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    为了对锂离子电池剩余电量(SOC)进行准确测量,以2 200 mA?h的聚合物锂电池为研究对象,利用Hyperion平衡充放电设备采集6个不同放电电流下(0.7,1.1,1.7,2.2,2.7和3.3A)的放电电压和放电倍率;采取误差反向传播(BP)和径向基函数(RBF) 2个原理不同的神经网络算法进行SOC预测;把采集的样本数据分为训练组和测试组,采用不同的神经网络算法对训练组进行训练后,选择合适的参数构建神经网络,并用测试组数据进行测试;最终比较2种算法的预测效果和误差。研究结果表明:RBF预测结果的相对误差比BP的低,且预测速度更快,RBF较BP更适合于锂离子电池剩余电量的预测。国家自然科学基金资助项目(61571381)~

    The innovative and profitable business model of cloud computing-based company

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      21世紀是雲端運算的年代,隨著ICT軟硬體技術逐漸成熟,許多公司都加入了雲端運算的行列。然而,雲端運算真的能為企業帶來競爭優勢嗎?倘若所有企業均採用了雲端運算的技術或租用了雲端運算的服務,那麼這些企業還會有競爭優勢嗎?   隨著雲端運算的成熟和普及,最後雲端運算將會如同水電一般的隨手可得,失去其獨特和不可模仿性,也將會使企業失去競爭優勢。因此,企業不能單只是使用雲端運算而已,而是要利用雲端運算來形成其創新的經營模式,才能夠確保其獲利和競爭優勢。雖然目前許多業界和學術都投入了雲端運算的研究之中,但是對於一個好的、創新的、獲利的經營模式卻仍沒有一個定論。本研究試圖找出以雲端運算為基礎的企業其創新獲利的經營模式,將透過個案研究分析兩間公司,一個是搜尋網站中市佔率世界第一的Google,另一個是社交網站中擁有最多會員和最多分享次數的Facebook。   Google與Facebook兩者在經營模式上都是透過「平台的整合、深化與擴張」以及「平台上夥伴的引入」來達到其創新、獨特的經營模式,並成為該產業的領導廠商。本研究將深入討論兩者如何運用它們的核心能力來進行這些佈局,也希望藉由對這兩大企業的研究結果,使得我們對於雲端運算在創新經營模式的使用上有更深入的了解,進而給予新興企業或是已成長的企業一個經營模式上的建議


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    [[abstract]]目的:中風是造成中老年人身心障礙的主因。本研究目的在探討中風狀態對中老年人身心健康狀況及醫療服務利用之影響。方法:分析國健局「中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」1999年及 2003年之訪談資料,研究對象依中風狀態分為「無中風病史組」3207人、「新發病個案組」170人及「既有中風病史組」109人。結果:中老年人隨著年齡增長,身心健康功能下降、醫療服務利用增加。「新發病個案組」在罹患中風後,自覺健康、日常生活功能、工具性日常生活功能變差,社會團體參與變少,慢性病罹患率、輔具使用、急診及住院使用增加;且其變化趨勢皆明顯大於「無中風病史組」。「既有中風病史組」因長期罹患中風,僅慢性病罹患率、輔具使用和接受健康檢查等項目之變化趨勢大於「無中風病史組」。結論:老化對於中老年人健康狀況有全面性的影響。中風狀態的改變,導致身體功能顯著下降,急性醫療利用需求增加。本研究以縱貫性分析中風狀態對於中老年身心健康狀況及醫療服務利用之影響,結果可對於政府在社會醫療福利措施和中風患者照護資源等政策規劃上,提供實質且重要的參考依據


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    生精作用是精原細胞行減數分裂與分化並最終形成成熟精子之一連串複雜過程。許多研究已指出急性熱緊迫會影響哺乳動物生精細胞之DNA完整性、改變轉錄與轉譯表現,造成細胞凋亡數增加以及受精後之囊胚發育;此外,急性熱緊迫亦會誘發氧化緊迫以及減弱血睪障壁之完整性,這些負面效應干擾生精作用、精子特性及胚胎發育,導致雄性哺乳動物之繁殖力下降;然而,目前尚缺乏急性熱緊迫對雄性禽類生精作用之分子層面探討,因此,本研究之目的即為闡明台灣土雞公雞睪丸對急性熱緊迫之分子反應。台灣土雞的耐熱性比白肉雞佳,L2品系台灣土雞與B品系台灣土雞有同樣遺傳的背景,然而經過世代選拔後L2品系台灣土雞的產蛋量高於B品系台灣土雞,試驗使用L2品系(蛋用土雞)和B品系(肉用土雞)台灣土雞公雞,試驗雞隻經38℃急性熱緊迫處理4小時後,給予0、2和6小時恢復期,試驗期間記錄雞隻體溫與呼吸速率,並於恢復期間第0、2和6小時採集睪丸進行生精細胞形態觀察、細胞凋亡分析、mRNA和蛋白質分析。試驗結果顯示,台灣土雞公雞處於38℃急性熱緊迫1小時後,其呼吸速率和體溫皆顯著上升,而熱緊迫結束後2小時則恢復至正常狀態。L2品系台灣土雞公雞於急性熱緊迫後並恢復2小時可發現其睪丸內形態異常精母細胞、Sertoli細胞與Leydig細胞(細胞核濃染或是多核的情形)顯著增加;熱緊迫後的2小時恢復期亦可觀察到大量的細胞凋亡,多數為精母細胞,精細胞和Sertoli細胞次之。微陣列分析發現L2品系台灣土雞公雞睪丸有309基因於熱緊迫後之mRNA表現量有變化,主要參與代謝、運輸、緊迫或刺激反應、蛋白質代謝、訊息傳遞和細胞聯繫等生物功能;二維差異蛋白質電泳分析結果顯示有119蛋白質點於熱緊迫前後有表現差異,身分鑑定後可確定此等差異表現蛋白質點為92個蛋白質,主要參與代謝、蛋白質折疊和蛋白質水解。B品系台灣土雞公雞於熱緊迫後其精母細胞和Sertoli細胞形態異常的數量顯著增加(P < 0.05);精原細胞、精母細胞、精細胞與Sertoli細胞之細胞凋亡數量於恢復期2小時顯著增加。經急性熱緊迫後,B品系台灣土雞公雞睪丸有163基因表現受到影響,這些基因主要和代謝、轉錄、細胞結構、刺激反應和訊息傳遞有關;蛋白質方面可偵測到101個蛋白質點於熱緊迫之B品系台灣土雞公雞睪丸有差異表現,分屬於73個蛋白質,此等差異表現蛋白質主要參與代謝、蛋白質代謝、細胞結構、刺激反應、細胞凋亡、運送、恆定以及生精作用有關。蛋用品系土雞與肉用土雞在急性熱緊迫後其睪丸細胞皆有細胞凋亡以及不正常細胞出現,而肉用品系土雞睪丸細胞異常及凋亡的發生比蛋用品系者早,且mRNA和蛋白質表現皆有所差異,這些結果顯示雖然L2品系台灣土雞與B品系台灣土雞源自於同樣遺傳背景的雞種,然而經過世代選拔後L2品系台灣土雞的產蛋量高於B品系台灣土雞,蛋用和肉用品系土雞睪丸基因對於急性熱緊迫之轉錄與轉譯反應有所差異,這些基因表現之差異可能是因長期選拔產蛋量所導致的。由本研究結果可推測蛋用土雞經熱緊迫後其睪丸熱緊迫蛋白質基因與抗凋亡基因大量表現以減緩熱緊迫;與轉譯相關蛋白質表現量顯著減少,以防止未折疊蛋白質生成,同時抗氧化緊迫基因mRNA和蛋白質之表現量增加,以減緩氧化緊迫;然而蛋白質代謝相關蛋白質(例:CCT complex和蛋白酶次單元)的降低造成蛋白質摺疊和降解不足以清除未折疊蛋白質與折疊錯誤蛋白質,最終引起細胞凋亡以清除受損之睪丸細胞。熱緊迫蛋白90、熱緊迫蛋白70和熱緊迫蛋白5的mRNA與蛋白質於熱緊迫後之肉用土雞睪丸大量表現,熱緊迫蛋白5進一步引發不正常蛋白質摺疊反應(unfolded protein response)以清除未折疊蛋白質與折疊錯誤蛋白質,而抗細胞凋亡基因與蛋白質表現量下降則可能與熱緊迫後肉用土雞睪丸之細胞凋亡有關。Spermatogenesis is a complex process where spermatogonia differentiate into spermatozoa. In mammals, acute heat stress influences DNA integrity, transcription, translation, reactive oxygen species production and thus causes cell death, impairing spermatogenesis, and impairing development of blastocyts. Previous studies have shown that the mechanisms of acute heat stress on male reproduction in mammals; however, there are few studies has been carried out in avian species. Taiwan country chickens (TCCs) show better thermotolerance than commercial broilers. L2 strain TCCs and B strain TCCs have same genetic background, but egg production rate of L2 strain TCCs is greater than B strain TCCs duo to generations of egg selection in L2 strain. The purpose of this study was to explore the molecular response to acute heat stress in the testes of TCCs. The L2 strain (layer-type) and B strain (broiler-type) TCCs were used. Roosters were subjected to acute heat stress of 38℃ and 55% RH for 4 h. The heat-stressed roosters were then allowed to recover at 25℃ for 0, 2, and 6 h. The respiratory rate and body temperature were recorded during the treatment and recovery. The testis samples were collected at 0, 2, and 6 h of recovery for cell morphology, apoptosis, mRNA, and protein analysis. The body temperature and respiratory rate significantly increased in 1 h during heat stress and recovered at 2 h of recovery. In L2 strain TCCs, the numbers of abnormal spermatocytes, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells (with hyperchromatic nuclei or multinucleated giant nuclei) increased at 2 h after acute heat stress. The TUNEL assay showed that a significant increase of apoptotic cells was observed at 2 h of recovery in the testes of heat-stressed L2 strain TCCs. The TUNEL-positive cells included spermatocytes, spermatids, and Sertoli cells. Microarray analysis showed that the mRNA expression of 309 genes changed in the testes of L2 strain TCCs after acute heat stress. The differentially expressed genes majorly participated in biological processes of metabolism, transport, responses to stimuli/stress, protein metabolism, and signal transduction/cell communication. There were 119 protein spots differentially expressed in the testes of heat-stressed L2 strain TCCs. These protein spots belonged to 92 distinct proteins and most of them involved in metabolism, protein folding, and proteolysis. In B strain TCCs, the numbers of abnormal spermatocytes and Sertoli cells were also increased after acute heat stress. The apoptotic cells in the testes of heat-stressed B strain TCCs, including spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids, and Sertoli cells, increased at 2 h of recovery. Result of microarray analysis showed that the mRNA expression of 163 genes altered in the testes of B strain TCCs after heat stress. The differentially expressed genes were related to metabolism, transcription, cellular organization, response to stimulus, and signal transduction. Furthermore, there were 101 protein spots differentially expressed in the testes of B strain TCCs after acute heat stress. The differentially expressed protein spots represented 73 proteins and mostly involved in metabolism, protein metabolism, cell organization, response to stimulus, apoptosis, transport, homeostasis, and spermatogenesis. The results of this study showed that the apoptotic and abnormal spematogenic cells significantly increased in both layer-type and broiler-type TCCs at recovery time after acute heat stress. However, the abnormality and apoptosis were observed earlier in testes of broiler-type chickens than those in layer-type chickens. Beside, the levels of mRNA and protein showed different expression pattern between the 2 strains of TCCs because generations of egg production selection in L2 strain TCCs. In conclusion, the molecular mechanism of response to acute heat stress in the testes of layer-type TCCs may include the upregulation of HSP family and anti-apoptotic genes to attenuate the heat stress, and the downregulation of proteins related to translation to prevent unfolded protein synthesis. The genes and proteins associated with antioxidant reaction may also be induced to attenuate heat-induced oxidative damage. However, decreased expression of protein metabolism-related proteins, including CCT complex and proteasome subunits, may cause insufficiency of protein folding and degradation and thus trigger apoptosis. In broiler type TCCs, the mRNA and protein expression of HSP90α, HSC70, and HSPA5 were induced in the testes after acute heat stress. The expression of HSPs may thus induce the unfolded protein response to prevent accumulation of unfolded and misfolded protein. Nevertheless, the downregulation of anti-apoptotic genes and proteins may result in apoptosis in the testes of heat-stressed broiler-type TCCs.Table of contents Acknowledgements i Abstract (in Chinese) ii Abstract (in English) iv Table of contents vi List of Tables x List of Figures xii Chapter 1: General introduction 1 1.1 The effect of acute heat stress on mammalian spermatogenic cells 2 1.2. The mechanism of spermatogenic cell death induced by acute heat stress 3 1.3. The molecular mechanism of acute heat stress response in testicular cells 6 1.4. Acute heat stress impairs blood-testis barrier (BTB) 6 1.5. Defense mechanism in testicular cells to against acute heat stress 7 1.6. Acute heat stress reduces male chicken fertility 9 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 12 2.1. Experimental animals 13 2.2. Conditions of acute heat stress and sample collection 13 2.3. Hematoxylin–eosin staining 13 2.4. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay 14 2.5. Gene expressions by a microarray analysis 14 2.6. Gene network analysis and gene annotation 15 2.7. Validation of gene expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) 15 2.8. Protein expressions by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) analysis 16 2.8.1. Sample preparation for 2-D DIGE analysis 16 2.8.2. Two-dimensional DIGE and image analysis 17 2.8.3. Gel staining 18 2.8.4. In-gel digestion 18 2.8.5. Protein identification 19 2.9. Bioinformatic analysis 20 2.10. Validation of protein expression by Western blotting 20 2.11. Immunohistochemistry 21 2.12. Statistical analysis 22 Chapter 3: Differential gene expressions in testes of layer-type L2 strain Taiwan country chicken in response to acute heat stress 24 3.1. Abstract 25 3.2. Introduction 26 3.3. Results 27 3.3.1. Effect of heat stress on physiological indicators in roosters 27 3.3.2. Morphology and apoptosis of chicken testis after acute heat stress 27 3.3.3. Effects of heat stress on gene expressions in rooster testes 32 3.3.4. Functional categories of differentially expressed genes 34 3.3.5. Validation of representative differentially expressed genes 36 3.4. Discussion 38 Chapter 4: Changes in protein expression in testes of L2 strain Taiwan country chickens in response to acute heat stress 42 4.1. Abstract 43 4.2. Introduction 44 4.3. Results 46 4.3.1. Comparison of protein profiles and identification of differentially expressed proteins in chicken testis after acute heat stress 46 4.3.2. Bioinformatic analysis of the differentially expressed proteins 47 4.3.3. Validation of protein expression in heat-stressed chicken testes 50 4.4. Discussion 53 Chapter 5: Acute heat stress induces differential gene expressions in the testes of a broiler-type B strain of Taiwan country chickens 60 5.1. Abstract 61 5.2. Introduction 62 5.3. Results 64 5.3.1. Physical response to acute heat stress in B strain Taiwan country chickens 64 5.3.2. The abnormality and apoptosis in testicular cells of B strain Taiwan country chickens after acute heat stress 64 5.3.3. The alteration of global gene expression in B strain Taiwan country chicken testes after heat stress 69 5.3.4. Validation of differentially expressed genes in B strain Taiwan country chicken testes after acute heat stress 72 5.3.5. Expression difference of genes in the testes of heat-stressed broiler-type and layer-type Taiwan country chickens in response to acute heat stress 74 5.4. Discussion 76 Chapter 6: Acute heat stress changes protein expression in testes of broiler-type B strain Taiwan country chickens 80 6.1. Abstract 81 6.2. Introduction 82 6.3. Results 84 6.3.1. Differentially expressed proteins in testes of B strain Taiwan country chickens after acute heat stress 84 6.3.2. Validation of the protein expression by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry 86 6.3.3. The mRNA and protein expression response to acute heat stress in broiler-type and layer-type TCCs 89 6.4. Discussion 92 Chapter 7: General discussion and conclusion 96 7.1. The response to acute heat stress in the testes of layer-type Taiwan country chickens 97 7.2. The response to acute heat stress in the testes of broiler-type Taiwan country chickens 98 7.3. The similarity of response to acute heat stress in testes of layer-type and broiler type chickens 99 7.4. The difference of response to acute heat stress in testes of layer-type and broiler type chickens 100 7.5. The acute heat stress response in chicken testes is similar to mammals 102 References 106 Appendices 128 Publication list 15

    Wealth Management and Private Banking-- What Can Taiwan Learn from Swiss Banking Industry

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    本研究透過文獻探討,說明私人銀行可視為高階財富管理與財富管理為替擁有資產超過美金十萬元的客戶提供多樣化的金融服務,並指出瑞士財富管理執世界之牛耳,而以瑞士銀行為其中最具悠久歷史與規模的財富管理業者。 本文以瑞士銀行為瑞士金融業之代表,透過歷史、現狀及相關研究之探討,指出瑞士財富管理成功之道,據此作為台灣財富管理業者之參考。 財富管理產業的成功關鍵在於,了解客戶需求、維護客戶關係與多元產品提供能力。 瑞士銀行的成功在於以悠久的傳統與高知名度、以客為尊的概念符合滿足客戶需求的要件;高度專業的人員則符合維護客戶關係的要求;最後,營運據點遍佈全球、一流的產品與服務則滿足多元產品提供能力的要求,故在掌握成功關鍵因素下,迄今能為財富管理產業的領導者。 本研究據此進一步分析台灣發展財富管理之現況,整合瑞士銀行之商業模型與亞太區財富管理未來發展潛力,指出台灣業者應改進之方向。 台灣業者欲在財富管理產業更上層樓,應努力提升理專素質並做好風險控管、法令的改進、活用金控資源、聘僱外商專業人士與拓展海外通路,以掌握未來亞太區之商機。目錄試委員會審定書 i謝 ii文摘要 iii文摘要 iv錄 v目錄 vii目錄 viii一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究目的 2.3 研究架構 3二章 文獻探討 5.1 財富管理定義 5.2 從三大金融集團看財富管理 8.2.1 花旗集團 9.2.2 摩根大通集團 10.2.3 瑞士銀行集團 12.3 亞太區成長財富成長帶動財富管理未來發展 13三章 瑞士金融業介紹 17.1 瑞士財富管理在全球的重要性 17.2 財富管理在瑞士的重要性 19.3 瑞士銀行的重要性 19四章 瑞士銀行集團商業模型 22.1 財富管理成功要素 22.1.1 了解客戶需求 22.1.2 維護客戶關係 23.1.3 多元產品提供能力 24.2 瑞士銀行商業模型 25.2.1 悠久的傳統與高知名度 26.2.2 以客為尊的概念 27.2.3 高度專業的人員 28.2.4 營運據點遍佈全球 30.2.5 一流的產品與服務 31五章 台灣財富管理市場 34.1 台灣財富管理起源 34.2 台灣財富管理商機 35.2.1 富人財富成長趨勢 35.2.2 存款比重過高與投資習慣改變 36.2.3 產品多樣性的發展潛力 37.2.4 退休人口的增加 39.3 台灣財富管理現況 40.3.1 本國業者與外商銀行之財富管理經營現況 40.3.2 台灣政府方面的限制 43.4 台灣財富管理SWOT分析 45.4.1 提升理專素質並做好風險控管 46.4.2 法令的改進 47.4.3 活用金控資源 47.4.4 聘僱外商專業人士與拓展海外通路 48六章 結論與建議 49考文獻 50目錄2-1 花旗集團各事業體風險資產報酬率走勢圖 92-2 摩根大通集團各事業體股東權益報酬率走勢圖 112-3 瑞士銀行集團各事業體資產報酬率走勢圖 133-1 各國在全球財富管理上之市佔率 183-2 各金融中心在國際個人受管理資產上之比重 185-1 2006年亞洲各國各類資產商品成熟度 3

    Research on the Motivation and Behavior of Art, Culture and Music Festival Theme Travel

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    [[abstract]]在21世紀的今天,人們出發去旅行的動機,再也不是單純為了觀光景點或餐飲美食,而是以當代藝術作為崛起的觀光元素,成為新世代的旅行主要目的,散落世界各地的藝術祭、音樂節、公共裝置、大師建築、藝術活動,成為旅人們計畫下一趟旅程的主要目標。主動前往音樂節、藝術祭、美術館、博物館欣賞,以增進藝術化的生活涵養。在目前全球化的時代下,世界各地皆以透過具節慶活動來打造城市觀光,接軌國際性節慶並銜接在地特性。雖然,節慶對國外而言,已有許多節慶活動,如:德國慕尼黑的啤酒節、英國的愛丁堡國際藝術節以及巴西的嘉年華等以上節慶活動,除了凸顯在地文化外,也讓節慶活動注入文化加以傳承。各地城市推行節慶活動,也是希望節慶活動成為城市特色。本研究將世界上著名的文化藝術節慶及音樂祭以訪談的方式來作以研究,以城市原先在眾人眼中的形象和節慶活動,來分析可能影響遊客前往參加的主要因素。希望能增進旅人於藝術領域知識的整合,以及善用多元媒介提升藝術生活的素養,更能藉由結合自助旅行的規畫,提升對藝術與文化的學習動機。 Today in the 21st century, people’s motivation to travel is no longer purely for sightseeing spots or food and beverages, but for contemporary art as a rising tourism element, which has become the main purpose of travel for the new generation. Art festivals, Music festivals, public installations, master buildings, and art events have become the main targets for travelers planning their next trip. Actively go to music festivals, art festivals, art galleries, and museums to appreciate in order to enhance artistic life. In the current era of globalization, all parts of the world are creating urban tourism through festivals, in line with international festivals and local characteristics. Although there are many festivals in foreign countries, such as: the Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, the Edinburgh International Arts Festival in the United Kingdom, and the Carnival in Brazil, which not only highlight local culture, but also let festival activities inject Culture is passed on. The implementation of festivals in cities around the world also hopes that festivals will become the characteristics of the city. In this study, the world's famous cultural and art festivals and music festivals are researched through interviews, and the main factors that may affect tourists' participation are analyzed based on the city's original image and festival activities in the eyes of the public. It is hoped that it can enhance the integration of travelers' knowledge in the field of art and make good use of multiple media to enhance the quality of art life. Moreover, by combining the planning of self-service travel, it can enhance the motivation to learn art and culture

    Development Strategy of QUASER Group: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective

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    [[abstract]]全球經濟的深度發展之下,呈現高度全球化的競爭;所以,企業如何加強優勢以順應環境變動,進而提高企業之競爭優勢,使企業得以永續發展,已經是產業的重要議題之一。本研究引用個案研究法,以百德企業為研究個案,透過動態能力之路徑定、流程與定位等三個方面來進行分析,探討個案的成長歷程,以瞭解個案公司從技術奠基期、技術深耕期到市場擴張期之路徑、選擇策略以及未來走向。研究發現個案公司在技術奠基期,定位以代工起家,流程透過國外大廠的銷售通路,路徑上積極提升生產與研發能力;其次,在技術深耕期,以分派駐點工程師的流程,路徑上在工具機產業整體成長上升期間趁勢抓住機會擴展銷售版圖,全球經濟危機時亦轉換策略與時俱進,獲得更大的影響力,朝向高階精品工具機定位發展;最後,在市場擴張時期,流程透過外部併購與實施內部改革雙管齊下,路徑上攻佔不同地域與領域之銷售市場,從傳統製造轉為智慧製造,定位獲得「台灣工具機的勞斯萊斯」之美稱。[[abstract]]Because of the deep development of the global economy, it shows a highly globalized competition. Therefore, how can companies strengthen their advantages to adapt to changes in the environment, and then improve the company’s competitive advantage, make the enterprise develop continuously, has already become one of the important issues of the industry.This study adopts a case study method and takes QUASER group as a case study to explore the development process of case companies. It analyzes through the three dimensions of &quot;processes, positioning and path&quot; of dynamic capabilities, to understand the development path, strategy choice and future trend of the case company from the technology foundation stage, technology deep cultivation stage and market expansion stage. The study found that during the technology foundation stage, the case company was positioned to start with OEM, and the process was to actively improve production and R&D capabilities through the sales channels of well-known manufacturers.Secondly, in the technology deep cultivation stage, the process of assigning stationed engineers to take advantage of the opportunity to expand the sales territory during the overall growth of the machine tool industry during the overall growth of the machine tool industry. During the global economic crisis, QUASER also change our strategy to keep pace with the times, gain greater influence, and position ourselves towards high-end boutique machine tools. Finally, during the period of market expansion, the process used both external mergers and acquisitions and implementation of internal reforms to capture sales markets in different regions and fields on the path, shifting from traditional manufacturing to smart manufacturing, and positioning itself as the &quot;Rolls-Royce of Taiwanese machine tools&quot;