293 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of University Official Asset Management System Based on B/S Architecture

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    随着我国对高等教育的重视程度及投入的不断增加,需要有一类管理系统能够做到将高校办公资产的管理与财务管理相结合。 为了解决传统高校办公资产管理方法的低效率、存储少以及可塑性差等问题,本文采用了B/S的软件结构,通过服务器、PC终端以及条码扫描器等硬件设备,设计并实现了一个人机交互优良、系统功能完善、具有较高实用性的高校办公资产管理系统。本文设计并实现的高校办公资产管理系统具有的功能模块有:办公资产购置功能、办公资产入库功能、办公资产变动功能等。与其他高校办公资产管理系统相比,本文设计并实现的系统具有更为统一规范的数据模型。在满足高校办公资产管理的业务基础上,各个功能模块地设计更与实际的管理过程...Along with the increasing budget in university education, a management system is needed to combine the university asset management and financial management. In order to solve the problem of the low efficiency phenomenon on traditional university official asset management, B/S software structure is designed. In this system, the hardware includes servers, PC terminals, and bar code printers. T...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323193

    A Study of Firefighters' Psychological Adaptability Based on Life Space and Group Dynamics

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    当前我国消防员的心理健康问题已经引起了广泛的关注。本文的研究主题是消防员的心理适应,以“场域”的基本视角,并运用团体动力学的技术,分析消防员在不同的时空中心理适应的各种情况。换句话说,即以整合“个人-情境”的视角,以个体为对象,以团体为背景,对消防员的心理适应及相关影响因素进行探究。这种动态的研究,可以更加清晰地呈现出消防员的心理变化过程,有助于深入分析消防员心理健康问题产生的原因,也有利于为采取具体介入、辅导措施的心理工作者、社会工作者提供准确的依据。本文认为,当个体带着既有的认知、经验、行动和思维方式等进入新场域时,将会遭遇到与新环境的力的对抗,这是造成个体的心理变化和心理困扰的最主要原因...This study is trying to explore the firefighters' psychological health status based in the concept of “life space”. It have been noticed that most of the psychological health level of firefighters is lower than the normal adults, but why this result turns out to be in the group of firefighters, and how this happens has not yet been carefully studied. Not every single firefighter is suffering from ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院社会学系_法学学号:2005130067

    Researches of the decoupled method for reliability-based optimization

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    可靠性优化设计方法是工程结构设计中的一种非常具有优势的设计方法,其中,该方法的求解效率和求解精度是研究的重点。解耦策略是解决结构可靠性优化设计中包含复杂或隐式极限状态、多设计变量、小失效概率问题的一种高效可行的办法,它的关键在于建立失效概率的近似表达式,也就是求解失效概率函数。因此,研究高效求解失效概率函数近似的方法,以及提高优化效率和精度的解耦优化策略对于解决工程结构中的可靠性优化设计问题具有重要的作用。本文围绕上述问题展开研究工作,主要内容包括如下几个部分。 1.基于失效概率函数的概念,提出一种依据灵敏度信息构建指数函数的方法来快速得到局部失效概率函数的近似,并将获得的失效概率函数与解耦...Reliability-based Optimization is a most appropriate and advantageous methodology for structural design. And the efficiency and accuracy of the optimization is the focus of research. Decoupled method is effective and applicable to solve reliability-based optimization problems which contain multivariate design, small failure probability and complicated or implicit limit state functions in structura...学位:工学硕士院系专业:航空航天学院_航空宇航推进理论与工程学号:3202013115287


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    The internal control structure of the export-oriented private enterprises from the perspective of value chain-Take A company for example

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    近年来,国际经济环境不理想,市场竞争日趋激烈,在外向型民营企业成长的同时企业风险也逐渐加大。内部控制是现代企业经营管理的重要部分,愈来愈多的外向型民营企业意识到加强内部控制的重要性,但众多企业受自身资源条件的限制,内部控制基础薄弱。在实践中加强内部控制显得十分迫切。目前,国内外对于内部控制的研究重点,主要集中在会计领域,没有过多重视其价值创造的本质。借鉴价值链理论,站在战略的高度对外向型民营企业进行价值链分析,为外向型民营企业实施内部控制创造良好的内部环境。基于价值链视角的内部控制,可以增强风险抵抗力,减少风险带来的损失,提升企业竞争力和企业价值。 本论文采用理论和实践相结合方法,在价值链与...In recent years, the international economic environment is not ideal, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, with the growth of export-oriented private enterprises, risk is gradually increasing. Internal control is an important part of modern enterprise management, more and more export-oriented private enterprises realize the importance of strengthening internal control, but many ...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:X201015702

    Research on the Protection on Benefits of Pledgee of Patent

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    在我国,知识产权特别是专利权的质押融资已崭露头角,但关于专利质押的许多理论问题尚未厘清,实践运行也尚不成熟,针对专利质押的立法及相关配套制度存在诸多缺陷。本文选取专利质押中质权人的利益保护问题作为研究对象,指出现行立法以及相关制度存在的诸多不足并加以评述,在借鉴国外立法及实践的基础上提出许多具体的制度建议。本文除了前言和结语,共分为三个部分。 第一章,阐述了专利质押中质权人利益保护问题的基本原理。首先分析专利质权人利益保护问题的重要性;其次介绍了专利质押的基本概念、特征及其影响,为文后进步探讨专利质权人的利益保护问题奠定基础。 第二章,评述了现行法律及相关配套制度在质权人利益保护问题上存在...In China, raising funds by way of providing pledges over intellectual property, especially patent, have made up quite a portion in current economy, while studies have suffered in the past from a failure to clearly state or tackle with certain significant issues, either in theory or in practice, in relevant legislation and associated regulatory systems. This thesis focuses on issues with respect t...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_经济法学学号:1292006115050

    Study of Funds Transfer Pricing of Industrial Bank

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    商业银行的精细化管理是一项庞大系统工程。内部资金转移定价是国际商业银行的通用管理工具,也是国内商业银行建立精细化管理平台的前提。近年来,银行业监管机构日益突出对商业银行资本约束,资本集约经营重要性日益凸显。商业银行如何准确识别利润来源,全面评价和挖掘客户价值,有效提升自主风险定价能力,将成为未来竞争成败的关键。资金转移定价是商业银行各项资源准确定价的基础。在此基础上,各项风险定价技术及成本分摊得以实现,商业银行才能真正落实多维度盈利分析和考核。 国内商业银行近年来陆续开始和完成内部资金转移定价体系的建设。兴业银行作为全国系统性重要银行,在金融脱媒趋势明显,银行产品高度同质化,利率市场化步伐不...Fine management of commercial banks is a major system, while the tool of funds transfer pricing (FTP) is the essential prerequisite to establish that detailed management platform. In recent years, the banking regulators have paid more and more attention on commercial banks’ capital constraints, and highlight the growing importance of capital intensive farming. How to accurately identify the source...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792010115104


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    富山大学・富医薬博乙第55号・朱燕波・2015/02/27Journal of traditional Chinese medicine , 34(3), 2014, Page 286-92CC BY-NC-ND Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.富山大

    Tunpu Ethnic Community and Ethnic Identity——Taking the Tunpu Peope in Tianlong Village for Example

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    “屯堡人“是政府、学者、媒体和地方精英共同建构的族群共同体,是以普同性的“屯堡文化“为标准做出的人群的类型性划分。而在“屯堡“族群内部,由其人员构成成分多元性带来了族群认同的多元性。现有的屯堡研究范式无疑有助于在宏观层面上把握该族群活动的时空大背景,但对屯堡族群群体性差异的研究则更生动地反映了族群活动的历史,为了解人群与文化的关系提供了具体而详细的资料。"Tunpu people" are an ethnic community jointly built by the government, scholars, the media and the local elites and a typological division by their shared "Tunpu culture".Nevertheless, the diverse membership inside the community gives rise to the diversity of ethnic identity.The present research paradigm for Tunpu people is doubtlessly helpful to understanding the space-time macro-background of the ethnic community; however, researches into their differences can more vividly reflect their activities in history and give detailed information for understanding the relationship between people and culture