5,348 research outputs found

    On the African-American Maternal Love in The Bluest Eye

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    莫里森是美国黑人文学史上最著名的黑人作家之一,其作品描写了黑人的痛苦遭遇,特别是作为劣势群体的黑人女性的悲惨生活。因此,在莫里森的著作中,非裔美国人的母爱是个值得探讨的重要主题。对于>,大多数评论家关注的角度是该小说的种族歧视,女性主义,叙述策略,人物塑造,结构或主题研究。然而,很少人从黑人的母爱对孩子成长的影响的角度来分析该小说。 本文分析《最蓝的眼睛》中两种不同原型的黑人母爱:波林遗失的扭曲的母爱和麦克蒂亚太太持有的坚定的母爱及其各自产生的原因,讨论在种族歧视和白人文化压迫下,两种不同母爱对她们的孩子佩科拉和克劳蒂亚的命运产生的不同影响。佩科拉出生在一个残缺、不正常的家庭,她妈妈具有毁灭...Toni Morrison is one of the most prominent black writers in African-American literature whose novels dedicate to depicting the sufferings of the African-American people, especially the miserable life of African-American women as an inferior group. Therefore, the African-American maternal love is a significant theme worthy of consideration in Toni Morrison's works. On The Bluest Eye, most critics e...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院_英语语言文学学号:K20110403

    Design and Implementation of Bank Salary Management System

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    随着经济飞速发展,职员工资管理成了许多银行需要面对的问题。某银行规模的不断扩大,与之相关的信息也不可避免的急剧增长。在这样的形势下,手动处理员工的工资信息不仅使人力不从心,而且极其容易出错。而将现代计算机技术以及先进的管理理论引入银行管理中,使用网络技术开发一套满足银行工资管理需求的管理系统,并通过该系统促进管理决策层人员交流,构建员工管理平台,促进考核以及工资信息的收集,进一步规范管理流程,已成为目前银行工资管理工作的迫切要求。 银行工资管理系统主要是实现银行工资管理的信息化,对现有的工资管理制度进行改革从而提高工资管理效率。系统主要进行模块化设计,主要是由个人工资查看、个人信息修改、个人...With the rapid development of economic, the management of employees' salary becomes the question which is many banks should face. Because of continuous expansion of bank scale, some associated information inevitably grows rapidly. In this kind of situation, manual processing employees' salary information not only makes their ability falls short of their wishes, but it makes them be very prone to e...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323031

    Acoustic logging technology research

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    声波测井从上世纪50年代开始,经历了几十年的发展,已经 成为测井研究的重要领域,是当今发展最快和应用最为广泛的现代测井方 法。声波测井是油气矿藏勘探和开发的最为重要的手段之一。为了满足复 杂油气矿藏的勘探开发,投入了大量资金开展声波测井方向的研究。 声波测井的物理基础是研究与岩石特性密切相关的声振动沿钻井方 向的传播特性,特点是记录了地层的纵波、横波及流体波的时差、幅度、 频率、相位等信息,而这些信息对于计算孔隙度、判断岩性、定性识别流 体性质、评价岩石力学弹性参数等具有重要的作用,并且还可以为较深的 砂泥岩储层估算岩石破裂压力值,为油藏工程提供参数,因此声波测井是 油气勘探...Since the beginning of the last century in 50s, sonic logging has experienced several decades of development, it has become an important field of well logging research, and it is the most widely used modern well logging method. Acoustic logging is one of the most important tools for the exploration and development of oil and gas deposits. In order to satisfy the exploration and development o...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:X201122203

    Shipping and Social management system on Min River during Ming and Qing Dynasties

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    福建闽江上下游之间经济的不平衡性,促使明代至清代初期上下游以粮盐为主的大宗货物运输的发生与发展。五口通商之后,闽西北茶叶、土纸等土特产品的大量外运,进一步促进了闽江航运的发展与繁荣,19世纪中后期福州港更是一跃成为举世闻名的茶港。这段时期闽江航运业的发展,主要表现为:沿岸城镇水埠码头的兴起;浅水船型的建造与改进;以地域和船型为区分的船帮组织的成立。 伴随着闽江航运业的发展与进步,中央王朝与地方政府逐步加深了对水域管理的认识。明代早中期的河泊所制度,因阻碍了闽江沿岸渔业经济的发展,到明代中后期已经基本消失。明代中晚期,在闽江上游建溪流域,出现了埠头制度,这是航运和商品经济发展到一定阶段出现的产...The imbalance between the upper and lower reaches of Fujian , Min River to promote the development of grain and salt bulk cargo transportation in the upper and lower reaches of the Ming Dynasty to the early Qing dynasty. After the opening of five ports, a large number of Sinotrans northwest of Fujian tea and other native products, promote the development and prosperity of Min Rivel shipping.In lat...学位:文物与博物馆硕士院系专业:人文学院_文物与博物馆硕士学号:1032014115230

    Vibration Damping of Carbon Nanotube Assembly Materials

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    Vibration reduction is of great importance in various engineering applications, and a material that exhibits good vibration damping along with high strength and modulus has become more and more vital. Owing to the superior mechanical property of carbon nanotube (CNT), new types of vibration damping material can be developed. This paper presents recent advancements, including our progresses, in the development of high-damping macroscopic CNT assembly materials, such as forests, gels, films, and fibers. In these assemblies, structural deformation of CNTs, zipping and unzipping at CNT connection nodes, strengthening and welding of the nodes, and sliding between CNTs or CNT bundles are playing important roles in determining the viscoelasticity, and elasticity as well. Towards the damping enhancement, strategies for micro-structure and interface design are also discussed

    The application of PCR technology in detection of SPF laboratory animal rats

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    PCR作为一项新兴技术,越来越受到人们的重视。近几年来,PCR技术不断发展,它以准确、快速、便捷等优点广泛应用在科学研究的各个领域。PCR技术应用在实验动物领域中,可提高实验动物临床检测和监测水平。笔者主要介绍PCR技术在SPF级实验动物鼠病原微生物检测中的应用。PCR as a new technology, more and more get people's attention to it in a quick, accurate and convenient advantages are widely used in scientific research fields, in recent years, the PCR technology development, and application in the field of experimental animals, greatly improving the monitoring level of experimental animals, in this paper, the PCR technology in the application of the SPF laboratory animal mouse pathogenic microorganism monitoring.福建省重点项目(2014Y0083)

    Differences and Adjustment of China's Governmental Supply of Public Doods between Urban and Rural Areas--An Analysis based on the Perspective of Financial Expenditure

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    随着全面建设小康社会与建设社会主义和谐社会目标的提出,近年来政府加大了对农村公共物品资金的投入。然而我国当前城乡公共物品供给不均衡,农村公共物品短缺问题依然十分严重,这必然制约着全面建设小康社会与和谐社会这一伟大目标的实现。因此,研究如何打破城乡公共物品供给不均衡现状,解决农村公共物品供给不足问题有着十分重要的现实意义。 政府作为公共物品供给的责任主体,是通过公共支出来履行和实现其职能的。因此,考察公共支出流向,可以清晰的反映出公共物品政府供给的状况。本文通过对城乡公共教育、公共卫生和社会保障公共支出的实证比较,得出城乡公共物品供给非均衡的结论,并提出了政策建议,以期为解决当前农村公共物品供...In recent years, with the proposing of the aim to construct comprehensively well-off and harmonious society, the government has increased its investment in rural areas. However, the imbalance of supplies of public goods between urban and rural areas and the shortage of public goods in rural areas are still serious, which restrict the realization of the aim to construct comprehensively well-off and...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:20040601


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    目的建立一种可同时检测4种SPF级屏障环境常见致病菌的多重PCR方法。方法本研究针对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌inv A基因、肺炎克雷伯杆菌khe基因、嗜肺巴斯德菌16SrRNA基因、铜绿假单胞菌ecf X基因序列分别设计合成特异性引物,构建可同时鉴别4种菌的多重PCR反应体系,优化后测定其特异性、灵敏性并人工模拟感染样本。结果建立的4重PCR方法能对同一样品中的4种致病菌模板进行特异性扩增,无交叉反应;对4种目的菌的检测灵敏度为10-3ng/μL;也可从混合感染的病料中特异性地检测出4种致病菌。结论本试验建立的多重PCR方法具有快速、简便、灵敏的特点,为4种致病菌的快速诊断和监控提供了有效的技术支持。福建省科技计划重点项目(No.2014Y0083

    Nanostructural research on two types of ZnO based compound

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    纳米材料由于独特的性质和潜在的应用,成为目前研究的热点。当尺度接近玻尔半径时,纳米材料产生许多不同于体材料的特殊性能,如分立能级、表面重构等。本文从ZnO基化合物纳米结构出发,运用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理方法,主要对ZnO纳米团簇和Zn2SiO4纳米线的几何结构和电子性质进行分析。 基于最稳定的六角纤锌矿结构ZnO,构造了不同尺度的ZnmOn纳米团簇模型。通过改变Zn4O4模型真空层的厚薄,了解到团簇间相互作用对团簇稳定性的影响。弛豫后的ZnmOn纳米团簇表面上下不同类原子间成键重构,形变成较圆滑形状,而左右同类原子的相互排斥使原有的三度对称轴得以保持。其中,化学计量比非平衡团簇的外围,...Nanomaterials have attracted much attention in recent years because of their unique properties and potential applications. The properties, such as surface reconstructions and discrete energy levels, are significantly different from that of the bulk, when the size approaches to the exciton Bohr radius. In the thesis, the structural and electronic properties of ZnO nanoclusters and Zn2SiO4 nanowires...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_凝聚态物理学号:2005130164