66 research outputs found

    Study on polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and organochlorine insecticides in Daya Bay

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    1999年 8月 4日采集了大亚湾次表层水、悬浮颗粒物和表层沉积物并用气相色谱 (电子捕集检测器 )分析了其中 12个多氯联苯 (PCBs)和 18个有机氯农药样品。总PCBs含量 ,水体中介于 91.1~ 135 5 .3ng/L ,沉积物中为 (0 .85~ 2 7.37)× 10 -9;总HCHs含量水体中介于 35 .5~ 12 2 8.6ng/L ,沉积物中则为 (0 .32~ 4 .16 )×10 -9;总DDTs含量在水体中介于 2 6 .8~ 975 .9ng/L ,沉积物中为 (0 .14~ 2 0 .2 7)× 10 -9;而在悬浮颗粒物中均未检出。水体和沉积物中DDT/(DDE +DDD)比值较大 ,表明近期仍有此类化学物质输入大亚湾海域。本研究为大亚湾养殖海区提供难降解有机污染物的现状资料。Samples at sub surface water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and surface sediment collected from Daya Bay in Aug.4, 1999 have been analysed for 12 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and 18 organochlorine insecticides, using gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Total PCBs levels varied from 91.1 ng/L to 1 355.3 ng/L in water and from 0.85×10 -9 to 27.37×10 -9 (dry weight) in sediment. The levels of total hexachlorocyclohexanes in water varied from 35.5 ng/L to 1 228.6 ng/L, whilst in sediment they ranged from 0.32×10 -9 to 4.16×10 -9 (dry weight). None of the target compounds were detected in SPM. For the sum of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), their levels were in the range 26.8~975.9 ng/L water, and (0.14~20.17)×10 -9 (dry weight) in sediment. The higher ratios of DDT/(DDE+DDD) in water and sediment in showed such chemicals will influx into the bay. Current contamination status of persistent organic pollutants was offered in the aquacultural area of Daya Bay.中国科学院大亚湾海洋生物综合实验站基金资助项目 (S96 0 9);; 广东省创新百项资助项目 (2KB0 6 70 1S

    A Taxol producing Endophytic Fungus Isolated from Taxus mairei and It′s Antitumor Activity

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    从南方红豆杉皮层分离到一株瘤座孢,其发酵提取物经TlC、HPlC分析以及抗瘤和促微管聚合活性测定,结果提示可能存在紫杉醇或紫杉醇类的活性物质.Strain TF 5, isolated from the inner bark of the Chinese Yew, Taxus mairei , grew rapidly in PDA.The colony reached more than 9 cm in diameter after 7 days incubation.The stromata, dark brown, rounded and irregular shape, appeares on the colony after about 20 days.The conidioiphore is pale yellow and has 2 ̄4 levels of branch.The spore is single, hyaline, dry, and oval to pyriform.The base end of the spore is truncate rounded and has an obvious scar.Some spores have a short sericate remains.It was identified as one kind of Tubercularia sp .by comparing with authentic taxol through TLC and HPLC, showing this strain to produce taxol or its analogue in mycelial culture.The products in PDA fermentation broth (25 ℃, 140r/min, 15days) approximately reached 185.4 μg/L.The products has toxicity to cancer cell lines KB and P388, while induces tubulin polymerization in vitro , similar to taxol


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    用牛津杯法选择大黄、黄柏、黄连等50种单味中药进行河流弧菌、金黄色葡萄球菌体外抑菌试验,并以抗菌活性较好的药物组成二联、三联复方,药物质量浓度分别为60和240 mg·mL-1,进行中药复方抗菌活性研究,同时用抗生素进行河流弧菌药敏试验。目的是筛选出对河流弧菌敏感的中草药、抗生素及其复方。结果表明,黄连、诃子等单方对河流弧菌抑菌作用明显,为极敏感;在60 mg·mL-1低药物浓度时,黄柏、黄连组成的复方对河流弧菌抑菌作用为极敏感;在240 mg·mL-1药物浓度时,黄柏、黄连等组成的9个复方中药对河流弧菌抑菌作用属极敏感,黄连、板蓝根、黄柏等4个复方中药对河流弧菌的抑菌作用明显,为极敏感。河流弧菌对恩诺沙星、盐酸多西环素、氟苯尼考、土霉素及甲氧苄啶/磺胺甲噁唑5种药物高度敏感。部分中药对河流弧菌抑制作用不明显,黄连、板蓝根、黄柏等4个三联复方中药药效最强。可组成多种三联复方中药或中西药联用复方,均有良好的抑制作用。2018年开放课题基金项目(LYC2018RS04,闽海鸥[2018]31号)福建省自然基金项目(2016J01167,2018J01455)国家自然科学基金(31702384,31502194)福建省科技重大专项(2016NZ0001-3)2017年集美大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目(集大研No.[2017]18号)教育部鳗鱼工程研究中心开放基金项目(RE201704


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    在中国科学院力学研究所的 JF-4B 高超声速脉冲风洞中,对于半锥角为10°的尖锥模型进行了来流马赫数为7.8和9.9的吹风实验,在不同的α角和β角下使用六分量的压电天平进行了气动力测量。用以鉴定六分量测力系统的可靠性,并检验了新的试验段和α角与β角分别单独可变的模型支架对模型测力实验是否有干扰。实验结果与文献给的结果进行比较表明:六分量压电天平测力系统给出的实验数据是比较可靠的


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