74 research outputs found


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    Study of the Photovoltaic Properties of Tin Oxide/Porous Silicon/Silicon

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    测量了二氧化锡(SnO2)/多孔硅(PS)/硅(SI)的光电压谱,分析表明:在SnO2/PS/SI材料中存在着两个异质结;当样品吸附还原性气体时,其光电压明显下降。当样品在1%液化石油气的氛围时(相对于空气),光电压减少了16.4%-27.5%;在1%CO氛围时,减少了8.1%-19.4%;在1%H2氛围时,减少了12.1%-14.9%,因此SnO2/PS/SI可作为一种新的敏感元件。文中还对测量结果进行了讨论分析。The photovoltage spectra of Tin Oxide/Porous Silicon/Silicon(SnO2/PS/Si)have been studied.It is shown that there exist two heterojunctions inSnO2/PS/Si structure.The photovoltage decreases evidently when the sample absorbes reducing gas.The photovoltage decreases by 16.4-27.5 percent when theabsorbed gas contains 1 percent liquiFied petroleum, by 8.1 19.4 percent when thesample absorbes gas with 1 percent CO,and by 12.1-14.9 percent when the sample absorbes gas with 1 percent H,.The experimental results indicate that SnO2/PS/Si is a good material For gas sensor.The mechamism For the gas absorption ofSnO2/PS/Si is discussed.国家和福建省自然科学基

    Study of photovoltaic characteristics of SnO_2/Si

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    采用CVd方法在硅单晶上制备SnO2薄膜,对不同硅衬底及在不同温度下淀积SnO2制得SnO2/SI进行光电压谱的测量,得出最佳的制备温度;采用类金属半导体接触模型,推导出有关计算公式,计算得出其介面复合速度和异质结势垒宽度等参数。Tin oxide Films are deposited by CVD method on single crystal silicon.The eFFects of diFFerent deposition temperatures and substrates on the photovoltaic characteristics are studied.Using the metal-semiconductor contact model,the calculation Formulas are derived.The diFFusion length of minority carrier,interFace recombination speed and heterojunction barrier width are calculated.国家自然科学基金;福建省科学基


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    The EFFect of Preparation Conditions on the Properties of SnO_2/Si

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    研究了沉积温度、SnCl4溶液的浓度、掺Pd等对SnO2/SI光电压的影响,测量了SnO2/SI的光电压谱,得出最佳的制备条件,进行了有关计算和分析。Some tin oxide Films are deposited by CVD method on single crystal silicons.The eFFect of diFFerent deposition conditions, such as diFFerent substrate temperatures, SnCI4 solutions and Pd doping,on photovoltaic properties of the Films are studied.The best preparation conditions are obtained.Relative parameters is calculated From the photovoltaic spectra.国家自然科学基金;福建省自然科学基


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    本文研究自组装单层保护金纳米团簇(C12Au MPC)在常温下二氯甲烷溶液中的量子化电容充电效应.示差脉冲伏安曲线显示金核平均直径为2.0 nm的C12Au MPC在-0.6~0.6 V电位区间内有9个明显的量子化电容充电峰,其双电层电容总的变化趋势为在零电荷电位附近最小,随着电位正移或负移电容变大.而且随着该金核尺寸的增大,MPC双电层电容值也变大

    Study of Parameters of Neutron-Irradiated Single Crystal Silicon

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    在不同温度和红外光照下,测量了经中子辐照的单晶硅表面光电压,确定了其深能级的位置和少子扩散长度;由双能级复合理论,推导了中子辐照单晶硅的深能级复合中心和寿命的计算公式;计算了热中子辐照和高能中子辐照单晶硅后的深能级密度、费米能级和其他有关重要参数。The photovoltage spectra of neutron-irradiated single crystal silicon under inFra-red illumination and at low temperatures are measured.The deep level and minority carrier diFFusion length are determined.By the double-level recombination model,the statistics Formulas of the deep level and liFetime are derived For neutron-irradiated single crystal silicon.Some important parameters of the silicon irradiated with high energy and thermal neutron are calculated respectively.国家自然科学基


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    A Study on Deep-Level and Minority-Carrier LiFetime For High Resistivity Silicon

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    本文测量了n型高阻硅在9种不同浓度的金掺杂前后少子寿命的变化,以及两类不同电阻率的n型高阻硅在7种不同辐照剂量的1MEV高能电子辐照前后少子寿命的变化;测量了金掺杂和高能电子辐照在硅中引入的主要深能级;研究对比金掺杂和高能电子辐照对硅单晶性能的影响及其在提高电子器件开关速度方面的应用。Changes in minority-carrier liFetime For n-type high resistivity silicon beFore and aFter Au doping at 9 diFFer-ent concentrations and changes in the liFetime of minority carriers in two kinds of n-type high resistivity silicon beFore and aFter 1MeV high-energy electron irradiation at 7 diFFerent dosages have been measured.Main deep levels introduced by Au doping and high energy irradiation have been determined. The eFFects of Au doping and high energy radiation on the properties of the silicon are investigated.Their applications in the improvement of the switching speed of electronic de-vices are discussed