1,545 research outputs found

    A Business Plan for A Environmental Protection Company

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    随着国家对于大气污染物中SO2治理要求的提高,湿法脱硫设施作为电厂必备的主流环保设施大面积集中投运。由此产生的脱硫废水的严重的环境污染问题,开始得到国家有关部门高度重视! 电厂废水零排放是国家环保政策的一贯要求,在国家、地方环保法规以及电力行业的设计规程中,均有明文规定。但是,由于脱硫废水浊度大、重金属含量多,尤其氯离子高达20000mg/l,行业里一直没有适合产业化推广的治理技术。 本创业计划书,共分十章。前三章解释开展本项目的目的,第四章介绍公司拟研发的技术和产品,第五章测算市场的空间,并确定市场的定位,第六章到第七章分别从商业模式、营销等两方面研讨经营策略,第八章制定出企业发展规划,...With the development of the countries for atmospheric pollutants SO2 control requirements increase, mainstream environmental protection facilities, a large area of wet desulphurization facilities as power plant essential operation focused on. The serious environmental pollution problem caused by the desulfurization waste water, began to be highly valued by the relevant departments of the state! T...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:S20031510

    A Study of the Relevance between the Public Service Motivation of College Students and the Choice of Government Department as Career Intention: A Case Study of Masters in Xiamen University

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    大学生为什么选择加入政府部门?美国公共行政学者詹姆斯•佩里曾提出一个论点:公共服务动机越强的个人,越倾向于选择加入公共部门。大学生选择政府部门作为职业意向究竟是基于其较强的公共服务动机还是因为其他考量呢?本研究以厦门大学硕士研究生为样本,以公共服务动机和职业价值观变量作为自变量,以厦门大学硕士研究生的职业意向作为因变量,结合实证分析结果,对厦门大学硕士研究生公共服务动机与其选择政府部门作为职业意向的关系进行了探讨。 全文共分为五个部分: 第一部分为导论,阐述了本文的研究背景,对公共服务动机、公共服务动机与职业意向的关系、职业价值观与职业意向的关系等相关文献进行了较为全面的回顾和...Why do college students choose to join government department? Perry James has argued that theindividuals with a high degree of public service motivation tend to seek membership in a public agency. Do the college students who choose government department as a career intentionis based on strongpublic service motivation or other considerations? This study takes the masters in Xiamen University as a s...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_行政管理学号:1392014115045

    Research on Urban-Rural Verkehr, Human Development and Chinese Urban-Rural Income Gap

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    刚过去的“十二五”时期中国经济总量稳居世界第二,人均国内生产总值增至7654美元。改革开放以来,我国经济发展成果世界瞩目,居民生活水平和质量得到显著提高。然而在经济高速发展的同时,我国城镇和农村二元经济结构愈发明显,特别是收入差距逐渐扩大,虽然近年来略有下降,但仍处于有风险的差距水平。城镇和农村收入差距导致了一系列的社会问题,农村消费不足、城乡心理失衡、二元特征更加明显等等。党和政府高度重视城镇和农村差距问题,在“十三五”规划中不仅提出了国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番的总体目标,同时强调要推动城镇和农村协调发展,缩小城镇和农村的收入差距。要实现城乡协调发展,就得找到症结所在,...China has been remaining the largest economy stably over the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period. Though China has the largest population, Chinese per capita income has increased to about 7800 dollars. Since Chinese Reform, Chinese economic development has been drawing worldwide attention for people’s living standard and quality are improved notably. Meanwhile, the characteristic of dual economic struct...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_政治经济学学号:1532013015399

    Research on the Government Decision Support System Based on Modeling and Simulation

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    随着网络信息技术的发展,随着大数据时代的到来,政府在做公共决策时将面对海量数据和复杂系统,决策难度将直线上升。为了提高政府的行政能力、管理水平和决策准确性,将决策支持系统及建模仿真等新技术引入政府成为必然趋势。基于建模仿真的政府决策支持系统,可以利用电子政务综合数据仓库中存储的大量数据,考虑决策者的偏好需要,并且充分把握决策问题的特点性质,从而使仿真模型更加真实、仿真结果更符合实际情况,通过模拟预演和不断优化来提高政策制定的科学性和可行性。 本文分为五大部分:第一是绪论部分,主要对研究的背景和意义进行论述,并梳理了相关研究文献,明确了研究的思路和方法;第二是政府决策支持系统的研究进程与发展,...With the development of information technology and the arrival of big data era, government will make public policy decisions in the face of massive data and complex causal, so the difficulty of making decisions will shoot up. In order to improve the government's ability, management and decision-making accuracy, Decision Support Systems and Modeling and Simulation, and other new technologies will b...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_行政管理学号:1392013115030

    Nitric oxide enhances phosphate nutrition in rice seedlings by regulating phosphate uptake and translocation

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    磷是生物体所必需的大量元素之一,其参与构成的化合物、生物大分子广泛参与到各种生命活动当中,有重要的生理功能。但是土壤中可供植物直接利用的磷含量十分的有限,致使磷成为植物生长和粮食产量的主要限制因素。因此,研究植物磷积累的分子机制,寻找促进植物磷营养的方法有重要的意义。 一氧化氮(NO)作为一种气体信号分子,参与调节植物多种代谢活动。虽然一氧化氮参与植物非生物胁迫的调节作用已经得到证实,但是其对磷吸收的调节机制尚不明确。本试验以水稻为材料,通过施加NO供体硝普钠(sodiumnitroprusside,SNP)、一氧化氮合成酶(nitricoxidesynthetase)抑制剂(Nw-nitr...As one of the most important macro nutrient for biology, phosphorus composes many materials showed a widely biological function in metabolism. In the soil, only phosphate can be used by plants directly and exists in a shortage, leaving phosphate one of the limits for plant growth and yield. Therefore, it is very important to study the molecular mechanism of phosphate uptake and having scientific s...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_生态学学号:3312014115166

    Spatial Equity Evaluation of Urban Public Transport Resources Allocation Based on New Data Environment:A Case Study of Xiamen City

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    公平性问题在不同时代、不同文化、不同宗教信仰与政治体制下,内涵与标准各不相同,对于公平的研究领域也涉及到人类社会的方方面面,其中就包括公共服务的公平性问题。在公共服务的公平性研究领域中,作为公共服务物质载体的公共服务设施具有很强的空间属性特征,因此公共服务公平性的研究更多将着眼点放在公共服务设施空间公平性的研究上。城市交通运输系统作为重要的公共服务设施,是整个社会经济发展系统中的重要组成部分,为物质资源的流通以及全体社会成员参与各类社会经济活动及社会交往活动提供基础条件与机会,因此交通公平一直是公共服务公平性研究的热门领域。 在国家提出“基本公共服务均等化”发展战略的大背景下,通过对国内外有...In different times, different cultures, different religions or political systems, the connotation and standards of equity is different. The research of equity involves all aspects of human society, including the equity of public service. In the field of public service equity research, as the material carrier of public service, public service facilities have strong spatial attribute characteristics...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_城市与区域规划学号:3082014115173

    Registration and Management of Pesticide & Fertilizer Mixtures in the United States

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    本文通过对相关网站资料、文献的查阅、分析,初步勾勒出美国EPA及部分州对药肥产品管理的现行基本做法,为中国建立和形成对药肥产品的管理规范提供借鉴。This article outlined the basic practices for the regulation of pesticide & fertilizer mixtures taken by the United States EPA and some federal states through collecting information from the related websites and literature and making an analysis. Finally, the reference was provided to establish and form a regulation system for pesticide & fertilizer mixtures in China

    Cutting Simulation and Experimental Research on Indexable Hard Alloy Blade

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    随着金属切削技术的快速发展与进步,对切削加工的要求也越来越高。硬质合金刀具作为现代切削加工中的一种先进刀具,在金属切削加工中扮演着重要的角色。而刀片作为刀具的重要组成部分,其结构对切削性能有决定性影响。早期对切削的研究通常是从理论、经验和试验入手,后期有限元思想和计算机技术的发展应用,使得有限元分析成为研究切削加工强有力的手段。 本论文运用有限元方法系统分析了硬质合金可转位刀片的切削机理及工艺。深入研究了硬质合金可转位刀片切削过程中的切削力、切削热、切屑形态、刀片磨损和表面粗糙度等问题。为安全高效切削45钢时,确定合理的切削参数提供了科学的依据。 论文的主要研究内容如下: 1、以金属切削...With the rapid development of metal cutting technology and progress, there is a high demanding for machining. Indexable hard alloy cutting tools play an important role in the metal cutting processing. Indexable hard alloy cutting tools with high hardness, wear resistance and a series of excellent properties, are widely used in machining. Early researches on cutting are usually studied with theory ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_机械工程学号:1992010115273

    Study on the System for the Right of Claim of Possession Restoration Relationship

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    占有回复关系请求权涉及回复请求人的所有物返还请求权,以及其对占有人主张所有物返还请求权时产生的有关费用、收益、损害赔偿责任的规定,该制度作为物权法上的特殊规则,旨在平衡回复请求人与占有人之间的利益。此外,该规则与债权法理论中的不当得利、无因管理及侵权行为请求权构成竞合,然因各规则背后的立法目的、蕴含的文化背景不同,如何厘清各类制度之间的适用范围,本文加以粗浅分析。本文试图从德国、日本、瑞士及我国台湾地区现有立法规则出发,比较、分析、归纳了各国对占有回复关系请求权制度的立法特点,以期完善我国物权法中的占有回复关系请求权制度。 第一部分说明占有回复关系请求权的概念并介绍各国对该制度的立法考察。各...The right of claim of possession restoration relationship involves the restoration claimant’s right of ownership returning, and at the same time advocated the return of related costs, earnings, damage liability. As a special rule in property law, the purpose is to achieve the balance the interests between the possessor and the reply claimant. In addition, the right of claim occurred by this rule a...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115028