185 research outputs found

    The Role of Pepsinogenes and Some Intestinal Hormones in Pathogenesis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

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    80 patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were examined. The diagnosis of GERD was based on the history of the disease, complaints of patients, the results of daily monitoring of pH in the lower third of the esophagus, data of fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy, chromoendoscopy, 13C-octanoic breath test, gastrin-17 (G-17) concentration, pepsinogens I and II (P I and II) and cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (C-P) in serum.After 24 hours pH monitoring of the lower third of the esophagus in 40 patients with GERD, the predominance of acid was found, and the other 40 patients had mixed refluxes. In patients with predominance of acid reflux, the mean values of half-life of solid food evaluation (T1/2) according to 13C-octanoic breath test was (45.25±1.34) min. With the predominance of mixed refluxes in patients, there was a tendency towards hypokinetic motility of the stomach, indicating a slowdown in half-life of solid food evaluation from the stomach up to (139.24±11.87) min. With the predominance of acid reflux also was observed a significant reduction in the concentration of G-17 and C-P, an increase in P I and a decrease in the concentration of P II. Hypergastrinemia, high levels of C-P and P II (37.44±3.41) μg/l (p<0,05) were diagnosed with the predominance of mixed refluxes

    Interlevel absorption of electromagnetic waves by nanocrystal with divalent impurity

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    The energy spectrum of central divalent impurity is calculated using the effective mass approximation in a spherical quantum dot (QD). The dipole moment and oscillator strength of interlevel transition is defined. The dependence of linear absorption coefficient on the QD size and electromagnetic frequency is analyzed. The obtained results are compared with the results of univalent impurity.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Композиція та юкстапозиція як засіб номінації в заголовках періодичних інтернет-видань (Сomposition and juxtaposition as a means of nomination in periodical online editions)

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    У статті проаналізовано одиниці монолексемної організації (композити, юкстапозити) як інновації у заголовковому комплексі, визначено граматичні параметри компонентів, продуктивні моделі. (Language of press has a number of characteristic features defined by its creative nature and determinative functions. The language itself stands for the sphere or research field of constant search of new means for readers’ persuasion and influence creating, in this way, vast possibilities for appearing new words – neologisms – of different structure and semantics. Neologism as a new lexical unit is a linguistic sign of certain concept determined by cognitive structure of native speaker. Formally it can be presented as a single compound word (composites, juxtaposites) or a phrase, which is an analytical morpheme. This article deals with the units of monolexemic organization (composites, juxtaposites) as innovations functioning in the headings of online editions, reveals the complex mechanism of productive derivative models and the linguistic nature of different motivations. The objective and attributive relations between the components of innovative composites are being analyzed, along with the origin (Ukrainian or foreign) and semantic structure (figures, proper or common names representing the first or second element of neologism) of constituent parts of juxtaposites in the headings of periodical online editions. The grammatical parameters of their components and productive models are also defined. Linguistic analysis reveals that nouns are most often used as components of monolexemic innovative units.

    Light absorption coefficient of an ordered array of spherical quantum dot chains

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    We considered intersubband electron transitions in an array of one-dimensional chains of spherical quantum dots in the GaAs/Alx_{x}Ga1x_{1-x}As semiconductor system. The absorption coefficient caused by these transitions was calculated depending on frequency and polarization of incident light and on Fermi level position, and temperature. We established the existence of two maxima of the absorption coefficient at the edges of the absorption band. It is shown that the absorption coefficient reaches its maximal value at the center of the region between the ss-, pp-like subbands and slightly varies with temperature. The change of the direction of the linearly polarized light wave incident on the chains from perpendicular to parallel leads to a sharp narrowing of the absorption band. It is obtained that the absorption bandwidth increases with the reduction of the quantum dot radius. We also analyzed the dependence of the absorption coefficient of GaAs/Alx_{x}Ga1x_{1-x}As superlattice on concentration of aluminium in the matrix.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Трансформовані фраземи як детермінанти експресивності в заголовках періодичних Інтернет-видань

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    У статті репрезентовано напрями розгортання фразеологічних трансформацій як виразні прийоми експресивізації заголовків інтернет-видань. (The article represents the directions of evolution of idiomatic transformations as expressive a technique in the processes of «expressivisation» in the headings of periodical online edition. It is revealed that transformed phraseological units carry out a reinforced impact on the recipient making the topic of utterance more clear and distinct, produce imaginative characteristic and create the effect of convergence of the recipient, attracting attention for its expressiveness. Occasional transformation of the analyzed units is being perfoemed in several ways. The first way – it is occasional explication when one more imaginative component is being added to the idiomatic complex by the author’s creative intention. This way also contains the attributive, objective and combined subways. The second way – it is occasional substitution when the replacement of certain lexical component takes place. Such a substitution of one of the components of lexical permanent structure allows one to weave easily occasional component to the overall semantic, notional and intentional frame of online headings. It is investigated that occasional substitution can be made not only by lexical but also derivational means when the derivative morpheme stands for attached modifier (often dependent) of phraseological unit. Occasional derivation of constant idiomatic units, determined to meet the need of author’s intentions, is manifested in two ways: first, it is situationally caused by the transformation of the outer form of expression; secondly, by the transformation of the contents of expression at the constant (unaltered) form of expression.

    Analysis of the effect of polarization traps and shallow impurities on the interlevel light absorption of quantum dots

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    A spherical quantum dot (QD) heterosystem CdS/SiO2_2 has been studied. Each QD has a hydrogen-like impurity in its center. Besides that, it has been accounted that a polarization trap for electron exists at the interfaces due to the difference between the QD and matrix dielectric permittivity. It has been defined that for small QD radii there are surface electron states. For different radii, partial contributions of the surface states into the electron energy caused by the electron-ion and electron-polarization charges interaction have been defined. The linear light absorption coefficient of noninteracting QDs has been calculated taking into account the QD dispersion by the size. It is shown that the surface states can be observed into different ranges of an electromagnetic spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Off-central acceptor impurity in a spherical quantum dot

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    The hole energy spectrum with the ion of an acceptor impurity in the quantum dot has been calculated using the spherical approximation of the multiband Luttinger model. The dependence of the hole energy levels on the impurity location in the quantum dot has been studied. The effect of the impurity location on the dipole momentum and the oscillator strength has been analyzed. The hole interlevel absorption coefficient has been calculated.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamics of Bone Trap-5b Level in Patients with Bone Metastases of Renal Cell Cancer at Combined Treatment

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    The objective of this study was to determine the sensitivity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) for early detection of bone metastases (BM) and to investigate the efficacy of bisphosphonates (BF) (zolendronic acid-ZA) in prevention of bone metastases in patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC). The 60 patients with RCC with proven BM were investigated to assess the sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b. 95 patients with RCC with high level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) (8,5±0,2 IU/L) after radical surgical treatment were divided into two groups: 1-st group: (n=44) received zolendronic acid (ZA) (BF +), and 2-nd group (n=51) patients didn\u27t receive ZA (BF-). Patients of both subgroups were similar by age, sex, stage of disease. The levels of Bone TRAP-5b, Ca++, alkaline phosphatase, LDG were accessed every 3 months, and MRI imaging, bone scan with 99mTc every 6 month in both groups. We determined the high correlation between bone TRAP-5b and the presence of bone metastases (r=0,9; p <0,05), but its level wasn\u27t dependent with the number of BM. The results showed the high sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b at the critical value of 5.2 IU/L (98,3 % and 90,0 %), (χ2=64,6; p<0.01). Using BF for the prevention of bone metastases in high risk group patients with RCC provides a significant difference in the incidence of bone metastases in patients

    Effect of quantum dot shape of the GaAs/AlAs heterostructure on interlevel hole light absorption

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    The effect of quantum dot shape on the hole energy spectrum and optical properties caused by the interlevel charge transition based on the 4x4 Hamiltonian has been studied for the GaAs quantum dot in the AlAs semiconductor matrix. Calculations have been carried out in perturbation theory taking into account the hybridization of states for cubic, ellipsoidal, cylindrical and tetrahedral shapes by changing the volume of a quantum dot. Based on the energy calculations and on the determined wave functions of the hole states we have defined the selection rules and the dependence of the interlevel hole absorption coefficient on QD shapes and volumes.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Спеціальні ознаки суб’єкта злочину, передбаченого статтею 330 Кримінального кодексу України

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    On the basis of the analysis of criminal and legal literature, certain provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and court practice of their application, the author has determined that the description of special features of the crime’s subject through the construction of “in connection with the performance of official duties” used by the legislator in the disposition of the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine indicates the identity of the subject to the category of officials. At the same time, taking into account the dualism of criminal and legal approaches to the definition of the term of “an official” in the descriptions of a victim and the crime’s subject, the author has emphasized on the application of the more narrow concept laid down in Part 3 of the Art. 18 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine dated from April 26, 2002 No. 5 “On judicial practice in cases of bribery”. As a result, the author has come to the conclusion that a special subject of the crime under the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine may be officers of the departments of the National Police of Ukraine, the State Investigation Bureau, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the Office of State Security, the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, the State Penal Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, officials of the President’s Administration of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Supreme High Command General Headquarters of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine, the unions, military units and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the State Special Transport Service, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city and district in the cities, state administrations and local self-government agencies, as well as officials of enterprises, institutions and organizations that carry out state defense orders, conduct research and perform development in the defense area, etc.На основании анализа уголовно-правовой литературы и действующего законодательства определены специальные признаки субъекта преступления, предусмотренного ст. 330 УК Украины.На підставі аналізу кримінально-правової літератури та чинного законодавства визначено спеціальні ознаки суб’єкта злочину, передбаченого ст. 330 КК України