282 research outputs found

    Effect of Social Support on Mental Health of Middle School Students with Parents' Divorce

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    目的探讨父母离异对中学生心理健康的影响,分析性别、城乡背景、社会支持在其中所起的作用。方法以广东、四川、河南3省的大中城市和县城的13所学校的1882名初一到高三的中学生为调查对象,采用症状自评量表(SCl-90)和社会支持评定量表对其心理健康状况和社会支持情况进行调查。结果292名中学生受到父母离异的影响,其SCl-90中躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性因子分〔分别为(0.63±0.04)分、(1.15±0.04)分、(0.91±0.04)分、(0.84±0.04)分、(0.89±0.04)分、(0.56±0.03)分、(0.77±0.04)分、(0.73±0.04)分〕与正常家庭中学生(1590名,分别为(0.53±0.02)分、(1.01±0.02)分、(0.77±0.02)分、(0.72±0.02)分、(0.73±0.02)分、(0.49±0.02)分、(0.68±0.02)分、(0.60±0.02)分)比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。城乡背景和性别因素对SCl-90多数因子无显著影响,仅性别因素对精神病性因子分有显著影响。分层多元回归分析显示,主观社会支持对SCl-90各因子分的方差解释量最大。结论父母离异对中学生的心理健康有显著的负面影响;在受到父母离异影响的中学生中,城乡背景和性别因素对其心理健康无显著影响;父母离异的中学生的主观社会支持是比年级、父母离异对其心理健康的影响更重要的因素。Objective To investigate the influence of parents' devoice on mental health of middle school students in China,and analyze the effects of sex,rural or urban background and social support.Methods The mental health conditions and social support of 1 882 high school students,from 13 schools in cities of Guangdong,Sichuan and Henan provinces,were tested by using the checklist of SCL-90 and the scales of objective and subjective social support.Results There were 292 students who were influenced by the divorce of their parents.Their SCL-90 factors in somatization,compulsive symptom,interpersonal relationship,depression,hostility,affright,paranoid,and psychopathy were(0.63±0.04),(1.15±0.04),(0.91±0.04),(0.84±0.04),(0.89±0.04),(0.56±0.03),(0.77±0.04),and(0.73±0.04)respectively,which showed statistically significant differences as compared with those(0.53±0.02),(1.01±0.02),(0.77±0.02),(0.72±0.02),(0.73±0.02),(0.49±0.02),(0.68±0.02),(0.60±0.02)of 1 590 students from normal families(P<0.05).However,there was no significant influence of rural or urban background and sex on the most of SCL-90 factors.Multiple regression analysis showed subjectively social support impacted the SCL-90 factors significantly.Conclusion The parent's divorce is of significantly negative influence on the mental health of the students mental health.However,the rural or urban background and sex give no significant influence.The subjectively social support is more effective than grade of the students and parents' divorce on student's mental health.中国科学院生物局资助重点项目(KSCX2-2-03


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    运动员踝关节骨关节病在运动员中非常多见,1943年Morris 1943年称其为"运动员之踝",McMurray在1950年提出本病应叫"足球踝"。1957年O,Dongoghue提出将本病称为"踝关节撞击性骨疣"(impingement exotosos)

    Modelling and Segmenting the Future Value of Cruise Tourists: Empirical Study of China Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan

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    自20世纪80年代以来,现代邮轮旅游作为一种休闲度假方式,已经成为欧美国家中产阶级出游的重要选择之一。深入了解中国邮轮旅游者的特点并进行市场细分,有助于推动中国邮轮旅游市场开发。本研究根据顾客终身价值理论,测算了邮轮旅游者的未来价值,并通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析研究了邮轮旅游者的消费偏好,建立了邮轮旅游者未来价值评估模型。基于中国大陆、香港和台湾邮轮旅游者的相关数据,通过AMOS21.0对邮轮旅游者未来价值模型进行了检验,发现了对邮轮旅游者未来价值有显著影响的因素;通过R13.0软件进一步对显著影响邮轮旅游者未来价值的因素进行了潜类分析,识别出了未来价值较高的邮轮旅游市场,进而为有效地市场开发提供依据。Abstract: Since the 1980s, modem cruise, as a leisure vacation, has become one of the most popular options for middle-class in Europe and North America. According to the theory of customer lifespan value, our research estimated the future value of cruise tourists, and upgraded the previous research scale of foreign cruise tourists' preference by exploratory factors analysis and confirmatory factors analysis, in order to build the model of cruise tourists' future value. Based on the dataset of cruise tourists from China mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the measurement model of cruise tourists' future value was tested through structural equa- tion modelling in program of AMOS21.0. Ultimately, our study found some significant impact factors of cruise tourists' future value and applied the empirical result into cruise market segmentation, using of R13.0 to do latent cluster analysis of the significant determinants of cruise tourists' future value, in order to recog- nize the most valuable segment and efficient marketing strategy.Specific results show that the cruise tourism income level, revisit frequency, the route length, consume preference for infrastructure and recreational facilities have a significant positive impact on the future value of cruise tourists. Key words: cruise tourists; future value; market segmentation; growth matrix; latent cluster analysis国家社会科学基金项目(11CJY084);北京市属高等学校高层次人才引进与培养计划项目(CIT&TCD201304012);国家留学基金委员会项目(201406310043)


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    Design of new type of medical infrared temperature measuring instrument

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    目的:针对市场现有的测温仪的弊端,设计一种新型医用红外测温仪。方法:采用红外线温度传感器采集人体温度,以HT67F5640芯片为主控制器,通过A/D转换把检测的人体温度显示在液晶显示器(liquid crystal display,LCD)上。该仪器设计的电路包括主控制电路、电源电路、红外温度传感器电路、LCD驱动电路、按键电路、报警电路等;软件部分包括主程序,AD采集、LCD显示、蜂鸣器报警以及按键扫描等子程序。结果:该医用红外测温仪测量体温速度快、精度高、重复性好,医务人员反应良好。结论:该测温仪功耗低、使用方便、稳定性高、便于携带、各项参数优越,可以实现患者体温的快速检测。Objective To design a new type of medical infrared temperature measuring instrument.Methods The data on human body temperature were collected by the infrared temperature sensor with HT67F5640 as the main controller,and then displayed on the LCD through the A/D conversion.The circuits of the instrument included power supply circuit,infrared temperature sensor circuit,LCD drive circuit,key circuit,alarm circuit,etc.The software involved in the main program,AD acquisition subroutine,environment temperature compensation subroutine,calibration mode subroutine,etc.Results The instrument gained advantages in speed,precision,repeatability and response from medical staffs.Conclusion The medical infrared thermometer behaves well in low power consumption,easy operation,high stability and portability and etc,and is very suitable for the rapid detection of the patient's temperature


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    Application of biomarkers in marine environment monitoring

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    总结了国内外近十几年可应用于海洋环境污染监测常见的生物标记物及其主要的检测方法,对各自的应用特点进行了阐述,并展望了其应用的前景。其中对DNA损伤的检测作了较为详细的介绍。This paper sums up the recent-year application of biomarkers in marine environment motoring and the main detection methods of them.The features and the future prospects of these biomarkers are also discussed. The introduction of the DNA damage is the most detailed part in this paper.国家自然科学基金资助项目(A20077023,C40106012