201 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of the Unstructured Data Platform for a Mobile Company

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    随着科技的不断深入发展,许多大型企业都逐渐实现了资产的数据化。当前数据资产可以分为结构化资产与非结构化资产,非结构化数据资产即能够存储于计算机中的各类文件类型,例如文档、图片、网页、数据表格等形式。目前移动公司开展非结构化数据的管理主要基于适应数据管理要求、满足业务发展需要、多平台非结构化数据共享的需求,因此建立一个能够管理非结构化数据的平台系统,并且能够按照不同的时间周期将非结构化数据保存在不同的介质上,并能够满足业务办理、后督审核时对影像数据的扫描及补扫需求,是本文讨论分析的重点。 为了满足移动公司业务上对于非结构化数据的管理述求,本文设计实现了一个基于EMCDocumentum的非结构...Data assets are the most valuable intangible assets in the current large enterprises. By type can be divided into structured data and unstructured data. Non structured data refers to two-dimensional list structure representation of a data type, including office documents, text, images, XML, HTML, and all kinds of report forms, images, and audio, video. At present, the management of unstructured da...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323202

    The influence of new enterprise income tax return on enterprise tax avoidance

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    2008年,新企业所得税法实施,国家税务总局随之出台了2008年版企业所得税申报表,包含16张表格,采集企业主要财务和税务信息,为企业所得税征管作出了突出贡献。然而,随着企业所得税的不断调整,2008年版企业所得税申报表已不能满足现实需要,呈现出采集信息不足,表格之间逻辑混乱等问题,影响了企业所得税征管水平的进一步提高。鉴于此,2014年国家税务总局决定启用新企业所得税申报表,与旧企业所得税申报表相比,新表增加了25张附表,要求企业申报更多财务、税务和税会差异信息,这是2008年企业所得税法实施以来,企业所得税的一次重要变革,是加强企业所得税征管、减少企业避税的重要尝试,其效果如何值得研究。 ...In 2014, the state administration of taxation decided to enable the new enterprise income tax return, compared with the old enterprise income tax return, the new table added 25 schedule, will require companies to declare more financial, tax and tax differences information, it is 2008 years since the implementation of enterprise income tax law, an important reform of the enterprise income tax, is a...学位:税务硕士院系专业:经济学院_税务硕士学号:1552015115268


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    The Research on Determinants of the Wholesale, Retail and Catering FDI in China

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    我国在改革开放之后,经历了三十多年由制造业发展带动的经济高速增长。因此长期以来不管是政府还是学者对制造业的外资利用水平格外关注。即便是近年来国家的产业政策重点开始转向服务业,生产型服务业的关注度也远比商业消费服务业要高。“十二五”规划提出要坚持扩大内需战略,保障经济的持续增长。扩大内需离不开商业消费服务业如批发、零售、餐饮等行业的发展。同时,商业消费服务业的发展也可以带动经济结构的转型。作为一国现代化程度的标志,一国的服务业发展水平至关重要。对于中国的批发零售及餐饮服务行业,我国企业面临着管理水平不高、信息化程度低下和经营业态匮乏等诸多问题。批发零售及餐饮业通过行业开放引进外国直接投资,可以学...After the reform and opening, China has experienced three decades of rapid economic growth which is driven by the development of the manufacturing industry. Therefore it is a long time that whether the government or scholars pay much attention to the foreign direct investment of manufacturing sector. Even in recent years, the attention of production services is also much more than the commercial c...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际商务学号:1572009115164

    The Effect of Investor Sentiment on Stock Return——Based on The Evidence of China’s Market

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    我国股票市场存在价格波动异常、投资者非理性行为导致的系统风险大以及市场非有效等特征,不满足传统主流金融理论的基本假设。市场上存在的一些金融异象自然无法用标准金融理论来解释,引入投资者情绪理论对于解释我国新兴的股票市场存在的现象具有重要而积极的意义。行为金融理论认为,作为股票市场主体的投资者在投资决策时容易受情绪的影响,因而使投资决策产生系统性偏差,情绪因素可能是影响股票收益的系统性风险。本文通过选取封闭式基金折价率、IPO首日成交量、IPO首日收益率、市场成交量、市场换手率、创新高新低比等6个隐性情绪指标,采用主成分分析法拟合成一个综合市场情绪指数,在Fama和French三因素模型的基础上引...There are some characteristics of abnormal fluctuations, higher system risk caused by irrational behavior, and market inefficiency in China’ stock market, which cannot satisfy the basic assumptions of traditional standard finance theory. So the financial anomalies existed in stock market cannot be explained by standard finance theory. It is important and meaningful to introduce investor sentiment ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2772006115283

    A Study of Business Negotiation Interpreting from the Perspective of Register Theory

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    本文从系统功能语言学的一个重要理论——“语域理论”的视角研究商务谈判口译,尝试从全新的角度对商务谈判口译进行深入的研究,探讨语域因素对于商务谈判口译的影响。本文首先简述本研究的背景、重要性和研究目标,然后讨论商务谈判口译的定义、发展历史和特点,并对前人在该领域的研究成果进行述评。本研究讨论语域理论的基本内涵,重点讨论了“语场”、“语旨”和“语式”及其与语言三大元功能之间的关系。语域理论在上个世纪90年代被引入笔译研究,笔者认为:笔译与口译的本质相同,都是把一种语言表达的信息通过另一种语言再现出来,因此,把语域理论引入商务谈判口译研究中是合理可行的。在商务谈判口译中,要实现语域对等就要分别考虑其...This thesis presents a study of business negotiation interpreting from the perspective of Register Theory, a fundamental theory within the field of Systemic- Functional Linguistics. It attempts to look into business negotiation interpreting from a brand new angle, i.e., to investigate the influence of the three variables involved in register on business negotiation interpreting. The thesis present...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院_英语语言文学学号:1202010115260

    Researches of media credibility on portal websites

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    本文通过内容分析法,选取新浪网新闻频道、体育频道、财经频道、娱乐频道、科技频道、房产频道下共3000条新闻评论,对互联网媒体的细分领域——门户网站媒体可信度进行深入研究,主要结论有:①受众对新浪网媒体可信度的总体评价介于中立到怀疑之间,可信度得分为2.39分。②娱乐频道、体育频道为可信度最高的频道,可信度得分分别为3.04分、2.71分,房产频道、财经频道、新闻频道为可信度最低的三个频道,可信度得分分别为1.82分、2.10分、2.22分。③受众对新浪网的媒体可信度进行评价时,最关注的是新闻资讯的内容真实性以及内容准确性,占比达到93.4%和84.3%。④通过内容分析,发现受众样本的可信度分数...Through the method of content analysis, This study analysis 3000 comments from news, sports, finance, entertainment channel, science channel, real estate channel under sina.com.cn, in order to research deeply the portals credibility of the media which is one of the Internet media segments. the main conclusions are as follows: ① The audience overall evaluation on sina.com.cn media credibility betwe...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_传播学学号:3192010115290

    Financial Statements Analysis of Xiamen Tungsten CO.,Ltd

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    中国是钨资源大国,中国钨的储藏量、生产量、贸易量、消费量居世界第一位,厦门钨业是中国也是世界最大的钨冶炼企业,在世界钨行业的内具有举足轻重的地位。本文运用各种财务分析工具,对厦门钨业近三年的财务报表进行分析,研究了厦门钨业的财务绩效、财务政策和财务战略。本文共分五章。第一章绪论,介绍中国钨行业和厦门钨业的发展历史和现状,阐述了本文研究的主要问题、意义和研究框架。第二章厦门钨业的经营状况分析,发现公司主营业务突出,具有较强的的竞争优势和盈利能力。第三章厦门钨业的财务状况分析,选取了偿债能力、盈利能力、现金能力、成长性、资产运营效率等方面进行了比率分析,认为公司具有突出的盈利能力和成长性,也存在着...China has abundant tungsten resources and is the biggest in the world in terms of tungsten reserves, output, transaction, and consumption. Xiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd (hereinafter refer to “Xiamen Tungsten”) is the leading tungsten smelting enterprise in China and the world, and plays a vital role in global tungsten industry. This article adopts various financial analysis tools to analyze the financi...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20021544

    The Case Study of Vanke’ Brand

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    自从90年代住房货币化改革以来,中国房地产行业迅速发展并成为国民经济的支柱行业,短短的二十余年时间,涌现出了一批优秀的房地产开发企业,2013年财富中国500强里,共有36家房地产企业上榜,仅次于金属行业和机械设备制造行业,可见房地产企业在国内企业界已经成为一股举足轻重的势力,研究房地产企业的品牌建设具有一定意义。 万科企业股份有限公司1988年开始涉足房地产业务,2013年,销售额突破1700亿,市场占有率行业第一,品牌资产也在行业内遥遥领先。因此,本文将万科作为案例研究的对象,从品牌的角度,结合行业特性及与其他房企的对比,探析万科的经营行为与经营结果的关系,试图为其他房企提供借鉴。 本...Since the government opened the real estate market in 1990s, the real estate industry grow rapidly and became one of the most important industry of China’s economy. In the last twenty years, a lot of real estate company arisen. In the Fortune China’s Top 500 company list, there are 36 companies in the real estate industry. Discuss their brand construction is important. China Vanke co. took part i...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻传播学学号:1052011115296

    Analysis of Carbon Nanotube Acoustic Bridge

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    首先阐述了碳纳米管声学桥的这一新概念,即通过共振超声谱方法测量置放在两个微型压电换能器之间的碳纳米管的多个固有频率,确定其物理特性。作为碳纳米管声学桥的理论基础,文中应用解析方法和有限元数值方法分析了碳纳米管声学桥的声波传播特性,重点研究了碳纳米管声学桥结构尺寸与振动模式的品质因数之间的关系。在此基础上,探讨了声学桥的三个潜在应用场合:作为研究碳纳米管材料特性的有力工具;碳纳米管声学桥对微小质量变化具有10-220g/Hz的灵敏度,可作为高精度质量敏感元件;碳纳米管声学桥在周围环境真空压力改变时,谐振频率会变化,通过测量频移来确定真空压力,故碳纳米管声学桥可作为超高真空传感器。In this paper,we first present a new method/concept for the investigation of physical properties of carbon nanotubes,which is called carbon nanotube acoustic bridge.It is using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy(RUS) to obtain the eigenfrequencies of the carbon nanotube that is slightly clamped between two micro ultrasonic transducers,or it refers to that the carbon nanotube clamped between two ultrasonic transducers only propagates those acoustic waves whose frequencies are identical to its eigenfrequencies.Then we study the theoretical basis of carbon nanotube acoustic bridge by using the analytical method and finite element method in ANSYS to acquire the acoustic wave modes in carbon nanotube acoustic bridge.Especially,we derive the relationship between the structural parameters of carbon nanotube and the quality factor of its vibration modes.Based on these,three potential applications of carbon nanotube acoustic bridge are established: it is used as a powerful tool to study the material properties of various kinds of carbon nanotubes;it is proved to own a sensitivity of 10-220 g/Hz to an extremely small change of mass,which enables it used as a mass-changing detector with high sensitivity;with the derived relationship between the shift of its resonance frequencies and the pressure where the carbon nanotube acoustic bridge is,it can used as a vacuum sensor for ultrahigh vacuum.厦门大学引进人才科研启动基金资