46 research outputs found

    Classification Analysis Based on Literature about TCM Syndrome Types of Depressive Disorder

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    在遵循循证医学原则的前提下,系统检索近10年来抑郁症中医及中西医结合临床研究类文献。并将检索的文献按照证候研究、方药治疗、辨证论治、综述进行分类,根据各类文献的研究特点采用不同的统计方法,对抑郁症证候分类进行分析研究,以期总结归纳出抑郁症临床常见证候,为抑郁症中医证候规范化、客观化提供参考依据。统计分析结果显示抑郁症临床常见证候依次为:肝气郁结、肝郁脾虚、心脾两虚、痰气郁结、肝郁肾虚、气郁化火。On the premise of following evidence-based medicine,we searched the clinical research literature of traditional Chinese medicine( TCM) and combined traditional Chinese and western medicine on depressive disorder in nearly a decade comprehensively.We classified these literature according to the syndrome types research,clinical therapy,syndrome differentiation and treatment and literature review.On the basis of the characteristics of literature and different statistical methods,we analyzed the syndrome classification of depressive disorder to summarize the common syndrome types of clinical depressive disorder,providing some references for the standardization and objectification of syndromes for depressive disorder.Statistical analysis results show that the depressive disorder common clinical syndromes in the order:stagnation of liver qi,stagnation of liver qi and spleen deficiency,heart-spleen deficiency,phlegm-qi stagnation,liver depression and kidney deficiency,qi depression transforming into fire.福建省自然科学基金项目(2014J01374);; 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20133007


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    围绝经期抑郁症的发病基础是肾虚精血亏少,七情过极是诱因,病程中多表现为肝郁气滞、痰瘀交阻、闭塞脑窍。肾虚肝郁又常累及心脾二脏,故以补肾疏肝、化痰祛瘀、补益心脾立法,自拟柴郁地仙方治疗本病取得良好效果。从实验及临床研究结果来看,补肾疏肝、化痰祛瘀、补益心脾这种多脏腑整体调治,虚实兼顾治疗围绝经期抑郁症的思路较有效,且值得进一步推广和深入探讨。福建省卫生厅资助项目(WZPW101307);; 厦门市科技局资助项目(3502Z20133007

    Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Technique Coupled with Chemometric Second-Order Calibration Method for Simultaneous Detection of Thiabendazole and Fuberidazole in Red Wine

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    噻菌灵和麦穗宁是被广泛应用于预防治疗蔬菜水果病害的苯并咪唑类杀菌剂,二者的荧光光谱重叠严重,常规的荧光方法难以实现同时直接定量分析。本文将激发发射三维荧光技术分别与平行因子分析(PArAfAC)算法和交替三线性分解(ATld)算法相结合直接用于定量分析红葡萄酒中噻菌灵和麦穗宁的残留含量。当体系主成分数为3时,ATld和PArAfAC获得预测样品中噻菌灵和麦穗宁的平均回收率分别为(105.8±2.7)%、(102.1±10.1)%和(102.4±7.6)%、(103.1±9.5)%。本方法可简单、快速、经济、同时地分析红葡萄酒中噻菌灵和麦穗宁含量。Thiabendazole(TBZ) and fuberidazole(FBZ) are a class of benzimidazole fungicides and have been widely applied to protect vegetables and fruits.Conventional fl uorescence spectrum analysis method can hardly simultaneously detect TBZ and FBZ due to their serious spectral overlap.The simultaneous determination of TBZ and FBZ in red wine by excitation-emission fluorescence matrices(EEMs) combined with parallel factor analysis(PARAFAC) and alternating tri-linear decomposition(ATLD) was developed in this study.The prediction recoveries of TBZ and FBZ in the prediction set by PARAFAC and ATLD were(105.8±2.7)%,(102.1±10.1)% and(102.4±7.6)%,(103.1±9.5)% respectively,when the principal component number was 3.The method is simple,fast,low-cost,and suitable for the simultaneous determination of TBZ and FBZ in red wine.国家自然科学基金项目(21127005;21375111); 福建省科技重点项目(2009Y0046


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    Effect of geniposide on the lipid metabolism and inflammatory injury of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the hamster

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    目的:观察栀子苷对高脂饮食诱导的金黄地鼠非酒精性脂肪性肝病模型脂质代谢、肝组织病理变化及炎症损伤的影响,并与栀子进行比较,以明确栀子抗脂肪肝作用的效应成分。方法:24只雄性金黄地鼠按随机数字表法分为正常组、模型组、栀子组和栀子苷组。实验后观察肝组织病理学变化,并检测肝组织Tg含量、血清Tg、CHO含量及AlT、AST活性。结果:与模型组比较,栀子组、栀子苷组肝Tg含量、血清Tg、CHO含量及AlT、AST活性均显著降低,且栀子苷对AlT、AST活性的降低作用优于栀子。结论:栀子苷与栀子对高脂饮食诱导的地鼠脂肪肝均有显著干预作用,且栀子苷抗炎症损伤作用优于栀子。Objective: To observe geniposide's effect on lipid metabolism,hepatic tissue pathological change and inflammatory injury of golden hamsters with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease( NAFLD),caused by high fat diet.Compare the geniposide's effect with gardenia to make clear the effective components in Gardenia that can resist fatty liver.Methods: 24 male golden hamsters were averagely divided into control group,model group,gardenia group and geniposide group.The experiment was based on building the model,and then observe hamsters 'general condition and pathological change of hepatic tissue,examine the content of hepatic tissue TG,serum TG,CHO and the activity of ALT,AST.Results: In gardenia group and gardenoside group,The content of hepatic tissue TG,serum TG,CHO and the activity of ALT,AST are significantly lower than the model group.Besides,gardenoside can lower the activity of ALT,AST better than gardenia.Conclusion: Both gardenoside and gardenia have notable intervention effects on hamsters' NAFLD caused by HFD and gardenoside have better effects on resisting inflammatory injury than gardenia,which suggested that gardenoside was the primary effective component in resisting NAFLD.国家自然科学基金面上项目(81274155); 厦门市重大科技计划项目(3502Z20100006


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    Jiangzhi and Hepatoprotective effect of salidroside on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    目的:探讨中药红景天的主要成分红景天苷对高脂饮食诱导的金黄地鼠非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(nASH)的干预作用。方法:18只雄性金黄地鼠随机分成正常组、模型组和红景天苷组,除正常组外,其余两组均给予高脂饮食喂养6周以复制nASH模型;造模第3周起,红景天苷组给予红景天苷药液灌胃4周。6周后处死地鼠,收集标本,检测肝组织甘油三酯(Tg)含量,血清天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)活性,对肝组织进行HE染色。结果:红景天苷能明显降低肝组织Tg含量及血清AST活性,改善肝组织脂肪变性的病理状态。结论:红景天苷具有显著的抗nASH病理损伤的药理效应。Objective:To explore the intervening effect of the main components of the rhodiola on the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) for male golden hamsters induced by high-fat diets.Methods:Total 18 male golden hamsters were divided into control group,model group and salidroside group randomly.Male golden hamsters in the model group and salidroside group were fed with high fat diet for 6 weeks to reproduce NAFLD model.After the second week of feeding,male golden hamsters in the salidroside group were given a gavage of salidroside.All male golden hamsters were put to death at the 6 weeks and samples were collected.Hepatic tissue TG contents were detected.Serum AST activities were determined.Hepatic tissues were detected by HE staining.Results:Salidroside decreased hepatic tissue TG contents,serum AST activities and reduced the fatty degeneration in hepatocytes significantly.Conclusion:Salidroside has conspicuous pharmacological effect on the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in male golden hamsters.国家自然科学基金(No.81274155); 厦门市重大科技计划项目(No.3502Z20100006); 横向课题(No.XDHT2011366A)~