91 research outputs found

    The determination of china stock index futures hedging ratio

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    我国股市的显著特点是股指波幅大,系统性风险大,而这种风险无法通过分散投资加以回避。股指期货是规避系统风险的最佳工具,但其有效性却受套期保值比率的影响。因此,最优套期保值比率的确定问题成为期货套期保值理论研究的核心问题。由于我国股指期货迟迟未能推出,成熟市场所采用的直接用投资组合数据和股指期货数据来确定套期保值比率的方法在我国并不适用,在股指期货还未推出的约束条件下,如何确定最优套期保值比率,就具有极大的现实意义。文章首先对相关文献进行了综合研究分析,并归纳出最优套期保值比率的模型有五种:最小方差套期保值比率模型、均值方差套期保值比率模型、期望效用最大化套期保值比率模型、增广的均值基尼系数模型和...The significant feature of china stock index is that it is more volatile and more risk, which can not be avoided by diversified investment. But how to choose hedging ratio impacts its effectiveness. Thus the determination of optimal ratio of futures hedging has become the core issue of theoretical research. China has failed to launch stock index futures. The direct use of portfolio data and stock...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_投资学学号:2005130099


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    Spatia-l temporal variability of soil salt content before and after irrigation in the Yellow River Delta

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    分别采用传统统计学和地统计学方法,定量分析了灌溉前、后黄河三角洲田块尺度下不同深度土层含盐量的空间变异性并分析空间分布特征。结果表明:除灌溉前0~10 cm土层土壤含盐量呈强变异性外,其余各土层含盐量均表现为中等变异强度;灌溉前土壤盐分主要积聚在0~10 cm和40~60 cm土层,灌溉后主要积聚在40~60 cm土层;灌溉使得0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层土壤含盐量降低,脱盐效果较好;除灌溉后0~10 cm土层的土壤盐分含量呈现弱空间相关性之外,其它土层均呈现强空间相关性;灌溉后与灌溉前相比,除40~60 cm层土壤含盐量外,其余各土层土壤含盐量明显降低、土壤含盐量的等值线密集程度减弱..

    The research of the reference value of urinary mercury for 0-6 years old children in coast area

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    目的通过对厦门市0~6岁儿童尿汞水平调查,了解厦门市儿童汞暴露水平。方法根据行政区划以及儿童人数分布从全市选取代表性的8个社区,进行分层随机抽样,共收集到1076例0~6岁儿童尿样。样本采用随意尿,每个儿童统一使用聚乙烯塑料瓶收集不少于5 M l尿样,尿样统一采用dMA-80自动测汞仪测定。结果儿童尿汞测定值呈偏态分布,因此使用几何平均数表示儿童尿汞的平均水平。男女儿童尿汞几何平均值分别为0.77μg/l和0.74μg/l,经非参数T检验比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。0~1岁、2~3岁和3~6岁3个年龄段的儿童尿汞几何平均值分别为0.74μg/l、0.75μg/l和0.78μg/l,经非参数T检验比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对1076名儿童尿汞值分析得出尿汞的几何平均值为0.76μg/l,95%置信区间0.70~0.81μg/l。结论厦门市0~6岁儿童的尿汞水平的调查结果可以为国内沿海城市0~6岁儿童汞暴露水平的本底值研究提供参考。Objective To understand the mercury exposure level in 0-6 year-old children of Xiamen city through the survey.Methods A total of 1 076 healthy infants and young children aged 0-6 year-old were selected from 8 communities with stratified and cluster sampling method respectively.The spot urine samples of the children were collected( more than 5m L per child).The concentration of mercury was determined by DMA-80 automatic mercy instrument.Results The urine mercury values of the healthy children were in skewed distribution and the results were expressed in geometric mean.The urine mercury values for boys and girls are0.77μg / L and 0.74μg / L,respectively.There was no significant difference for the urine mercury values between boys and girls( P >0.05).Meanwhile,the urine mercury values for groups of 0-1 year-old,2-3 year-old,and 4-6 year-old were 0.74μg / L,0.75μg / L and 0.78μg / L,respectively.The urine mercury values among the three age groups had no significantly difference neither( P > 0.05).The upper 95 th percentile in 1076 urine samples was 0.85 μg / L,95% confidence interval was 0.70-0.81μg / L.Conclusion The average value of 0-6 year-old children's urine mercury level in Xiamen was close to those in the reports of two researches in Shenyang and Germany.Therefore,results will be helpful for the understanding of mercury exposure in 0-6 year-old children of Xiamen city


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    On How Mao Ze-dong Accomplished the Reunification of Marxist Outlook of History and Theory of knowledge

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    要解决“中国向何处去”这个中国近代的时代中心问题 ,就必须认识社会历史的发展规律 ,并且把这种认识与中国革命的实践结合起来。虽然 ,中国近代哲学的争论集中于历史观与认识论两个领域 ,但两者的分离却无法科学地解决这一问题。马克思主义的历史观和认识论在创始人那里是统一的 ,但在理论自身发展的进程中 ,两者却陷入了分裂。其结果是理论与实践的分离 ,并且造成了中国革命的重大损失。毛泽东在领导中国革命走向胜利的实践过程中 ,再度实现了马克思主义的历史观与认识论的统一 ,构成了马克思主义哲学中国化的重大特点

    On the Change in Marx's Way of Thinking by Transcending Feuerbach in Three Steps

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    一个新的世界观的产生 ,必然伴随着思维方式的改变 ,马克思创立新世界观的过程 ,很好地证明了这一点 ,这可以从他超越费尔巴哈的三个步骤中清楚地看到。首先 ,他在从青年黑格尔派转向费尔巴哈派时 ,就以看待世界的不同角度开始孕育对费尔巴哈的超越 ;第二 ,新世界观的雏型包含在异化劳动理论中 ,受到旧思维方式的束缚 ;第三 ,最终冲破旧有思维模式的束缚 ,彻底清算与旧哲学体系的一切联系 ,一个全新的世界观脱颖而出。The emergence of a new outlook involves the change in thinking. A good case in point is the establishment of Karl Marx's outlook. This can be clearly seen from his transcending Feuerbach's three steps. First of all, when he changed from the Youth Hegel School to Feuerbach School, his different view on the world breeds his transcendence over Feuerbach. Secondly, the rudiment of his new outlook is included in the dissimilation labor theory and restrained by the old way of thinking. Thirdly, he finally breaks through the bondage of the old thinking model and clear away all the relations with the old philosophical system, hence a completely new outlook

    On the Bronze ou Capacity-measure

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    文章主要从命名、形制和演变等几方面对铜鏂进行了初步探讨,由于鏂的形制不同于碗、簋或豆,故其名称也不同。鏂主要流行于两汉时期,早期为深腹、矮圈足,后逐渐深变为高圈足、浅腹。出土器物组合及文献均说明鏂应为盛器。文未对瓯的形制及用途也稍作说明。This paper,based on literature and archaeological materials,discusses the appearances and functions of the bronze ou vessels in antiquity.Being popular mainly in the Han Dynasty,the bronze ou vessels may have functioned as food holding