101 research outputs found

    Study of SnO_x doped with Cu as negative electrode material for micro thin film Li-ion battery

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    研究了掺杂Cu的Sn的氧化物薄膜,它可以作为微型薄膜锂电池负极材料。这种薄膜是采用磁控溅射的方式,在硅基底上沉积了SnOX和金属Cu。Xrd分析和SEM观察表明:随着金属Cu掺杂量的增加,所制备薄膜由晶态趋向于非晶态,有利于锂离子的嵌入与脱出。恒电流充放电测试表明:随着金属Cu掺杂量的增加,SnOX薄膜放电容量有所增加,循环性能有很大的提高。这种掺杂Cu的SnOX薄膜的制备方法可用于微型薄膜锂离子电池。SnOx thin films doped with Cu as negative electrode for micro thin film Li-ion battery are studied.SnOx thin films use magnetron sputtering mode SnOx and Cu are deposited on Si substrate.The XRD analysis and SEM observation show that phase of thin oxide thin films tends from crystalline to amorphous with the increase of doping amount of Cu,which helps Li-ion to implant and abjection.Constant current charge and discharge tests show that with the increase of doping amount of Cu,the discharge capacity of SnOx films is increased and cycle performance is greatly improved.The method of fabrication of SnOx thin film doped with Cu can be used for micro thin film Li-ion microbatteries.国家自然科学基金资助项目(60976082;60936003); 航空科学基金资助项目(2008ZH68002


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    Video-assisted Thoracoscopic 3D Mode Operation for Solitary Pulmonary Nodules

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    目的探讨三维胸腔镜手术(3d VIdEO-ASSISTEd THOrACIC SurgEry,3d-VATS治疗孤立性肺结节(SOlITAry PulMOnAry nOdulE,SPn)的效果。方法回顾性分析2013年3月~2014年3月50例SPn的资料,采用3d-VATS手术模式楔形切除结节,根据快速病理结果决定是否行肺叶切除加淋巴结清扫术。统计手术时间(去除快速冰冻时间)、术后24 H引流量、总引流量、引流管拔除时间、淋巴结清扫数及术后并发症等。结果 3d-VATS模式下,50例均行肺结节楔形切除,其中23例病理为恶性,继续行肺癌根治术,手术顺利。肺癌根治术手术时间(62±12)MIn,术中出血量(35±5)Ml,清扫淋巴结(19±3)个,术后24 H引流量(120±20)Ml,术后胸管引流时间(4±1)d,术后住院时间(7±2)d。并发症3例,其中术后肺炎2例,阵发性心房纤颤1例,均治愈。无围手术期死亡。随访2~12个月,平均6.3月。1例术后3个月脑转移,1例术后5个月肺癌复发。结论胸腔镜3d模式下治疗SPn是一种新的选择方式,安全可行,值得推广应用。Objective To evaluate the effects of surgical treatment for solitary pulmonary nodules under thoracoscopic 3D mode(3D-VATS).Methods A total of 50 cases of solitary pulmonary nodules from March 2013 to March 2014 were retrospectively analyzed.Intraoperative wedge pulmonary resection with 3D-VATS was utilized.According to intraoperative pathological findings,lobectomy plus lymph node dissection was given or not.Intraoperative time( minus fast freezing time),drainage volume for 24 h,total drainage volume,drainage tube removal time,number of lymph node dissected,and postoperative complications were recorded.Results Under 3D-VATS mode,50 cases of solitary pulmonary nodules were treated with wedge resection,including 23 cases of malignant pathology receiving radical resection, which was smoothly.The radical resection time( lung lobectomy plus lymphadenectomy) was(62 ± 12) min,the bleeding volume was(35 ± 5) ml,the lymphadenectomy number was 19 ± 3,the drainage volume for 24 h was(120 ± 20) ml,the postoperative chest tube removal time was(4 ± 1) days,and the postoperative hospital stay was(7 ± 2) days.Postoperative complications occurred in 3 cases,including 2 cases of pneumonia and 1 case of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.No perioperative deaths were observed.All the cases were followed up for 2- 12 months,with an average of 6.3 months.Brain metastases was found in 1 case at the third postoperative month and recurrence of lung cancer was noted in 1 case at the fifth postoperative month.Conclusion Thoracoscopic 3D mode treatment for solitary pulmonary nodules is a new,safe,and feasible alternative and should be widely applied

    Experimental study on reperfusion of intraocular lens

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    作者简介: 祁明信, 男, 1945 年7 月 出生, 教授、主任医师、博士研究生 导师, 主要从事白内障的基础与临 床研究。联系电话: 0591-83570887; E-mail:qihuang@netease. com 通讯作者: 黄秀榕,E-mail:[email protected][中文文摘]目的开展晶状体再灌注的离体和动物实验研究,并对再灌注人工晶状体技术进行评价。方法采用新鲜离体幼兔眼、离体猪眼、新西兰白兔眼,应用自行研制的人工晶状体材料,进行以下实验:(1)体外固化实验;(2)晶状体前囊膜微型撕囊及其稳固性实验;(3)经微型前囊膜开口超声乳化吸出晶状体内容物实验;(4)活的新西兰白兔眼内人工晶状体再灌注实验。结果(1)按硅酮聚合物与固化剂50:1的比例可获得柔软、弹性好、固化时间短(完全固化时间为60min)的注入材料;(2)晶状体前囊膜1.8~2.0mm的连续环形撕囊口具有较好的稳定性,可经该微型开口吸出晶状体内容物并灌注材料;(3)超声能量18%、流量25mL·min-1、负压120mmHg(1kPa=7.5mmHg)为晶状体内容物经微型前囊膜开口吸出的最佳条件;(4)注入灌注材料后可形成由晶状体囊膜包裹的、置换原晶状体皮质和核的、新的再灌注人工晶状体。结论采用再灌注人工晶状体的方法可进行新型人工晶状体再灌注,可为治疗白内障和老视提供参考。[英文文摘]Objective To carry out the experimental study on reperfusion of intraocular lens(IOLs) in vitro or in animal,and to assess the technique of IOLs reperfusion.Methods The following experiments were performed by using self-developed materials in fresh rabbit eyes and pig eyes in vitro,as well as in eyes of alive New-Zea-land rabbits:(1)Solidification study of self-developed material in vitro;(2)Continuous circular capsulorhexis(CCC) in anterior capsule of lens and its stability;(3)Draw of lens contents via phaco through mini-CCC;(4)IOLs ref illing in the eyes of alive New-Zea land rabbits. Results(1) Thematerialwhich was soft, springy and short-term solidification(full solidification time was 60 minutes) were obtained in certain proportion of geland solidified agent(50:1) in vitro; ( 2)The CCC in anterior capsule of lens with 1.8-2.0 mm diameter had very good stability. The lens contents were drawn and the materialwere refilled through themini-CCC; (3) The best conditions of drawing out lens contents through m ini-CCC were phaco energy 18% , flow 25 mL·min- 1, and negative pressure 120 mmH g (1kPa=7.5 mmHg);(4) The new refilled IOLs, which were wrapped by capsule of lens and were replaced original cortex and nucleus of lens, were obtained after thematerial refillied. Conc lusion. New IOLs are refilled through this method, which can prov ide reference for the treatment of cataract and presbyopia.福建省科技三项费用;教育厅重点资助项目基金资助(编号:K98041


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    少数民族文学比较研究和中外文学比较研究分别是文学比较研究两翼中的一翼 ,二者是平行的 ,相辅相成 ,缺一不可 ,不应厚此薄彼。少数民族文学比较研究崇尚兼收并蓄、吸其长、避其短的“拿来主义”原则 ,将人类学理论引入少数民族文学比较研究 ,开拓中国少数民族文学比较研究的新领


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    The Measurement of Instrumentalism and the Definition of National Identity——A Theoretical Thinking Provoked by the Founding of a "She" Minority Village

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    族群理论中的工具论认为,人是理性的动物,无时不在算计和优化自己的利益,族群认同的根本原因就在于政治、经济等方面利益的推动。但是,工具论同时也不否认族籍、传统等对人们具有感召力。本文依据对一个畲族乡的调查指出,在我国的民族政策和特殊国情下,即便没有族籍(无论是生物学意义上的还是文化意义上的)和传统的存在,只要有工具主义的好处,某些特定的人群也可能借用其他族群的族籍,来构建出一个新的同时包含不同族群的民族认同。Based on an investigation of a "she" minority village, this article points out that, under our national policy and special conditions, a certain human group can construct a new national identification but include different minorities without even national identity or tradition but the benefits of instrumentalism

    Structural Analysis of Disk Micromechanical Resonator

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    运用AnSyS对圆盘谐振器的结构进行有限元分析,并结合集总参数模型,确定了圆盘谐振器锚点尺寸与位置对圆盘谐振器性能的影响,包括谐振频率,振幅与品质因子(Q).在此基础上,提出了一种在圆盘谐振器高阶模式的节点环处做锚点的方案,不仅可以使圆盘谐振器工作在更高的谐振频率,同时也降低了微加工精度的要求.Finite element method(FEM) in ANSYS is used to analyze the structure of disk micromechanical resonator.Especially,FEM combined with the lumped parameter model,are used to study effect of size and position of the disk micromechanical resonator on its vibration amplitude,frequency and quality factor Q.The results show that the size and position of the anchor of the disk micromechanical resonator can greatly affect its performance.Based on these studies,a new disk micromechanical resonator is proposed.It works in higher order vibration mode and takes nodal circle of the mode shape instead of the disk center as anchor.With this improvement,the disk micromechanical resonator can be even more easily fabricated since the anchor effect is greatly weakened,which leads to lower precision requirements on microfabrication.航空科学基金项目(2008ZH68002