167 research outputs found

    The study of the influence factors of the residents' consumption confidence and the improvement of the index —Based on samples from west coast strait economic zones

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    基于从2010年第一季度到2015年第四季度海峡西岸经济区23个城市共105479份居民消费信心调查问卷,本文首先分期对其建立关于被调查者属性变量的有序Probit模型,分析显示:地区人均GDP水平是影响居民信心指数的最重要原因。此外,教育水平是影响指标中海西居民房地产购买信心的重要因素。同时,分项指标之间的偏相关显示了指标之间并不是完全独立,如经济景气的预期与居民房地产购买信心和家庭经济状况呈正相关;房地产购买信心与耐用品购买同向变化;旅游计划与旅游收入,金融投资计划与比例均呈现同增同减等等。随后,为了评价海西各项信心指数对宏观经济的预测的有效性,在利用海西消费者信心指数及其二级指数的基础上...Based on 105479 survey (2010Q1-2015Q4) samples from 23 cities in the west coast strait economic zones, this paper established an ordered Probit model to explain the underlying causes of Consumer Confidence Index.This paper find that the GDP per capita of the region is the most important factor affecting the confidence index of residents. Besides, the respondents’ level of education also affects th...学位:应用统计硕士院系专业:经济学院_统计学学号:1542014115197

    Chinese Savings Rate Growth:Empirical Analysis on Provincial Government Economy

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    中国储蓄率高及近年来的不断增长是公认的事实。依据中国统计局目前已公布的储蓄数据显示,中国国民储蓄率从1992年的40.29%上升至2012年的52%,其中在1992-2000年国民储蓄率基本维持在40%的水平,2000年以后有了跳跃式的上涨;而同期的美国、澳大利亚、日本、丹麦等国家储蓄率均没有超过6%。 中国高增长的储蓄率是导致我国经济呈现“高投资、高出口、低消费”结构性问题的重要原因,因此,解决中国储蓄率自身的“高”和导致的一系列问题具有重要的研究意义,并且迫在眉睫。国内外大量学者从经济增长、人口结构、储蓄的预防性动机、人力资本、国民储蓄部门结构等各个方面进行研究和解释,本文从一个全新的角...As is known to all, China’s savings rate is high and growing fast in recent years. According to the updated data from National Bureau of Statistics, the national savings rate in China has risen from 40.29% to 52% in 1992-2012,which in 1992-2000,it remained at 40%, but leaped after 2000.At the same period, savings rate in the United States, Australia, Japan, Denmark and other countries did not exce...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552011115178

    The Study about Governance Strategy of Village in Scenic Area Based on Community Building: A Case Study of Dongping Mountain Village in Xiamen

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    近年来,风景名胜区旅游的持续走热带动了周边地区经济的发展,引发了景中村的快速建设,景中村的蔓延对风景名胜区的保护产生了一定的威胁。针对此问题,政府颁布了相关的风景名胜区保护政策,有效管制了部分景中村的蔓延,但同时也约束了部分受到旅游经济影响较弱的“边缘化”景中村的发展。保护政策中关于村庄建设用地审批的限制,引发了人地矛盾,引起劳动人口的流失,导致景中村的衰败和文化的没落。这种强制性的政策直接保护了风景名胜区的土地资源,但也由此引发了景中村治理的新问题,限制了村庄的发展。因此需要研究相关配套制度和政策以缓解景区和村庄的矛盾,促进景村和谐可持续发展。本文将这类“边缘化”的景中村作为研究对象,从分析...In recent years, a tourism boom of the Scenic Area led to the economic development of the surrounding areas. It triggered a rapid construction of Village in Scenic Area, and the overspreading of Village in Scenic Area became a thread against the protection of Scenic Area. To solve this problem, the protection policy issued by the Government is effective in control of some villages in Scenic Area n...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_城市与区域规划学号:3082013115176

    Effects of Norfloxacin Lactate on the Immune System of Takifugu oblongus and Epinephelus coioides

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    抗生素在全世界范围内使用广泛,大量应用于人类医疗、畜牧业和水产养殖业等方面。抗生素的滥用和处置不当导致其在环境中的残留量居高不下。水产养殖业中频繁使用抗生素,不仅加剧了抗生素污染,更对水产品健康构成了威胁。目前大量研究集中于抗生素的药物毒性和抗生素抗性危机,关于抗生素尤其是喹诺酮类抗生素对鱼类免疫系统的影响研究鲜有报道。 本研究以乳酸诺氟沙星(NorfloxacinLactate,NOR)为研究对象,初次实验以横纹东方鲀(Takifuguoblongus)为受试动物,采用药浴方式将其暴露于0mg/L、0.5mg/L、5mg/L和50mg/LNOR中,第1、4、7、10d后,采集横纹东方鲀血液...The abuse of antibiotics and the improper treatment of them contribute to their high residual quantity in the environment. The frequent use of antibiotics in aquaculture not only exacerbates the pollution of antibiotics, but also poses a threat to the health of fish and shellfish. Norfloxacin Lactate (NOR) is an antibiotic widely used in the aquaculture. In the present study, most studies focus on...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境科学学号:3312014115169

    Gasdermin D is an executor of pyroptosisand required for interleukin-1secretion

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    炎症小体是先天免疫系统中一类重要的胞内信号复合体。炎症小体的激活可以引发白介素1β(IL-1β)和白介素18(IL-18)的成熟和分泌,同时引发细胞焦亡。Caspase-1和caspase-11(人源同源蛋白caspase-4/5)分别在经典炎症小体和非经典炎症小体信号通路中起关键作用。本实验中,我们通过利用高灵敏度定量质谱技术,发现蛋白gasderminD(GSDMD)是炎症小体复合物的另一重要组成成分,它会随着NLRP3炎症小体激活剂的刺激进入炎症小体复合体。我们通过敲除GSDMD基因,证明了GSDMD蛋白在经典和非经典炎症小体诱发的细胞焦亡中均起到关键作用,并影响着IL-1β的分泌,但是...Inflammasome is an intracellular signaling complex of innate immune system. Activation of inflammasomes promotes the secretion of interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and IL-18 and triggers pyroptosis. Caspase-1 and -11 (or -4/5 in human) in the canonical and non-canonical inflammasome pathways respectively, are crucial for inflammasome-mediated inflammatory responses. Here we report that gasdermin D (GSDMD) i...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物学学号:2162012015376

    Visione symbolization of brand marking

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    在这个消费主义盛行的时代,一个企业要成功,建立一个良好的品牌是十分重要的。一个品牌的成功是综合产品的创新、产品质量监管、有效的行销策略、企业文化的建立和产品视觉形象传递等各方面因素;但是一个品牌要成功,不可缺少优秀的是视觉形象设计。本文立足于品牌营销的基础上,探讨品牌视觉设计的新趋势,即视觉符号化。 本文研究了视觉符号化的社会心理原因,采用了社会心理学领域中的“符号互动理论”进行分析,指出品牌符号化的社会心理原因是人们追求自我表达的结果。在该理论的论证下,可以知晓品牌符号化这一现象的根源,并且指出品牌走向符号化这一事实。在品牌符号化的前提下,本文分析了品牌符号化的方式,即通过色彩符号化、语言...In the consume age, to build an excellent brand is the important way that one company reach success. Effective of production, controlling the quality, useful promotion strategy, company culture and the vision expression, all these help a brand gets success. But an excellent brand cannot leave a good vision design. The paper base on the brand promotion, and discussing the trend of brand, which is ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院美术系_艺术学学号:2005130155

    A Study on Optimization of Industry Organization Structure and Multi-layer Capital Market System

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    当前我国产业组织具有“散”、“全”、“低”的特征,严重影响了企业竞争力和社会资源配置效率。而推进我国资本市场的多层次发展,对于加快我国经济体制改革进程,拓展不同规模企业融资渠道,优化产业组织结构,提升产业竞争力具有十分重要的作用。本文首先采用SCP范式回顾了我国产业组织演化过程及现状,提出了我国产业组织结构调整的目标模式;重点考察了资本市场层次与产业组织结构优化的互动关系,提出多层次资本市场建设对于优化我国产业组织结构的重要意义。 结合我国资本市场现状和存在的问题,本文分析了产业组织低效率的主要原因,指出构建多层次的资本市场才是解决优化产业组织结构,提升产业竞争力的出路所在。为了借鉴国际上的...At present, industry organization of China has the characteristic of dispersion, full scale and low level, which affect enterprise competition. Multi-layer capital market has the function to expedite economy reform, develop channel of enterprise financing and advance competition of industry. The thesis reviews the process of industry organization evolvement, put forward objective pattern of indust...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:K20031423

    Cultural Adaptation of Transnational Ethnic Groups----A Case Study of Africans in Kuangquan Street, Guangzhou

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    在经济全球化的影响下,自20世纪90年代末以来,数以万计的非洲商人来到广州这个当代中国经济最活跃的大商埠之一寻找机遇。伴随着越来越多非洲商人的到来,广州城中开始出现了非洲人的聚居区,广州城市的社会空间因而显现出新的区隔。如此意想不到的社会变更对广州本地民众形成了巨大文化震撼。与此同时,外来的非洲人也因文化的差异对本地人产生了诸多歧见。在广州人与外来的非洲人之间在不同文化的碰撞中形成了既有冲突、又有趋同的族群关系,对当代中国的国际化进程有着深远的影响。 本研究以非洲移民群相对集中的广州市矿泉街迦南外贸服装城为田野点,通过参与性观察、深度访谈等方法对活跃于该地的中非两个族群进行考察。本研究试图描...Under the influence of the economic globalization, since 1990s, tens of thousands of African merchants have come to Guangzhou for commercial opportunity. As more and more Africans arrive, African ethnic enclaves come up in this city, and therefore, Guangzhou’s social space becomes segregate. Due to the change of social structure, the locals are getting culture shock somehow, while the Africans are...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院社会学系_社会学学号:1402008115095

    A Study on the Ethnic Chinese Associations' Status Quo in the Netherlands

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    荷兰是一个政策宽松,经济发达的欧洲小国。自建交以来与中国的双边关系迅猛发展,是中国企业向欧盟发展的重要基地。中国人移民荷兰已经有一个世纪多的时间。与其他国家相比,华人在荷兰能够顺利融入。当地的华人社团历史悠久、发展迅速、会务活跃,其中不少社团还成为欧洲比较成熟而有影响力的社团之一。20世纪90年代后期,尤其是2000年以来,荷兰华人社团不断壮大,数量多达上百个,类型更是多种多样,并与当地政府和社会以及中国有着良好互动。系统地考察荷兰华人社团的发展现状,对于了解荷兰华人社会,促进其与中国的交流联系,发展中荷友谊,具有较大的学术意义。 本文第一部分叙述荷兰华人移民概况及华人社团发展历程;第二部分...The Netherlands is a small, highly developed and policy-easing country in Europe. Since the Dutch-Chinese diplomatic relationship started, its rapid development becomes the important basement for Chinese enterprises to develop in the European Union. It has been more than a century since the Chinese people immigrated into the Netherlands. Compared with other foreign immigrants, Chinese is easier to...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_专门史学号:2552009115185

    Phonics training and English word reading ability in Hong Kong primary students

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    Thesis (B.Sc)--University of Hong Kong, 2006."A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science (Speech and Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong, June 30, 2006."Also available in print.published_or_final_versionSpeech and Hearing SciencesBachelorBachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science