260 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Effect of Economic Growth on the Development of Life Insurance Under the Background of Inflation

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    从2013年普通型寿险费率改革的实施,到2015年2月16日万能险费率改革正式启动,以及2015年10月1日分红险费率改革的正式启动,我国保险费率逐步走向市场化的进程加快。市场化的费率受利率、通货膨胀等的宏观因素影响较大。寿险本身具有类似于长期储蓄的性质,可以对财产进行时间、空间上的再分配,这使得通货膨胀对其影响通过实际利率的作用更加明显。 通货膨胀本身对于经济增长也有不可忽视的影响,对于不同的经济发展水平,通胀对经济增长的影响为正或为负也未可定论。因而其对于经济增长对寿险的引致效应也是值得探索的。通过界定通货膨胀的区间值,可以试图找出在不同区间内,经济增长对寿险的引致效应是否不同,从而提出...From 2013 in ordinary life insurance rate reform implementation, to 2015 February16, universal insurance rate reform was officially launched, and in October1 2015participating insurance rate reform was officially launched, insurance premium rate in China gradually market-oriented process accelerated. Market rate is affected by interest rate, inflation and other macroeconomic factors. Life itself h...学位:保险硕士院系专业:经济学院_保险硕士学号:1562013115216


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    伴随着城市化进程的加速和WTO带来的经济、社会、文化、人才等资源的全球化,中国将被引入一场城市之争。从一定意义上说,区域经济竞争是企业市场竞争的升级,代表着未来经济发展的方向。在经济全球化背景下,单凭几家企业的孤军作战对城市及区域经济发展的作用极其有限,把未来竞争的基本单位定位于城市,进行城市营销,打造城市品牌形象,提升城市竞争力,其意义决不仅仅在于一座城市的发展,更深远的意义在于,一座城市的辉煌将带动整个相关区域形象的提升和区域经济的腾飞。 目前城市营销中广泛采用的、最引人注目的营销手段是事件营销,而公关传播又是塑造城市品牌形象不可或缺的利器,所以,本文的研究课题就从城市事件营销这一角度切...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院新闻传播系_新闻学学号:20003200

    The Research on the Power Risk Prevention System of Xiamen Administration for Industry and Commerce

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    廉政风险防范管理是近些年比较盛行的反腐倡廉的新举措,已在全国许多工商行政机构试点推行。厦门市工商局在吸收已有廉政风险防范管理先进经验基础上,结合自身特点,探索建立了较为先进、全面的权力运行风险防范系统。该系统将风险管理、全面质量管理的理念应用于工商局的实际业务中,运用现代信息技术保障执法权力更加规范、高效、廉洁运行。厦门市工商局权力运行风险防范系统是现阶段我国廉政风险防范管理中的优秀成果和典型代表。本文拟通过对厦门市工商局权力运行风险防范系统深入的分析,了解目前我国廉政风险防范管理的一般模式,总结厦门工商局权力运行风险防范系统的成就和不足,并尝试提出进一步完善的建议和对策。 本文共分为五部分...The incorrupt risk management is the popular anti-corruption reformation in recent years, and lots of industrial and commercial bureau have put it into practice. Xiamen Administration for industry and Commerce absorbed the successful experience of the others and analyzed own trait to develop the advanced system, the power risk prevention system. The system combines the incorrupt risk management wi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_公共政策学号:1392009115044

    Technology of Electroless Nickel Plating and Exhausted Bath Treatment

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    化学镀镍(Electrolessnickelplating)。是一项近几十年才发展起来的表面保护技术,是通过溶液中适当的还原剂使镍离子在镀件表面自催化作用下进行还原的沉积过程。由于其具有镀层均匀、工艺设备简单、操作灵活、优异的防腐性能、高硬度与高耐磨性等特点,使得这项工艺发展迅速,市场需求不断扩大。目前这项技术已被广泛应用于电子、机械、化工、航空航天等诸多高科技领域,是目前发展速度最快的表面处理工艺之一。 本文研究了铜表面化学镀镍技术,尤其是镀液中稳定剂的类型和浓度对镀速及镀层表面的影响。运用了扫描电镜、能谱分析、X射线衍射等检测方法,分析镀层的表面形貌和镀层中的镍磷含量。研究表明稳定剂的种...As a surface protection technology, Electroless Nickel Plating (ENP) was developed quickly in recent decades. It is a deposition process that applies appropriate amount of reductant into the solution to deposit nickel-phosphorus alloy on the exterieor of workpiece by utilizing the autocatalytic redox reaction. The advantages of this technique, such as simple facility,convenient manipulation,flexib...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程系_化学工程学号:2062007115090


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    文章基于厦门市社区中354名65岁及以上空巢老人的问卷调查,以性别视角探析空巢老人的健康与生活照料现状及其影响因素。研究发现厦门市社区空巢老人除生活自理能力外,在社会经济特征、健康状况及生活照料方面存在着统计学上的显著性性别差异,即女性空巢老人的健康状况明显差于男性空巢老人,而男性空巢老人在生活照料上更显弱势。本研究结果提示在养老政策的制定上要关注性别差异,对于男性空巢老人也许更多地要给予生活方面照料,而对于女性空巢老人要更多地给予经济上帮助。教育部规划基金项目《社区中独居或空巢老年人健康照料的发展对策研究》(项目编号:09YJAZH049); 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助(项目编号:2011NCETFJ)的研究成

    Research on International Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing Using the Method of Unit Labor Cost

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    计算、比较中国与主要出口竞争国的单位劳动力成本(ulC),发现中国制造业仍然具有较大的国际竞争优势,原因是多年来制造业劳动生产率增速明显快于工资增速,使单位劳动成本保持下降趋势。相对单位劳动力成本(rulC)的比较结果显示,即使不考虑提高工资将促使劳动生产率进一步提升以及基础设施、国内市场、政治环境等方面的优势,在现有劳动生产率水平上,中国制造业仍能够承受约50%的劳动报酬上升。用购买力平价调整后的ulC数据说明,尽管汇率低估在一定程度上强化了中国制造业国际竞争优势,但2005年汇率改革以来,这种附加优势已基本消失。Through calculating and comparing the Unit Labor Cost(ULC) and Relative Unit Labor Cost(RULC) between China and major export competition countries,this article found that Chinese manufacturing still had a large international competitive advantage,and the reason lied in that the growth rate of labor productivity of manufacturing workers was significantly faster than wage growth,which made the downward trend in unit labor cost.Furthermore,the comparison of RULC shows that even without considering that the higher wages will lead further improvement of labor productivity and the advantages in infrastructure,domestic market,and political environment,China is still able to withstand about 50% of the rise in labor compensation under the existing level of labor productivity.In addition,by calculating the adjusted ULC data with purchasing power parity,this paper revealed that although the exchange rate which had been undervalued strengthened the international competition advantage of Chinese manufacturing to some extent,this additional advantage has disappeared since the reform of the RMB exchange in 2005


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    采用溶剂热法制备了双金属Zn-Fe金属有机框架结构(Zn-Fe MOF),利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)对其微观形貌和晶相进行表征分析。结果表明:制备的双金属Zn-Fe MOF为纳米球结构,其直径约为150 nm。同时,制备了基于双金属Zn-Fe MOF材料的气体传感器件,研究了其对丙酮的气敏特性。测试结果表明:基于双金属Zn-Fe MOF的气体传感器对丙酮的最佳工作温度为210℃。在最佳工作温度下,对浓度为1×10-6的丙酮气体响应可达到2,响应/恢复时间分别为6 s/13 s,且具有较好的重复性和长期稳定性。最后,对基于双金属Zn-Fe MOF气体传感器的气敏机理进行了讨论。国家自然科学基金项目(51205274);;山西省人才专项项目(2016[36]);;山西省自然基金项目(2016[39]);;山西省高校科技创新研究项目(2016[37]);;山西省归国留学择优项目([2014]95);;山西省归国留学基金项目(2013-035);;山西省科技重大专项项目(20121101004);;山西省高等学校特色重点学科建设项目(晋教财[2012]45号

    Diet composition of Difflugia tuberspinifera( testate amoeba) based on a clone library technique

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    瘤棘砂壳虫是东亚特有的原生动物,广泛分布于长江与珠江中下游以及福建地区的湖泊和水库,作为水生态系统的捕食者,在维持水生态系统的结构与功能方面发挥着重要作用。利用18S rrnA基因PCr扩增和克隆文库测序等分子生物学技术方法,从基因水平研究瘤棘砂壳虫的食物组成。结果表明:所获得的46条序列在97%相似度水平含有11类OTuS(OPErATIOnAl TAXOnOMIC unITS,操作分类单元),其中包括轮虫6个,桡足类5个,说明瘤棘砂壳虫的捕食类群以轮虫和桡足类为主,同时也证明单细胞生物可以直接以多细胞的后生动物为食。此外,通过克隆文库测序技术分析原生动物的食物组成比例,不仅是一种方便、高效、快速,重复性高的方法,同时也为分析原生动物的生态功能提供了一种新的视角。Difflugia is a morphologically diverse genus of the free-living shelled amoeboid protozoa that are important components of freshwater ecosystems and play crucial roles in nutrient cycles and energy flow through food webs.Difflugia tuberspinifera is an endemic species of East Asia and is widely distributed in freshwater lakes and reservoirs in China.Clearly,this species plays a critical role in maintaining the structure and function of freshwater ecosystems.However,little is known about its diet composition and predatory behavior at both species and gene levels.This testate amoeba( D.tuberspinifera) was first found in the Wujiang River,Guizhou Province,China.Subsequently,more detailed studies on its morphology and biometry have been done on natural populations from Yangtze River and Pearl River valleys,and Fujian reservoirs.Recently,Han et al.illustrated that D.tuberspinifera is an active and agile hunting carnivore that can capture swimming prey including micro-particulates,rotifers,and other metazoans.In previous studies,however,the specimen identifications were done by microscopic examination,which requires a broad and deep taxonomic knowledge and is verylaborious,time-consuming,and somewhat variable because of insufficient taxonomic resolution.In order to facilitate the identification of diet composition in D.tuberspinifera,an inexpensive,efficient,rapid and easy-to handle gene clone library has been developed for diet detection and analysis.The plankton samples were collected from the Hubian Reservoir in Xiamen city in September of 2010.Individual cells were isolated using a glass capillary under an inverted microscope and washed 3—5 times with distilled water before DNA extraction and PCR amplification.The 18 S rRNA gene was amplified by the universal eukaryotic primers,and the purified PCR products were ligated into the p GEM-T vector and transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α-competent cells.In total,46 plasmids containing target gene fragments were successfully identified and sequenced.Each sequence was compared with sequences available in the Gen Bank database using BLAST,and the closest relatives were identified for diet or food composition analysis.Finally,11 OTUs( operational taxonomic units) were identified at 97% sequence similarity level,and they belonged to either Rotifera( 52%) or Copepoda( 48%).Our results,combined with existing data,suggested that:1) the diet composition of Difflugia tuberspinifera is composed of both rotifera and copepoda species;2) unicellular protozoa are not only the food of metazoa,but they can also prey on multicellular micro-metazoa;3) molecular methods are universally applicable,and the SSU rRNA( small subunit ribosomal RNA) gene clone library is an efficient,rapid,and repeatable approach to study the diet composition of protozoa.国家自然科学基金项目(31172114;30800097); 福建省杰出青年科学基金项目(2012J06009

    The relationship between nutrients and phytoplankton community structure in northern Beibu Gulf

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    根据2011年4月和8月北部湾北部(北部湾20°n以北的海域)的调查数据,北部湾北部春夏两季共鉴定出浮游植物312种,隶属于4门78属,硅藻是主要优势类群。春季优势种为细弱海链藻(THAlASSIOSIrA SubTIlIS)、丹麦细柱藻(lEPTOCylIndruS dAnICuS)、奇异棍形藻(bACIllArIA PArAdOXA)和尖刺拟菱形藻(PSEudOnITzSCHIA PungEnS);夏季优势种仅为海链藻(THAlASSIOSIrA SP.)。浮游植物群落在春季可划分为2个子群落(SPr1和SPr2),在夏季可划分为3个子群落(SuM1、SuM2和SuM3)。该海域n/P比值一直处于高的水平,绝大部分的水域表现为磷限制,这可能是硅藻大量生长所造成的。春季SPr2群落优势种的柔弱角毛藻(CHAETOCErOS dEbIlIS)与除铵盐之外的营养盐具显著相关关系,奇异棍形藻与环境因子无相关关系。夏季SuM3群落优势种的奇异棍形藻与磷酸盐具显著相关关系。分析表明,琼州海峡过道水为北部湾北部输送了磷酸盐,而硅酸盐则主要由陆地径流输入。Phytoplankton community and nutrient concentration in the northern Beibu Gulf in April and August 2011 were investigated.In this research, 312 phytoplankton taxa were identified, which belonged to four phyla and 78 genera, with Bacillariophyta being the main group.The dominant species were Thalassiosira subtilis, Leptocylindrus danicus, Bacillaria paradoxa, and Pseudonitzschia pungens in spring, and Thalassiosira sp.in summer.Phytoplankton community in northern Beibu Gulf could be divided into two natural groups in spring(spr1 & spr2) and three in summer(sum1, sum2 & sum3).N/P ratio was in a relatively high level in the study area, and most of the waters were phosphorus limitated which resulted from diatom blossom.Chaetoceros debilis was the dominant species of group spr1 and had significant correlation with nutrient in spring, except for ammonium.Bacillaria paradoxa was the dominant species of group sum3 and had significant correlation with phosphate in summer, but, it was uncorrelated with any environmental factors as the dominant species of group spr2 in spring.Phosphate was transported to northern Beibu Gulf through the Qiongzhou Strait corridor water, and silicate was input by land runoff.海洋公益性行业科研专项项目(201005012


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    以鳞片作为鉴定年龄的材料,对龙溪河厚颌鲂(Megalobrama pellegrini)种群开展年龄结构与生长特性的研究。结果表明,厚颌鲂鳞片年轮结构呈疏密切割型,年轮特征显著,可用于年龄鉴定,3~4月是年轮形成高峰时间。种群由0~7龄共8个龄组组成,以低龄个体为主,1~3龄个体占83.14%,体长分布主要集中在130~250 mm间(77.71%)。体质量分布主要集中在50~250 g(64.33%)。群体总性比为♀∶♂=1∶1.03,符合1∶1理论比值。体长和鳞径呈直线关系,体长和体质量呈幂函数关系