1,241 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Police Office Application System Based on J2EE

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    随着计算机技术的不断发展和信息管理系统技术上不断成熟,越来越多的企业和组织都开始不同程度的引入信息管理系统来实现信息化的工作管理,公安局办公工作管理的过程中产生的信息量是非常庞大的,但是目前本单位的办公工作的信息化是属于Excel记录的阶段,造成公文格式不规范、信息共享性差、工作效率不高的局面,无法满足现在的办公工作需求。使用计算机对公安局办公应用的相关信息进行管理,具有传统管理所无法比拟的优点。例如:检索查找方便、管理灵活方便等。因此警务办公应用管理是现代公安局发展的必然趋势。 而本论文的研究是如何开发出一个针对现有警务办公的工作需求的警务办公应用系统,用于警务办公应用人员的公文工作使相关...With the continuous development of computer technology and information management systems technology continues to mature, more and more companies and organizations are beginning to introduce different levels of information management systems to work to achieve information management, process management, the Public Security Bureau office work produced a very large amount of information, but the c...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323039

    Research on the Quality Control of Macroeconomic Statistical Data——A Case Study of China’s CPI Index

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    经过多年建设,我国的官方统计在机构设置、制度法规建设以及国际标准执行等方面均取得了长足的进步,同改革开放之前相比,我国的官方统计数据无论在数量还是质量上都有很大的提升。但也应看到,随着经济全球化进程的加快和信息时代的到来:一方面,统计数据的用户日益增多,政府部门与社会公众对统计数据的要求在不断提高;另一方面,统计工作面临着日益复杂的形势,数据质量控制与管理的难度在日益加大。当前,我国的官方统计与国际先进水平相比尚存在较大的差距,统计数据的总体质量水平也有待提高,尚不能有效地满足政府宏观管理的要求和社会发展的需要。从目前的情况看,关于我国官方统计数据质量控制问题的研究还不够充分,所提出的质量改进...Through years of construction, China’s official statistics has a certain development in institutional setting, regulation building, personnel training, international standard implementing and so on. Compared with the pre-reform and opening up, it has improved greatly in both quantity and quality. But it should be noted that with the accelerating process of economic globalization, and the advent of...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_统计学学号:1542011015379

    University-Initiated Recruitment System in University of Cambridge: Experiences and Suggestions

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    英国剑桥大学历史悠久、享誉全球。"自治"是剑桥大学突出的办学传统,在选拔录取时享有充分的自主权,同时,要接受严格的监督。除医学、法律等特殊专业实行单独考试或联考外,剑桥大学一般不单独组织考试,录取选拔的主要依据是学生通过各种类型学习所获得的由校外考试机构主考的资格证书考试成绩;另外,对申请人进行综合考评,实行的是证书考试成绩与综合考评相结合的选拔录取制度。我国可以借鉴剑桥大学自主招生的经验,建立统一高考与综合考评相结合的高校自主选拔录取制度。University of Cambridge is rich in history,which has earned an unrivalled reputation all over the world.It is empowered to recruit students independently but simultaneously it also receives severe supervision.Usually,University of Cambridge does not offer its own entrance examinations except for some particular majors.The qualification for admission is based on various types of qualifications offered by external awarding bodies,as well as a holistic Assessment.It identifies some neede acts to improve our university-initiated recruitment system.教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“高校招生考试制度改革的理论与实践研究”的部分成果,项目编号为03JZD003


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    英国高等教育国际化程度高。留学生数量仅次于美国,居世界第二位。进入21世纪后,英国加快了高等教育国际化的发展步伐:留学生数量持续增加;国际教育步伐加快,跨国人员流动更加频繁;积极参与博洛尼亚进程(Bologna Process),融入欧洲高等教育一体化框架。历经发展和演变,英国高校国际教育政策日臻完善,并有效地加以实施。当前我国正着力提高高等教育的国际化和国际教育的水平,英国这方面的经验值得我们借鉴

    The Role of the Government in the Factor Flowing, Resource Fusion and Urban Integration

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    同城化作为区域一体化在国内的一种新的实现形式,旨在打破区域间行政区划限制,实现资源要素的自由高效流动,以推动地区间经济、社会的有效融合。基于区域经济整合发展的视角,通过构建基于要素流动、行政调控视角的同城化分析框架,并借助典型区域的实践进程总结出具有普遍意义的同城化推进战略,以此丰富现有的同城化理论和政策支持体系,为我国区域经济发展理论与实践提供有益的借鉴。As a new form of regional integration in China,the urban integration which aimed at breaking the administrative divisions’ constraints between areas,achieving the factor flowing freely and efficiently,can promote the effective integration of social,economic and other aspects between areas.Base on the perspective of the regional economic integration development,this article aimed at enrich the existing the theory of urban integration and policy support system,and provide useful theory and practice lessons for China’s regional economic development by constructing the analytical framework of the urban integration from the perspective of factor flowing and government regulation and by summing up the urban integration’s promoting strategy of universal significance drawing support from the practice process of typical regions.国家自然科学基金项目“大城市边缘区生活空间类型、演化机制与优化途径研究”(批准号:40901088

    Southeast Asian Brides in Taiwan

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    自20世纪80年代开始,东南亚新娘逐渐成为中国台湾省社会的一个特殊人群。本文主要对东南亚新娘嫁入台湾的原因、东南亚新娘在台湾的生活情况、台湾当局对东南亚新娘的管理和扶助措施进行介绍和分析。Southeast Asian brides have become one special group in Taiwan society since 1980s.The paper mainly analyzes and introduces why these Southeast Asian brides marry to Taiwan, what’s their living situation in Taiwan as well as how Taiwan authorities strengthens its managements and aids to these Southeast Asian brides


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    英国高校招生分数转换系统(UCAS Tariff)是对用于高等院校招生录取的各类资格证书考试进行分值设定,从而计算出申请人所得学业成绩总分的计分体系,以方便高等院校招生录取时对申请人的综合学业成绩进行评定。它以总分的形式综合反映学生的学业成绩,可以有效地评价不同路径学生的学业成绩,使各类考试证书成为可比的学业分值,有利于高等院校在招生录取时平等地对待来自各种学习路径的入学申请者