5,523 research outputs found

    Numerical and mathematical analysis of some combustion and phase separation models

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    本文先后讨论了两类自由边界问题:热-扩散燃烧模型和高阶广义Cahn-Hilliard方程,并针对这两类问题进行稳定性分析和数值模拟。 (I)热-扩散燃烧模型: 该模型描述了在二维带型区域中,零阶反应和分段温度动力机制的预混火焰热-扩散燃烧现象,模型表示为: 我们针对自由边界的胞状不稳定情况(即Lewis数满足0In this thesis, we will successively consider two free-interface problems: one is a thermo-diffusive combustion model, the other is a higher-order generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation. In both cases, we are interested in the stability analysis and numerical simulations. (I) Thermo-diffusive combustion: The problem models a thermo-diffusive combustion of premixed flame with zero-order reac...学位:理学博士院系专业:数学科学学院_计算数学学号:1902013015416

    Design and Implementation of Court Trial Process Management System Based on J2EE

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    目前,人民法院正面临着案件数量呈现几何级数增长而司法资源有限的矛盾。在这一背景下,在最高人民法院的业务指导下,各级人民法院进行了审判流程管理系统的建设。这一系统的特点就是利用新型的网络、计算机及现代通讯技术等先进科学技术手段,将法院的案件统一在技术化的管理之下,使得工作实现流程化、模块化,简化工作程序,提高工作效率。 法院工作承载着海量的社会信息,法院信息化建设的目的便是实现对于信息的有效管理与运用,目前阶段,信息化建设已经形成一定规模并取得一定积极效果的方式便是建设审判流程管理系统。这一系统的建立,实现了立案、审判、执行、审判监督等各环节工作的独立高效进行,实现了司法工作的公正与高效。 ...At present, the people's courts are facing the contradictions between the number of cases showed a geometric growth and limited judicial resources. In this context, in the professional guidance of the Supreme People's court, the people's courts at all levels of the construction of judicial process management system. The characteristics of this system is to use the new network, computer and modern ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323070

    Clinical Research on “Gui” Acupuncture Method for Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain

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    目的:比较“龟刺”与常规针刺方法治疗慢性非特异性腰痛的疗效差异,为临床上治疗本病提供新的治疗思路和方法。 方法:本研究采用随机分组单盲对照法对所选病例进行前瞻性研究,受试者来源于厦门大学附属中山医院演武分院六楼针灸科门诊,收集符合纳入标准的60例慢性非特异性腰痛患者,随机分为治疗组与对照组,每组30例。治疗组按照周然宓教授所创“龟刺”法的选穴与操作标准,对照组按照石学敏主编《针灸学》中治疗腰痛的选穴与操作标准分别进行治疗。两组均以治疗10次为一个疗程,隔两天治疗1次,每周治疗2次,共治疗1个疗程,为期5周。采用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)以及Oswestry功能障碍指数(ODI)对患者治疗前后的...Objective: To compare the difference between the “Gui” acupuncture method and routine acupuncture method in the clinical efficacy on chronic nonspecific low back pain. In order to carrying forward Professor Zhou’s academic thoughts and provide a way of thinking for the clinical treatment of this disease. Methods: A prospective study of the selected cases were performed by using a randomized, sing...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_针灸推拿学学号:2452013115355

    Design and Implementation of Jiangxi Provincial Office of SAT Network Invoice Management System

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    发票伴随着税收已经走过了几百年的岁月,如今它不仅是人们消费、记账的凭据,更是国家税务机关掌握纳税人生产经营情况、保障申报准确的管理工具。国家机关利用其来监督维护市场的经济活动,保障消费者的合法权益,同时对于企业来说,发票是销售的凭证以此来缴纳税款,发票是抵扣税款的依据以此来减少负担,它已经深入到社会生活的每一个角落,与我们的生活息息相关。为了更好的适应税收信息化的发展,实现由以票控税向信息管税的转变,提高征收管理的效率,降低纳税人发票使用的成本,同时也为了更好的利用发票这一传统管税工具,借助新时代的科技赋予其新的生命力,作为一名国税工作者,我们深刻的感受到传统的发票领用存模式已经严重落后于时代...The invoice already has hundreds of years of history. An invoice is not only a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, also relating to a sale transaction and indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller had provided the buyer. For tax authority, the invoice is used to supervise and maintain the economic activities of the market, at the same...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323242

    The Relationship between Government Loans and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: A Comparison between China and Japan

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    政府贷款援助是中国援助事业的重要组成部分。在“一带一路”战略及企业“走出去”战略的实践中,如何利用政府贷款推进中国企业的对外直接投资是一个重要课题,在此方面,日本政府贷款有着丰富的经验。中日两国政府贷款援助的实施情况各有特色,通过对比中日政府贷款援助的异同点,以其与对外直接投资的关系为落脚点,可以进一步探索中国政府贷款援助机制内在的利与弊。 论文首先分析中日政府贷款本身的异同:具体包括贷款规模、贷款条件、捆绑度、受援国参与度以及项目的监督管理等方面,在此基础上,分析中日政府贷款在促进企业对外直接投资方面的作用机制,对比其中的差距。总的来说,由于所处经济发展阶段不同以及中国政府贷款历史较短,相...Government loan is an important part of foreign aid. In the practice of "going global" and "the Belt and Road" strategy, how to use government loan to promote business investment is an important issue. In this aspect, the yen loan has a wealth of experience. The loan policy and its implementation of China and Japan respectively has its own characteristics. Through comparing the similarities and di...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_世界经济学号:1572013115195

    Activatable Hybrid Nanoparticles for Cancer Theranostic

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    众所周知癌症已经成为人类在健康领域中面临的重大问题。临床研究控制和治愈肿瘤最有效的方式是实现早期的诊断和治疗,而如何使肿瘤早期诊断成为现实,提高治疗效果已成为这一研究领域的一个热门话题。纳米医学,即纳米技术在医学中的应用,推动了脂质体,纳米颗粒,胶束等载药型纳米颗粒的发展。而重要的是这些医学纳米材料作为有效的诊断治疗试剂用于多种疾病的诊断和治疗。一个优秀的纳米材料应该具备多重优势:(1)实现肿瘤或其他疾病的早期可视化,(2)有效转运药物到目标部位,(3)诊断治疗试剂在体内的分布和(4)使用可视化的治疗策略降低毒副作用。因此,优秀的纳米材料在诊断治疗领域有着举足轻重的作用。 在第二章中,我们研...It is well known that cancer has become a major problem in the field of human health. The clinical study find that early diagnosis and treatment are useful methods to control and treat tumor. It has become a hot topic in these research to achieve early diagnosis of tumors as well as improve the therapeutic effect. Nanomedicine, the application of nanotechnology in medicine, promotes development of...学位:医学硕士院系专业:公共卫生学院_流行病与卫生统计学学号:3272013115056

    Economy Level of the Chinese Translated Text: Towards a Quantitative Descriptive Model

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    如何衡量译文的语言表达水平,这个问题是否需要理论化?是否能够理论化?本文要探究的,就是这两个紧密相关的、在翻译研究界尚未得到系统和深入回答的问题。这里把译文的语言表达水平,即译者译语能力在译文中的具体体现,称之为“译语效能”。译语效能的研究基本都是在悬置译文—原文关系的情况下进行的,它包括连贯性、美感和经济性三个维度,可以通过相应的三个变量,即连贯性水平、美感水平和经济性水平,来描写。这些工作难以一蹴而就,因此本文将在建立译语效能基本框架的基础上,把研究重心放在其中的经济性维度及与其相应的经济性水平变量上,构建语篇经济性和译文语篇经济性的理论框架,并以此为根据,提出汉语译文语篇经济性水平的量化...Whether it is necessary and possible to develop a theory on the evaluation of the language level of a target text remains a question to be further and more systematically answered in Translation Studies. This dissertation is an endeavour to provide a positive and more theoretical answer to the question. To achieve this goal, a new concept, Target-language Performance, is introduced to refer to the...学位:文学博士院系专业:外文学院_英语语言文学学号:1202010015398

    Research on the Application of Data Mining in the Early Warning of Enterprises Churn in Commercial Banks

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    面对商业竞争的日趋激烈,信息的掌握程度成为在竞争中占据有利地位的关键—环。商业银行具有客户群体广泛、客户必须采用实名制等特点,故积累了大量的真实、质量较高的客户信息。目前商业银行产品日趋同质化,同业竞争相当激烈,若要取得比较优势,高效的信息处理变得尤为重要。数据挖掘技术作为一种新兴的数据处理技术,其商业价值在于可以从大量的数据中有目的 的寻找有利于商业运作、提高竞争力的信息。客户作为商业银行的重要资源,历来都受到高度重视。在市场瞬息万变的今天,如何利用先进技术手段达到客户流失预警的目的,无疑是竞争中至关重要的问题。 本文在业内的跨行业数据挖掘标准流程基础上加以改进,利用SASEnterpr...Providing business competition becomes more and more violent, people knowing more information will occupy the key position in the competition.Commercial banks have a wide range of customers using the real name system or others, so they have accumulated a large number of real, high quality customer information. Nowadays, commercial bank products become more and more similar,for this reason, competi...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323218


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    发光二极管(LED)照明光源作为第四代全固态照明光源具有发光效率高、无污染、不易损坏、无紫外线和红外线辐射、寿命长等优点,已逐渐代替其它照明光源如白炽灯、荧光灯、气体放电灯等;另一方面,太阳能是世界上唯一取之不尽、用之不绝的清洁能源,太阳能光伏电池是目前利用太阳能最主要的形式之一。LED与太阳能电池均属于低压器件,二者可以完美地结合在一起使用,由其组成的太阳能LED照明灯是现有最节能环保的照明产品,它具有无需架设供电线路、无触电危险、使用寿命长、维护和使用成本低等卓越性能。 本论文的主要工作是设计并制造了一款太阳能电池供电的LED草坪灯,灯具主要由太阳能电池、控制电路、可充放电电池、LED灯...As the fourth generation electric light source, light emitting diodes (LEDs) have the avdantages of high luminous efficiency, pollution-free, reliable, no ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation, long lifetime. LED lighting source hasgradually replaced other lighting sources such as incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and gas discharge lamps. On the other hand, solar energy is the only clea...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:X201322200


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