
InFluence of Laser Irradiation on Serum Albumen of Castor Silkworm


我们采用不同波长的激光照射蓖麻蚕蚕卵,使它产生半致死效应,经孵化后的幼虫在五龄期取血分析它的血清蛋白谱,证实了激光照射对蓖麻蚕的遗传性状具有诱变作用,其机理涉及到激光照射与基因表达及调控的关系。Eggs of castor silkworm are irradiated with diFFerent wavelengths of laser and they are made to produce the semilethal eFFect.AFter incubation, taking some blood From larva at the age of Five, the spectra of its serum albumen is analysed.It has been conFirmed that laser irradiation has a mutagenesis on heredity of castor silkworm.the mechanism involved with the relation of laser irradiation with gene expression, as adjuustion and control.福建省自然科学基

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