3,828 research outputs found


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    Marine flavobacterium Gramella flava JLT2011 utilization polysaccharide of phytoplankton and characterization of new species of Pelagibaca bacterium

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    海洋浮游植物是海洋食物网的初级生产者,是海洋有机质重要分泌者。海洋浮游植物光合作用产生的有机质,通过海洋细菌分泌的一系列胞外酶等将颗粒有机质POM(ParticleOrganicMatter,POM)进一步代谢为生物可利用的溶解有机质(BioavailableDissolvedOrganicMatter,BDOM)。在这一个过程中噬纤维菌-黄杆菌-拟杆菌(Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides,CFB)菌群起着重大的作用。这类细菌形态多样,一般具有较强的运动性和粘附性,能附着在大颗粒物质上生存,可以降解一般细菌难以利用的大分子有机质。从而削弱了基于浮游植物的沉...Marine phytoplankton, an important source of marine organic matter, is primary producers of the marine food web. Particle Organic Matter (POM), which is produced by marine phytoplankton photosynthesis, were further mineralized to bioavailable dissolved organic matter (BDOM) by marine bacteria through a series of secrete extracellular enzymes. In this process, Cytophaga - Flavobacterium - Bacteroid...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋生物学学号:2232012115132

    Application of Value Engineering in Interior Decoration Project of Green Public Housing in Xiamen City

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    受投资规模、建设标准及观念的影响,保障房装修的质量问题及配置标准的合理性受到不少住户的批评和质疑。随着绿色建筑标准的全面执行,如何利用有限的资金,有效地提升装修品质,建设让使用者满意的绿色全装修保障房,成为各地政府主管部门共同面临的实际问题。 本文应用价值工程理论,对保障房绿色装修的主要价值环节进行分析,具体研究内容包括需求决策模式、评价指标体系的建立和评价系数的确定。通过厦门二星绿色保障房室内装修方案的案例研究,在本地区原有保障房装修标准及方案的基础上,结合绿色建筑标准的要求,建立保障房绿色装修的价值功能评价模型及相应的功能、成本计算方法,构建绿色装修的优化方案途径。论文研究表明,在保障房...Constrained by investment scale, construction standard and idea, decoration quality and rationality of facilities have always been criticized by users in public housings. As Green Building Standard is overall applied in constructing public housings, higher decoration standard requirements have been mandated. However, limited funds to improve green decoration, and wholly decorated public housings t...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工程管理硕士学号:1772014115108

    Painting article concept is analysed in the present Chinese painting creation of realistic significance

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    本文通过对画品概念的理解,引出“以人品画”的观点进行论述。通过当下对画品概念的质疑引发人们进一步思考画品概念具有什么样的现实意义和追求价值。面对如今普遍存在的中国画特性和画品格调与画格品质下滑的现象,如何重新认识中国画品质特性和理解人品与画品的内在联系成为中国画学习者们应该思考的问题。 传统画论将画品分为四个品类,以“逸品”为绘画最高境界,由于古代和现代特定的环境不同,现代画家的社会、人文及视觉心理因素,使作品要达到古人“逸品”的程度似乎是难以实现,但逸品的画品格调是可以通过人的自身修养、气质培养慢慢得以提升的。笔者从三个方面论述了画品与人格的修养之间的关系:一是文化环境和社会背景等因素对画...This article through to the understanding of the concept of derivation, the essay discusses the idea of \"painting\" by character. Concept of painting article through the present questions raised further thinking about what kind of painting article concept has the practical significance and the pursuit of value. Face the now ubiquitous feature of Chinese painting and painting article style and pic...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术学院_美术学学号:1862014115360


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    Fostering a supportive environment for child development

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    Employee Flow Management In State-Owned Enterprise

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    本文针对国有企业员工流动存在问题,运用人力资源的流动理论,查找出问题原因,并从企业角度和人力资源管理角度提出解决方案。 文章共分四个部分。第一章为理论篇,对于企业员工流动的原因、类型和影响因素进行理论分析。首先介绍了企业员工流动的概念和类型,即企业内流动和企业间流动、水平流动和垂直流动、结构性流动和个别性流动,使读者对于企业员工流动有个大概了解;接着,从职业和职业群体的差异性、个人的需要、企业的需要三个方面对引起员工流动的原因进行分析;并在第三节对影响员工流动的个人因素和企业因素进行了深入探讨。 第二章在理论分析的基础上,结合国有企业的实际情况,对国有企业存在的弊病进行剖析。国有企业往往存...There are some problems of employee flow in the state-owned enterprises. To solve these problems, the author tries to use the flow theory finding out the causes, then putting forward the resolvent. Employee flow includes flow within enterprise and flow among enterprises. It can also be divided into horizontal flow and vertical flow or structural flow and individual flow. Employee flow is caused b...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19991509

    Research on the Type of Joint Actions between Several Debtors

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    连带债务的共同诉讼类型是连带债务制度的重要议题之一,其涉及当事人适格、关联诉讼、连带债务人间的诉讼行为效力等诸多问题。关于连带债务的共同诉讼类型,各国家、各学说都持有不同的观点,而且各观点都并未彻底地解决连带债务诉讼的实质问题,也未形成相对稳定且具有说服力的理论体系与实务运作方法。为保证审理的顺利进行,在诉讼初始阶段须确定连带债务案件的诉讼类型,只有这样才能生成相应的程序规则,从而提高裁判的正当性和法律的安定性。 本文除引言和结语外,在结构上分为四章。 第一章为本文的提出问题部分。首先,从实体视角分析连带债务的性质和外部关系效力,从而为诉讼法上研究连带债务的共同诉讼类型奠定必要的基础。其次...The type of joint actions between several debtors is one of the important issues in joint and several obligations, which involved a series of issues in judicial procedure. There are different viewpoints about the action type of joint and several liabilities in different countries. In China it's also an issue that need to be lucubrated in law theory. It is necessary to fix the action type of joint ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_诉讼法学学号:1362009115020

    〈Articles〉Okaerinasai: the Postcolonial discontents of Nihongo-sedai and Wanseis

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