40 research outputs found

    The Research of Flexible Workflow Based on Component Technique

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    工作流技术的研究对象是企业中的流程,工作方式是将完整的任务分解成具有良好定义的活动和角色,然后按照一定的规则来调度、执行并监控这些活动,目的是减少人员负担,提高办事效率,降低生产成本,提高企业管理水平。由于现在消费者个性化需求越来越明显,企业的产品和生产流程要经常随之发生变化,因此传统的流程固定不变的工作流系统已经不能满足要求。本文主要研究内容有两个:一对工作流系统的柔性化问题进行研究,目的是设计出一种能够使任务流程便于调整的工作流系统。在这里我们在面向对象的思想及组件技术的基础上提出组件式工作流系统,从工作流系统最关键的两个问题:柔性建模和执行中的柔性调整两方面入手,探讨了如何运用组件技术解...The research object of workflow is the flow in plants, its manner is decomposing the task into a lot of activities and roles that have been defined well, then executing and monitoring them according to rules. The target is to lighten the burden of employees, improve the efficiency, reduce the cost, advance the management level. Due to the personal needs of consumers, the products and flows have to...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院自动化系_系统工程学号:20023103


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    对员工的培训活动已经成为各个公司必不可少的一项内容 ,在培训上投入的资金越来越多 ,培训效果的评估变得越来越重要 ,现在常用的方法大都是定性的方法而且研究的各个方面是分散的、独立的 ,为了较为精确的对培训效果进行评估 ,得到较为直观的结论 ,本文采用了经典的柯克帕特里克模型 ,主要运用模糊数学中的AHP方法来对培训效果进行评估 ,给出了运算的步骤及实例


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    A case report of condyloma acuminatum of urethral meatus in a boy

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    A 4-year-old boy was referred for treatment of papillary tumor at the urethral meatus. He was well until December 1990, when his mother noticed a tumor at the urethral meatus. The tumor was resected elsewhere. However, a similar tumor was noted again at the urethral meatus in May, 1991. The patient was admitted on September 16, 1991. Retraction of the phimotic foreskin revealed a well-demarcated papillary mass, approximately 2 x 2 mm in diameter, at the urethral meatus. There were no tumors on foreskin or glans. Under general anesthesia endoscopy was performed to locate other tumors at the urethra and bladder. No tumors were found elsewhere. Then the meatal tumor was resected surgically. Pathology was condyloma acuminatum. There was no recurrence one year after surgery. We also reviewed 24 boys with condyloma acuminatum, including 13 boys with a solitary condyloma at the urethral meatus, reported in Japan

    Matrix Pair with the Sum and Product Being Equal and Its Polynomial Denotation

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    用矩阵JOrdAn标准形理论,证明了和与积相等的矩阵对的JOrdAn标准形具有互为确定的性质,进而得到由和与积相等的矩阵对的最小多项式及交换子空间确定的多项式表示的新结果.Applying the theory of Jordan canonical form,we proved the properties of Jordan canonical forms of the matrix pair with the sum and product being equal are determined mutually,obtaining the new results of polynomial denotation determined by minimal polynomial and commutative subspaces.福建省自然科学基金(批准号:2010J01018); 福建省教育厅科研项目基金(批准号:JA12286;JA08196); 福建省高校服务海西建设重点项目(批准号:2008HX03

    Advantages and Disadvantages of the University Entrance Exam Reform Integrating Arts and Science

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    不分文理高考不仅仅是高考文理科合并那么简单,它需要在科目改革的同时照顾到试题的改革,需要在不分文理的前提下照顾到不同学生的潜力倾向,需要以高考的改革来带动中小学教育的变革,因而是一项牵一发而动全身的社会系统工程。我们必须对改革中可能出现的诸多具体问题进行认真思考,并着力解决。Integrating arts and sciences in the university entrance exam is not just merging the arts and sciences.It needs to take the reform of the questions into count as well as the reform of the subjects. It also needs to consider the student's to different tendencies under the premise of integrating arts and sciences. It needs to drive changes in the primary and secondary education with the reform of university entrance examination. It is a social systems engineering. We need to carefully think about it and strive to resolve many of the specific problems in the reforming


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