99 research outputs found

    Combining abilities for grain yield and agronomic traits of ZP maize inbred lines

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    U radu je korišćeno 18 inbred linija (15 majki i 3 testera) i njihovih 45 hibrida zaocenu kombinacionih sposobnosti roditelja. 15 majki potiĉe iz tri nedovoljno ispitanagenetiĉka izvora (A, B i C), sa po pet linija po izvoru. Testeri potiĉu iz Lankasterheterotiĉne grupe. Materijal je odabran na osnovu pretpostavke da se roditelji dobrokombinuju. Prema duţini vegetacionog perioda celokupan materijal (roditeljskekomponente i hibridi) pripada grapama zrenja od FAO 400 do FAO 600. Ogled je izvedentokom 2010. i 2011. godine, na tri lokaliteta Zemun Polje, Školsko dobro i Srbobran. Svatri lokaliteta predstavljaju duboka i plodna zemljišta-ĉernozem visokog kvaliteta. Sameterološkog stanovišta, uslovi za proizvodnju kukukurza i izvedbu ogleda su bili povoljni,s tim da su temperature u letnjim mesecima (jul i avgust) dostizale vrednosti od 34oC u2010. i 39 oC u 2011. godini.Srednje fenotipske vrednosti roditelja i hibrida su korišćene za raĉunanje opštih(OKS) posebnih (PKS) vrednosti za prinos zrna i agronomska svojstva po metodi linija ×tester analiza. Na osnovu dobijenih vrednosti OKS i PKS izdvojeni su superiornigenotipovi. MeĊu njima, inbred linije A3, A4, B1 i C3 su se pokazale kao najboljikombinatori za prinos zrna kao najvaţnije svojstvo. Osim za prinos zrna, isti genotipovi suse pokazali kao odliĉni kombinatori za visinu biljke i visinu gornjeg klipa (A3, A4 i C3),broj redova zrna (B1 i C3) i masu 1000 zrna (C3). Pomenute linije se prvenstvenopreporuĉuju za dalji rad u stvaranju F1 hibrida, ali i stvaranju poboljšanih F2 populacija.Osim kombinatora koji se prvenstveno karakterišu dobrim OKS za prinos, otkrivenisu i kombinatori sa odliĉnim OKS vrednostima, ali samo za pojedina svojstva. Takve linijese preporuĉuju za dalji rad u programima oplemenjivanja, ali prvenstveno kao donoripoţeljnih osobina i popravku populacija. Otkriveni su dobri kombinatori za duţinu klipa(A2, C1 i C5), za broj redova zrna (B3, B4), za broj zrna u redu (C5), za dubinu i masu1000 zrna (C2)...In this study 18 inbred lines (15 mothers and 3 testers) and their 45 hybrids were usedfor evaluation of combining ability of parents. 15 mothers from three insufficiently studiedgenetic sources were chosen (A, B and C), with five lines per source. Testers arerepresentatives of Lancaster heterotic group. The material is chosen on the bases on theassumption that parents combine well. According to the length of the vegetation period, theentire material (parental lines and hybrids) belongs to maturity groups from FAO 400 toFAO 600 The field experiment was conducted during 2010th and 2011 th, at three locationsZemun Polje, Školsko dobro and Srbobran. All three locations are characterised by deepand fertile high quality soil. From meteorological standpoint, the conditions for the maizeproduction and performance of experiments were favorable, with the temperature in thesummer months (July and August), reaching values of 34oC in 2010 th and 39 ° C in the2011 th year.Average phenotypic values of parents and hybrids were used to calculate the general(GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities for grain yield and agronomic traits, usingline × tester analysis. Based on the GCA and SCA, superior genotypes were selected.Among them, the inbred lines A3, A4, B1 and C3 have proven to be the best combiners forgrain yield as the most important trait. In addition to grain yield, the same genotypes haveproved to be excellent combiners for plant height and height of the upper ear (A3, A4, andC3), number of kernel rows (B1 and C3) and 1000 grain weight (C3). Above mentionedlines are primarily recommended for future breeding work in creating F1 hybrids, andcreating improved F2 populations.Besides combiners which were primarily characterized by high GCA effects for yield,other combiners have been discovered with excellent GCA values, but only for individualtraits. Such lines are recommended for further work in breeding programs, but primarily asdonors of desirable traits and repairment of the population..

    Varijabilnost fitinskog i neorganskog fosfora u semenu kukuruza

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    Maize is characterised with high diversity, which is at the same time maintained in present gene banks of plants. From that point, the application of the present ability of maize genetic variability could be used for creating of the genotypes with changed chemical composition of the grain. The aim of experiment was to examine the influence of different factors on variability of inorganic and phytic phosphorus in grain of nine ZP hybrids and their parental components. The experiment was performed during 2010 and 2011 on two locations of the Maize Research Institute. The higher values of phytic and inorganic P were mainly present at lines in 2010, as well as at ZP 341 and ZP 434 hybrids, as well as at their parental components. Among all examined hybrids, the significant differences in phytic P, influenced by season were present at ZP 434 and ZP 555, as well as mother component of ZP 555. The both parental components show significant and positive impact on inorganic P increase in hybrid grain. The eligible increase of available P. with decrease of phytic P, could be effective obtained by using of the genetic resources in pre­breeding process4e, with recurent selection.Kukuruz je vrsta koja se karakteriše velikim diverzitetom koji je ujedno dobro sačuvan u postojećim kolekcijama banki biljnih gena. Stoga postoji mogućnost korišćenja postojeće genetičke varijabilnosti kukuruza u cilju stvaranja genotipova sa izmenjenim hemijskim sastavom zrna. Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj različitih faktora na varijabilnost neorganskog i fitinskog fosfora u semenu devet ZP hibrida kukuruza i njihovih roditeljskih komponenti. Ogled je bio postavljen tokom 2010 i 2011 na dve lokacije. Veće vrednosti fitinskog i neorganskog P su uglavnom bile prisutne kod linija u 2010, kao i kod hibrida u 2011. godini. Značajne i najviše vrednosti neorganskog P su bile prisutne kod hibrida ZP 341 i ZP 434, kao i njihovih roditeljskih komponenti. Od svih ispitivanih hibrida, značajne i najveće razlike u sadržaju fitinskog P, a uzrokovane uticajem sezone, bile su prisutne kod hibrida ZP 434 i ZP 555, kao i majčinske komponente hibrida ZP 555. Obe roditeljske komponente su imale značajan i pozitivan uticaj na povećanje neorganskog fosfora u semenu hibrida. Poželjno povećanje sadržaja dostupnog fosfora uz smanjenje fitata se može efikasno postići korišćenjem genetičkih resursa u procesu pred oplemenjivanja uz primenu rekurentne selekcije

    Stabilnost prinosa novih ZP hibrida kukuruza

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    Six newly developed hybrids and four hybrids already widely grown during the last decade were observed in the present study. Grain yield stability parameters were estimated using methods developed by Eberhart and Russell (1966) and Lin and Binns (1988). The highest grain yield stability obtained by both parameters (bi and Pi) was recorded in hybrids ZP 606 and ZP 600. Moreover, highest average grain yield was also detected in those two hybrids. The hybrids ZP 666 and ZP 560 will have highest adaptation to more favorable growing conditions. On the other hand, hybrids ZP 434 and ZP 341 are expected to show the best adaptability to less favorable environments. A high positive correlation was found between a superiority measure (Pi) and a grain yield.U ovom radu je korišćeno šest novih hibrida, kao i četiri hibrida koji već zauzimaju velike površine u proizvodnji u zadnjih deset godina. Parametri stabilnosti prinosa su izračunati korišćenjem metoda koje su razvili Eberhart i Rasel (1966) i Lin i Bins (1988). Najviša stabilnost prinosa, na osnovu oba parametra (bi i Pi) je utvrđena kod hibrida ZP 606 i ZP 600. Najviši prosečan prinos je takođe zabeležen kod ova dva hibrida. Hibridi ZP 666 i ZP 560 pokazuju najvišu adaptabilnost na povoljnije uslove gajenja. Sa druge strane, hibridi ZP 434 i ZP 341 su pokazali bolju adaptabilnost u manje povoljnim uslovima gajenja. Visoka pozitivna korelacija je zabeležena između parametra stabilnosti Pi i prinosa zrna

    Current Status and Future Prospects of Organic Cereal Production in the World

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    The aim of organic agriculture is production of high quality food, which will contribute to human health, nature protection and conservation of the overall ecosystem. Globally, cereals are the most organically grown crop (3.3 million ha). The greatest production takes place on the European continent. The most cultivated species are as follows: wheat, maize, rice, barley, oat, sorghum, millet, triticale and buckwheat. China and USA are global leaders in cereal production in the organic system. Organic cereal production in the Republic of Serbia has a primary role and is performed on the area of 4251.94 ha. The majority of this production is done in the region of Vojvodina. According to obtained scientific results, nutritive value, and especially with a view to the status and requirements of the market, cereal production is extremely actual. Moreover, due to unlimited possibilities and market requirements, cereal production is a great challenge to agricultural producers

    Relationship between genetic distance, specific combining abilities and heterosis in maize (zea mays l.)

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    Six maize inbred lines for which we assumed that have a similar genetic BACKGROUND: were selected for the study. Inbred lines were crossed according to incomplete diallel design and fifteen hybrid combinations were obtained. Hybrid combinations and their parental lines were used in our study. The objective of the study was to examine genetic polymorphism of parental lines, as well as to determine relationships between SSR genetic distance and values of high parent heterosis and specific combining abilities for grain yield. By using 19 SSR primers we classified inbred lines in two groups. First cluster consists of inbred lines L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5, while inbred line L6 formed second cluster, indicating different heterotic BACKGROUND: in comparison to the other five inbred lines. The Spearman's correlation coefficients between SSR based genetic distance and specific combining abilities for grain yield had a value of (r=0,53*), while positive correlation were also found between genetic distance and high parent heterosis (r=0,57*)

    Kombinovana S1-TC-RRS pri korišćenju CMS-a i dihaploida kod kukuruza

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    Herein, we present the combined S1-HS-RRS method using inbred testers (S1-TC-RRS) as a long-term maize breeding program, which increases the frequency of favorable alleles and maintains genetic variability in two genetically opposite populations. The method improves two different genetic sources simultaneously, where S1 families, developed by selfing phenotypically superior plants from both breeding populations are crossed with opposite inbred testers for specific combining ability selection, accompanied by selection of S1 families per se. A certain percentage of the evaluated S1 families is used for the next TC-RRS selection cycle. Maternal haploids from the selected S1 lines of each cycle of S1-TC-RRS can serve to produce elite 100% homozygous inbred lines (dihaploids) in a short time, which decreases the time and expenses of the selection cycle and influence the efficiency of seed production, as well as, variety protection rights. This elite lines than can be converted to CMS versions (paternal haploids), for the seed production, which lowers the costs of it.Prestavlja se kombinovani S1-HS-RRS metod uz korišćenje inbred testera (S1-TCRRS), kao dugoročni program u oplemenjivanju kukuruza, koji povećava frekvenciju poželjnih alela i održava genetičku varijabilnost dve genetički opozitne populacije. Metodom se u isto vreme popravljaju dva genetički opozitna izvora, gde se S1 familije, dobijene samooplodnjom fenotipski superiornih biljaka iz obe populacije, ukrštaju sa opozitnim inbred testerom radi selekcije na posebne kombinacione sposobnosti, uz istovremenu selekciju S1 familija per se. Određen procenat ispitivanih S1 familja se koristi za sledeći TC-RRS ciklus selekcije. Uz pomoć metode majčinskih haploida, iz odabranih S1 linija svakog S1-TC-RRS ciklusa mogu se dobiti 100% homozigotne elitne inbred linije (dihaploidi) za kratko vreme, što smanjuje vreme i troškove selekcionog ciklusa, a utiče na efikasnost semenske proizvodnje i zaštitu oplemenjivačkih prava. Ove elitne inbred linije mogu se prevesti na cms verziju (ocinski haploidi), što smanjuje troškove u semenskoj proizvodnji

    Grain yield stability parameters of single cross maize hybrids and their reciprocal crosses

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    Grain yield stability was tested in 10 single cross maize hybrids and their reciprocal crosses in 2016 and 2017, within a total of seven environments. Five were early hybrids with Lancaster ZPL-1 line as a mutual parent (ZPH1 to ZPH5 where ZPL-1 was a father, and ZPH1r to ZPH5r with ZPL-1 as a mother). Other five were late hybrids with mutual ZPL-2 Lancaster line (ZPH6 to ZPH10, and ZPH6r to ZPH10r). Significant difference at p<0.01 level was observed between average grain yield of the early vs. late hybrids (10.82 vs. 11.04 tha-1). Also, stability parameters were significantly different; bi was 0.946 on average for the early hybrids and 1.054 for the late ones (p<0.01), thereby confirming that the early hybrids performed better in poorer environments, and vice versa. This is a common finding in Serbia. Regarding S2di, the difference between early and late hybrids was significant at p<0.1 level (0.166 and 0.487 for early and late hybrids, respectively). Also, S2di was significantly different at p<0.1 level for early hybrids and their reciprocals, as well as all the other hybrids and their reciprocals. Namely, reciprocal hybrids were less stable (Lancaster as a mother). Best-performing hybrid was ZPH6r, yielding 12.06 tha-1 on average (the highest yield in the trial), with bi=1.16, and S2di=0.06. The hybrid performed well in favourable agronomical conditions, as well as maintaining grain yield stability across other environment types

    Mehanizmi i parametri tranzijenata i oscilacija indukcionih procesa zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila u pobuđenoj tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista kukuruza

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    The intact leaves of four maize hybrids: ZP 360, ZP 46A, Zp 633 i ZP 704 and two maize inbred lines ZPR 70ž i Oh 43, tolerant and resistant to the impact of increased and high temperatures and drought were observed in the present study. The improved, non-invasive photosynthetic-fluorescence method was applied in studying of complex delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes that were resolved into transients: A, B, C, D and E in which instabilities, fluctuations and oscillations can occur. The interrelationship between transients and oscillations of the delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes occurred in the intact leaves of maize inbreds and hybrids that were grown in the green-house under conditions of different air drought, impacts of temperatures and the water deficit in the medium, when their thylakoid membranes had been excited and significant structural and functional changes had occurred. The existence of transients: A, B, C, D and E of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes was determined. The time and physico-chemical parameters of these transients were presented. The mechanisms of their generation were explained. The properties of oscillatory performances of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes were determined. The conditions under which instable state and fluctuations occurred and oscillations were established in the excited thylakoid membrane of the intact leaf of maize inbreds and hybrids were presented. The hypothesis on the mechanism of establishing of oscillations and their interrelation with transients of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes was presented.Razloženi indukcioni procesi zakasnele fluorescencije (ZF) hlorofila na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E nastaju kada se segment intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza drži u mračnoj komori fosforoskopa znatno kraće vreme (30 s ≤ τ ≤ 240 s), pre njegovog intermitentnog osvetljavanja sa belom svetlošću. Tranzijente indukcionih procesa: A, B, C, D i E karakterišu njihovi vremenski parametri: tA, tB, tC, tD i tE, promena intenziteta tranzijenata, parametri i mehanizmi njihovog nastajanja. Razloženi indukcioni procesi ZF hlorofila intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E praćeni su pojavom i različitim nivoima vrednosti energije aktivacije (Ea, kJ/mol) koje odgovaraju različitim kritičnim temperaturama faznih prelaza u pobuđenoj tilakoidnoj membrani. Mehanizmi nastajanja tranzijenata indukcionih procesa: A, B, C, D i E imaju dve prirode. Tranzijenti A i B su fizičke, a tranzijenti: C, D i E su hemijske prirode. Pokazano je da nastajanje tranzijenata: B, C, D i E istovremeno prati uspostavljanje oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila. Po našoj hipotezi, međuzavisnost tranzijenata i oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila dovode se u neraskidivu vezu. Oscilovanje indukcionih procesa ZF hlororfila objašnjava se strukturnim i funkcionalnim promenama u pobuđenoj tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza koji su gajeni u uslovima vazdušne suše, povećanih temperatura i deficita vode u podlozi

    Path analysis for morphological traits in maize (Zea mays l.)

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    Six inbred lines were crossed according to incomplete diallel method. In this way fifteen hybrid combinations were obtained. Hybrid combinations derived from these parental components were used in this work. The objective of study was to estimate direct and indirect effects of five morphological traits on grain yield by the application of the simple coefficient correlation and path coefficient analysis. The trait number of leaves above the top ear with the value of 0.736 has the strongest direct positive effect on grain yield. Positive direct effects on grain yield were also observed for height to tassel base and plant height, while negative direct effects were observed for ear height and total number of leaves. As far as indirect effects were considered, a positive effect of the ear position height on yield over the total plant height stands out. The evaluation of the proportion of mutual effects of five observed morphological traits on grain yield, expressed by the coefficient of multiple determination (R-y12345(2)) amounted to 0.7881

    ZP 6090 - novi hibrid kukuruza "Instituta za kukuruz "Zemun Polje"

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    Već više od sedam decenija Institut za kukuruz "Zemun Polje" kontinuiranim radom na razvoju i stvaranju novih hibrida kukuruza prati korak sa savremenim trendovima u oplemenjivanju kukuruza. Oplemenjivači u Institutu za kukuruz “Zemun Polje” svojim radom na stvaranju novih hibrida kukuruza nastoje da odgovore na aktuelne potrebe tržišta ali i da primenom savremenih tehnologija (dihaploidi, molekularni markeri...) ubrzaju i povećaju preciznost i efikasnost svojih programa. Uvođenjem i ispitivanjem genetičkog materijala različitog porekla (ex-pvp materijal) u selekcionim programima se povećava diverzitet oplemenjivačkog materijala. lako se, zbog klimatskih promena, tržište gajenja kukuruza u Srbiji pomera ka srednje ranim grupama zrenja, na tržištu postoji i dalje potreba za savremenim, prinosnim i stabilnim hibridima kasnijih grupa zrenja. Iz tog razloga Institut za kukuruz “Zemun Polje” posvećuje značajnu pažnju u svojim programima razvoju linija i hibrida kukuruza FAO 600-700 grupa zrenja. Kao rezultat tih programa je nastao i hibrid ZP 6090 koji je ispitivan u ogledima Sortne komisije Republike Srbije tokom 2021. i 2022. godine. Tokom obe godine ispitivanja na ukupno 13 lokacija, hibrid ZP 6090 se istakao odlicnim performansama. Hibrid ZP 6090 je hibrid namenjen primeni savremenih tehnologija gajenja kukuruza. Ovaj hibrid ima modernu arhitekturu bilike koju karakteriše umerena visina, nizak polozaj klipa i uspravan položaj listova. Na ovaj način omogućeno je gajenje u većim gustinama u odnosu na druge hibride iste grupe zrenja kao i primena intezivnog načina gajenja. Hibrid ZP 6090 pokazuje izraženu otpornost prema poleganju, a pokazuje i značajnu tolerantnost na sve ekonomski važnije bolesti i štetocine kukuruza. Zbog velike lisne površine, kvalitetnog zrna i izraženog staygreen svojstva pogodan je i za silažnu upotrebu