6 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Remote Supervising System Based on CDMA 1X

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    本文以世界银行援建项目“YellowRiverDiversionProject”(引黄入晋工程,编号:0015-K81062)为背景,在对引黄入晋工程的远程监控系统进行研究分析的过程中,指出了该系统在目前采用的有线光纤和有线电缆通讯技术下难以处理的一些问题:(1)由于监控点分散且传输距离较远,有线光纤和有线电缆的网络建设成本很高,实施困难;(2)需要考虑节点之间的连接形式,一旦网络结构发生变化或节点需要扩充,监控系统便需要调整,耗费大量的人力物力;(3)由于系统庞大,通讯的物理线路较为繁乱,在建设和维护阶段容易出现人为触碰等引起的通讯故障;(4)在出现通讯故障时,需要多方人员配合进行故障检测,...The thesis based on Yellow River Diversion Project. Through the research of the existing design of the supervising system of Yellow River Diversion Project, this passage pointed out some problems hard to be dealt with as follows: (1) Owing to the dispersion of control points and remote transfers of data, it cost a lot to construct the network of the supervising system and it was hard to impleme...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_系统工程学号:20033102

    基于CDMA 1X的远程监控系统设计

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    讲述了基于CDMA 1X 的远程监控系统的整体设计与实现,着重讨论了系统的无线通信设计流程。服务器端的 程序设计采用VC 6. 0 开发工具,符合OPC 标准,实现了CDMA 数据终端与客户端的数据传输。通过本系统的实际应用,并 与有线数据采集系统进行比较和分析,讨论了本系统存在的优缺点和发展前景世界银行援建项目(编号:0015 K81062) 资


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    世界上普遍存在着分形( Fractal) 规律. 分形可以是形态、功能和信息方面的自相似性,而且相似性是有层次级别 的. 本文提出了量化因子和比例因子的分形因数F ,把分形规律应用到模糊控制中去. 用Matlab 对其进行建模仿真,并和 PID 控制、传统模糊控制进行比较,结果表明加入分形因数F 以后改善了控制精度


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    β—actin基因启动子驱动的草鱼生长激素基因cDNA—“全鱼”基因 pCAgcGHc用显微注射方法导入四倍体鱼卵 ,获得了生长快 ,个体硕壮的转基因四倍体鱼。 2 4 0日龄时 ,转基因鱼平均体重为 30 2 7g ,是对照鱼的 3 1倍 ,平均体长是对照的 1 34倍 ,并可从部分转基因雄鱼挤出精液 ,而对照鱼尚无此现象。对 19尾转基因四倍体雄鱼的精液和尾鳍DNA做PCR检测 ,外源基因的阳性率分别为 94 7%和 52 6%。最后 ,展望了转基因四倍体鱼在转基因鱼产业化方面的应用前

    Nearshore FADs in Solomon Islands: monitoring their effectiveness and cost-benefit. Report to Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources as part of the New Zealand funded MSSIF programme

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    The Solomon Islands government through the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) has identified the deployment of nearshore FADs as one of their priority activities for inshore marine resource management. From 2010-2013 the New Zealand funded MSSIF (Mekem Strong Solomon Island Fisheries) programme funded WorldFish to implement a nearshore FAD project “Developing a Solomon Islands National Inshore FAD Programme” in partnership with MFMR with the aim of collecting the information needed to develop a Solomon Islands inshore FAD implementation plan for the Ministry. This report summarises the findings from that study

    Ziprasidone versus other atypical antipsychotics for schizophrenia

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