138 research outputs found

    On m-th roots of nilpotent matrices

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    A new necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an m-th root of a nilpotent matrix in terms of the multiplicities of Jordan blocks is obtained and expressed as a system of linear equations with nonnegative integer entries which is suitable for computer programming. Thus, computation of the Jordan form of the m-th power of a nilpotent matrix is reduced to a single matrix multiplication; conversely, the existence of an m-th root of a nilpotent matrix is reduced to the existence of a nonnegative integer solution to the corresponding system of linear equations. Further, an erroneous result in the literature on the total number of Jordan blocks of a nilpotent matrix having an m-th root is corrected and generalized. Moreover, for a singular matrix having an m-th root with a pair of nilpotent Jordan blocks of sizes s and l, a new m-th root is constructed by replacing that pair by another one of sizes s + i and 1 - i, for special s, l, i. This method applies to solutions of a system of linear equations having a special matrix of coefficients. In addition, for a matrix A over an arbitrary field that is a sum of two commuting matrices, several results for the existence of m-th roots of A(k) are obtained

    Analysing studies conducted on responsibility education in Turkey: A Meta-synthesis study

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    The aim of this study was to analyse studies conducted on the topic of responsibility education in Turkey up to the present. The research method was structured in two stages. In the first stage, the trends in all studies conducted with regard to responsibility education were determined with descriptive content analysis, and in the second stage, the findings in the studies were synthesised by reinterpretation with meta-synthesis. Criteria for inclusion of studies in the research were that: (1) research related to responsibility education was carried out, (2) the method used was clearly stated, (3) they were articles published in refereed scientific journals or masters/doctoral theses, and (4) the research sample was within the borders of Turkey. Review was carried out with the keyword “sorumluluk” (“responsibility”) on the DergiPark, Google Scholar and Higher Education Council Thesis databases. These studies were analysed using a “Research Information Form” prepared by the researchers. As a result of the analysis, the findings can be summarised as follows: the great majority of the conducted studies are scientific articles and recent studies. They vary in terms of methods used. A large majority are studies in which teachers’ opinions are examined. The studies were grouped into four categories depending on their aims in relation to responsibility education, namely, “studies examining opinions”, “studies in which activities and practices are used in lessons”, “studies on curriculum development”, and “studies examining course books”.The aim of this study was to analyse studies conducted on the topic of responsibility education in Turkey up to the present. The research method was structured in two stages. In the first stage, the trends in all studies conducted with regard to responsibility education were determined with descriptive content analysis, and in the second stage, the findings in the studies were synthesised by reinterpretation with meta-synthesis. Criteria for inclusion of studies in the research were that: (1) research related to responsibility education was carried out, (2) the method used was clearly stated, (3) they were articles published in refereed scientific journals or masters/doctoral theses, and (4) the research sample was within the borders of Turkey. Review was carried out with the keyword “sorumluluk” (“responsibility”) on the DergiPark, Google Scholar and Higher Education Council Thesis databases. These studies were analysed using a “Research Information Form” prepared by the researchers. As a result of the analysis, the findings can be summarised as follows: the great majority of the conducted studies are scientific articles and recent studies. They vary in terms of methods used. A large majority are studies in which teachers’ opinions are examined. The studies were grouped into four categories depending on their aims in relation to responsibility education, namely, “studies examining opinions”, “studies in which activities and practices are used in lessons”, “studies on curriculum development”, and “studies examining course books”

    Otizmli Kaynaştırma Öğrencilerinin Sınıflarında Akran İlişkilerinin Geliştirilmesine Yönelik Eğitim Programının Etkililiğinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, ilköğretim okullarında birinci kademede eğitim alan otizm tanılı öğrencilerin akranlarıyla ilişkilerini, okula uyumlarını ve sosyal kabullerini artırmak amacıyla geliştirilmiş olan bir eğitim programının etkililiği incelenmiştir. Araştırma, İzmir ilinde bulunan beş ilköğretim okulunda 2011-2012 eğitim-öğretim yılında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma deseni olarak “ön test - son test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desen” ve nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden görüşme kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bağımsız değişkenini “eğitim programı”, bağımlı değişkelerini akranların sosyal kabulleri,  okula uyumları, öğretmen ve akran merkezli sosyal davranışları oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin toplanmasında; ‘Sosyal Kabul Ölçeği’, Sosyometri, “Öğretmen Görüşme Formu” ve Kişisel Bilgi Formu’ kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, akran ilişkilerini geliştirmek üzere hazırlanmış olan eğitim programının, akranların sosyal kabulleri ve otizmli öğrencilerin sosyal yeterlilik ve okula uyum davranışları üzerinde etkili olduğunu göstermiştir

    Interaction Model Of Client Health Behavior: A Guide To Determination Of Childrens' Diet Habits

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    Çocukluk dönemindeki sağlıksız beslenme alışkanlığı ileri yaşlardaki pek çok hastalık için risk oluşturmaktadır. Girişimlerin temel amacı çocuklara sağlıklı beslenme alışkanlığı kazandırmaktır. Çocuklarda tanımlayıcı ve girişimsel beslenme alışkanlığı çalışmalarına rehberlik edecek kavramsal çerçevelere gereksinim bulunmaktadır. Sağlık Davranışı Etkileşim Modeli'ni (SDEM) tanımlamak ve modelin çocukların beslenme alışkanlıklarına uygulamaktır. Çocukların beslenme alışkanlığı, davranış modelleri ve SDEM'le ilgili literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Sağlık Davranışı Etkileşim Modeli hemşirelere uygulamalarında kullabilecekleri bir hemşirelik modeli sunmaktadır Unhealthy dietary habits during the childhood are at risk for various diseases in later of life. The primary goal of intervention is the promotion of healthy diet habits to the children. Conceptual models are needed to guide explanatory and intervention studies in diet for children. To describe the Interaction Model of Client Health Behavior (IMCHB) and its application to childrens' diet habits. Literature rewiev was done about childrens' diet habit, health behavior models, and the IMCHB. The IMCHB offers a nursing model to use nurses in their practice


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    Yapılan bu çalışmada, çam yongalarından üretilen yonga levhaların formaldehit emisyonu üzerine tanen ve kitosan kullanımının etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, üre formaldehit tutkalı kullanılarak 10 mm kalınlığında 3 tabakalı yonga levhalar üretilmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan tanen ve kitosan tutkal reçinesi içerisine belirli oranlarda katılmış, tanen, kitosan ve hem tanen hem de kitosan katkılı toplam 3 grup oluşturulmuştur. Ayrıca tanen ve kitosan kullanılmadan kontrol grubu levhaları üretilmiştir. Üretilen yonga levhaların formaldehit emisyonu miktarları EN 717-3 standardına göre şişe yöntemi kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonuçlarına göre, tanen katkısı grupların formaldehit emisyonunu düşürürken, kitosan katkısı grupların formaldehit emisyonunu artırmıştır

    Analysis of Global Research Trends on BIM Studies in the Field of Architecture

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    This paper reveals the results of a bibliometric analysis on BIM and architecture to analyze and determine how the current research trends in BIM literature have evolved and diversified in the discipline of architecture. Although there are currently bibliometric analysis reviews of BIM in the literature, these studies take either the BIM process from a general perspective or the engineering-construction sectors, urban design scale. This state-of-the-art study explains a bibliometric analysis of the literature's relationship between architecture and BIM.  Through analyzing the data including keywords, authors, journals, institutions, citation rate etc., the relationship between BIM and architecture in all times till today has been mapped and visualized by using Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science database and VOS viewer program. In addition, analyzing the current literature published between 2017-2022 was highlighted and the emerging fields in architectural research were revealed. Emerging fields today in architectural research under the scope of BIM have clustered according to the keywords and these keywords are mostly related to information technologies and automation. The goal of revealing these findings extensively is to inspire future research based on the gaps and missing information in the existing literature. The unique importance of this study is to generate a knowledge base for the relationship between BIM and architecture studies based on the data including keywords, authors, journals, universities, citation rate, etc., adopting the bibliometric approach. This study provides valuable information to BIM studies in architecture research for researchers and practitioners. The current state of the research field, trend topics, and the key scholars and universities were identified

    Evaluation of basalt cutting waste in coloring of different ceramic glaze compositions

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    Color effects in ceramic glazes play a decisive role in the aesthetic and attractiveness of ceramic pieces. The colorants used in glazes interact with the ceramic materials during the firing process, resulting in a wide range of fascinating colors and effects. Due to the natural properties of basalt such as high compressive strength and wear resistance, this natural volcanic rock is attracting a lot of attention when used in ceramic production processes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of basalt cutting waste (BCW) obtained from a stone company in Kayseri, Turkey, on the color effect of ceramic glazes in combination with different frits. For this purpose, glazes were prepared in which BCW was incorporated in different weight percentages of 0-20 % together with different frits. The glazes were characterized by analyzing chemical, phase, and thermal behavior of BCW using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermal microscopy, respectively. The prepared glazes were then applied to engobed wall tiles and fired at a temperature of 1,200 °C in a laboratory furnace. After firing, the glazed surfaces were subjected to color analysis, while the phase composition was analyzed by XRD. The microstructure analysis was carried out using electron microscopy (SEM/EDS). Increasing the proportion of BCW in the glaze compositions resulted in a change of the color of the finished surfaces from cream to yellow-beige tones. This study sheds light on the potential use of BCW as a coloring agent in the production of ceramic glazes

    Heterosis and combining ability through line x tester analysis for yield, oil and mid or high oleic acid characters in sunflower (Helianthus annuus l.)

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    This research was conducted in the southern Marmara region of Turkey during 2017-2018 growing season in order to determine general combining abilities (GCA) of parental lines, specific combining abilities (SCA) of hybrids, and estimate performance and the genetical structure of hybrid population obtained from three cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) and four restorer lines with mid or high oleic acid content. The field experiments were designed in a Randomized Complete Block with three replications. According to the results, male parents AGR2 and AGR4 considered as good general combiners for developing increased seed and oil yields in sunflower hybrids, although there were not good general combiners in female parents for the same traits. CMS3 x AGR4 test hybrid, which has high oleic acid content, has been determined to be a promising hybrid variety candidate with its high seed and oil yields, high oil content and oleic acid content. However, although the SCA effects of CMS1 x AGR2 and CMS3 x AGR2 test hybrids were not significant for seed and oil yields, it was concluded that they were promising hybrids with high yield, oil content and mid oleic acid content. It was determined that both additive and non-additive gene effects were effective for yield and some important yield components in the hybrid population studied. The values of heterosis and heterobeltiosis values ranged from 10.8 to 728.9 % and -20.1 to 608.8 % for seed yield, respectively. Similarly, positively high and significant heterosis and heterobeltiosis values were obtained in the oil yield


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    Bu çalışmada çam kontrplak atıklarından üretilen yongalevhaların bazı teknolojik özelliklerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla çam kontrplak atıklarından ve çam odunundan elde edilen yongalar farklı oranlarda (%25, %50, %75, %100) karıştırılarak yongalevhalar üretilmiştir. Üretilen yongalevhaların mekanik özelliklerinden EN 319’ a göre yüzeye dik çekme direnci, EN 310’ a göre eğilme direnci; fiziksel özelliklerinden EN 323’ e göre yoğunluk, EN 322’ ye göre denge rutubet miktarı ve EN 317’ ye göre kalınlığına şişme ve su alma değerleri belirlenmiştir.Sonuç olarak; üretilen yongalevhaların eğilme direnci ve yapışma direnci değerleri tüm gruplar için EN’nin ilgili standartlarında genel kullanım amaçlı yongalevhalar için öngörülen değerleri karşılamıştır

    Imaging of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells with Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopy

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    Using X-ray microscopy and spectromicroscopy, vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) were imaged, prepared without using additional embedding material or staining, but by applying simple, noncryo fixation techniques. The cells were imaged with a compact source transmission X-ray microscope and a scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM). With the STXM, spectromicroscopy was performed at the C K-edge and the Ca LIII,II-edges. VSMCs were chosen because of their high amount of actin stress fibers, so that the actin cytoskeleton should be visible. Other parts of the cell, such as the nucleus and organelles, were also identified from the micrographs. Both in the spectra and the images, the effects of the different preparation procedures were observable. Furthermore, Ca hotspots were detected and their density is determine