32 research outputs found

    Research on the relevance relationship between exchange rate and stock price

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    同为金融市场的主要价格,汇率与股价一个对外一个主内,相互影响相互制约;有鉴于此,汇率与股价的关联效应,一直以来都成为学界和投资界的关注焦点。蕴含在关联效应里的相关关系和因果关系,在不同时期、不同国度的样本表现中,都各有所异。本文侧重研究的便是汇率改革以后,从2005年7月到2008年12月中国汇率与股价数据呈现出的关联效应,即相关程度如何,进一步是汇率影响股价,还是股价影响汇率。有趣的是,这段仅仅三年多的样本区间,却为我们提供了两个截然不同的经济周期背景——经济的快速膨胀与快速衰退,基于此,我们的研究视野进一步拓宽:在内外因素的共同作用下,中国经济的快速膨胀与快速衰退所孕育出的汇率与股价之关联...Exchange rate and stock price are the primary prices in the financial market. One isexternal, the other is internal. These two variables influence and constraint each other mutually. Based on these facts, the relevance relationship between exchange rate and stock price has become the attention of the academic communities and investment communities. During different time period and different countr...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_数量经济学学号:2772006115284

    供需两手抓 数字电视三步跳

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    广播电视超越其他媒介的比较优越性,让电视的魅力无远佛界;而伴随信息社会到来的数字技术潮流,更是让电视的传播力量如虎添翼,锦上添花。新浪最新的一项调查表明,在受访的2094位网友中,愿意付费收看数字电视的人达到 48.52%,远远超过不愿意收看的族群,这在某种程度上说明了数字电视在中国消费市场的乐观前景;加之广电总局施行的数字电视“三步跳”战略,即2005年全国1/4的电视台发射和传输数字电视信号;2010年全面实现数字广播电视;2015年停止模拟广播电视的播出,数字电视的未来发展势必将更加惹人注目

    On Generalization of a Question of Entrance Test for MA Candidates

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    2004年漳州师范学院硕士研究生入学考试中有一道高等代数试题,是关于实对称阵的所有正特征根之和与其迹所确定的不等式。证明了这个不等式可推广到实矩阵上去,即实矩阵的所有实部为正的特征根之和与其迹也有类似不等式,同时给出了其等号成立的充要条件。In Entrance Test of Higher Algebra of Zhangzhou Terachers Colleage for MA/MS Candidates in 2004,there is a question on inequality,which is determined by the summation of all positive eigenvalues of real symmetric matrix and its trace.This paper proves that this inequality can be generalized in real matrix,i.e.,there is a similar inequality for the summation of all positive real part of eigenvalues of real matrix and its trace,and we also give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the equality.福建省自然科学基金项目(Z0511051);; 福建省2006年本科精品课程——高等代数;; 莆田学院数学研究项目(JG200521


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    提出利用单元质量质心集中方法来优化单元惯性效应表征、改善单元力学效应匹配的思想: 将单元质量质心集中能够建立精确描述单元质点系惯性效应的动力学方程, 进而达到优化单元惯性效应表征以及改善单元惯性和变形两种力学效应匹配的目的.本文通过一维问题的频散效应分析等对该方法的有效性进行了详细的分析和验

    Preliminary studies on the scale insect pest of Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli in mangrove

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    首次发现陆生考氏白盾蚧严重为害潮间带红树植物秋茄。通过野外定位调查和室内饲养观察,研究其危害特征、种群分布、生殖力和自然死亡率。结果表明,考氏白盾蚧主要分布在秋茄叶片主脉两侧,叶背虫口数显著多于叶面(P<0.01),单叶虫口数多为1-50头,平均25.65头,最高418头;秋茄植株不同垂直空间层次的虫口密度无显著差异,但聚集度随垂直空间下降而增大;种群平均产卵量每雌52.22粒,自然死亡率69.35%,寄生蜂寄生是最主要的死亡因子,寄生率达34.23%;与几种陆生寄主植物相比,红树林考氏白盾蚧的种群密度、生殖力、叶最高虫口数均较高,该虫对潮间带生境及寄主秋茄具有适应性。The scale insect,Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli is an important pest for many kinds of plants for a long time in the land.In 2006,it was found firstly attacking the mangrove plant of Kandelia obovata in the tideland in Xiamen City,and had led to badly damages.Based on the field surveys and lab feeding,this paper dealed with its damage characteristic,population distribution,fecundity and natural mortality etc.The results showed that the scale insect mainly distributed on both sides of the midvien of K.obovata leaves,but the individual on the abaxial surface was significantly more than those on the adaxial surface(P<0.01).The individual number of one leaf mostly fluctuated from 1 to 50,and the average and tiptop numbers were 25.65 and 418,respectively.The pest population density had no remarkable discrepancies among different vertical spatial layer of K.obovata,however,its aggregating degree increased with falling of the layer.The population had an avarage fecundity of 52.22 each female and a high natural mortality of 69.53%.The main natural death factor were two species of parasites(Hymenoptera: Chalcididae),and their total parasitical ratio reached 34.23%.In the mass,the pest population density,fecundity and tiptop individual number of a leaf in the mongrove were all more than those in serval other host plants on land,which implied that this scale insect had a high adaptability to the habitat of tideland and the plant of K.obovata


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    通过细胞活力、增殖、迁移、细胞周期、胞内活性氧(ROS)和抗氧化能力的检测,分析条纹斑竹鲨(又称狗鲨,Chiloscyllium plagiosum)鱼皮多肽对人永生化表皮角质形成细胞(HaCAT细胞)的作用。实验结果显示:随着多肽作用浓度的增加,HaCAT细胞活力显著提升,最大达到144%;细胞单克隆增殖能力明显增强;细胞划痕迁移愈合速率增加;细胞周期无显著变化;胞内ROS显著降低,最低可达49.1%;在H2O2氧化损伤下细胞活力明显恢复,活力最高达到119%。上述结果表明条纹斑竹鲨鱼皮多肽对HaCAT细胞的多项生理生化活性具有促进作用,可为其开发作为功能性皮肤敷料提供理论依据。厦门海洋经济发展专项(17GYY011HJ05

    Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Formic Acid on Pt-Se Hollow Nanosphere Modified Glassy Carbon Electrodes

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    Corresponding authors. Email: [email protected],[email protected]; Tel:+86-13879159319.[中文文摘]以无定形硒溶胶为模板制备了不同硒覆盖度(θSe)(θSe=0.49,0.39,0.06,0)的Pt-Se和Pt纳米空球(分别记为(Pt-Se)HN和PtHN),发展了利用亚硫酸盐彻底除去核壳纳米粒子上Se的方法.对获得的纳米空球进行了形貌和结构的表征,结果表明所制备的(Pt-Se)HN粒径均匀,分散性好,球壳呈多孔结构.以其作为电催化剂制备了(Pt-Se)HN修饰的玻碳(GC)电极((Pt-Se)HN/GC),利用常规电化学方法比较该电极与PtHN/GC和商用碳载铂(Pt/C)修饰GC(Pt/C/GC)电极对甲酸的催化氧化作用,发现对甲酸氧化的活性顺序为(Pt-Se)HN/GC>PtHN/GC>Pt/C/GC.三种电极催化甲酸氧化的机理有所不同:前者更倾向于通过弱吸附中间体直接氧化成CO2的单途径机理进行,后两者则通过强吸附和弱吸附中间体的双途径机理进行.在一定Se覆盖度条件下,(Pt-Se)HN/GC对甲酸的氧化有助催化作用.[英文文摘]Platinum-selenium and platinum hollow nanospheres(denoted as(Pt-Se)HN and PtHN,respectively) with different coverages of Se(θSe)(θSe=0.49,0.39,0.06,0) were prepared using amorphous Se colloids as a sacrificial template.Sulfite was used to completely remove Se from the core-shell nanoparticles.The morphology and structure of the nanoparticles were characterized using various methods,which revealed a hollow structure with a very uniform size distribution and a porous structure on the shell.Assembly of Pt-Se hollow nanospheres ((Pt-Se)HN) on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode produced a (Pt-Se)HN/GC electrode. The electrocatalytic activity of the electrode for the oxidation of formic acid was compared with the PtHN/GC and commercial Pt/C/GC electrodes by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The activity followed the order:(Pt-Se)HN/GC > PtHN/GC >Pt/C/GC. The electrooxidation of formic acid on (Pt-Se)HN/C, PtHN/C, and Pt/C catalysts follows different mechanisms: the former tends to directly oxidize formic acid to CO2 via weakly adsorbed intermediates, and the latter two via both weakly and strongly adsorbed intermediates.(Pt-Se)HN with a suitable selenium content showed optimal electrocatalytic activity for the oxidation of formic acid.国家自然科学基金(20663002); 厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室基金(200511)资助项


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