75 research outputs found

    Analysis of Wrong-targeted Media Supervision

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    错位监督是我国新闻舆论监督中长期存在的问题。本文以利益分析法作为理论分析模型,通过对舆论监督中的各主体及其相互关系的分析,以期探究错位监督产生的根本原因并提出全面、可行、有效的解决对策。除绪论和结语外,本文共分为5章。各章具体内容如下: 第一章阐述新闻舆论监督的错位现象。第一节介绍了舆论监督一些基本概念和范畴,并对舆论监督侧重点进行了界定,指出舆论监督的客体首先应该是公共权力,其次是公共领域中的人和事,最后才是一些普通公众中存在的不良现象。第二节阐释了我国舆论监督的错位现象,指出当前我国舆论监督存在着重点、层次、地域三方面的错位,造成了舆论监督职权的弱化和新闻资源的不合理分配。 第二章对本...Wrong-targeted media supervision is a long-standing problem in China. In this paper the author adopted Marxist Historical Materialism Benefit Analysis Methodology to reveal the relationships among four main in wrong-targeted media supervision, hoping to explore the root causes of it and finally propose effective countermeasures to it. Besides the introduction and conclusion parts, there are five p...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院新闻传播系_新闻学学号:2005130018


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    Investigation of Pharmacokinetics of Total Alkaloid from Ephedra Decoction in Rats and Its Comparison with Content Change of Ephedrine Hydrochloride

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    目的:考察麻黄汤中总生物碱在大鼠体内的药代动力学过程,比较其与盐酸麻黄碱的体内含量变化。方法:大鼠口服灌入麻黄汤,于不同时间点眼眶取血,采用酸性染料比色法测定血浆样品中总生物碱含量,通过3P97软件进行房室模型拟合并计算药代动力学参数,利用HPlC测定血浆样品中盐酸麻黄碱含量,比较二者在大鼠体内的含量变化。结果:总生物碱在4~144 Mg·l-1与吸光度呈良好线性关系。总生物碱在大鼠体内的代谢过程符合一室模型,T1/2=339.88 MIn,TMAX=265.86 MIn,AuC=326 631.38 MIn·Mg·l-1;盐酸麻黄碱10 MIn入血,但在第6 H基本未能测出。结论:酸性染料比色法可用于麻黄汤中总生物碱的药代动力学分析,方法准确可靠。盐酸麻黄碱入血、消除均较快。Objective: To investigate pharmacokinetics of total alkaloids from ephedra decoction in rats and compare content change between it and ephedrine hydrochloride.Method: Rats were oral administered with ephedra decoction and their orbital blood samples were taken at different time points.The content of total alkaloids in plasma samples was determined by acid dye colorimetry,pharmacokinetical parameters and compartment models of each composition were calculated or fitted by 3P97 software,the content of ephedrine hydrochloride in plasma samples was determined by HPLC and then compared wth results of total alkaloids.Result: Absorbance of total alkaloids calculated by ephedrine hydrochloride showed a good linear relationship with its concentration in a range of 4-144 mg·L-1.In vivo metabolic process of total alkaloids in rats was complied with the one-compartment model with t1 /2= 339.88 min,tmax= 265.86 min and AUC = 326 631.38 min·mg ·L-1; however,the content of ephedrine hydrochloride in plasma could be determined in 10 min and not be determined after 6 h by HPLC,which indicated it was completely excreted soon.Conclusion: Acid dye colorimetry was accurate and reliable for determination of total alkaloids from ephedra decoction in rat plasma.Ephedrine hydrochloride got into blood and eliminated all fast.福建省科技厅项目(2010Y2004

    Spatia-l temporal variability of soil salt content before and after irrigation in the Yellow River Delta

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    分别采用传统统计学和地统计学方法,定量分析了灌溉前、后黄河三角洲田块尺度下不同深度土层含盐量的空间变异性并分析空间分布特征。结果表明:除灌溉前0~10 cm土层土壤含盐量呈强变异性外,其余各土层含盐量均表现为中等变异强度;灌溉前土壤盐分主要积聚在0~10 cm和40~60 cm土层,灌溉后主要积聚在40~60 cm土层;灌溉使得0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层土壤含盐量降低,脱盐效果较好;除灌溉后0~10 cm土层的土壤盐分含量呈现弱空间相关性之外,其它土层均呈现强空间相关性;灌溉后与灌溉前相比,除40~60 cm层土壤含盐量外,其余各土层土壤含盐量明显降低、土壤含盐量的等值线密集程度减弱..

    Eco-physiological effect of calcium imbalance caused by environmental acidification:A review

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    环境酸化是全球气候变化引起的主要问题之一,陆地和湖泊等生态系统受酸雨的长期影响,呈现出PH下降的趋势,而海洋生态系统也由于大气CO2浓度的急剧上升而出现酸化。环境的酸化对生态系统中CA的平衡造成巨大影响。在海洋生态系统中表现为,随着PH下降海水中CO32-浓度降低,富CA海洋生物无法维持其体内CACO3形成的硬质结构,造成珊瑚钙化生长变缓、翼足目软体动物外壳腐蚀穿孔等,影响其种群繁衍。另外,在陆地生态系统中,由于酸雨的长期淋溶,大量的生物可利用CA从生态系统中流失,动植物无法获得充足的CA来满足其生理需要。蜗牛、水虱等土壤及湖泊中高CA动物的生长、繁殖受抑制,鸟类也由于缺CA造成种群数量下降。陆地植物体内依赖于CA的信号转导系统也遭受严重干扰,进而影响光合、抗逆和繁殖等诸多生理过程,表现出不同程度的生产力、物种多样性下降和森林的衰退。环境酸化导致不同生态系统中CA循环失衡,大多表现出不利于富CA生物体的存活,这可能是一个较为普遍的生态学模式。Environmental acidification is one of the major problems caused by global climate change.Due to the long-term effects of acid rain,the pH of terrestrial and lake ecosystems presents a declining trend,and in the meanwhile,acidification of marine ecosystem also occurs because of the dramatic increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration.Calcium homeostasis in organisms or/and ecosystems can be disturbed by environmental acidification.In marine ecosystem,calcium-rich species will have difficulties in maintaining their external calcium carbonate skeletons,resulting in the declining of coral calcification and the corroding of pteropod shell.With the decrease of ocean pH and carbonate ion concentration,the reproduction of marine organisms may be declined.In terrestrial ecosystem,organisms cannot absorb enough essential calcium because large quantity of bio-available calcium has been depleted from the ecosystem by the long-term acid rain.Therefore,anthropogenic acidification has caused the decline in calcium-rich species populations such as snail and Daphnia in soil and fresh waters,and birds also have low reproductive success as a result of calcium deficiency under long-term acid rain stress.In plants,acid rain disturbs calcium signal transduction cascades,and further,negatively affects physiological processes such as photosynthesis,stress-resistance,and reproduction,with the ecological consequences such as primary productivity and biodiversity decrease and forest decline.It may be a universal ecological pattern that calcium-rich species will be much more difficult in survival under the scenario of calcium homeostasis in ecosystems being disturbed by environmental acidification.国家自然科学基金项目(30670317;30770192);教育部博士基金项目(20070384033);留学回国人员科研启动基金项目(2008-890);厦门大学新世纪优秀人才基金项目(NCETXMU07115);“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”资助项


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    Calcuim depletion in forest ecosystem induced by acid rain: a review

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    通讯作者Corresponding author. E2mail: zhenghl@xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]酸雨作为一个全球性环境问题,随着我国经济的快速发展,其危害也日益严重。诸多长期观测研究认为酸雨导致森林生态系统营养流失,特别是Ca的流失是酸雨导致森林衰退的一个重要原因。长期酸雨影响下,土壤中的Ca大量流失,在红壤等酸性土壤中表现得尤为严重;此外酸雨也会直接淋溶出植物叶片中的Ca,造成林冠中Ca不同程度的淋溶流失,并可能造成叶片Ca含量下降。且酸雨会导致叶片细胞内Ca稳态的失衡,影响植物的正常生理响应。对于整个森林生态系统而言,酸雨改变了生态系统中Ca生物地球化学循环的特征,大量的Ca从森林生态系统中以地表径流的形式流出系统,导致可利用Ca库的下降和周转速率的上升。酸雨对森林土壤、植物及生态系统各层面中的Ca均造成了长期广泛的影响,深入研究其影响程度与植物的应对机制,对我国酸雨危害区的酸雨防治和森林保育具有重大意义。[英文文摘]Acid rain is a global environmental p roblem that has become a very serious issue in China coup led with the rapid economic growth. The loss of nutrients in forest ecosystems, especially calcium, as shown in a lot of references done over long-term observation and research, is one of the key factors which indicate that acid rain caused the decline of forest ecosystems. Calcium has been markedly leached from the soils by acid rain, mostly in acidic soils such as red soils. Acid rain has also leached calcium from the canopy of forest resulting in a decrease of the folia calcium content sometimes, imbalance of calcium homeostasis at the cellular level, impair of physiological responses. From the ecosystem aspect, acid rain changed the characteristics of calcium biogeochemical cycle, brought calcium to be dep leted from the ecosystem in the surface runoff, reduced the bioavailable calcium pool and increased the turnover rate. Because acid rain influenced calcium at different levels of the ecosystem, it is important that we focus on studying the calcium dep letion and responses of p lants under long2term acid rain, which can help us in the p rogressive p revention and treatment of acid rain and the conservation of forest ecosystems.国家自然科学基金资助项目(30930076,30670317,30770192);厦门大学新世纪优秀人才基金资助项目(NCETXMU07115);长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助项

    Accumulation and elimination of avermectin in perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) muscle

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    为了解实际养殖过程中使用阿维菌素药物后,鲈(lATEOlAbrAX JAPOnICuS)对阿维菌素的蓄积及消除规律,以指导阿维菌素药物在实际生产中的应用。以毒性试验为基础,在确定96 H半致死质量浓度(lC50)后,以0.25倍lC50,即指导用药量,质量浓度为4 ng·Ml-1,结合实际养殖用药情况,药浴72 H后换水,观察阿维菌素在鲈鱼肌肉组织中的残留与消除规律。文章建立高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定鲈鱼中阿维菌素残留量的方法,并以此法测定鲈鱼肌肉组织中阿维菌素的质量浓度。结果表明,随着药浴时间的延长,鲈鱼肌肉组织中的阿维菌素质量分数逐步增加,在药浴结束时达到峰值8.767μg·kg-1,随后阿维菌素在体内的残留量随消除试验的进行逐渐下降,至第528小时降至检测限以下。To investigate the accumulation and elimination rules of avermectin in perch(Lateolabrax japonicus) muscle during actual breeding process,we determined the median lethal concentration in 96 h as 4 ng·mL-1 based on a toxicity test,and exposed the perch to 4 ng·mL-1 of avermectin for 72 h,and then transfered the solution into seawater.Thus,we develop a method by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to determine avermectin in perch muscle.The results show that the avermectin concentration in perch muscle gradually increases with passing medicated bath time,and reaches the peak of 8.767·kg-1 at the end of the medicated bath.Later,the avermectin in perch muscle gradually decreases and reduces below the detection limit at 528th hour.福建省海洋与渔业厅重点项目(KJXH-2010-007); 国家星火计划项目(2011GA72001


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    目的探究间歇式轴向压应力对组织工程骨种子细胞黏附、增殖与成骨分化能力的影响。方法构建表达绿色荧光蛋白的兔骨髓间充质干细胞(rBMSCs)作为示踪种子细胞,运用旋转细胞培养仪将松质骨支架和种子细胞共培养7 d获得组织工程骨(TEB),实验组在第7~14天施加大小10 N、频率1 Hz、4 h/d的间歇式轴向压应力刺激,对照组常规培养,14 d后胰酶消化法获取两组种子细胞并比较其黏附、增殖和成骨分化能力。采用两组独立样本t检验进行统计学分析。结果 (1)流式细胞术显示rBMSCs被成功提取分离。(2)倒置荧光显微镜及扫描电镜显示TEB中种子细胞与支架相容性良好。(3)活体荧光成像系统及扫描电镜显示应力刺激组种子细胞的生长状况要优于非应力刺激组,前者平均荧光密度及细胞数/500倍视野均大于后者,差异均具有统计学意义(平均荧光密度:(3.75±0.34)×108 vs(2.91±0.22)×108,t=2.90,P=0.04;细胞数/500倍视野:30.50±4.43 vs 21.00±5.13,t=3.14,P=0.01)。(4)细胞黏附实验显示,应力刺激组种子细胞的75﹪细胞贴壁时间短于非应力刺激组,两组时间分别为(3.00±0.41) h、(13.33±1.70)h,差异具有统计学意义(t=8.20,P <0.01),前者的最终细胞贴壁率高于后者(99.97﹪±0.34﹪vs 85.83﹪±1.18﹪),差异具有统计学意义(t=11.31,P <0.01)。(5) CCK-8检测显示,在培养第48~96 h,应力刺激组种子细胞的增殖能力优于非应力刺激组,将两者的450 nm吸光度值在第48小时(0.49±0.02、0.40±0.02)、72 h(0.76±0.07、0.64±0.04)和96 h(1.58±0.07、1.34±0.13)分别进行比较,差异均具有统计学意义(t=5.15、2.57、2.86,P均<0.01)。(6)在成骨诱导14 d后,应力刺激组种子细胞的ALP和Ca结节染色阳性率要强于非应力刺激组:两组ALP染色阳性率分别为26.73﹪±4.56﹪、16.68﹪±3.89﹪,差异具有统计学意义(t=3.33,P=0.03);两组Ca结节染色阳性率分别为41.81﹪±3.56﹪、27.40﹪±2.35﹪,差异具有统计学意义(t=3.68,P=0.02)。结论间歇性轴向压应力可促进组织工程骨种子细胞的黏附、增殖与成骨分化