53 research outputs found

    Optimization for astaxanthin extraction from Haematococcus pluvialis with ethanol using response surface methodology

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    采用安全无毒的乙醇为溶剂,研究了超声时间、料液比、搅拌速度等因素对虾青素提取效率的影响。在此基础上,采用响应面设计对以上3个因素的交互关系进行探究。结果表明,3个因素对虾青素提取率的影响顺序为:超声时间〉料液比〉搅拌速度;最佳提取条件为:超声时间20min、料液比1:150、搅拌速度1000 r/min,在此条件下虾青素提取率可达48.42%。Ethanol, an environmentally friendly solvent, was used to extract astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis. The effect of several conditions, including ultrasound time, the ratio of solid to liquid (S/L) and stirring rate, on astaxanthin extraction rate was investigated. Response surface methodology was applied to study the interaction in these factors. The effects of three factors on the extraction of astaxanthin were in order of ultrasound time, S/L, and stirring rate. The optimal astaxanthin extraction rate was 48.42% with 20 min of ultrasound time, 1:150 of S/L, and 1000 r/min of stirring rate.国家自然科学基金项目(41606177); 福建省高校产学合作项目(2015N5006); 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目(JA15406); 泉州市科技局校地协同创新项目(2016N056

    A Novel Method for Preparation of Activated Alumina

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    [中文文摘]将结晶氯化铝与柠檬酸及淀粉等造孔剂混合,经直接干燥和焙烧制得了一种无定形活性氧化铝,并通过X射线粉末衍射、N2物理吸附及氨程序升温脱附等手段对活性氧化铝样品进行了表征,探讨了各组分对活性氧化铝样品性质所起的作用.与常规的活性氧化铝制备方法相比,这种制法省去了中和、老化、过滤和洗涤等步骤,缩短制备周期且过程容易控制.活性氧化铝具有适宜且可调节的比表面积和孔径分布,作为载体负载镍金属组分制成负载型催化剂后,对乙苯加氢饱和与加氢裂化表现出较高的催化活性.[英文文摘]A novel and simple method was developed to prepare alumina with suitable specific surface area and pore size distribution. First,AlCl3·6H2O and citric acid were heated without water in a water bath at 90 ℃ with stirring until a homogenous solution was obtained.Then starch was added into is solution.After the solution was dried at 110 ℃ and calcined at indicated temperature, activated alumina was obtained.The activated alumina was characterized by N2 adsorption,X-ray diffraction,and NH3 temperature-programmed desorption. Compared with the usual technology , this novel preparation did not include some steps such as aging , filtering , and washing. Moreover , the specific surface area and pore size distribution of the activated alumina could be controlled and modified by changing the preparation parameters. The supported Ni/ Al2O3 catalyst with the activated alumina as support showed higher activity for hydrogenation and hydrocracking of ethylbenzene.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计,2004CB217805); 福建省“百千万人才工程”项目; 福建省自然科学基金(U0750016)

    Reactor model with cross-flow for aromatics catalytic hydrogenation

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    [中文文摘]提出了一种抗硫中毒的芳烃加氢催化反应器模型,称之为交叉流反应器模型,把反应物料分为两股,其中含有噻吩的乙苯物料采用轴向连续流动方式由反应器进口进入催化剂床层,而氢气由铅直导管直接进入催化剂床层中,然后与乙苯物料混合。在氢气导管出口处形成含硫乙苯浓度低而氢气浓度高的特殊区域,因而硫对催化剂的中毒效应大幅度降低,整体上提高了乙苯加氢饱和反应效率。与传统轴向混合流反应器进行比较,在相同条件下交叉流反应器具有更好的整体加氢反应性能。分别建立了交叉流反应器与传统轴向混合流反应器模型,提出了两种反应器的催化反应转化率方程;利用此转化率方程,对实验数据进行处理,得到动力学参数,模型的计算结果与实验数据相吻合,也验证了在交叉流反应器中,硫的中毒效应明显减弱。[英文摘要]A novel reactor model named cross-flow reactor for aromatics catalytic hydrogenation was proposed.The reactants were divided into two flows:ethylbenzene with thiophene was introduced to the catalyst bed along the axial direction of the columnar reactor,while hydrogen was introduced into catalyst bed through a vertical pipe with openings.Because special areas with high H2 pressure and low H2S pressure were formed near these openings,the poisoning of catalyst by thiophene was substantially decreased,and consequently the reaction of et hylbenzene hydrogenation was improved as compared with the traditional reactor with mixed co-flow. Finally , kinetic models were established for this cross-flow reactor and the traditional reactor1And the conversion equations of these two reactors were given.By using these equations , the experiments data were fitted to obtain kinetics parameters. The calculation results agreed well with the experimental data. It was also demonst rated that sulfur poisoning in cross-flow reactor was weakened.国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2004CB217805); 福建省“百千万人才工程”支持项目; 福建省自然科学基金项目(U0750016)


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    EB病毒编码的病毒潜伏膜蛋白 1(LMP1)是重要的致瘤蛋白,一直以来是EB病毒致瘤机制的研究核心.传统的受体学说认为,细胞膜受体作为第一信使,在细胞膜上与其配体结合发挥生物学效应.但近年来,对EGFR家族成员受体核移位在基因表达调控中意义的研究,拓宽了人们对细胞膜受体生物学功能的认识.利用我们建立的Tet-on系统调控LMP1表达的细胞系,采用Western blot和激光共聚焦显微镜等技术证实,LMP1可调控EGFR的核移位,并呈一定的剂量效应.通过GFP与EGFR及不同突变体的融合蛋白在细胞内的表达发现,EGFR的核定位信号在其核移位过程中起着一定的作用,并初步发现LMP1调控EGFR核移位为配体非依赖性


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    A Novel Method for Preparation of Activated Alumina

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    A novel and simple method was developed to prepare alumina with suitable specific surface area and pore size distribution. First, AlCl3 center dot 6H(2)O and citric acid were heated without water in a water bath at 90 degrees C with stirring until a homogenous solution was obtained. Then starch was added into is solution. After the solution was dried at 110 degrees C and calcined at indicated temperature, activated alumina was obtained. The activated alumina was characterized by N-2 adsorption, X-ray diffraction, and NH3 temperature-programmed desorption. Compared with the usual technology, this novel preparation did not include some steps such as aging, filtering, and washing. Moreover, the specific surface area and pore size distribution of the activated alumina could be controlled and modified by changing the preparation parameters. The supported Ni/Al2O3 catalyst with the activated alumina as support showed higher activity for hydrogenation and hydrocracking of ethylbenzene


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