The determination of china stock index futures hedging ratio


我国股市的显著特点是股指波幅大,系统性风险大,而这种风险无法通过分散投资加以回避。股指期货是规避系统风险的最佳工具,但其有效性却受套期保值比率的影响。因此,最优套期保值比率的确定问题成为期货套期保值理论研究的核心问题。由于我国股指期货迟迟未能推出,成熟市场所采用的直接用投资组合数据和股指期货数据来确定套期保值比率的方法在我国并不适用,在股指期货还未推出的约束条件下,如何确定最优套期保值比率,就具有极大的现实意义。文章首先对相关文献进行了综合研究分析,并归纳出最优套期保值比率的模型有五种:最小方差套期保值比率模型、均值方差套期保值比率模型、期望效用最大化套期保值比率模型、增广的均值基尼系数模型和...The significant feature of china stock index is that it is more volatile and more risk, which can not be avoided by diversified investment. But how to choose hedging ratio impacts its effectiveness. Thus the determination of optimal ratio of futures hedging has become the core issue of theoretical research. China has failed to launch stock index futures. The direct use of portfolio data and stock...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_投资学学号:2005130099

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