外弯曲振动的耦合,这说明CA分子上的酚羟基是与Ag纳米颗粒表面作用的,不过相互作用较弱,推测CA分子平面可能与Ag基底表面不垂直;出现在1 338 cm-1处的谱峰归属于COO—伸缩振动,则可以说明CA分子上的羧基可能与Ag纳米颗粒垂直吸附。结果表明, CA分子是以羧基和酚羟基为吸附位吸附在Ag纳米颗粒表面上的。同时对CA分子的振动模式进行了详细指认。该工作对推进咖啡酸在生物医药等领域进一步的应用将起到重要作用。国家自然科学基金项目(11447172,41403083);;\n湖北省自然科学基金项目(2018CFB712);;\n湖北省教育厅基金项目(Q20151307)资

    Comparative Study of Entrance Education of College Freshmen between American and China

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    新生入学教育是高校学生管理的一个重要组成部分。以中美两国为例,从新生入学教育的理论基础、机构设置、指导目标、工作内容四个方面进行比较,结果发现我国新生入学教育存在理论基础薄弱、机构设置缺乏、指导目标不明确、工作内容不适合学生特点与需要等问题。为此,笔者提出要学习与借鉴美国高校的成功经验,不断改进与完善我国新生入学教育,并针对以上四个方面提出了针对性意见与建议。The entrance education of college freshmen students is an important part of college students management education.Taking the two countries of American and China as the example,from comparing the four aspects of the theoretical basis,institutional settings,guiding objective and work content of freshmen entrance education,the article found that the theoretical basis is weak,the institutional settings is lacking,the guidance objectives are not clear,the job content is not suitable for the student characteristics and needs of the freshmen entrance education.To this end,the author proposes to study and learn from the successful experience of American,continue to improve and perfect the freshmen entrance education,and put forward the above four specific comments and suggestions

    Research on Identifying Policy for Needy Students in Universities of Fujian Province——A Case Study of three Universities in Fujian Province

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    研究试图对厦门大学、福州大学、厦门理工学院三所学校所颁布的关于高校家庭经济困难学生资格认定的实施意见或办法进行解读与分析,肯定在资格认定工作中所取得的进步,包括定量方法与定性方法相结合、高校家庭经济困难学生档案的建立、关注家庭经济困难学生的心理健康、完善认定工作的督察机制、加强学生的诚信教育等五个方面。With the increase of college students in the Fujian,the proportions of needy students are increasing.To identify the qualification of needy students is the premise for students' subsidy in university.In order to implement the identifying policy for needy students effectively,according to their own actual situation,all universities promulgated the implementation of identifying policy.In this study,taking the example of Xiamen University,Fuzhou University,Xiamen University of Technology,the researcher analyzed identifying policy for needy students in the three universities.And some progress made in the qualification work were pointed out,including a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods,the setting of the file on needy students in university,the concerning about the mental health of needy students,the improving of supervising of identifying work,and the strengthening of students' integrity education.福建省社会科学规划项目青年基金项目“福建省不同高校新生课余时间管理差异研究”(2012C035

    Redressing Imperial Examination:Broad and profound Review of the Culture of China's Imperial Examination written by Liu Haifeng

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    作为中国科举研究的又一部巨作,刘海峰教授的《中国科举文化》是一部具有很高学术价值、丰厚文化底蕴以及研究主题鲜明、内容通俗易懂的科举文化著作。该书以“科举文化“为主线,由五个不同的科举专题构成,包括以平反为宗旨的科举百年祭,对科举制兴起的探索与发现,对科举教育得失的关注,以及科举文化对中国文化和世界文明的重要影响,同时还兼顾了“科举学“形成与发展的历史演变。通览全书不但有助于读者对科举做出一个全新的理解,还有助于从不同角度看待中华民族文化。The Culture of China's Imperial Examination,written by professor Liu Haifeng,is one of the famous books with higher academic value,deep cultural deposits,a distinct theme and understandable content.Taking the culture of imperial examination as the theme,the book is divided into five different subjects which include the centenary of imperial examination for redressing it,the exploration of its development,the focus on the gain and loss of the education of imperial examination,its influence on China's culture and world's civilization and the evolution of the study of imperial examination.Reading the whole book not only can help readers understand imperial examination better,but also help them view China's culture from different perspective

    A Study on Undergraduates' Satisfaction with Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Program of Independent College

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    本研究采用问卷调查的方式,针对厦门某独立学院中外合作办学项目的学生对教学质量及其各个维度(课程设计、师生互动、教学方法、教师能力、教学态度)的满意度、对教学管理的满意度进行调查,得出以下结论:学生在教学质量与教学管理的总体满意度方面表现为"一般";学生对外籍教师在师生互动与教学方法上的满意度得分较高,而对中国教师在课程设计、教师能力与教学态度上的满意度得分较高;不同年级的学生在教学质量的各个维度以及教学管理方面存在着异同。根据研究结果,研究者提出建设中外师资队伍以及针对不同年级的学生采用不同教学策略的建议。In this study,the investigator has distributed questionnaires to the undergraduates participating in the Chinese-Foreign Cooperation Program of one Xiamen independent college to evaluate their satisfaction towards teaching quality(including curriculum setup,teacher-student interaction,teaching method,teachers' ability and teachers' attitude)and teaching management.Based on the survey,we found that in general,the undergraduates' attitudes towards teaching quality and management are divided.To be specific,these undergraduates felt more satisfied with the teaching method and class interactions of foreign teachers but prefer the curriculum setup,teaching ability and attitude of Chinese teachers.Moreover,undergraduates from different grades hold different opinions on the teaching quality of foreign teachers and Chinese teachers,as well as the teaching management.Finally,the author proposes several suggestions to promote the development of both Chinese and foreign faculty as well as some teaching strategies which could be applied to different students.福建省社会科学规划项目青年项目“福建省不同高校新生课余时间管理差异研究”(2012C035)的研究成


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