82 research outputs found

    Examining relationship between being cyber bully/ cyber victim and social perceptual levels of adolescents

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between being cyber- bully / cyber-victim and social perception levels in adolescents. In this study, descriptive method was employed. The sample of the study consited of 300 students whom attending different high schools in Trabzon in 2009-2010 school years. 159 students of the sample were boys (% 53) and 141 students were girls (% 47). Cyberbullying Scale and Social Comparision Scale were used to collect the data. Pearson correlation coefficient and independent samples t test were conducted to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that there was a negative significant relationship between being cyber-bully/cyber-victim and social perception levels. As a result of this, students develop negative thinking both themselves and their social life.  Also students who have low social perception being more cyber-bully/cyber-victim. These results were discussed in light of relevant literature and some new direction were given to the further studies.This study aims to investigate the relationship between being cyber- bully / cyber-victim and social perception levels in adolescents. In this study, descriptive method was employed. The sample of the study consited of 300 students whom attending different high schools in Trabzon in 2009-2010 school years. 159 students of the sample were boys (% 53) and 141 students were girls (% 47). Cyberbullying Scale and Social Comparision Scale were used to collect the data. Pearson correlation coefficient and independent samples t test were conducted to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that there was a negative significant relationship between being cyber-bully/cyber-victim and social perception levels. As a result of this, students develop negative thinking both themselves and their social life.  Also students who have low social perception being more cyber-bully/cyber-victim. These results were discussed in light of relevant literature and some new direction were given to the further studies

    Cantor’un kümeler kuramının felsefi sonuçları

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    This thesis is devoted to examining Georg Cantor’s understanding of infinity and his philosophy of mathematics. Even though Aristotle differentiated the concept of infinity as potential infinite and actual infinite, he argued against the existence of actual infinity and accepted only the existence of potential infinity. With the effect of this distinction, the impossibility of actual infinity was regarded as the fundamental principle in the history of the concept of infinity. Cantor was the first thinker to attempt to refute Aristotle’s arguments by introducing a new understanding of infinity that has one of the greatest impacts on its development in mathematics. Cantor mathematically demonstrated that there would not be any one-to-one correspondence between the set of natural numbers and the set of real numbers. This result implies that there must be at least two different sizes of infinite sets, namely the set of real numbers and the set of natural numbers. Based on the concept of a well-ordered set, Cantor not only showed the way how to count infinite sets but also assigned numbers to differentiate the different sizes of infinite sets. Thus, transfinite v numbers and their arithmetic are introduced into mathematics. After examining the distinction between potential infinite and actual infinite in both Aristotle’s framework and Cantor’s framework, the existence of mathematical objects in the Cantorian framework will be shown.Bu tez, Georg Cantor’un sonsuzluk anlayışını ve matematik felsefesini incelemeye adanmıştır. Aristoteles sonsuzluk kavramını potansiyel sonsuz ve aktüel sonsuz olarak ayırt etmesine rağmen aktüel sonsuzluğun varlığını reddederek yalnızca potansiyel sonsuzluğun varlığını kabul etmiştir. Bu ayrımın etkisi ile, gerçek sonsuzluğun imkansızlığı, sonsuzluk kavramının tarihinde temel ilke olarak kabul edilmiştir. Cantor, matematikteki gelişimi üzerinde en büyük etkilerden birine sahip olan yeni bir sonsuzluk anlayışı ortaya atarak Aristoteles'in argümanlarını çürütmeye çalışan ilk düşünür olmuştur. Cantor matematiksel olarak doğal sayılar kümesi ile reel sayılar kümesi arasında bire bir eşleşmenin olmayacağını göstermiştir. Bu sonuç, en az iki farklı boyutta sonsuz kümenin, yani reel sayılar kümesi ve doğal sayılar kümesi, olması gerektiği anlamına gelir. İyi sıralı küme kavramına istinaden, Cantor sonsuz kümelerin nasıl sayılacağını göstermekle kalmadı, aynı zamanda sonsuz kümelerin farklı boyutlarını ayırt etmek için onlara sayılar atfetti. Böylece sonlu ötesi sayılar ve sonlu ötesi aritmetik matematiğe tanıtıldı. Potansiyel sonsuz ve aktüel vii sonsuz ayrımını Aristoteles’in sisteminde ve Cantor’un sisteminde incelendikten sonra, Cantor’un sistemindeki matematiksel nesnelerin varlığı gösterilecektir.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Yerel yönetimlerde kalkınma algısına dair bir inceleme : 2004-2018 Hopa Belediyesi örneği

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, günlük yaşam içinde, tekil olarak bireylerin, toplumların ve özellikle bürokrasi içindeki yöneticilerin dillerine pelesenk olan kalkınma mefhumunun, bir yerel yönetim birimi olan Hopa Belediyesi özelinde belediye politikalarına yön veren başkan, meclis üyesi ve encümenlerine tezahürünü ve mefhumun algılanış biçimini açığa çıkarmaktır. Tez çalışması, kapitalist ilişki ağlarının yayılıp yoğunlaşması ile birlikte bir strateji haline dönüşerek kapitalist birikim sürecine adapte edilen ve “ortak iyi” imgesinde ifade bulan kalkınma/gelişme retoriğinin, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasındaki konjonktür ile nasıl dönüştüğünü eleştirel bir yöntemle irdelemektedir. Kapitalist gelişmeyle birlikte ulus-devlet içerisinde gelişmişlik farklılığın bölgeler arasında da ortaya çıkması, küreselleşme ve yerelleşme olgularıyla birlikte bu durumun hız kazanarak yerel birimlerin kalkınma/gelişme çerçevesinde etki alanının genişlemesine neden olmaktadır. Böylelikle kapitalist ilişki ağlarının genişleyip yoğunlaşması söz konusudur. Bu tez, bu akstan yola çıkarak Hopa Belediyesi’nin 2004-2018 yılları arasındaki Belediye yönetimlerinin politikalarında, “Toplumcu Belediyecilik”, “Sosyal Belediyecilik” ve “Neo-liberal Belediyecilik” anlayışları göz önünde bulundurularak, kalkınma/gelişme mefhumunun algılanışını teorik ve pratik bir çerçeve dâhilinde ortaya koymaktadır. -------------------- The aim of this work is to expose the appearance of the conception of development, which is yacked it up within the daily life by singularly individuals, societies and particularly executives in the bureaucracy, upon the mayors, aldermen and council members, who direct the policies of the municipality, and the perception manner of the conception, specific to Hopa Municipality as a local government unit. The thesis study discusses how the development rhetoric, which is adapted to the capitalist accumulation process becoming a strategy together with spreading and intensifying of the capitalist relation networks and found an expression in the image of “common good”, transforms with the conjuncture after the World War II by using a critical method. Emerging of the inter-regional differences in terms of the development within the nation-state together with the capitalist progress causes to the enlargement of the sphere of the influence of the local units within the framework of the development simultaneously with the globalization and localization facts by gaining speed. Thus, enlarging and intensifying of the capitalist relation networks is the point in question. This thesis will reveal the perception of the development conception within the theoretical and practical frameworks by taking into consideration the apprehensions of “Socialist Municipalism”, “Social Municipalism” and “Neoliberal Municipalism” in the policies of the municipality administrations between 2004 and 2018 of Hopa Municipality on the bases of this axis

    The directed and undirected de bruijn graphs in all optical networks

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    Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders Among Dialysis Patients

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    The prevalence of co-morbid gastrointestinal symptoms is high in dialysis patients, and dyspeptic symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and epigastric burning are the most common symptoms. Upper gastrointestinal disorders (e.g., peptic ulcer disease and gastroparesis) underlie most of these symptoms, while less common but severe complications are also likely that include gastrointestinal bleeding from gastric antral vascular ectasia, erosions or ulcers. Incidence of gastrointestinal disorders is considered to increase with the duration of renal failure, independent of dialysis modality. While uremia and dialysis have been linked to an increased risk of gastrointestinal tract lesions, pathogenesis of gastrointestinal dysfunction in end-stage renal disease is considered to be multifactorial and has not yet been clarified. In addition, conflicting data exist on the association of renal dysfunction with gastrointestinal disorders, and there are no explicit guidelines for the management of co-morbid gastrointestinal problems in patients with concomitant renal failure. Herein, we review the common upper gastrointestinal disorders that occur among dialysis patients, with an emphasis on prevalence, pathogenesis and diagnostic strategies

    Effect of using reading fluency stra tegies on improving reading level of third grade students at primary schools

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    Bu çalışmada, İlköğretim 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin, okuma düzeylerini geliştirmede akıcı okuma strat ejilerinden tekrarlı okumanın etkililik düzeyinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklem grubunu Kırşehir ili Kaman ilçesinde bulunan ilköğretim okulları arasından seçilmiş sosyo-ekonomik düzeyleri denk olan iki 3. sınıf şubesindeki öğrenciler oluşturmuştur. Bu iki şubeden biri deney diğeri kontrol grubu olarak belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin okuma ile ilgili hazır bulunuşluk seviyeleri “Yanlış Analizi Envanteri” ile tespit edildikten sonra, deney grubu öğrencilerine “tekrarlı okuma” stratejisi 10 hafta boyunca, her hafta bir okuma metni ile toplam 50 saat uygulanmış, kontrol grubu öğrencileri normal eğitim öğretimlerine devam etmişlerdir. Yapılan uygulamalar sonucunda elde edilen okuma düzeyi puanları SPSS programında değerlendirilmiş ve tekrarlı okuma stratejisinin uygulandığı deney grubu öğrencilerinin okuma düzeylerinin kotrol grubu öğrencilerinden daha fazla geliştiği saptanmıştır.This study aimed to examine the effect of repeated reading which is one of reading fluency strategies on improving reading performance of third- grade elementary school students. The sample of this study was the third-grade students who studied in two diffe rent classes, who were in the same socio-economic status and selected from an elementary school in Kaman, Kırsehir. One of these classes was the control group and the other is the experimental group. Before the intervention, the students’ reading performance was assessed by using “Informal Reading Inventory”. While “repeated reading” strategy was used in control group for ten weeks education, total fifty hours by using one reading text each week, the students of the control group normally continued to study. After the invention, the students' reading performance scores obtained from the assessment process were analyzed by SPSS programme. It was found that experimental group in which repeated reading strategy was used progressed remarkably in regard of improving their reading level when compared control group

    Hybrid models based on genetic algorithm and deep learning algorithms for nutritional Anemia disease classification

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    Deep learning algorithms are an important part of disease prediction and diagnosis by analyzing health data. If not diagnosed and treated early, symptoms of nutritional anemia can be seen as a common laboratory finding of dyspnea, dizziness, lack of concentration, pale skin color, and life-threatening diseases. In the literature, several data mining techniques have been used for the prediction of nutritional anemia, especially, for the iron deficiency anemia. However, each algorithm does not perform well for every data, and therefore new techniques need to be developed. It is because the characteristics of each dataset are different and their dataset sizes, that is, the number of records and the number of parameters are different. In this study, we propose two hybrid models using genetic algorithm (GA) and deep learning algorithms of Stacked Autoencoder (SAE) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for the prediction of HGB-anemia, nutritional anemia, (iron deficiency anemia, B12 deficiency anemia, and folate deficiency anemia), and patients without anemia. In the proposed GA-SAE and GA-CNN models, the hyperparameters of SAE and CNN algorithms are optimized using GA since it is not easy to determine suitable values of deep learning algorithms. Accuracy, F-score, precision, and sensitivity criteria were used to evaluate the prediction and classification performances of the proposed algorithms. As a result of the experimental evaluations using the dataset, the performance of the proposed GA-CNN algorithm whose layers trained separately and sequentially was found to be better than the performance of the studies proposed in the literature, by a 98.50% accuracy