12 research outputs found

    NETSTARS 模式加入橋墩沖刷功能之研究─以八掌溪為例

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    This study applies NETSTARS V3.0 by adding the calculation functions of eighteen pier scour formulas based on a comprehensive literature review to demonstrate local scour mechanisms. The study area is a reach of the Pachang Creek from the Housheng Bridge to the Chukou Bridge. We do not set the structures and weirs in the river to be scoured. Simulations are conducted by setting boundary conditions and importing information about nineteen bridges, and validations are separated into two steps as: general scouring and bridge local scouring. The best parameters are qualified by computing error evaluated parameter to fit the changing tendencies of the Pachang Creek. Finally, long-term riverbed evolution is simulated. The results show that there are 5 bridges with erosion trends. The results can be used as a reference for one-dimensional numerical models with pier scouring functions.本研究以NETSTARS V3.0 功能為基礎,根據橋墩沖刷研究,撰寫橋墩沖刷功能並新增18 個常用的橋墩沖刷公式於模式中。研究區域為八掌溪厚生橋至觸口橋河段。在輸砂模式建置上,將結構物設定為不可沖刷,並輸入邊界條件與現有19 座橋樑資訊,完成一般沖刷與局部沖刷階段之參數檢定,並利用誤差評估參數檢視最佳參數以反應八掌溪流域河床變遷趨勢。最後對未來十年河床沖淤進行預測,推測有沖刷趨勢的橋樑共5 座,研究成果可作為一維數值模式新增橋墩沖刷功能之參考


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    This study focused on channel responses one and a half years after dam removal in the Chijiawan Creek and proposed a channel evolution model based on analyses of hydrology, morphology, and images. Channel adjustment is highly influenced by the distance between the dam and the headcut erosion. We defined nine and six stages of the channel evolution model for the upstream and downstream reach, respectively, according to the cross sections 48 m upstream and 30 m downstream from the dam. It took a couple of minutes to reach stage B (main channel migration) and one year or so to reach stage E3 (widening and continued incision). As Chijiawan Creek has not reached the quasi-equilibrium state, stage F’, we suggest that the establishment of a long-term channel evolution model is critical for in-situ monitoring.為探究七家灣溪一號壩拆壩後達到準平衡階段之河道演變模式,本研究蒐集水文、地形與影像資料,分析拆壩後一年半之河道演變情形,做為建立長期河道演變模式之基礎。七家灣溪之河道調整程度和距壩遠近與溯源侵蝕有關。本研究根據壩上游48 m 處與下游30 m 處斷面,分別定義上下游九個與六個河道演變階段。在時間尺度上,上游河道進入階段B(主河道調整) 僅需數分鐘、進入階段E3(河道拓寬並持續下切) 需1~2 年、而準平衡階段F’尚未達到,因此以此研究所建立之河道演變模式為基礎,持續監測未來七家灣溪達到準平衡階段之過程有其必要


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    Landscape Ecological Decision and Evaluation Support System on Lanyang Plain

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    The concept of Sustainable Development has been brought into the regional planning in Taiwan, but economic development is still the dominant orientation. Ecological resources are thus often to be degraded. Taipei-Yilan highway started its transport service in June, 2006. But few researches on the impacts of the highway and its following developments were done. The construction of Taipei-Yilan highway has originated many other impacts on the environment of Langyang plain. The purpose of this study was to combine the land use pattern, ecological resources and spatial distribution in Lanyang plain to discuss the environment change on water resources, ecological resources, and landscape aspects. The LEDESS (Landscape Ecological Decision and Evaluation Support System) model was used in this study to simulate the impacts of Taipei-Yilan highway and its following developments on the regional ecosystems. According to the past environmental change and the future developing trend, four scenarios were designed and evaluated then in this study. Under the different scenarios and corresponding measures, the habitat of three chosen indicator species, Painted Snipe, American Golden Plover, and Kentish Plover, were simulated to understand the influence on habitat suitability. Conservation strategies were then proposed to recommend the favorable measures for future environmental management. With the background of hydraulic engineering, landscape ecology and environmental resources were considered and integrated in this study. Based on the regional scale, the conversation between different fields has been created to form practical scenarios. The research is a multidisciplinary innovation.謝誌 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.1.1 研究動機 1 1.1.2 研究目的 2 1.2 研究範圍 2 1.3 研究內容與流程 2 1.3.1 研究內容 2 1.3.2 研究流程 4 第二章 相關理論與文獻回顧 6 2.1 景觀生態學理論 6 2.1.1 景觀生態學定義 6 2.1.2 景觀格局組成要素 7 2.1.3 景觀格局變遷 9 2.2 決策支援系統 12 2.3 情境(方案)分析 13 2.3.1 相關概念 13 第三章 研究方法 15 3.1 指標物種之選定 15 3.2 景觀指數之計量研究 16 3.3 景觀生態決策評估與支援系統 23 第四章 蘭陽平原 27 4.1 環境資源 27 4.1.1 地形 27 4.1.2 水系 28 4.1.3 農地資源概況 31 4.2 經濟發展 32 4.2.1 北宜高速公路 32 4.2.2 竹科基地 34 4.2.3 都市計畫 36 4.3 生態保護 41 4.3.1 蘭陽平原主要溼地 41 4.3.2 沿海保護區 43 4.3.3 國家風景區 44 第五章 案例研究_蘭陽平原應用 46 5.1 資料來源及處理 46 5.1.1 資料來源 46 5.1.2 資料處理 47 5.2 指標物種的選定 49 5.3 方案設計之假設與依據 52 5.4 方案設計 53 5.5 模型LEDESS知識庫系統的建構 56 第六章 研究結果分析與討論 63 6.1 生態與景觀資源變遷分析結果 63 6.1.1 水資源供需變遷分析 63 6.1.2 生態面變遷分析 66 6.1.3 景觀變遷分析 70 6.2 決策支援系統之分析結果 75 6.2.1 景觀格局 75 6.2.2 生態後果 79 6.2.3 方案總體評估 82 6.3 討論 84 第七章 結論與建議 87 7.1 結論 87 7.2 建議 87 7.3 總結 88 參考文獻 9

    探討三陰交穴位按壓對 女大生經痛生理不適的 生科司 影響

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    [[abstract]]研究目的: 本計畫之主要目的為瞭解女大生在原發性痛經的疼痛程度, 進而探討三陰交穴位按壓對女大生經痛生理不適的影響。 研究方法: 本研究採單組類實驗研究設計,於中部某大學為收案場所以 立意取樣原發性痛經女大生為研究對象。取得研究參與者的知情同意書 後,進行三陰交穴位按壓介入之前後觀察,並收集資料。研究工具除了 介入措施,觀察工具包含視覺疼痛量表(VAS)、受訪者基本資料。所 得研究資料以 SPSS 22.0 套裝軟體進行描述性、獨立樣本 T 檢定及多變 量之分析。 結果: 本研究共完成 30 位受試者。經初步統計,女大生初經年齡為 11.5 歲,大部分痛經持續天數為 2-3 天,自行處理痛經的方式以服用止痛藥 居多(73.3%)。介入措施前後,此 30 位女大生之痛經視覺疼痛指數平均 數下降了 0.562

    跟著爽文去旅行 逐鹿之旅

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    本研究以南勢溪為對象,進行棲地環境與生態調查,彙整進行魚類的生物整合指標IBI、水棲昆蟲科級生物指標FBI 及藻類之藻屬指標值GI 之河川生態量化指標分析;並將上述之指標值進一步應用在溪流狀況指數ISC 的分析,藉由水文、水質、濱河物理型態、濱溪植物、棲地與生物等項目的評估,輔以參採河川廊道復育位址選擇方法,提出南勢溪河川廊道復育與棲地改善優先工作之建議,初步以改善水文項與生物項(魚類)為目標,並在水理資料之考量下,提出棲地改善位址之建議,以供管理單位後續規劃設計之參考


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    In order to review the effectiveness of dam removal and to develop a river management model, it is necessary to establish a suitable decision-making process for dam removal in Taiwan. This study develops a 7-step process for reducing the ecological impact and hazard risk of dam removal. Four dams located in the Wuling region were used for this research: Yousheng Creek Dam #1, Chijiawan Dam #1, Dam #3 and Dam #4. Along with river and dam surveys, Shei-Pa National Park collected ecological monitoring data over a period of decades. Such analyses allow for the ecological, economic and safety assessment of dam removal. The results of the proposed 7-step process show that Chijiawan Dam #1 is a priority spot for improvement. This finding is in agreement with prior research. This consistency over the years shows the process has a certain level of predictability. The application of the 7-step process would help decision-makers to master the whole dam removal process.為評估台灣現存壩體之改善效益並降低改善後可能導致安全及生態等層面衝擊,本研究建立適用台 灣壩體改善決策之七步驟流程,選取台灣中部武陵地區之有勝溪一號壩、七家灣溪一號壩、七家灣溪三號壩 及七家灣溪四號壩為對象,蒐集生態環境監測與壩體現況調查資料,以安全、生態及經濟面向評估其壩體改 善效益。評估結果為七家灣溪一號壩為優先改善,與前人研究一致,顯示流程具有一定可預期性,並有助決 策者對於整體壩體改善作業流程之掌握

    JUNO Sensitivity on Proton Decay pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ Searches

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large liquid scintillator detector designed to explore many topics in fundamental physics. In this paper, the potential on searching for proton decay in pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ mode with JUNO is investigated.The kaon and its decay particles feature a clear three-fold coincidence signature that results in a high efficiency for identification. Moreover, the excellent energy resolution of JUNO permits to suppress the sizable background caused by other delayed signals. Based on these advantages, the detection efficiency for the proton decay via pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ is 36.9% with a background level of 0.2 events after 10 years of data taking. The estimated sensitivity based on 200 kton-years exposure is 9.6×10339.6 \times 10^{33} years, competitive with the current best limits on the proton lifetime in this channel