Redressing Imperial Examination:Broad and profound Review of the Culture of China's Imperial Examination written by Liu Haifeng


作为中国科举研究的又一部巨作,刘海峰教授的《中国科举文化》是一部具有很高学术价值、丰厚文化底蕴以及研究主题鲜明、内容通俗易懂的科举文化著作。该书以“科举文化“为主线,由五个不同的科举专题构成,包括以平反为宗旨的科举百年祭,对科举制兴起的探索与发现,对科举教育得失的关注,以及科举文化对中国文化和世界文明的重要影响,同时还兼顾了“科举学“形成与发展的历史演变。通览全书不但有助于读者对科举做出一个全新的理解,还有助于从不同角度看待中华民族文化。The Culture of China's Imperial Examination,written by professor Liu Haifeng,is one of the famous books with higher academic value,deep cultural deposits,a distinct theme and understandable content.Taking the culture of imperial examination as the theme,the book is divided into five different subjects which include the centenary of imperial examination for redressing it,the exploration of its development,the focus on the gain and loss of the education of imperial examination,its influence on China's culture and world's civilization and the evolution of the study of imperial examination.Reading the whole book not only can help readers understand imperial examination better,but also help them view China's culture from different perspective

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