92 research outputs found


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    Beli luk je prehrambena namirnica koja je od davnina korišćena u prevenciji i lečenju različitih bolesti bakterijskog, gljivičnog i virusnog porekla i bez štetnih efekata. U starom Egiptu su beli luk davali radnicima koji su gradili piramide povećavajući na taj način njihovu izdržljivost a u staroj Grčkoj je bio hrana atletičara na Olimpijskim igrama. U Kineskoj medicini je prepisivan kao sredstvo koje pomaže u disanju i varenju, posebno za dijareju i protiv crevnih parazita. U Indiji se pre 2.000 godina koristio za lečenje srčanih bolesti i artritisa a u Engleskoj u srednjem veku je korišćen za lečenje različitih bolesti poput opstipacije, zubobolje, edema, ujeda životinja i kuge. Njegova popularnost, u tom smislu, nije ni do danas opala, štaviše brojna istraživanja dokazuju mnoge korisne osobine ove namirnice koja služi kao hrana ali i kao lek. Proizvodnja belog luka u našoj zemlji se obavlja setvom odn. sađenjem češnjeva (ručno ili mašinski) u jesen ili u proleće na površini oko 9 000 ha. Proizvođači treba da koriste sertifikovan sadni materijal jer u protivnom može da se desi da češnjevi budu zaraženi endoparazitnom nematodom Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev, koja je jedna od najštetnijih nematoda jer dovodi do totalnog propadanja glavica i kompletnog gubitka prinosa. Ova nematoda je izraziti polifag, javlja se i na semenu lucerke, pasulja, deteline itd. ali i na 450 drugih domaćina gajenih biljaka i korova. U proleće, na mladom luku infekcija može da bude asimptomatska, ali kako životni ciklus traje samo 20 dana a svaka ženka može da položi i do 500 jaja, intenzivnim razmnožavanjem ubrzano raste brojnost nematoda. Simptomi se uočavaju na lukovicama odn. češnjevima u vidu braon pega koje se spajaju i zahvataju celo tkivo uz degradaciju srednje lamele ćelijskog zida i dovode do totalnog propadanja lukovica pri čemu se pojavljuje intenzivan i neprijatan miris. Nematoda može da opstane godinama u suvom materijalu a opstaje i na velikom broju korova, pa se teško može iskoreniti. Poseban problem je u organskoj proizvodnji jer nema efikasnih bio-pesticida tako da su profilaktičke mere od esencijalnog značaja. Pojava D. dipsaci je do sada utvrđena kod dva proizvođača iz okoline Beograda. Da bi se utvrdilo genetičko srodstvo odn. moguće poreklo ovih izuzetno štetnih nematoda koriste se molekularne metode koje uz pomoć PCR (Lančane Reakcije Polimeraze), sekvenci i odgovarajućih kompjuterskih programa porede genetičku sličnost naših i stranih populacija. Molekularnim metodama je utvrđeno da je najbliži srodnik naših populacija ove nematode populacija iz Kine, što ukazuje da je mogao biti korišćen sadni materijal belog luka uvezen iz Kine. Novija istraživanja u Evropi su potvrdila prisustvo još opasnije nematode D. gigas koja je za sada otkrivena samo u Poljskoj na semenu boba

    Ispitivanje karakteristika ratarskih prskalica u Rasinskom okrugu

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    In agricultural production, pests and diseases of agricultural crops, as well as weed plants, cause significant losses in the yield and quality of agricultural products. One of the most effective ways of fighting is the use of a wide range of chemicals called pesticides. In accordance with the EU Directives 2009/128/EC and 2006/42/EC underlying the standard EN 13790, the Plant Protection Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment of the Republic of Serbia has established a framework for the control of sprayers and mist blowers. Maintaining sprayers for pesticide application in a good state of repair and proper working order reduces their harmful effects on human health and the environment. The nozzle is one of the most important parts of plant protection machines, responsible for the following major functions: delivery of a given amount of liquid in a unit of time, dispersion of the liquid by making droplets of different sizes and forming a stream of a particular shape. Testing of the working safety of sprayers and nozzles was carried out in accordance with the European Standard EN 13790 which specifies the methods and equipment for inspection. The flow rate of nozzles was measured by an S001 nozzle tester (AAMS-Salvarani, Belgium). The measuring equipment used for testing the pesticide application device can accurately determine any deviation and irregularity in the application.U poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, štetočine i bolesti poljoprivrednih kultura, kao i korovske biljke svake godine prouzrokuju značajne gubitke u prinosu i kvalitetu poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Jedan od najefikasnijih načina borbe jeste primena brojnih i različitih hemijskih sredstava, koja se nazivaju opštim nazivom pesticidi. U skladu sa Direktivama Evropskog parlamenta 2009/128/EC i 2006/42/EC, kojima je osnova standard EN 13790, koji propisuje obavezni pregled mašina za zaštitu bilja, Uprava za zaštitu bilja Ministarstva poljoprivrede i životne sredine Republike Srbije uspostavlja okvir za kontrolu sistema prskalica i orošivača. Upotrebom tehnički ispravnih i kontrolisanih ratarskih prskalica za primenu pesticida smanjuje se njihov štetni uticaj na zdravlje ljudi i životnu okolinu. Jedan od najznačajnijih delova mašina za zaštitu bilja predstavljaju rasprskivači. Oni obavljaju najvažnije funkcije, kao što su: propuštaju zadate količine tečnosti u jedinici vremena, raspršuju tečnost praveći kapljice odgovarajućih veličina i formiraju mlaz odgovarajućeg oblika. Testiranje radne ispravnosti prskalice i rasprskivača vršeno je u skladu sa evropskim normativom EN 13790, koji propisuje metode i opremu kojom se obavlja inspekcija. Protok rasprskivača je meren pomoću ispitivača pojedinačnih rasprskivača S001 belgijskog proizvođača 'AAMS-Salvarani'. Primenom merne opreme za ispitivanje ispravnosti rada uređaja za primenu pesticida, merenjem je moguće tačno ustanoviti svako odstupanje i nepravilnost u radu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da postoje značajna odstupanja ispitivanih parametara

    Prerada biološki razgradivog otpada primenom aerobnog fermentatora EWA

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    The paper presents research results obtained in the process of processing biodegradable wastes, resulting from agricultural production as well as municipal waste. Aerobic fermenter EWA (stationed within the Institute for Forage Crops Globoder- Kruševac) was using for this purpose, during the one month testing. Biodegradable material with different ratios of components was used for filling aerobic digester. EWA fermenter is certified device that is used to stabilize and hygienic disposal of biodegradable waste, including sewage sludge and animal products produced in accordance with European Union regulations. Fermenter is intended to be used for combustion in boilers for solid fuels with humidity of biomaterials below 30%.Rad prikazuje rezultate istraživanja koji su dobijeni pri procesu prerade biološki razgradivog otpada dobijenog iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje, kao i komunalnog otpada primenom aerobnog fermentatora EWA (češke proizvodnje stacioniranog u krugu Instituta za krmno bilje u Globoderu-Kruševcu). U toku jednomesečnog ispitivanja vršeno je punjenje aerobnog fermentatora biološki razgradivim materijalom s različitim odnosom komponenata. EWA fermentator je sertifikovan uređaj koji se koristi za stabilizaciju i higijenizaciju biorazgradivog otpada, uključujući kanalizacioni mulj i proizvode životinjskog porekla proizveden u skladu sa propisima Evropske Unije. Fermentator može da se koristi i za dobijanje biogoriva namenjenog za sagorevanje u kotlovima za čvrsta goriva pri čemu je vlažnost biomaterijala koji se koristi ispod 30%

    Impurities in alfalfa seed and their impact on processsing technology

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    The aim of this research was to determine relevant parameters and optimal alfalfa seed processing technology by a comparative analysis of two systems of machinery for processing natural alfalfa seed of different purity (59.0% and 71.0%) and with different content of impurities. The relevant parameters monitored during the test were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seeds of other crops (%), inert matter (%), amount of processed seed (kg), seed processing time (min), consumption of steel powder (kg), water (l), glycerin (ml), and processing yield (%). Alfalfa is the most important forage legume due to its forage quality and growing regions in our country and worldwide. The losses of alfalfa seed in processing are directly dependent on the type and quantity of weeds and other impurities present in the natural seed. In particular, a large amount of impurities and weeds in natural alfalfa seed may be due to the poor condition of crops, as well as improper adjustment of combine harvesters during the harvest. The processing of alfalfa seed is performed by multiple pieces of equipment and devices, including a number of different procedures depending on the initial seed purity. The type of processing machinery and the selection of appropriate technological measures depend on the initial seed purity. The proper setting of processing machinery is also very important in order to obtain optimal results and reduce seed losses during processing


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    The paper presents a calculation of fixed and variable costs for a John Deere 6110 B tractor, depending on the annual engagement of 400 and 600 working hours. Depreciation, interest, insurance, garage, repair and registration costs are calculated as fixed (ownership) costs. The costs of tractor maintenance, fuel and lubricants are presented as variable (operating) costs. The gross salary of workers and profit margin are also calculated. The value of fixed costs was calculated, regardless of the hiring of tractors during the year, 4,910 EUR. Depending on the number of working hours of tractors during the year, variable costs ranged from 14,942 EUR to 21,906 EUR. The price of tractor operation per hour was 62.67 EUR for 400 and 56.73 EUR for 600 hours of operation. With the increase in the annual engagement of tractors from 400 to 600 hours, the costs of labor per hour decreases by 5.94 EUR. In the calculation of the price of tractor work, variable costs participated with 59.61% and 64.36%, fixed costs with 19.59% and 14.42%, workers salaries with 4.95% and 5.46% and profit margin with a share of 15.85% and 15.76% for 400 and 600 hours of work, respectively. Taking into account the calculated costs, the prices of services provided by the tractor and machinery can be realistically determined, so based on that, farmers will choose whether it is more profitable for them to buy a new tractor or to rent a tractor as needed

    Genotypic Variability Of Root And Shoot Traits Of Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) At Seedling Stage

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    Genotypic variability of root and shoot traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at seedling stage. - Genetika, Vol 53, No.2, 687-702. The evaluation of the embryonic root and stem of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the early stage of development (seedling stage) can be a powerful tool in wheat breeding aimed at obtaining progenies with a greater early vigour. It is revealed that genotypes with faster early vigour have produced higher biomass and grain yield. In this study, the evaluation of traits of the embryonic root and the embryonic stem of 101 bread wheat genotypes was preformed at the 10-day old seedlings. The following eight morphological traits of roots and stems were analysed: primary root length, branching interval, the number of roots, total length of lateral roots, angle of seminal roots, stem length, root dry weight and the stem dry weight. Analysed lateral roots included seminal roots. The greatest, i.e. the smallest variability of observed traits was detected in the branching interval, i.e. the stem length, respectively. The highest positive correlation was determined between the primary root length and the total length of lateral roots. The cluster analysis, based on observed traits, shows that genotypes were clearly divided into two main clusters, A and B. The two clusters essentially differed from each other in the values of the following traits: primary root length, total length of lateral roots, root dry weight, stem dry weight and the stem length. Genotypes with shorter primary and lateral roots, lower root and stem dry weight and a shorter stem were grouped in the cluster B. On the other hand, the cluster A encompassed genotypes with values of these traits above or around the average. The values of the remaining analysed traits: the angle of seminal roots, the number of lateral roots and the branching interval varied greatly between obtained clusters. The cluster analysis showed the homogeneity of genotypes originating from Serbia and the region; their values of the root and stem length and weight were mostly around and below the average. However, the values of the angle of seminal roots, number of lateral roots and the branching interval were above average

    Dorada semena lucerke na različitim sistema mašina

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    For the establishment and exploitation of alfalfa, the seed must be of high purity, germination, and high genetic value. Most of these requirements is realized through processing or removal of foreign matter and seeds of lower quality. Alfalfa seed processing comprises a number of operations from which the most significant are: cleaning, packaging into ambalage, labeling, storage, disinfection and disinsection. In combine harvesting of alfalfa seeds, the obtained material is a mixture of seed of grown plant, seeds of other plants-cultivated and weed, and various impurities of organic and inorganic origin. The task is to remove all foreign matter and various impurities from the natural seed and extract pure grain of primary culture. The importance of processed seed is reflected in the fact that the seed must be prepared for sowing in the most favorable condition, quality and germination. In this study natural alfalfa seed was processed on three different equipment. The aim of this research was to determine relevant parameters of all tested equipment for alfalfa seed processing. Relevant parameters that define the characteristics of equipment for seed processing were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seeds of other crops (%), inert matter (%), the quantity of processed seed (kg), seed processing time (h), consumption of active energy (kWh) and reactive energy (kVArh), seed losses (%) and output (%). Testing was conducted at the processing center of the Institute of Forage Crops in Globoder-Kruševac, with three replications. Natural alfalfa seed with purity of 78.0%, with an extremely high content of quarantine dodder weed (Cuscuta spp.), was processed. Based on these results it is possible to select an appropriate equipment and optimize and rationalize the alfalfa seed processing

    The effect of foliar application of boron on alfalfa seed yield

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    Abstract The effect of foliar application of boron on yield of alfalfa seed was investigated in the present study. Objective of the study was to investigate the influence of fertilization with boron on yield of alfalfa seed in agro-ecological conditions of Kruševac in the model of seed production of dual utilization (production of forage and production of seed). In foliar boron fertilization 0,5% boric acid was used. Fertilization was with divided application. First application was carried out in the stage of intensive seed growth, and the second application at the beginning of blossoming of crops. The most pronounced effect on yield and yield components was recorded for meteorological factors during the year. Foliar fertilization with boron influenced forming of slightly higher number of pods per plant and more seeds in the pod. Boron influenced average increase of yield, with slightly greater difference compared to control in dry years

    The Influence of seed storage on germination of tall fescue during after-ripening period

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    After the harvest of tall fescue seed dormancy is present, indicating the reduction of germination. In conventional storage conditions for seed storage, we investigated the influence of three different ways of packaging (paper bags, canvas bags and plastic bags) to change the germination of seeds immediately after harvest, after 30, 60 and 90 days. After 30 days seed dormancy is reduced by 1 to 3% and germination was increased by 2-3%, while the impact of packaging had no significant effect.The decreasing trend in seed dormancy and increased germination even after 60 days continued in the same percentages. After 90 days of storage the contents of dormant seed was reduced to 22-35% and germination was increased to 65-72%

    Kvalitetna svojstva semena pšenice ovršene na mobilnoj vršalici 'Ernet' tip V-08

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    The examination results on threshing ten wheat varieties on the reconstructed mobile thresher 'Ernet' type V-08 in small experimental plots in the village Globoder are presented in this paper. The threshing process is an integral part of the collection of seed wheat and was conducted on experimental plots immediately after the manual mowing of the crops. During the testing the following qualitative characteristics of each variety were determined: seed moisture, weight of 1000 grains, hectoliter mass, germination energy and germination. The thresher's cleaning quality was determined by taking the average sample from the bags in which the seeds were collected after threshing. The samples were taken in the process of threshing wheat in the experimental fields, and then in the laboratory of the Institute for Forage Crops in Globoder-Krusevac clean and broken seed, other varieties, inert matter and weed were subsequently separated for each cultivar. The study aim was to examine the quality of different varieties wheat seed, as well as practical application and evaluation of the operating quality of the reconstructed mobile thresher, 'Ernet' type V-08.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja pri vršidbi deset sorata pšenice na rekonstruisanoj mobilnoj vršalici 'Ernet' tip V-08 na malim oglednim parcelama u ataru sela Globoder. Proces vršidbe je sastavni deo ubiranja semenske pšenice i obavljen je na oglednim parcelama odmah nakon ručnog košenja useva. Pri ispitivanju za svaku sortu određena su sledeća kvalitativna svojstva: vlažnost semena, masa 1000 zrna, hektolitarska masa, energija klijanja i klijavost. Kvalitet čišćenja vršalice određivan je uzimanjem prosečnog uzorka iz kesica u koje je seme prikupljeno nakon vršidbe. Uzorci su uzimani u procesu vršidbe pšenice na oglednim poljima, a zatim u laboratoriji Instituta za krmno bilje u Globoderu-Kruševcu naknadno je za svaku sortu izdvojeno čisto i polomljeno seme, druge vrste, inertne materije i korov. Cilj ispitivanja bio je ispitivanje kvaliteta semena pšenice različitih sorata, kao ipraktičnaprimena i ocena kvaliteta rada vršidbenog uređaja rekonstruisane mobilne vršalice 'Ernet' tip V-08