102 research outputs found

    Study of Hole Intersubband Transition in Si/SiGe Quantum Well and its Application in Mid-/Far- Infrared Light Emitter and Detector

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    Si微电子技术已取得巨大成功,然而由于体材料Si的间接带隙特性,发光效率比直接带隙的GaAs等化合物材料低五个量级,如何在硅基材料系实现高效率发光,已成为发展硅基光电子学的一个重要课题,突破Si间接带隙限制的一条有希望的道路,是利用能带工程,使用Si/SiGe量子阱中的子带跃迁代替体材料中的带间跃迁。近年来,基于子带跃迁机理的硅基高效中远红外光电器件成为国内外学术界和产业界的一个研究热点。由于硅基光电子技术重大的产业背景,硅基高效中远红外光电子器件将具有更广泛的应用前景,对我国科技、工业和国防的发展具有重要的意义。本论文就是在这种背景下开展基于价带空穴子带跃迁、Si/SiGe量子级联激光器和S...People have won tremendous successes in silicon microelectronic technique, but, bulk silicon, with a indirect bandgap has a five order of magnitude lower light emission efficiency than direct bandgap materials such as GaAs. So, how to realize high light emission efficiency of silicon-based materials is one of the important topics concerning the development of silicon-based optoelectronics. Energy ...学位:理学博士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_凝聚态物理学号:2005140302

    Research on the Key Epitaxial Technologies and Reliability of Concentrator Multi-junction Solar Cells

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    光伏发电经历了第一代晶硅电池和第二代薄膜电池,目前正逐渐转向高效的第三代聚光太阳能电池。聚光太阳能技术使用聚光镜将太阳光聚焦至小的太阳电池接收器,使得电池面积从聚光镜的面积减小到聚光倍率的大小,从而可以大幅度降低半导体材料成本。此外,聚光太阳能采用多结的III-V族化合物电池,聚光条件下光电转换效率高于40%。因此,发展高效聚光太阳电池对聚光光伏技术广泛应用于地面发电应用至关重要,也是今后技术研究发展的主要方向之一。本文对聚光型Ge/GaAs/GaInP三结太阳电池外延之关键工艺和可靠性进行了研究,主要取得以下成果: 1、 建立起包含光学和电学的理论计算及结构模型,分析多结太阳电池性能的影响...The photovoltaic technologies have been through the first generation silicon based solar cell and the second generation thin film solar cell. And now it has developed into the third generation concentrating photovoltaic (CPV). The general idea of a photovoltaic concentrator is to use optics to focus sunlight on a small receiving solar cell; thus, the cell area in the focus of the concentrator can ...学位:博士后院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_物理学学号:BH170021

    The Si/SiGe quantum cascade laser

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    Si/SiGe量子级联激光器是一种新型的带内跃迁的红外光源,突破了Si基材料间接带隙特性对光跃迁的限制.Si/SiGe量子级联激光器的开发将为实现太赫兹有源器件的硅基集成产生深远影响.文章介绍了Si/SiGe量子级联激光器的工作原理,以及这类激光器在能带设计、材料生长和波导制作方面的最新进展.The Si/SiGe quantum cascade laser is a new coherent IR source based on intersubband transitions, which overcomes the limitations imposed by the indirect gap. This laser will have a great impact on the development of terahertz devices and indicates a possible way to integrate active terahertz devices into silicon-based technology. In this paper we will describe the principle and latest progress in the active layer design, materials growth, and waveguide fabrication of this Si-based laser.国家自然科学基金(批准号:60576001)资助项

    Optimization Design of Top Contact Metallization of Concentrator Solar Cells

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    【中文摘要】 对聚光型太阳电池表面栅极图形进行优化设计。对组成太阳电池表面栅电极的图形最小单元的各种功率损失进行了详细分析,得到了最佳栅电极间距的递推公式。优化计算了各种宽度的次栅之间的间距,并得到了相对应的功率损失比例。电极和半导体接触良好时,当次栅间距小于最佳值,电极的遮挡对于功率损失影响最大;而当次栅间距大于最佳值时,太阳电池体材料输运功率损失和次栅电极电流输运功率损失开始成为主要原因。对于高倍聚光型太阳电池来说,次栅电极的厚度相对要求厚一些。计算及分析结果可应用于聚光型太阳电池电极的设计中。 【英文摘要】 An optimum grid pattern of the concentrator solar cell top contact metallization was designed. Several power-loss mechanisms of the smallest element were analyzed detailedly. The optimum grid spacing recursion formula was deduced. The optimum grid spacing and the power-loss for the grids of different width were calculated. The shadowing loss was the biggest loss when the grid spacing was narrower than the optimum one if ohmic contact was very well. Otherwise,the current transporting power losses of the grid...中国博士后科学基金面上资助项

    InFluence of Laser Irradiation on Serum Albumen of Castor Silkworm

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    我们采用不同波长的激光照射蓖麻蚕蚕卵,使它产生半致死效应,经孵化后的幼虫在五龄期取血分析它的血清蛋白谱,证实了激光照射对蓖麻蚕的遗传性状具有诱变作用,其机理涉及到激光照射与基因表达及调控的关系。Eggs of castor silkworm are irradiated with diFFerent wavelengths of laser and they are made to produce the semilethal eFFect.AFter incubation, taking some blood From larva at the age of Five, the spectra of its serum albumen is analysed.It has been conFirmed that laser irradiation has a mutagenesis on heredity of castor silkworm.the mechanism involved with the relation of laser irradiation with gene expression, as adjuustion and control.福建省自然科学基


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    作者简介: 吴桂容( 1970- ) , 女, 广西贺州人, 博士研究生, 副教授, 主要从事污染生态学研究。E - mail: hzwgr510@ 163. com。通信作者: 敖子强, 博士研究生, 主要从事环境生态和污染生态学研究。E - m ai:l aoz iq iang628@ 163. com。通过对土法炼锌区的土壤、废渣、植物、地表水和沉积物进行实地调查和采样分析,发现土法炼锌区水土流失主要是由于含有SO2和重金属的废气导致植被严重破坏、土壤裸露造成的;水土流失同时导致了重金属的迁移扩散,污染土壤中重金属可溶态比重大,而废渣中重金属可溶态比重小,主要随废渣一起流失。减少土法炼锌区水土流失的主要途径是恢复植被和利用工程措施将废渣固定。对于污染土壤来说限制因子是土壤pH值低,可溶态重金属比重大,主要对策是增加土壤的pH值,选择耐酸性和耐重金属的树种恢复植被;对于废渣来说限制因子是废渣持水保肥能力差,重金属含量高,及废渣本身的结构疏松,主要对策是保持废渣的pH值不降低,利用工程措施将废渣固定,及改变土壤的结构来恢复植被;废渣和污染土壤上的先锋植物醉鱼草(Buddleja lindleyana)可作为首选来恢复植被。贵州省科学技术基金(编号:20062014);广西重点实验室研究基金(编号:桂科能0704K002