13 research outputs found


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    口蓋裂症例は高率に滲出性中耳炎(Otitis Media with Effusion:以下OME)を合併し,難治例が多い.鼓膜チューブ(以下チューブ)の長期留置が必要となりやすいが,口蓋裂症例の適切な留置期間に関しては定まっていない.口蓋裂症例のチューブ留置術後の治療成績から適切なチューブ留置期間について検討を行った.対象は2001年1月より2004年12月の間に,昭和大学病院にて口蓋形成術を施行され,6歳以降まで観察しえた口蓋裂206例412耳である.OMEに対しチューブ留置術が施行された症例は全体の45.1%にあたる93例179耳であった.最終観察時におけるOMEの経過を以下のように定義した.チューブの再留置が行われた症例を再留置,OMEが治癒した症例を経過良好,1年以上鼓膜穿孔が残存した症例を穿孔残存とした.また,口蓋形成術と同時にチューブ留置術が施行された症例を1歳時留置群,口蓋形成術以降にチューブ留置術が施行された症例を幼児期留置群とした.1歳時留置群と幼児期留置群のOMEの経過別の平均留置期間を検討した.1歳時留置群の平均留置期間(mean±S.E.)は再留置例,経過良好例,穿孔残存例の順に22.3±2.4か月,32.6±1.9か月,43.9±4.1か月であった.各経過の留置期間に有意差が認められた.幼児期留置群の平均留置期間では,各経過の留置期間に有意差は認められなかった.経過良好例の平均留置期間の比較では,幼児期留置群は1歳時留置群よりも有意に短い結果であった.次に,1歳時留置群において留置期間別のチューブ再留置率と穿孔残存率を検討した.37か月以上では有意にチューブ再留置率が低くなることが認められた.また,49か月以上では穿孔残存率が28.6%と高くなる傾向を認めた.これらの結果より,口蓋形成術時にチューブ留置術を施行した場合の初回チューブの適切な留置期間は37~42か月と考えられた.また,口蓋形成術以降にチューブ留置術を施行した場合は1歳時留置群より留置期間を短くする必要があると考えられた


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    氧传递速率对脱硫菌Pseudomonas delafieldii R-8生长和脱硫的影响

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    利用高脱硫活性德氏假单胞菌Pseudomonas delafieldii R-8为研究对象,考察了装液量对细胞生长及所得细胞脱硫活性的影响;并以正十二烷为模拟油相,测定了油水相生物脱硫过程中的体积氧传质系数。研究结果表明,装液量的多少不仅影响细胞生长,同时影响所得细胞的脱硫活性。装液量越少,细胞生长越好。采用500 ml三角瓶培养时,装液量为150 ml时,所得细胞的脱硫效果最佳。鼓泡曝气反应器中经过反应10h后体积氧传质系数k_1a达到最大值0.687 min~(-1),比脱硫活性从0增加到11 mg(DBT)/g


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    A Study of Oral Health Condition in the Inhabitants at a Hill (Kotyang) Village in Nepal

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    We investigated the oral health condition in 221 subjects; 120 men and 101 women of the age 10 to 69 years old, at a hill village, named Kotyang, which located about 50 km east of Kathmandu from August 5 through August 25, 1987. The condition of the oral cavity in each subject was assessed by RD-test which is a simple method of semi-quantitative analysis for bacterial number in the oral cavity. 108 CFU/ml or more of bacterial number were detected in 55.8% of men and in 66.0% of women examined. The estimated numbers of the bacteria in their oral cavities were much more than those of Japanese. The color photographs of the oral cavity of each subject examined were taken and the periodontal status was assessed by means of PMA-index ; P. M and A represent papillary gingiva, marginal gingival and attached gingiva, respectively. The prevalence of periodontal diseases tended to be high as compared with that of Japanese, especially at their age of 50s and 60s. The hardness and fluorine contents in drinking water at several places in the village were 9-5lppm and 0.13-0.32ppm, respectively. This may have no effect on the occurrence of defect of dental calcification in the inhabitants in Kotyang

    A Study of the Electroplated Fe Cr Ni Alloy Microstructure

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    电镀Fe-Cr-Ni合金显微结构研究①李东林*刘建平郭芳洲华建荣(南方冶金学院化工系,江西赣州341000)Fe-Cr-Ni合金,一直是电镀工作者研究的对象[1,2].A.M.Anderson[3]等人从多种Cr(Ⅲ)的水溶液中镀出了Fe-Cr-Ni...The microstructure of the electroplated Fe Cr Ni alloys from the mixed carboxylic acid solution containing Cr(Ⅲ) and additives were determined with XRD and SEM. Experimental results showed that, under the experimental condition, the phase component、structure of Cu base electroplated Fe Cr Ni alloys had a critical thickness, which was 11 μm and a critical Ni content, which was 32%. Organic additives, formic acid or polyethylene Glycol, mainly affected the surface、cross section morphology of the electroplated Fe Cr Ni alloys. Adding Mo to the electroplated Fe Cr Ni alloys led to remarkable corrosion resistance in concentrated HCl.作者联系地址:南方冶金学院化工系Author's Address: Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southern Institute of Metallurgy,Ganzhon,Jiangxi 34100

    ネパール・コテン村における歯科的調査研究 : 昭和62年度九州大学海外学術調査報告

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    We investigated the oral health condition in 221 subjects; 120 men and 101 women of the age 10 to 69 years old, at a hill village, named Kotyang, which located about 50 km east of Kathmandu from August 5 through August 25, 1987. The condition of the oral cavity in each subject was assessed by RD-test which is a simple method of semi-quantitative analysis for bacterial number in the oral cavity. 108 CFU/ml or more of bacterial number were detected in 55.8% of men and in 66.0% of women examined. The estimated numbers of the bacteria in their oral cavities were much more than those of Japanese. The color photographs of the oral cavity of each subject examined were taken and the periodontal status was assessed by means of PMA-index ; P. M and A represent papillary gingiva, marginal gingival and attached gingiva, respectively. The prevalence of periodontal diseases tended to be high as compared with that of Japanese, especially at their age of 50s and 60s. The hardness and fluorine contents in drinking water at several places in the village were 9-5lppm and 0.13-0.32ppm, respectively. This may have no effect on the occurrence of defect of dental calcification in the inhabitants in Kotyang

    (40(2):209-224)Regional Trial on the Yield Performance and Adaptability of Hybrid Rice Strains

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    試驗的目的在調整雜種水稻品系之種植適期,利用疑似感光性,探討每年種植單期作條件下,是否可發揮雜種優勢而提高增產潛力,以應稻田轉作政策及改進輪作制度之需。本試驗於民國77年利用氣溫較高之夏秋季於全省七個地點進行,測驗八個秈稻雜種品系之稻穀產量及適應性。試驗結果顯示;參試品系在各地之稻穀產量差異極大,在桃園新屋、花蓮、宜蘭三星三處因種植期較早,臺秈雜育1、7及11號等三品系因抽穗障礙而致產量偏低或全無收穫,僅有臺秈雜育2與6號兩品系的平均稻穀產量比對照品種臺中秈10號稍高;在彰化大村等四處採用一般正常二期作之早植,疑似感光性之臺秈雜育1、7及11號三品系平均稻穀產量較對照品種增產10.1─24.9%。臺秈雜育2號在各試驗地區產量最穩定,不論於五月的中間作或七月的一般二期作早植栽培,其平均產量都超過對照品種臺中秈10號。試驗結果顯示如能適當的調整種植時期及利用雜種品系之疑似感光性,可使雜種水稻品系發揮其高產潛力。Experiments were conducted at 7 locations to study the yield performance, adaptability and response to photoperiod of 8 indica hybrid rice strains, Rice was cultured as a mid-season crop with transplanting dates ranged from May to July in 1988. Experimental results indicated significant yield variation for hybrid strains among locations. At Hsinwu (Taoyuan), Sanhsing (Ilan) and Hualien, early transplanting in May rendered the three photosensitive strains, i. e. Tainung Sen Hybrid (TNSH) Nos. 1,7 and 11, to show difficulties in panicle extrusion. Grain yield was therefore very low, or even no harvest, for these strains. For overall average grain yield of the other 5 photo-insensitive strains, only TNSH Nos. 2 and 6 was higher than the check variety Taichung Sen No. 10. At Tatsun (Changhua), Lutsao (Chiayi), Pingtung and Taitung, late transplanting in June and July was carried out and different results were recorded. The three photo-sensitive strains out yielded the check variety by 10.1-24.9%, and all the photo-insensitive strains. TNSH No.2 showed the best adaptability as its grain yield averaged from 7 locations was 6.3% higher than the check variety. Based on the results of this experiment, it is suggested that by adjusting planting date and utilizing photosensitivity, yield performance of hybrid rice can be improved greatly when cultured under local conditions


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    【目的】探讨黑液腐殖酸液体肥料(Humic acid liquid fertilizer,HALF)对棉花生长及土壤性质的影响,为其在棉花生产中的应用提供参考依据。【方法】通过网室-盆栽试验,以不施肥(CK)为对照,研究施用A型、B型和C型3种HALF肥料(HALF-A、HALF-B、HALF-C),N、P、K配施(NPK处理)以及N、P、K与HALF-C配施对棉花地上部干物质积累、养分吸收和土壤养分含量等的影响。【结果】与NPK处理相比,施用HALF肥料能使棉花地上部干物质积累量提高10.0%~65.8%,其中以HALF-C与NPK配合施用处理棉花生长最好。与NPK处理相比,施用HALF和H..